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Nevaeh's Secret (Vampire Huntress Saga Book 2)

Page 17

by Christina Escue

  “Yeah, thankfully,” he responded. “I’m going to call Nevaeh and Dylan, you keep hunting for that son of a bitch, but be careful. That warehouse was rigged to blow, and I’m not sure if it was a timer or if someone is watching us.”

  “You be careful, and I will, too,” she replied and ended the call. “They’re all okay. Everyone, stay alert, someone may be watching us.”

  As they started moving toward the next warehouse, a dozen or so vampire came out of the allies on either side of them.

  “Looks like we got company, boys,” a tall, blond vampire said.

  “What’re you doin’ here, purdy lady?” Another asked as he raked his eyes up and down Karma’s lean form.

  “Aww, how sweet. He thinks I’m pretty,” Karma said and looked at the agents behind her. “Did you hear that?”

  The agents chuckled as Karma turned back to the vampire who smelled like they hadn’t bathed in centuries.

  “I’m looking for someone,” she answered honestly.

  “Well hell, lookie here, you found someone,” he replied and grinned.

  “So, it seems,” she said and laid her hand on the Sai securely hidden against her thigh. “But, and I say this with the utmost relief, you are not the someone I am looking for.”

  “She’s a feisty one, Harold,” one of the others said and chuckled.

  “Maybe we oughta teach her some manners,” Harold said and reached for her arm.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Harold,” Karma warned and pressed her Sai to his chest. “Unless you want this moment to be your last on Earth, then back off and let us pass.”

  “I don’t think so, purdy lady,” Harold said and shifted into a stance Karma assumed was defensive.

  “You’re not very bright, are you Harold?” Martin asked and grinned when his friends shifted into the same stance.

  “Oh, look, they want to dance,” one of the female agents said from behind Karma. “I’m damn good at the tango.”

  “Never been one for dancing, but when I do, I like to lead,” Karma said just before she spun around and landed a fist in Harold’s face.

  “Stupid bitch broke my nose,” Harold shouted and covered his face with his hand. “We ain’t getting paid enough for this shit.”

  “Paid?” Karma asked.

  “Yep, vamp named Hunter hired us to keep anyone who came into the area busy. Said it would be easy money,” one of Harold’s friends said.

  “Can you describe this Hunter to me?” Martin asked.

  “I can do better’n that. I got a picture of him,” Harold said and pulled out his phone. “This’s him.”

  Karma took a picture of his phone with hers and sent it to Harrison, Nevaeh, and Dylan before handing his phone back to him. “Glad I didn’t have to kill you.”

  “Glad you didn’t, too,” Harold replied and motioned for the vampire with him to go back the way they came.

  Once they were gone, Martin looked at Karma and asked, “How do you know they weren’t lying?”

  “When people lie their scent changes fractionally. Since I reached maturity I’ve been honing my senses and I can smell a difference in people when they lie now,” she replied, and he gaped at her. “Scent is one of a vampire’s most powerful senses, but most don’t use it well enough to notice.”

  “Teach me your ways, Master Jedi,” Martin teased, and Karma laughed.

  “That was my Dad’s favorite movie series,” she said, and he looked at her in confusion. “My human Dad. Vincent was only my Father in DNA.”

  “Sounds like you had a great childhood,” he said, and she nodded.

  “I did, with the exception of Vincent,” she replied. “My Mom, Dad, and brothers were my everything.”

  “I’m sorry they were taken from you so early,” Martin told her and sighed. “My family was killed the night I was changed. My wife and kids were all I had to live for, and…”

  He was cut off by Karma raising her hand and making the hand signal for silence.

  “Do you hear that?” Karma asked after a moment of silence.

  “Is that moaning?” He asked and listened closer.

  “Sounds like it,” she answered and headed in the direction the sound was coming from. “Over here.”

  When she opened the door to the warehouse, she immediately spotted the form on the floor, and instantly knew it was Analia.

  “Call all the teams here, now, and contact the Senate,” she yelled at Martin as she hurried to Analia’s side. “I’m going to untie you and help you get more comfortable.”

  Once she’d untied Analia, she laid her down and covered her with her jacket.

  “Nevaeh and the others are on the way,” Martin said and looked at Analia. “She gonna be alright?”

  “I have no idea, but I’m hoping she can hold on until Nevaeh gets here, at least,” Karma replied and looked at the girl. “I’m also hoping the Senate can change her. If so, she may be able to help us.”

  “Analia,” Nevaeh said, almost breathlessly from behind them.

  “Here,” Martin said and moved from where he was kneeling over the girl’s broken body. “She needs you.”

  “Analia,” Nevaeh repeated as she dropped to the floor and laid her daughter’s head in her lap. “Please don’t leave me again.”

  “Florida,” Analia whispered silently.

  “What?” Karma said and leaned closer.

  “Florida… Crompton… Babies…” she said then fell unconscious.

  “Is she still alive?” Ramsey asked as he flew through the door and to her side.

  “Barely,” Nevaeh answered and glanced up as Harrison squatted beside her.

  “Let me see if I can help,” Ramsey said and bit into his wrist. Pressing it to Analia’s lips, he let a few drops of blood slide in and waited.

  When she bit down, he smiled and nodded. “She’s drinking, so there’s hope,” he told them.

  “Hope is good,” Nevaeh said and grinned. “Hope is very good.”

  “The more she drinks, the better chance she has of changing and pulling through,” Eduardo said and watched as a little color started coming back into Analia’s face.

  Karma watched for a moment before rising to her feet and walking over to Dylan.

  “What’s wrong, babe?” She asked, noting the worry lines creasing his forehead.

  “Jackson isn’t answering his cell,” he answered and sighed. “I have a feeling something is wrong.”

  “Then let’s go check it out,” Karma said and looked back to where Nevaeh and Harrison were sitting with Analia. “They won’t even miss us.”

  “Okay, let’s go,” he answered, and they walked out of the warehouse and started running toward the hotel.

  “Something’s wrong,” Karma said as she stopped outside Jackson’s room a few minutes later.

  When she opened the door, a scent hit her and almost dropped her to her knees. Recovering fast, she looked inside and noticed all the were Huntresses passed out, the VEB agents were dead, and Jackson was gone.


  “Crompton, he’s in Florida,” Analia said as she woke up.

  “What?” Eduardo asked, confused.

  “Florida. He has a place there somewhere where he’s keeping at least a dozen human women pregnant with his children.”

  “Then we will find him in Florida,” Harrison said and rose to his feet as his cell rang. “What’s wrong, Dylan? Why did you leave so abruptly?”

  “It’s Jackson, he’s gone,” Dylan said, and the room fell silent.


  “We have the boy,” Hunter, Crompton’s newest favorite employee said as soon as he answered the phone. “Tell me where to meet you with him.”

  “Florida,” Crompton answered. “I will call you with the exact location as soon as I arrive there. Whatever you do, do not harm the boy. He is the key to all my plans coming together.”

  About the Author

  Did someone say coffee?

  Whether it be sassy v
ampire huntresses, spunky witches, or sarcastic humans; coffee is always Christina’s companion as she lets the voices in her head take control and lead the way. Which isn’t always the best idea.

  Writing in a vast array of genres, from young adult to paranormal to borderline erotic, Christina never knows where her characters will take her next, but she sure enjoys the ride.

  When she isn’t writing, Christina enjoys spending time with her kids, binge watching Friends, Criminal Minds, and Supernatural, and, of course, reading.

  So, strap in and hold on tight as you join Christina on this roller-coaster she calls writing. It’s definitely going to be one hell of a ride.

  You can keep up with her, and what her characters make her do next, by following her on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Amazon.





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