Grease Monkey
Page 11
Roscoe dropped his hands from her breasts to her hips, holding on, keeping his face pressed against her pussy and keeping her body pinned against Niner behind her.
Niner reached up with one hand, palming her forehead, and tipping her head back against his left shoulder. His cock slid out of her pussy, making her softly moan in disappointment. And still he sucked, bit, even as she squirmed and whimpered and orgasmed all over Roscoe’s tongue.
Had she called Roscoe an asshole? Fuck that, he was a virtuoso.
Screw it. There’s always duct tape for his mouth when we’re not in bed.
Only when she crested through that climax did Roscoe stand, unfasten his trousers and shove them down, and she felt him fist his cock and start working it into her cunt from the front.
His cock—oh, thank you, god, he’s huge!—slid deep inside her wet and well-fucked pussy with no resistance. And thanks to his talented mouth, her clit was nice and sensitive and more than a little swollen. Meaning every single stroke he took inside her hit her perfectly and started her spiraling toward another orgasm.
Roscoe grabbed her ass as he thrust, rocking his hips against her, Niner still chewing on her shoulder. “This is how it works, baby,” Roscoe said, his voice sounding strained. “We will keep you well fucked, as much as you want, and you stay with us.”
“Yes!” she gasped. Anything, fuck, she’d do anything to make this keep happening.
He laughed. “I thought you said I was an asshole?”
“You’re still an asshole, but I don’t care. Your cock and tongue make up for it.”
He laughed again. “Good.” And then he commenced with fucking her just as hard and fast as Niner had, driving another full orgasm out of her before he shot his load deep inside her, too.
Niner finally lifted his head and inspected his handiwork. “Oooh, that’ll last a few days, at least.”
Roscoe grabbed her and tipped her head to the other side, then bit down onto her left shoulder and sucked, hard.
She let out a little squeal, part pleasure, part almost but not quite pain.
Niner laughed. “Oh, we’re just getting started. You have nooo idea the barrel of monkeys you just let loose, baby.” It felt like he was already getting hard again, his cock pressed against the seam of her ass. “Before this night is over, you will have both our cocks inside you at the same time. And you’re going to come so many times you’re going to lose count. You might not think you’re beautiful, but we do. We think you’re beautiful and perfect.”
“Mmmhmm,” Roscoe agreed where he was busy adding a matching hickey to her left shoulder.
“So this is what’s going to happen next,” Niner continued. “When he gets done, he’s going to go find condoms and lube for us. And then the three of us are going to go into the showers, since everyone else is either grabbing rack time or on watch. And then I’m going to get that sweet ass of yours loosened up, and the two of us are going to fuck your brains out. Then we’re going to swap places and do it again, so that by the time this night’s over, we’ll have thoroughly fucked you right out of your mind. You good with that?”
It sounded like Roscoe was chucking against her shoulder. Inside her, his cock started to inflate again.
Niner’s hands slid up her front, finding her breasts, her nipples, fingers tweaking them and making her pussy clench around Roscoe’s cock again.
And yes, he definitely was getting hard again.
“See,” Niner said, “our problem is that Roscoe tends to talk too much sometimes. We rarely get far enough along in things to actually show a woman his good points. Our good points. Since we’re a team, it usually means we’re both shot down. You think you can put up with us for the long haul? We can’t and won’t force you to be with us. But if you think—”
“Oh, my god, shut up and make me come again, please!”
Roscoe finally lifted his mouth from her shoulder. “Get her fucking naked and let’s get into the motherfucking shower, or I’m going to just fuck her again right here and now. I know I’m good for two more, but a third might take me a while to work up to this late in the day.”
“Sold,” Niner said. “Let go of her and get your cock out of her.”
Roscoe raised his head and withdrew. She dipped her hips, trying to follow him, but he caught her chin and kissed her. “You’ll get it again in just a minute, baby.”
Niner kicked his trousers off. Then he grabbed her, spun her around, and hoisted her over his shoulder. “There. Get her farking boots and jeans off her, find what we need, and meet us in the men’s shower.”
“I’ll be naked!” she squealed, but hoping they didn’t stop.
He patted her on the ass while Roscoe was busy kicking off his own pants and wrestling her boots off her feet. “Yep. We can see that. No one’s going to care, don’t worry.”
Once naked, Roscoe got her boots, jeans, and panties off her and then tripped over to his bag on the floor, where he started yanking things out in his search.
“Ha! Score!” He stood, triumph on his face. He pointed at the door. “To the showers!”
Not that she was complaining, but she didn’t really have a choice in the matter.
She didn’t want a choice in the matter. She was good with the two hunks taking charge like this and getting what they wanted.
Even if one of them was an asshole.
Okay, so he was a hunky, semi-lovable asshole.
Sometimes, he was just an asshole.
Fortunately, the rest of his special abilities more than made up for that. She was good with that for now, at least.
They walked right into the men’s bathroom and through to the showers. There were six showerheads in a line in the open area, no individual stalls like in the women’s shower. Niner didn’t bother to put her down, either, reaching out and starting a couple of the showers that were next to each other.
Roscoe laid something down by the wall, then stepped behind Niner and caught her chin in his hand. He tipped her face up so he could smile down at her. Yes, he was very well hung. And his cock had already inflated again.
“Hope you weren’t planning on sleeping tonight,” he said.
“I guess not.”
He grinned, leaning in to kiss her again. “And if he’d set you down for a minute, I think I’d like a little oral reciprocation, considering how I just made you come.”
Niner set her down on her feet as steam filled the shower area. “I’d have to say I agree with him,” Niner said. He backed her under the water, running his hands down her flesh, his fingers slipping between her pussy lips and into her cunt.
She had to hold on to his shoulders as his fingers slid deep inside her. “Oh, we’re just getting started with you,” Niner softly said as he finger-fucked her. She couldn’t help the way her hips rocked in time with his hand. “We want our cocks in your mouth, in your ass, and I want a taste of that sweet pussy of yours, too. Before we finally collapse tonight, I plan on making sure we’ve both put a load in every hole you’ve got and have thoroughly wrecked you in the good way.”
Roscoe stepped behind her, his fingers running down the seam of her ass. “Won’t be any mistake whose lady you are when we’re finished with you,” he whispered.
Okay, nothing assholish about the way he said that.
In fact, she kind of liked the sound of it.
She started rocking her hips back and forth between the men’s hands, imagining what it would be like to be impaled on both those gorgeous, thick cocks at the same time.
Guess I’m about to find out.
A disappointed moan escaped her when they pulled their hands away and quickly rinsed off. Then Roscoe turned her to face him. “Okay, sweetheart. Let’s see how good you are with your mouth.”
He had gorgeous brown eyes that looked even darker next to his light caramel skin. As she dropped to her knees, her hands holding onto his legs as she did, she came eye to eye with his cock.
Encircling the base of it with his fingers, he held it out for her. “That what you want?”
Hell yeah. She opened her mouth and closed her eyes and flicked her tongue along the slit.
His sharp hiss of breath churned her own need. “That’s it, baby. Don’t tease me. Do it.”
Behind her, Niner had apparently grabbed the lube and drizzled it along the seam of her ass. He gently probed her tight rim with one finger as he slid a finger from his other hand into her pussy.
She moaned, which triggered an answering moan from Roscoe. He cupped his free hand around the back of her head. “Open wide, baby. Gonna fuck that sweet mouth of yours.”
She did, enjoying the way he slid his cock into her mouth and over her tongue. Niner worked a second finger into her pussy as he started pressing the finger at her ass against her rim.
“Let me in, baby,” Niner coaxed. “Sooner you let me into this sweet ass of yours, the sooner you get to come again.”
She dug her fingers into the backs of Roscoe’s thighs as her clit started throbbing. She wanted to come again.
Ooooooh, did she ever.
Another whine escaped her as Niner’s finger breached and slowly fucked her ass. “There you go, sweetheart. One down, two to go.”
It started feeling good immediately as he slowly thrust his hands, the finger in her ass, the ones in her pussy. She found her mind spiraling down a blissful tunnel, her entire world focused on these two men and the delicious things they were doing to her body.
She didn’t know how long it was, but pretty soon he’d worked up to two, and then three fingers in her ass. All the while, Roscoe was slowly fucking her mouth, his cock now board-hard and hot, pre-cum flowing from the slit and down her tongue.
Finally, Niner’s hands disappeared, pulling her mind back to the showers. Roscoe withdrew his cock from her mouth and sat in front of her on the floor. “Okay, baby. Time to ride.” He pulled her onto him, straddling him, quickly impaling her with his cock before he lay down on the shower floor.
She braced her hands on his pecs and enjoyed the way his cock felt inside her. Staring down into his eyes, she saw more there than she had before.
Or maybe it was she finally wanted to see more, to see past his crunchy assholish outer shell to find the gooey, sexy goodness inside.
Behind her, Niner had rolled a condom onto his cock and slathered it with lube. “Down on him, baby.”
Roscoe reached down and spread her ass cheeks for Niner, as he knelt between her legs and pressed the head of his cock against her rim. “I’m going to take this slow and easy, baby,” Niner warned her, “but you just had three of my fingers in your ass, so I know you can take me.”
As he pressed in, she thought there was no way she’d be able to take him, but then Roscoe gently shushed her, a playful smile on his face. “Look at me, baby. Eyes right here.”
She couldn’t help it, mesmerized, entranced.
She didn’t want to help it. She wanted to stare into his eyes all night long.
“That’s it. Just breathe.”
She felt her throbbing clit rubbing against his body somewhere, and started rocking her hips against the men.
“Oh, baby wants to move, huh?” Niner teased. “If it feels good, start moving.” His hands replaced Roscoe’s on her ass. Roscoe wiggled one hand between her body and his and damned if he didn’t home in on her clit.
She moaned and started moving faster, well aware that she was now impaling herself more deeply onto Niner’s cock with every stroke.
“You want my cock in your ass, don’t you?” Niner playfully asked. “Go ahead. We’ll let you drive…this time.”
He nudged in closer, and yes, she did want his cock in there. All the way in, stretching her, filling her, doing something to her she’d never had done before, making her feel things she’d never felt before.
Before she realized it, she was fucking both of them, hard and fast and the men were murmuring encouragement to her.
Then the tingle started, sparking to life and blowing through her body like the Santa Ana wind driving a wildfire down a canyon. She threw her head back and let the cry spring free as she rode their cocks as hard as she could.
“That’s it,” Niner said. “Fuck us, baby.”
She only realized they’d started moving when she felt their hands on her, Niner’s on her hips, Roscoe’s on her waist, and realized they’d picked up her rhythm and were keeping up with her.
Finally, one last burst flowed through her, triggering the men’s orgasms, too. When they collapsed on the shower floor a moment later, breathless and tangled together, their cocks growing soft inside her, she realized for the first time in her adult life that she didn’t feel alone anymore.
Roscoe reached over and pushed her wet hair out of her face, his finger gently tracing her lips.
She smiled and sucked it into her mouth, swirling her tongue around his digit.
He grinned. “Yeah, you do that good, sweetheart. Real good.”
Turned out he was ready again a lot faster than he thought he’d be, his cock already perking back to interested life before they’d even untangled their bodies.
It only took Niner a minute to dispose of the condom and wash off, the men helping her clean up before Niner pulled her on top of him in a sixty-nine.
And then Roscoe had his condom-clad cock pressed against her ass.
“You’re so tight, this’ll be a fast one, baby. So scream around his cock while he sucks that sweet clit of yours and makes you come.”
Roscoe eased his cock into her loosened ass as Niner did just that. Niner’s cock hardened in her mouth as she screamed her first orgasm around it.
Roscoe patted her on the ass. “I knew you had at least one more in you.” He started fucking her, Niner every bit as skilled with his tongue as his partner had been. It didn’t take long for her to have a mouthful of Niner’s cum, while Roscoe was filling the condom in her ass.
And then they collapsed…again.
Someone knocked on the shower doorway. “Hey, you guys gonna be much longer? Me and Zed would like to get showers before you use up all the hot water.”
“Go use the ladies’ room, Uncle,” Roscoe shot back.
“Okay. Anyone complains, I’m sending them to you.”
“Roger roger,” Niner said.
At one point, Roscoe untangled himself from them and briefly disappeared.
She let out a yawn.
Niner pulled her close. “Guess we should wrap this up so you can sleep.”
He kissed her, stroking her cheek. “No apologies, baby. We’re going to live day by day and grab every bit we can. Deal?”
She nodded.
He helped her stand as Roscoe returned. He had a couple of towels and a T-shirt. They soaped up and rinsed off and then the men insisted on drying her first before themselves.
Roscoe smiled as he slid the T-shirt on over her head. “There you go. That’ll keep you covered. Guess we’ll need to request we get moved to the second floor.”
He scooped her up into his arms and walked, naked, with her back to their room. He didn’t put her down until Niner had the bedrolls shoved together and they were all curled together, her securely snuggled between them.
“So what are your real names?” she mumbled. “Guess I should have asked that before.”
Roscoe spooned her from behind. “Enrique Velasquez,” he said.
She snorted. “That doesn’t sound very Russian to me. Bet you don’t speak Spanish, do you?”
Niner’s amused chuckle told her that answer.
Roscoe let out a put-upon sigh. “No, all right? It’s next on my list. Maybe I’ll get a chance to learn it some day.”
“What about you?” she asked Niner.
“Leland. Leland Combs.”
She pried open an eyelid to look at him.
His sweet, green eyes stared back at her. He looked so adorable with his brown hair all tousled. “Yeah,” he sa
id. “I know. I was named after my grandfather.”
“I didn’t say a word.”
“You didn’t have to.” He kissed her. “Good night, sweetheart.”
Roscoe hugged her from behind, his arms around her, his light caramel skin a sweet contrast to her paler complexion. “Sweet dreams, sweetheart,” he whispered.
Now too tired to answer, she squeezed his hand as she fell into sleep.
Chapter Seventeen
Four-star General Joseph Arliss sat at his desk and plugged away at e-mails late that afternoon. When he heard the knock on his door, he called out, “Come.”
Two-star Major General George Macaletto opened the door. “You requested to see me, sir?”
Arliss waved him in. “Close the door.”
He did before walking over to Arliss’ desk.
“I have a mission for you,” Arliss said without preamble. “Top secret. You leave immediately.”
The man frowned. “Sir?”
“You heard me. I need you to take a helo from Andrews Field over to Dover. My car will drive you to Andrews. You’re flying out ASAP to El Segundo.”
Good. The man looked more than confused. He looked stunned. Arliss had wanted him off-balance from the moment Macaletto set foot in his office.
“Sir? Do I get to stop by home first and pack?”
“No. You won’t be out there long enough to need anything. You will meet with a contact and bring them in.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You will call me when you reach El Segundo and I’ll give you the particulars then. But it looks like Dr. Riley Perkins is in Los Angeles, and we have someone who says they know exactly where she is.”
“Wait, the Dr. Perkins, from The List?”
“Yes. This is why it’s top secret.”
“Why aren’t you having someone out there bring her in, then? Isn’t that vital?”
“Because apparently there was an attempt on her life in the past couple of days. She’s terrified. She wants top brass guarantees that she will be brought in safely. That’s why I’m trusting you not to fuck this up, George. I would go myself except I’d raise a hell of a lot more ruckus by doing that. So I’m sending you. I’m counting on you. Is this going to be a problem, or do I need to rethink my command structure?”