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The Blade of Rebellion

Page 7

by Ian Carter

  A wry smile cracked across Senator Tallec's face, and her eyes seemed to turn a faint shade of red before they quickly returned to their standard black. Kai had a wave of new shivers descend his spine at the scene.

  "The attackers are from a rebellious group from the northeast," Senator Braga carried on.

  "Stura," Edwin said matter of factly.

  "Correct, Your Highness. The group does not fight under a title or banner, but they do fight under one man. Fortunately, or unfortunately for us, we know him well." Senator Verne let out a hearty laugh before he pounded on the table as he laughed.

  "Old Terrell causing problems, is he?" Senator Verne expressed. "How are you going to figure out where to get all the money you're going to owe everyone?"

  "Um, who is Terrell?" Kai raised his hand and interjected.

  "Oh-oh! You want me to tell him, Theo? It's a great story." Senator Verne looked on with glee.

  "Senator Braga, please inform Kai of the history Terrell Braga shares with the kingdom and leave nothing out," Edwin instructed him.

  "As you wish, Your Highness."

  "Terrell ... Braga?" Kai stammered. "Don't tell me you're related to the man who tried to kill me."

  "Terrell Braga is my older brother of six years, Prince Kai," Senator Braga answered. "As you know, the first tournament was open to men and women ages twenty-one and above to establish the kingdom's initial military forces. That tournament had tens of thousands of competitors. It was cutthroat, unlike any other that has taken place since. Terrell was twenty-six at the time and was nearing the peak of refining his physical gifts. Our House's elders were very clear to him, as they were to every other combatant that has carried the Braga name since. Anything short of a Gold Blade was unforgivable incompetence and would be punished. Winning match after match, Terrell used his skills to come within one victory of obtaining one of the original five hundred and twelve Gold Blades.

  "Unfortunately, for him and my family, he lost that match to a young Swordswoman barely twenty-one years of age. That young woman would go on to found and lead the sacred group of Bladeswomen known as the Knights of Mercy."

  Kai suddenly bolted upright at the mention of their name. The Knights of Mercy were a mythical band of Bladeswomen known as the kingdom's most significant fighting force. Rumours of the Knights' valiant deeds were some of Kai's favourites growing up. An absurd fable that said their armor had never received a scratch from an opponent's Blade was among them. The group of five Bladeswomen was said also to be responsible for repelling a small group of Cyclops that attacked the town of Clifton in the north of the kingdom. Amazingly, that was a mere two years after the group was founded.

  The tales of their exploits were boundless in their superlatives, and Kai could hardly compel himself to believe a single one. He simply thought that they were a group whose skills met no equal. He always had not so secretly wanted to meet them one day. Still, they had an unbelievably limited amount of free time to meet anyone—even the prince.

  "However, to Terrell," Senator Braga continued. "It was little consolation. He watched her climb the ladder and eventually win the entire tournament. He returned to our House extremely disappointed, but with his head held high that he gave her the best challenge she faced in the tournament. Our father, however, was a frightful man who did not take failure lightly. For the next two weeks, Terrell was locked up in the dungeon below our family's grounds and tortured for his misgivings."

  "What? Your family tortured him for losing a match?" Kai exclaimed. "All because he lost one match too early? That's ridiculous!"

  "What our family does to our own is our business, my prince," Senator Braga stoically rebuked. "He had failed his test, and the elders punished him. As everyone witnessed the repercussions, we became fearful of my father. Starting with my tournament four years later, all Braga representatives ever since have obtained Gold Blades. It may have been despicable, but the intimidation worked." Senator Braga sighed and gave a small cough. "I did not agree with my elders, nor did I wish to see my brother go through such treatment. I ended up convincing my father, and our gracious king, to send him away to the most northeastern province, Stura, to act as the region's overseer.

  "Though he may have been a failure, he was still a Braga, and my father detested the notion of common citizens or minor nobles ruling over him. It was a good idea, as Stura is where the Braga family originally resided before the unification with the Orilia you know today. It was seen as a punishment, but not a death sentence to all involved, and so he was sent away. Everyone had solved the problem to the satisfaction of all parties. Unfortunately, he has used the years since his exile to plot some type of revenge. For that, I am extraordinarily apologetic, Prince Kai."

  Senator Braga abruptly stood from his chair and bowed deeply towards Kai. Kai felt a brief panic come over him, as one of the highest-ranked nobles in the kingdom bowed to him in apology. Kai waved his hands furiously in front of his face.

  "No, no, Senator Braga, it is nothing that I could consider your fault," Kai said, seeking a way out of the awkward bow in front of him. "I would never hold someone accountable for something in which they had no part. If you consider yourself at fault for anything, please absolve the responsibility you feel."

  "Thank you for your kind words, Prince Kai," Senator Braga answered as he raised his head. "You now know the history and backstory involved in my brother's exile." He turned back to the council. "However, as for the exact reason, none of the nine we questioned would give us the reason for the attack. From what my family understands, we can safely assume it was due to his treatment in the past." With a small nod, Senator Braga sat back down in his chair. Edwin nodded and clasped his hands together before placing them on the table in front of them.

  "Now, Senator Tallec," Edwin commented. "I assume you have already concluded your investigation."

  "Yes, Your Highness," Senator Tallec spoke as she raised from her seat. "Through all available evidence, Terrell Braga is the one leading the group of rebels who attacked. Therefore, with the power invested in me by the Kingdom of Orilia and His Highness, Edwin Orilia, I convict Terrell Braga, along with all that conspired with him. They are guilty of terrorism, murder, attempted murder, and treason. I could bestow more charges; however, I feel these will be sufficient."

  "Very well," Edwin stood up, which caused each senator along with Kai to rise along with him even though his injuries made that problematic. "By royal order, I sentence Terrell Braga and those that conspire with him to death. I order each Bladesman and Bladeswoman in the kingdom to strike down Terrell Braga or any collaborator that they come across. Please send word, General Ashentide."

  "As you command, Your Highness," Ashentide answered in his commanding voice. "As a direct response to this tragedy, please allow me to send the Knights of Mercy to capture Terrell Braga and bring him to the castle for his punishment, Your Highness. Their crime is as serious as we have ever seen, and I feel the response we send will be a direct message to any who would opt to follow their path in the future."

  "I agree, old friend. Their crime cannot be allowed to transpire without our utmost response in the matter. I assume all in attendance will agree with the course of action that General Ashentide and I have decided upon?" A wave of nods circled the table one by one. As Kai watched each senator vote in agreement, a familiar ghostly looking man appeared on the terrace, behind General Ashentide in the corner. It's gnarled and twisted face silently laughed in glee as nodded in agreement with the senators. The ghostly figure evanesced from sight, which left Kai with a pit in his stomach. Something wasn't right.

  "Father, senators," Kai spoke. "I would ask that you allow me, along with my guard, to bring Terrell to justice." Shocked faces fell upon each senator. General Ashentide struggled to stifle a laugh while Senator Verne began to laugh openly. "I know many of you would believe this to be a fool's errand," Kai continued while ignoring Senator Verne. "As someone targeted in this attack, I feel it is my duty as a
prince to keep this kingdom safe. But I also seek justice. Not just for me, but on behalf of everyone who was killed or injured. Including Senator Braga's nephew."

  There was a brief pause around the table as senators looked at each other with looks that ranged from bemusement to fear. Kai studied their faces and could see them weigh the pros and cons of sending the kingdom's only prince and heir to the throne off to apprehend a dangerous criminal. Edwin slowly leaned back into the depths of his chair.

  "Interesting. I will go around the table and solicit opinions starting with Senator Braga."

  "Your Highness, I am against it. There is something to say about a man who makes up his mind and follows his pride. No matter what, we cannot risk the heir to the kingdom dying. Terrell is a fearful fighter, and Kai has yet to have any combat experience."

  "Very well. Senator Tallec, continue," Edwin continued.

  "I am against it, Your Highness. In the interest of order, having the prince of the kingdom face such a danger to settle a personal grudge is not worth the risk it carries. I would not endanger the line of succession when the Knights of Mercy can handily accomplish the task."

  "Thank you. Senator Verne?"

  "If he wants to get himself killed, let him. It's no skin off mine or my houses' back. Besides, if he manages to pull it off and comes back safe, I can't say I wouldn't respect the bug ... prince for it."

  "Senator Deloof, your opinion?"

  "I would not dare to see Prince Kai face such a fearful man when he has not even competed in his tournament yet. Terrell was a fearsome fighter, and with his Silver Blade, I do not see the need to risk our prince's life. Let the knights take care of it."

  "Thank you for your opinion," Edwin said respectfully. "Senator Valis, your feedback?"

  "I am also against it, Your Highness," Senator Valis replied as she briefly glanced at Kai. "The negatives outweigh the positives in this situation. If Kai succeeds, he merely does what's expected of him. If he fails, and I'm not suggesting he will, of course, the succession line breaks. Other nations and kingdoms would see it as an opportunity to take advantage of Orilia."

  "I see, thank you. General Ashentide, how do you feel about it?"

  "It is my job, Your Highness, to protect the blood of the royal family above all else," General Ashentide began. "While I would personally suggest sending the Knights of Mercy, I would also consider how you would feel if you were placed in Prince Kai's position. If I had been involved in the attack, I would surely take my Platinum Blade and kill every one of them. I would recommend sending the Knights, but I can acknowledge Prince Kai's resolve as well."

  "Thank you, old friend," Edwin replied. "Kai, the council seems to favour sending the Knights of Mercy. Before I render my final decision, I will give you one last chance to convince me otherwise." Kai gripped his robes tightly in frustration. The council didn't want him to go just to make their lives easier. They could care less about his feelings. Or maybe, they just didn't understand his emotions? Either way, he would make them feel his desire from the bottom of his heart.

  "Father, senators, so far in my years of life, I have not accomplished a single thing. I have trained with some of the best Bladesmen and Bladeswomen the kingdom has to offer. I received the best education from the most elite teachers our kingdom can produce. I have received so much from the citizens of our great kingdom, but I've contributed nothing. I have not one accolade to showcase from the thousands of hours poured into me by others. Father, you re-established our entire kingdom when you were around my age many years ago with a similar amount of training. You must understand how I feel. You are a great man who performed astonishing feats that have made you deserve the throne. When I look in the mirror, I see nothing tremendous nor special in the man that looks back at me.

  "Senators, I have been given many things, but I will not be gifted what has cost so many others their sweat, tears, and blood. I don't want to be given anything anymore. I will be taking on this task of retribution. I will go, and I will suffer. I will lead Mason and Hayleigh, and I will endure setbacks. I will take the path of most resistance and temper myself in its flames. I will earn my right to be king, and I will work to ensure this kingdom a prosperous future just like my father did so many years ago."

  As the last word escaped Kai's lips, he felt the world's weight remove itself from his shoulders. Though he had not intended for it to be, his outburst had been quite cathartic. Kai unleashed the years of anguish, as someone coddled and protected, in just a few sentences onto his father and indeed the council as well. Though it wasn't much, he felt he could stand a little taller in front of his father.

  Kai stared at Edwin intently and waited for his answer. Edwin stared back into Kai's eyes, and for a brief moment, neither one wanted to lose to the other. At that moment, a bird perched on the edge of the terrace gave a loud squawk which broke the awkward silence, and a smile crossed Edwin's face before he released a barrel of a laugh.

  "General Ashentide, how long until the Knights of Mercy finish their current mission?" Edwin turned around and looked at the head of his military.

  "They had just begun their current mission a week before the attack. I expect them back two to three months from now if we leave them be, Your Highness."

  Edwin placed his hand to his chin and nestled back into his chair. A moment later, he looked back up to Kai. "Your emotions have reached me, Kai," Edwin announced. "As I do not wish to wait quite as long as it would take to send the Knights of Mercy, I will entrust you with this mission. You, along with your guard of Hayleigh and Mason, will be permitted to travel to Stura. I charge you with the apprehension and punishment of Terrell Braga and his followers. You will capture him alive, if possible. There is no reason to let any of his group live unless you deem them viable for interrogation or any other valid reason.

  "You will bring the kingdom's justice to our misguided citizens. It would not have been an easy task for the Knights of Mercy, let alone for a prince who has never left the Capital. Knowing this, do you still accept this challenge?"

  The eyes of the council turned to Kai. Nervous, his body welled up with emotions that ranged from elation to fear. Sweat dripped from his brow, and his arms shook with anticipation. Even with his stomach seemingly turned inside out, and as pain from the attack still throbbed in his chest, there was only one answer he could give.

  "Father and council, I accept."


  "Are you ready for bed, sweetie?"

  A lantern sitting on a head table beside the bed illuminated the dark room. A smattering of toys, including blocks and dolls, were strewn about the floor. The wood creaked below the man's feet as he walked from the doorway to the bed and lowered himself down onto the side of his daughter's bed.

  "I don't want to, Papa," she answered meekly while holding her blanket up to her chin. "There are monsters outside."

  "Oh, no. Here, let me go and chase them away for you, okay?"

  "Okay," she happily cooed as the man got up and walked up to her window. He cracked it open and stuck his head out the window and made a silly growling noise to the left and right that caused a giggle fit from the little girl. The man caught her smile himself, and latched the window shut and shut the lock. He left the window and returned to her bedside.

  "Did you hear sweetie? I scared them away."

  "Thanks, Papa!"

  "Do you want me to get the ones under the bed? Hang on; I'm going to scare those away too!" He executed an exaggerated fall to the ground to the giggles and delight of his daughter. He began to wildly snarl at the space beneath the bed that introduced a new bout of laughs from the girl. He raised his head and laid it on the bed. "So, how about it? Are you ready for bed now?"

  "Yeah," she whispered before she threw her covers off and leaped towards her dad's head and wrapped her arms around it. She kissed him on the cheek for his efforts. "I feel better. I'll sleep now, Papa."

  "Good," the dad answered, pleased with his efforts. He lifted her and e
mbraced her in a giant bear hug as he playfully growled in her ear. Once he had finished, he lowered her back down onto the bed and tucked her in. "Goodnight sweetie, I love you bunches."

  "Goodnight, Papa!"

  The dad raised himself off the bed and moved to the bedside table and dimmed the light that rested on it. He swung the lantern from the table and made his way back to the door. After he hung the lamp on a hook by the doorway, he opened the door and gave her a small wave. She happily reciprocated, and the father gently closed the door behind him. The little girl quickly did a slight stretch before she rolled onto her side and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

  As she slept with the knowledge that her father had scared away the monsters, a man slowly approached the window. The moonlight cast his shadow far across the floor of her bedroom.

  Chapter Four

  Just My Imagination

  A small fire erupted from the torch held in the hand of a boy around the age of seven. As he discarded his used tinder, the boy looked around to ensure that he wasn't being watched or followed. He inched forward and opened the inconspicuous wooden door at the end of the secondary pantry. As the door softly opened, the pungent smell of the passage filled the boy's nostrils and caused him to cough briefly. Panicked, he gave one more look to ensure the coast was clear before he descended the dark staircase. Before the door had finished closing, he had already begun to bound down the tunnel at a torrid pace.


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