Hidden: A Dark Mafia Romance (Forbidden Kiss Book 1)

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Hidden: A Dark Mafia Romance (Forbidden Kiss Book 1) Page 10

by Lyanna Thomson

  “Hey you!” She called out to the two men fighting. Shin had already seen her and her efforts to get free of her bondage. He had seen it all and had known the minute she had been free. He had seen her when she tried to wield the Katana and would have laughed if not for the fact that he was in the middle of a fight. The other man however looked in her direction when she called out and that was Shins opportunity to do him in., Shin raised the sword into the air and brought it down on the man's neck with all the strength left in him. The head rolled out onto the floor and Amie watched it with wide eyes for a moment. Then Shin put his hand in her shoulder and said to her.

  “Come… Let's get the hell out of here.’’ He removed his shirt and wrapped it around her. Then he bent low and lifted her to his shoulder. He left the room without looking back.

  Chapter 10

  She was conscious. But she wished she wasn’t. The thoughts of the things that had happened to her in the last ten hours made her wonder if she would ever be able to see life like a normal human anymore. The deaths, those who wanted to rape her. There was no question about it; she knew that she would not be normal for a very long time.

  He was silent throughout the walk that took them to the place where an old SUV was waiting for them. What was he thinking? Did he blame her for bringing him back? Had he ever actually left the town at all? How did he even know where to come? If he knew nowhere to come, why did he take so long and practically waited till she was about to be defiled before he jumped in and started acting like a hero? She had been unconscious for a long time. She knew this because her body felt so dry. She was ravenous and shaking from the impact of the hunger in her. In spite of the fact that she was being carried, she felt like she was so tired. Too tired to be carried and too tired to be moved. She let her hands hang freely over his shoulders and watched them as they dangled from side to side. Sometimes, she would close her eyes but her eyelids also felt too heavy to be closed and then when she opened them, she would feel like her eyes would pop out of the sockets if she kept the open like that. From the way he carried her and the way he walked with her on his shoulder, it was obvious to her that he was also tired. Perhaps not quite as tired as she was, but he was definitely fatigued. Thus when he got to the car and dropped her in it, nave was glad that they had all survived the part severe he had to put her on his shoulder and walk for minutes unending. She couldn't see the environment but she could see that the area was a little wooded and that the house from which they had emerged had been isolated. When wanted to ask him

  “Where are we?” But she refrained from talking. Partly because she was too tired to start a conversation but also because she didn't think he would want to answer questions at that moment.

  He dropped her; more like dumped her in the backseat and went to the driver's seat to do the driving. When he started the car, she thought she heard a screech but couldn't be sure because she was so tired and sleepy. The car surged forward and she smuggled into the back seat. Folding herself like a baby still in the uterus. From time to time, he looked back at her and tried to check on her, but he knew it was more important for him to get her to a safe place and nurse her.

  What was he thinking when he left her? He asked himself as he sped through the gathering night. She had been so nice to him and he had known that the gang members had seen them together. What was he thinking? She had been alone in the house and he had thought he could watch her and make sure she was safe through the cameras that he installed in the hallway. He had thought that she was not really connected to him and that she would be relatively safe out if he left the environment but it had turned out that he was deceiving himself. They had come back for her and knowing that he would have rigged the house against them, they had blurred her out of the building instead.

  What if she had died?

  She would have been the third woman who would have died because they were associated with her. He was still yet to forgive himself for letting the first two die and now they were going to add one more to the pile?

  ‘’Hell no’’ he muttered under his breath in Japanese and turned into a lone stretch of road. It was done. He was not going to let anyone mess his life upon anymore. He was going to defend the people he cared for. He had failed once, he was not about to let it happen again.

  As he drove, he let his mind roam to the beautiful face of the woman he had loved. She had risked everything to be with him. He could remember that night, in the bed. He had wanted to tell her the truth. But how was he supposed to tell her that he really belonged to the blood dragons and that he had been sent in specifically to kill her parents and her? How was he to explain to her that he had come into her father's compound and made her love him just because he wanted to be close enough for the family to have their guard down around him so that he could kill them in cold blood? His master had taught him how to fight to kill, his master had taught him how to kill like a lion and strike like a viper. But he had taught himself how to get close to his enemies first and gain their trust before slaughtering them without remorse or mercy. He had taught himself how to make himself important to his prey such that no matter what angle his prey ran to, it would have to come back to him.

  “Then I met her!’’ It was not a sentence of praise and neither was it derogatory. It was a sentence of surrender. He had lost himself and fallen in love. And much worse, she had loved him back. He had looked into her eyes and seen in them his future and the future of his entire lineage. He had not been worried when he took her in his arms and gently planted his seed within her.

  That day, he had decided that he would tell her the truth.

  As he held her close and stroked her hair, he had contemplated how to start the conversation when he felt the first sting of the needle. He didn't need to look at it to know what it was. It was either laced with poison or something else to incapacitate him. He had sprung out of bed, hoping to put up some fight before he finally died or became paralyzed but the drug was too fast. It could have brought down an elephant. He fell back into the bed and the blood dragons came in. His eyes remained open as part of the paralysis. He was not even able to move his eyelid to a shut position as they took turns on her. He watched it all.

  For some reason, he knew that he wouldn't have closed his meters even if he could have. He knew that he needed to see it all so that he could avenge her properly if he ever survived the experience.

  By the time the seventh man was standing from her, she looked pretty dead anyway. She was not moving, not screaming and not thrashing around anymore. Her eyes too remained open even though she had not been paralyzed. With emptiness, her beautiful hazel eyes stared into the depth of his own.

  Those eyes

  He still had nightmares about them.

  Now he knew that he might have to start the fight all over again. His anger had been aroused again and he was going to vent. He didn't care what happened afterwards, all he knew was that people had to die. It had been over three years and he was still raw and wounded. He was still sore all over and he was still looking into those eyes in every minute of his sleep. When they had driven the Katana through him, he had thought that he was done. That he would die now and would never get a chance at his revenge.

  But then he had woken up in that silent room. The katana was gone and his wounds were bandaged. He had looked around and wondered who had helped him out.

  She had nursed him back to health and had helped him get money to get out of Japan.

  “Go... Go far away Viper.., don't come back. Don't look back. Save yourself.” He had nodded like he was going to obey her. She had watched him get on the train but before she got back to the clan home, over sixty clan members were dead, and their master with them.

  Then, and only then had he left Japan.

  Now she was dead too. Her only offence was in helping him out.

  He parked the car and rushed to the passenger seat. He picked her up out of the place and raced towards a fountain that sat at the centre of a beautiful garden.
He placed her into it and let the water wash all over her body. He didn't bother to take the clothes off her, he just held her there till she started to stir. One eye fluttered open and the other followed suit. He sighed in relief. Two days without food and water had to be a lot of stress. He brought her out of the water when he was sure that she was adequately rejuvenated and sitting by the fountain, he placed her on his lap and held her there.

  Slowly, she started to feel better and even looked around her for the first time. It was a garden. Or at least it looked like a garden. The trees stood tall and even in the dark; they cast shadows over the whole environment. She noticed the numerous flowers that adorned the whole place in rows and roads of beautifully colourful petals. The light of the moon, though bright was shielded by the numerous tall trees that seemed to be backing like protective big brothers to the smaller plants and protecting them from the jealous stare of the moon. In a place not too far away from where she was seated in his lap, she could hear the sound of turkeys or ducks or some other similar birds crooning.

  “What is this place?” She asked. Voicing the thoughts that had started to chase themselves around her mind immediately she opened her eyes in the garden.

  “What does it look like? A river?” He said with a rather dry attempt at humour. She shook her head and the shrugged her shoulder as if she had suddenly lost interest in knowing what the place was.

  “It is a garden.” He said and gently let her slide onto the slab of the fountain beside him.

  She looked around again, finally talking in the beauty of the place. It was obvious that the place had been left untended for so lobby and had thus been overgrown with weed. She could see that there was no house for a stretch of space and for some reason; the whole environment seemed like the proverbial Garden of Eden. She loved it. How had he been able to find a place like this? She wondered briefly before she turned to him and decided to get on more pressing business of talking about what they had just experienced,

  She opened her mouth to start talking but the look in his eyes told her that it would be better to let him unburden himself first.

  He was looking into the distance as if he was remembering things that had happened in the past. Things that had happened a long time ago.

  “I would have died you know… I would have died.’’ He started and she listened to him with rapt attention.

  ‘’She had come back and she helped me away from the place. She treated me and hoped that she would not get caught. She knew that if she was caught, she would die. Thereby was no shortcut or alternative, she would be killed.”

  “When I woke up and discovered that she had helped me, I knew that I had to protect her. So I went back and killed every single blood dragon that I met in the clan including the master. That way, no one would be alive to put the puzzles together. Then she showed hip in my apartment that day. The only pay she wanted was for me to give my body to her in passion. I did. She deserved it. Then I had asked her to leave because I didn't want her to be traced back to me, I sent her out into the night because I didn't want her to get clingy and start expecting much from me. I never knew I was sending her to her death.”

  “She texted me that night to say she was in trouble and that I should come help her out. It took me over five hours to locate her and when I did, what I found was her head and two blood dragons who had carried out the deed. Somehow, they had found out and had killed her. I killed them both in revenge but I could not bury her or give her a befitting last rite. So I left.”

  “She didn't deserve to die. She didn't deserve to die like that. I never wanted to drag her into this but she just would never stay away from me. I am so sorry!” His voice seamlessly ran itself over the sound of the dropping water of the fountain. It floated to her and even though she could only imagine what he must have gone through to see two women who had loved him, two women who had meant something to him, die just like that. She knew it must hurt. There really was no difference between the man and the average human male. If everyone had the power to avenge themselves and their loved ones, most would not hesitate to do it., he was just a cheated and bereaved man who happened to be trained in combat. He was doing the normal thing to do in those circumstances. He was doing what she would have done. She put a hand on his thigh and said in a low but clear voice…”

  ‘’I'm so sorry’’

  He nodded. It wasn't particularly comforting, he was still hurt. But he had other pressing issues at the moment.

  “How do you feel now?” He asked as he ran a hand through her hair.

  “Better.” She said with a nod.

  “Good …” He replied as he stood up from the slab and helped her down too.

  “Let’s go home.” He said and started to lead her towards the car. She followed him silently and dutifully got into the car when he opened the door for her. He got into the driver's side and drove back towards that apartment that she had left for over two days now.

  She took the stairs in twos so that she would be angle to keep up with him as he walked. He walked past his door and towards her own. At the door, she looked into his eyes and somehow found the courage that she had tried to summon ever since the first time she laid her eyes on him. She stood on tiptoe and sliding her fingers around his head, she pulled his head down towards her face and placed a kiss on his lips. It was meant to be tentative and brief but he caught her lower lip between his teeth and keeping his head bowed at that level, allowed his mouth to stay on hers for longer than she had thought he would allow.

  His tongue snuck out and teased her lips apart. Not that he had to pressure her, but he particularly loved that he had to probe around her mouth. There was something about her kiss that told him that he had better not leave without finishing what she had just started. Her mouth opened for him, allowing him to explore it like a person on an excursion. His tongue travelled around all the corners of her mouth. Teasing the corners and allowing the juice of her saliva mix with his. The kiss was deepening and the tension was mounting. This was no matter for the hallway and he expressed that by lifting her clean off the floor. Her legs wrapped around his waist and he pushed her door open. He crashed into the room and into the bed with her still in his arms. He landed on his elbow and continued the kiss without leaning into her or letting his weight fall on her.

  He lifted his body from hers and removed the last of his shirt in one clean move. He then pulled the shirt that he had used to cover her body. It was a gentle pull and she didn't resist him. She laid there in the glory of her beauty.

  He leaned in and kissed her passionately. Letting his mouth trail down her neck slowly. He was leaving a burning trail of desire everywhere his lips touched. She arched her back and pushed herself towards him. His hand came up and cupped the beautiful firm mounds of her breast. He squeezed just a little and then started to tease her nipples. She moaned softly. He removed his hand from her at the first moan and replaced it with his mouth. His hand now free, trailed round her body while her arms came around his neck in a bid to keep him. Her pulse was racing and her heartbeat could be heard in her own ears. She knew that she was ready, but he didn't seem to be quite ready for her yet.

  Letting actions speak louder than words, she leaned her long haired head in down towards his member. Showing boldness already as she opened her mouth wide in order to slip his thick crown inside. Letting her tongue slide across the head, she kept her hands stroking away for good measure to keep him moaning as she conducted the swirling motion. Glancing up, she pushed her mouth down further onto him, causing herself to groan as she adjusted to this fat rod. Pressing her soft lips around the shaft, she narrowed her eyes in determination. She raised her mouth back upward towards the tip, before pushing back down in a smooth and steady motion that made them both groan out. He disengaged himself and decided to return the favour.

  He pushed her legs apart and let himself slide down her body. His tongue found its way to where she was wet and warm and seemingly ready, his lips closed around her pulsati
ng clit with a sweet soft vengeance. His mouth was exploring her, licking and sucking and pulling simultaneously.

  He started to pull it but without applying too much force. He let go off it after a while and tasted her juice. It tasted like strawberry for some reason to him. He felt her arch her back and with a strong tongue licked her from her vagina opening upwards. He stopped and started to suck on a small bump just above the opening. The girl started to shiver with ecstasy when he started sucking on her clit. Her legs threw themselves far apart, giving him maximum access to her moist delight.

  His tongue dived into her and that was when he encountered it. In disbelief, he tried again and encountered the same hurdle of flesh. Still not believing what he thought he was feeling, he started to slip a finger in. That was when she jerked and he realized that his suspicion was true.


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