Nevaeh's Secret (Vampire Huntress Saga Book 2)

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Nevaeh's Secret (Vampire Huntress Saga Book 2) Page 10

by Christina Escue

  “Spotted by who?” Fuller asked through the dryness in his throat.

  “Not sure. It came in on the anonymous tip line,” Neveah continued with Karma’s lie.

  “Oh,” Fuller said and frowned. “Then maybe we should check it out, but maybe I should just send a VEB team to check and the rest of us head South.”

  “I’m taking my Huntresses to Boston, but you can do whatever you want,” Nevaeh countered and had to swallow hard to avoid laughing at the expression on his face.

  “Then I guess we’re going to Boston,” Fuller said, nearly breathlessly as his phone started ringing.

  As Fuller talked, Crompton paced the small office in the house he was using in Boston. He’d just received a call from one of his men and found out his delivery was on a ship in Salem Harbor, but the ship was being held by Customs for some reason and no one could access the contents until it was released.

  He wondered if the delay had anything to do with the VEB and decided he needed to talk to his inside man. He grabbed his phone from the table and dialed the number of the person he wanted to talk to.

  When it rang four times, then shifted for voicemail, he left a message, then hung up and dialed again, getting the same result.

  Growling, he called his lover to see what was going on.

  “Hello,” she answered in her sultry voice on the first ring.

  “What’s going on there?” He asked in leu of a greeting.

  “Nothing at the moment. Karma, Dylan, Harrison, and Nevaeh just got back from getting materials to make more weapons, and Fuller is in a meeting with them, but I have no idea what’s going on in there. What’s happened?”

  “Another shipment is being held in Customs and I was making sure the VEB had nothing to do with it,” he said and growled. “If you two fail me, there will be hell to pay.”

  “I will see what I can find out, but it may not have been the VEB. You have to consider the possibility there could have been something else on that ship and Customs is holding it for that reason,” she told him calmly. “Don’t always assume the worst, love.”

  “In my life, I have learned to assume the worst and hope for the best. I’m hoping it wasn’t the VEB, because I would hate to come back to Baltimore to kill someone.”

  “I will call you back after I see what I can find out. In the meantime, find yourself a hot little blonde and have some fun,” she told him, and heat shot between her legs. “Just make sure you make her scream some before you kill her.”

  “You do enjoy listening to them scream,” he said, and his cock throbbed at the idea. “I cannot wait to share a girl with you again. It’s been too long, love.”

  “Yes, but this will soon be over, and we will have the one we want. Then no one will stop us,” she told him and ended the call.

  “Analia!” He shouted. “I need a girl!”


  “Nevaeh,” Tonya said softly as she entered the conference room they were crafting weapons in.

  “Yes?” Nevaeh responded without looking up from the dagger she was sharpening.

  “Some of us were wondering what we’re doing next. Things have been quiet around here for a couple of days and, since we’re confined to the hotel, we’re getting a little restless,” Tonya said and frowned. “We aren’t used to this much inactivity.”

  “We will be heading out day after tomorrow. We have a destination in mind already, but I’m not telling anyone where until we absolutely sure where we’re going,” Nevaeh answered and motioned for Tonya to join them. “Help craft these for a bit if you’re bored. I’ll go chat with some of the others and get them some tasks to complete before we head out.”

  “Okay,” she responded with a shrug. “What are we making?”

  “Normal short daggers and these new round ones Harrison likes,” Karma answered and looked at Nevaeh questioningly.

  Nevaeh just grinned and rose from her seat. “You can take my spot, Tonya. I’ll go track down Nikki and have her assign tasks to the Huntresses, but I think I’m going to send most of you back to the compound.”

  “Okay,” Tonya said again, and Nevaeh noticed a slight tremble in her voice.

  “If you have any questions about what you’re making, ask Karma and she’ll help you,” Nevaeh told her as she walked out of the room.

  “Hey, Tonya,” Karma greeted her with a smile. She’d picked up on what Nevaeh was doing and went with it.

  “Hi,” she replied and sat in Nevaeh’s vacant seat. “I’m not sure how to craft the new round ones.”

  “We can show you,” Dylan replied and grinned. “You know, it’s kinda odd that vampire are sitting here making weapons to kill vampire.”

  “It’s not odd at all,” Karma said and winked at Dylan. “We are good vampire. We don’t harm people, but help them. We are crafting weapons to eliminate those who do harm people. We must be prepared when we flush them out of their holes, because we will flush them out. Of that, I have no doubt. It’s just a matter of when.”

  “Just think, Tonya, that dagger you’re holding right now, may be the one that slides into Crompton’s heart and ends this,” Harrison added, picking up on the baiting.

  “He’s a powerful vampire,” Tonya said and frowned. “I can’t see him going down without a fight.”

  “We don’t either. We’re all ready for a fight,” Karma said and grinned. “Looking forward to it, actually.”

  “You have no idea who you’re dealing with,” Tonya said almost silently.

  “And you do?” Dylan asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Well, no, but I can guess that he’s probably stronger than any vampire any of us have ever faced,” she said, trying to cover her tracks.

  “That may be, but we are stronger than we’ve ever been, and we are only getting stronger as the time passes,” Karma told her and smiled at the expression on her face. “You don’t need to worry so much. We will stop him before he hurts anyone else.”

  “I guess I’m just worried about those I care for,” she said, and Karma glanced at Dylan and nodded.

  “We will make sure everyone you care for is taken care of,” Dylan responded and glanced Harrison.

  “And we will make sure everyone involved in Crompton’s organization gets what’s coming to them.” Harrison added, and Tonya paled.

  “You okay, Tonya? You don’t look like you’re feeling well,” Karma said and reached out to touch the other woman. “Maybe you should go to your room and lie down.”

  “I think maybe I should,” Tonya replied and rose to her feet. “Will you let Nevaeh know I’m sick and will talk to her tomorrow?”

  “Sure thing,” Dylan assured her and smiled. “Hope you’re feeling better soon.”

  “Would you like me to walk you to your room?” Harrison asked.

  “No, no, I’m okay. Just need to lie down, like Karma said,” she answered and walked out of the room.

  “That was kinda fun,” Dylan said after they heard her footsteps fade.

  “Wonder what Nevaeh was up to,” Harrison mused, and Karma looked at him,

  “She wanted us to keep Tonya busy, so she could do some snooping,” Karma explained and grinned when he finally caught on. “You really are dense at times.”

  “The inner-workings of the female mind has baffled men for centuries and you expect me to know what she’s thinking when she smiles?” Harrison asked and chuckled.

  “I knew what she was doing,” Dylan said and grinned when Harrison growled. “She practically told us before she left.”

  “I guess I need to listen closer,” Harrison said, and Karma chuckled.

  “That’s what women have told men for centuries,” she said and rolled her eyes.

  “Hahaha. You haven’t been around for centuries,” he said and chuckled when she rolled her eyes again.

  “Very true, but I have read a lot of things over my measly eighteen years on this earth. I can’t help it that I’m not old and brittle,” she told him and laughed loudly when he growle

  “I’ll show you who’s old and brittle,” he countered and walked to the door. “Gym in fifteen?”

  “You’re on, old man,” she said between fits of laughter.

  “See you in fifteen, little girl,” he responded and left the room, chuckling.

  “Guess we need to pack this up and get ready. I have a sparring match to get to,” Karma said and grinned. “This could be fun.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “What the hell is going on?” Holbrook asked as he entered the gym.

  “Harrison challenged Karma to a sparring match,” Dylan answered and chuckled.

  “Has he lost his mind?” Constance asked, chuckling.

  “Possibly, but I think this could be interesting. Both are great fighters,” Ramsey said as he took a seat behind Dylan.

  “Harrison better hope he doesn’t need to do anything for a few hours. She’s going to hurt him,” Aleyn said and grinned. “Hell, she’d hurt any of us.”

  “Seeing my girl kick my Father’s ass is going to be hilarious,” Dylan told them and chuckled when Nevaeh walked in. “She’s going to love this.”

  “Why the hell is everyone here instead of working?” She asked.

  “Harrison challenged Karma to a sparring match,” Dristen answered and Nevaeh just shook her head.

  “That man has completely lost his damn mind,” she said with a chuckle. “This could be funny as hell.”

  She took a seat beside Dylan and grinned when Harrison walked in.

  “Harrison, have you lost your damn mind?” Langley yelled, and laughter filled the room.

  “She called me old,” he replied, and everyone laughed harder. “I have to show her that even at my age, which we aren’t going to discuss, I can still hold my own with the youngins.”

  “If she stakes you, don’t expect me to mourn,” Nevaeh told him and grinned.

  “Not worried about her staking me, she likes me, but I am worried about her beating the shit out of me and breaking a few bones. They’ll heal, but it hurts like a bitch while they do,” he said and grinned. “I may break a few of hers too, who knows.”

  “You know you have to actually catch her to break her bones, right?” Constance asked.

  “Hahaha, you know that by calling me old, she was calling all of you old, too, right?” He asked the Senate.

  “Hell, we know we’re old,” Ramsey told him. “If I wasn’t a vampire, I’d have died before the United States was founded. All of us would have.”

  “Point,” Harrison said and grinned. “Where is she, anyway?”

  “Where’s who?” Karma said from beside him and grinned when Harrison started a little.

  “Shit,” he said and chuckled. “You really are faster than the average vampire.”

  “Am I?” She asked and chuckled. “Guess we will find out. You all stretched and ready to go? I’d hate for you to pull a muscle before I can pull it for you.”

  “I’m ready, smartass,” he replied and growled softly. “And we will see whose muscles get pulled.”

  “Then let’s do this!” She said and clapped her hands before moving to the middle of the mats. “Come at me, old man.”

  “I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night, youngin,” he replied and started circling her.

  “Welcome, everyone, to the insult stage of this event. For the next few minutes you will be watching us circle and toss insults at each other,” Karma said in a slightly louder voice, and everyone in the gym chuckled.

  “Come on, kid.”

  “Aww, you scared, old timer?” She taunted.

  “Nope,” he replied and lunged.

  Not missing a beat, she ducked, and he flew past her and straight into the wall. Shaking his head, he started circling her again.

  “Did that hurt?” She asked and grinned.

  “Not as bad as this is going to,” he replied and jumped.

  Landing on his feet behind her, he swung out with his fist.

  She caught it and flipped him, breaking his wrist in the process.

  “Fuck!” He shouted at the audible snap.

  “That had to hurt,” Nevaeh said, and Dylan cringed.

  “He’ll be okay in a couple minutes,” Holbrook said and grinned. “If she lets him have a moment to heal.”

  “She will,” Dylan said and nodded toward her and Harrison.

  “You okay?” Karma asked.

  “Yep, just hurts like a bitch when bones fuse back together,” Harrison replied, and she nodded.

  “Yep, and there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it except grind our teeth until it’s over,” Karma agreed and helped him to his feet.

  “Shit, you’re faster than I remember,” Harrison said and looked at her curiously.

  “I’ll tell you why once this is over and we can talk without a room full of vampire listening,” she promised and grinned.

  “Damn vampire,” he responded, and the room filled with laughter again. “Always listening in on private conversations.”

  “It’s what we do best,” Aleyn said and Harrison chuckled.

  “Nosey asses,” Karma said and started circling Harrison again. “That wrist healed yet?”

  “Yep,” he said and grinned. “Until you break it again.”

  “Would I do that?” She asked innocently.

  “Fuck yeah,” he replied, “but any of us would.”

  “Very true,” she replied and grinned just as she flipped and landed beside him.

  Dropping to the floor, she swept her leg out and knocked him on his ass before he could jump to miss her move.

  Flipping over him, she straddled him and punched him in the chest, just over his heart, and flipped back off in quick movements.

  “Fuck!” He shouted. “I’d be dead if this were a real battle.”

  “Yep, but I’d never kill you,” she replied and helped him to his feet.

  “Damn good thing,” Dylan said and blew her a kiss. “My girl is kicking ass.”

  “The ass she’s kicking is your Father’s, don’t forget,” Harrison said, and Dylan chuckled.

  “You challenged her,” Dylan reminded him.

  “I remember,” Harrison replied and started circling Karma again.

  “Ready?” Karma asked.

  “Bring it, kid,” Harrison replied and Karma grinned.

  “You asked for it,” she replied and lunged.

  Anticipating her move, Harrison shifted and clotheslined her.

  She flew back into the wall and groaned a little before jumping back to her feet and grinning.

  “Is that all you got, old man?” She asked.

  “That didn’t hurt at all?” He asked.

  “Oh, no, I have at least three broken ribs, but they’re already healing,” she answered and sprinted to his side. “I’m good though.”

  “Good,” he said and swung his right fist toward her face.

  “Amateur,” she teased as she dropped to her knees and punched him in the leg, crushing his knee cap.

  “Fuck!” He shouted and fell to the mat.

  “Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to do that,” she apologized.

  “I’ll be okay, but this could take a bit to heal,” he responded.

  “I know,” Karma said. “I’ll get you to your room, so you can heal comfortably.”

  “I got him,” Dylan said and picked him up. “You get the doors.”

  “Son of a bitch!” He said through clenched teeth when his knee bent slightly.

  “You need to keep it straight, so it heals correctly,” Ramsey said, and Dylan nodded.

  “I’ll be okay in an hour or so,” Harrison assured them as they entered his room and Dylan laid him on the bed.

  “I’m really sorry,” Karma apologized again, and Harrison chuckled.

  “Serves me right for challenging you,” he said and grinned. “I’ll heal and be good as new. Now, want to tell me how you’ve gotten faster?”

  “Dylan’s blood,” she said and the vampire around her look
ed at her in shock.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “I don’t know what the big deal is,” Nevaeh said to Harrison after everyone else had left the room.

  “A blood exchange is an unbreakable bond. Once it’s happened, your lives are bound. If one dies, so does the other,” he explained.

  “Oh shit,” she said and frowned. “Why would anyone do that?”

  “A lot of vampire under copula do,” he explained. “It’s based more off the fact they don’t want to live without the other.”

  “Copula?” She asked, looking at him curiously.

  “Copula, quite literally, means linked. Once a vampire, or human for that matter, finds the one they’re destined to be with, it’s an almost instant connection that can’t be broken by time or distance. It usually only happens within two very powerful vampire, or two very dominant humans, but I’ve learned from the Senate that it can, on occasion, happen to anyone.”

  “Do you think that’s what’s between us?” She asked, and he frowned.

  “I’ve been wondering that. I will tell you that you are the first person, vampire or human, I have ever wanted a blood link with, and that terrifies the fuck out of me.”

  “The first time we had sex, I wanted to sink my fangs into your shoulder while I was riding you,” she confessed, and he looked at her in shock.

  “The reason I flipped you over on the bed was to stop myself from sinking mine into your neck. It was the most overwhelming compulsion I have ever had.”

  “I still feel it now,” she confessed.

  “So do I, but I don’t think either of us are ready for that,” he told her and reached his hand out. “Come lay with me. I need to feel you in my arms.”

  She crawled into bed beside him and laid her head on his chest. “When I was with Aaren, I thought he was the one I was meant to spend my life with. When he was killed, I was numb for a few hours, but that’s nothing compared to what I feel when I think about you being killed.”

  “I was a horrible human in my mortal life, and an even worse vampire for over a century before meeting Dylan’s mother. When I met her, I thought she was the one. She made me feel things I’d never felt, and I loved her more than I loved myself. When she died I was very angry, but I didn’t feel the debilitating sadness I’d heard came with the copula bond. She was a great woman, and did not deserve to die, but she wasn’t the one I was meant to be with for an eternity.”


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