Hidden: A Dark Mafia Romance (Forbidden Kiss Book 1)

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Hidden: A Dark Mafia Romance (Forbidden Kiss Book 1) Page 11

by Lyanna Thomson

  He rose himself away from her.

  “Are you kidding me right now?” He asked and she shook her head.

  “Nope … I'm not kidding you.’’ She said with a small smile. He started to motive away from her instantly but her hand clamped around him and pulled him closer.

  “Please…” She said with a voice that was pleading and burning with desire at the same time. He hesitated and shook his head gently.


  “Please…!” It was a choked plea. “I’ll probably hate myself later” he said and kissed her nipples again. She drew his head to her while he kissed away and let his hand massage her clitoris. Then suddenly, he turned her over such that they switched positions. She was now on top of him with her legs hanging on each side of him. He put his hands out and grabbed her waist. Gently, he lowered her over him like he would slide a Katana into a sheath. She adjusted to him till he got to the barrier.

  “This might hurt.” He warned her and before she got the chance to ruminate non it, he pulled her over him. It was gentle but firm and the barrier caved without much ado. The pain was sharp and she would have screamed not she had had more time to get her breath. He waited for a few moments and then started to move gently. Slowly at first. But she started to move faster than him. Demanding and pressurizing him to go faster. Unable to keep up with her, he switched their positions again and this time let her stay below. Using his elbows as support, he allowed his waist to start the journey of pleasuring her. Kissing her as he slid in and out of her with a fervency that built a volcano in her cervix. Her moans of pleasure resonated around the room and bounced off the walls as she wrapped her legs around him and pushed him in deeper and deeper. She was too tight, contracting against him and pushing him over the edge. He could feel this tension gathering all over this body and as he approached the hill and increased his pace, she seemed to instinctively know and increase her pace too. They count to each other and moaned in incision. Their bodies intertwining and following a beat that only the two of them could hear.

  The harder he moved, the more she moaned and begged. He could feel himself ready to explode and began to push faster and harder and told her to take her fingers and rub her clit – he wanted them to come together. She did as he told her and touched herself and felt so fucking incredible. She had no control, she was going to come and she whispered to him that she was ready.

  With timbres sounding in both their heads, they reached the peak of their passion and released themselves.

  When it was done, he collapsed against her and remained in her arms till they both slipped away into the comforting oblivion of sleep.

  Chapter 11

  A smile was playing around her lips. The lazy smile of a woman who had just gotten thoroughly satisfied, forget the fact that it had been hours since she climaxed like a woman who had been having sex since forever, she was still feeling the shivers of the thorough orgasm in her spine and the thought of it was making her excited. She turned in her sleep, her eyes were closed her hair was rumpled. She didn’t need to open her eyes to know that she looked a mess. Something was missing... she frowned slightly.

  Something was missing. Something that had been in the room before but was now saliently absent. She started to turn in her sleep again and suddenly knew what it was that was missing. A man had been on her chest earlier but now he was no longer there. “He must have gotten up for fear of weighing me down with his weight!” she thought to herself and smiled again. She stretched her hand across the bed and tried to find him but the other side of the bed was empty. Empty and cold. No one had been there for hours.

  She lurched out of bed as if she had been stung by a bee. Her eyes were open and she was suddenly wide awake. She looked around the room, trying to figure out where he might be. She got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom with a smile.

  “Hey... up so early?” she called as she flung the bathroom door wide open. It was empty. She looked all around the place but there was no trace of him. In fact, she really couldn’t prove that he had been there at all. She was starting to go crazy when she saw the note on the other pillow in the bed. She opened it and instantly, her eyes started to fill up with tears.

  “Amie... if you are reading this then I am probably already far away.

  You are such a wonderful girl and I am so lucky to have come to know you here. But as you have found out yourself, being with me will just constantly put you in danger. I can’t let anything happen to you because of me. Women have died for my sake and I cannot have you join them too. The truth is that they will not stop coming after me. For as long as I am around you, you will be in danger and I cannot bear it at all. I am so sorry but I have to leave now. I want you to know that I love you so much and it is my wish that sometime in the future, we will meet again. I will miss you peeping at me through that hole in our wall... I will miss you looking out for me. I can’t run away from my past anymore and I have to face it. Until I have this problem of the clan solved permanently, I will not come back to look for you. I love you so much, stay safe my peep hole girl. Goodbye.”

  Amie threw the note to the bed and rushed out of the room wearing only her pyjamas. She was crying as she ran through the street to look for him from one corner to the other. She went into the coffee shop which still remained unoccupied and derelict and looked all around the place for him but he was gone. When it became clear to her that she would not find him in those streets, she returned to the apartment. Crying profusely even though she could not even summon enough strength to make a sound. The tears just continued to fall without restraint.

  “Why... why... why!” she cried inside her over and over again. When she got into the apartment, she looked around the place and it suddenly started to feel empty and lonely. Even though he had not been there for too long he had left his imprint all over the bed and all over her body too. The bed remained rumpled and the sheets remained blood stained. Evidence of the way she had given herself up to him in totality of her body and soul the other day. She fell into the bed and cried her eyes out as she suddenly realized that he was right. If she wanted to stay alive, she would need to be away from him and not he associated with him in any way. He needed to get himself sorted out before he could make any permanent emotional connections.

  She knew it.

  He knew it.

  It was the part where she had to accept it that remained difficult and heartbreaking. She shivered over and over again and curled up in her bed. Refusing to leave the confines of the room for another four hours. When she eventually gathered herself together, she had quietly started to pack her stuff back into her pink luggage. She needed to get out of that town before it took away her sanity for good.

  When she was done, she looked up and looked to the left and noticed that the window blinds were pulled apart. She walked over to the window and looked outside. Below was a busy street with streetlights going all the way to the vanishing point of her view? She stood there, watching the cars go up and down the street with a smile on her face. He had left the blinds open so that she would see the street below. The sun was rising from that part of the house and she was watching it emerge gracefully from behind the clouds. How did he know that she had never parted the curtains? How did he know that she had never experienced the beauty of the rising sun? The way the sun seemed so close to where she was, as if she could reach out and pluck it out of the sky. She remained standing by the window for a while, drinking in the beauty of the rising sun.

  She would miss him, she knew that bit. There was no argument about it. Somehow, even though their time together had been short, she had been able to come to know him intimately. She was amazed that he had known all the while that she had been watching him through the hole in the wall and not only had he not minded, he had acted like he didn’t know just so that she wouldn’t stop. He had not blocked the hole and had made a point of giving her the best views possible. How much did the guy know? She wondered. Did he also know that she had been masturbat
ing over and over again while watching him dress, undress, sleep, eat, and practically do anything? Did he know that she had fantasized so much about the night they had just spent together? Did he know that her lust for him had gradually transformed into a hot blistering love that burnt within her very soul? Did he know that she often had dreams about him? How much did he know?

  She wanted to cry some more but she knew there would be no point. So she picked up her phone instead and called her mother. The phone had barely started to ring when she picked up.

  “Hey darling! You finally remembered that you have a mother. What is wrong with you? You have had me worried sick and I was this close to booking a flight and coming down there. Why do you like to put me through this sort of stress girl? You really should stop... I will not have it. If you make me come over there, I don’t care if you are an adult, I will bundle you all the way back home. I let you go for five seconds and this is what you do to your old mother?” her mother was raving on the phone and Amie listened with lover in her heart and tears in her voice. If only the woman knew how close she had come to losing her only daughter. If only she had known how close she had come to having to identify her body by looking at her decapitated head. How was she to tell her, other that she had been this close to being rapped and brutally murdered? How was she going to tell her mother that she had been abducted by Japanese gang members and that she had slept with one who was so crazy or loyal to the clan that he had gutted his best friend just to show loyalty? How was he to tell her mother that for all of the warning she had received about joining the wrong crowd, she had somehow managed to fall in love with a man who killed eight men in about fifteen minutes. She closed her eyes and rested her head back, taking in the voice of her mother as some sort of balm to the mental and emotional bruises she had sustained in the course of her stay in this small town. Who would have thought that she would find the trouble she had spent all of her life avoiding in a small British town?

  “Amie... Amie... are you there? Are you going to say something?”

  “Mom...” she muttered but as much as she tried to keep her voice level, it broke and when the word “mom” came out, it was laden with all the feelings that she had been feeling for a while now.

  “Amie? What happened? Hey... hey girl what is it? Are you okay? Are you okay? Do you need me to come over there? Baby are you sick?” her mother was going off and she almost started to laugh at the thought of her mother actually knowing what had gone down with her.

  “Mom... calm down already... calm down. I’m okay. I just have a headache.” She had made up her mind that there was no point telling her mother. How was she to tell her mother that the Japanese people that had been put on TV had mostly been killed in front of her?

  “I don’t think you have a headache babe. I think there is something bothering you. Did a boy break your heart?”

  “Mom I’m not fifteen anymore!”

  “I take it a boy broke your heart then. If that is the issue, don’t worry baby... you have just two months now and you are going to be done. I am looking forward to welcoming you home.”

  She was silent for a moment. Her mother was right. A boy had broken her heart. Well... she had always known that her mother knew her well enough. She had been her only confidant since her father died and even now that she had not actually told her what was happening, she still managed to make a good guess.

  “Mom... “


  “I miss you so much” her voice was breaking again. He mother was silent for a moment

  “Are you sure you are okay baby? I could take the next available flight you know...”

  “I’m okay mom... I’m just a little emotional today.”

  “I miss you too Amie.” Her mother sighed into the phone.

  “It’s so empty in here without you.” Amie thought and cleared her throat.

  “I’ll call you later... got to go.”

  “Don’t take too long to call again baby!” her mother called over the phone.

  “I won’t.” Amie said into the phone with tears in her voice again. Then she hung up quickly before her mother would be able to say something.

  “I will” she said to herself as she walked back out to grab a bite.

  Chapter 12

  Her experience in the little town of Colerain had left an indelible mark on her. It had been years since she had been there last. In fact, it had been six years since she had left the town and at first, she had subconsciously waited for her heart throb to show up again. She would sit by the window and look out into the street. Waiting, praying that for some reason he would get it into his head that she was in danger again and would come rushing to her.

  She had developed a habit of visiting the coffee shop, waiting for Amanda to reopen but it did not happen. She was confused. Where was Amanda and why was the coffee shop still not working. It had been months since the fights in the coffee shop, she ought to have bounced back by now. If anyone, her regular customers would have continued to patronise the place. Amie would walk through the place, hoping to see a sign that someone was cleaning the place out and trying to get the place working again but nothing had happened. The place remained abandoned and Amie remains silently confused as to where Amanda could be. She had stopped coming for her rent and after two months had passed without Amanda showing up, she had decided to ask around.

  One hot afternoon, she had walked over to the coffee shop again and had seen an old homeless looking man in front of the place. She had moved closer to him.

  “Hi... she had said to the man but he had not responded. She had brought out some money out of her purse and handed it over to the man. He had smiled at her with his coloured teeth and looked into her eyes.

  “Hey... I know you. You are the girl who lives in Amanda’s apartment!” he said and Amie could have leapt for joy at the happiness that flooded through her at that point.

  “Yes... I am. I was going to ask you if you have seen Amanda. Do you know where she is?” she had asked the old man and he had shaken his head in sadness.

  “She is at the home. She got shot here by some hoodlums you see. The bullet went in her head and messed her up in there. Now she cannot talk or recognise people anymore!”

  Amie stood there. Shocked out of her wits. Her mind had worked furiously because she remembered clearly the last time she had seen Amanda. She had been on the floor but not because she had been shot and definitely not in the head she had been breathing. She knew this because she had seen the woman’s gigantic bosoms rise and fall and she had not had any blood on her. Amanda had not been shot in the fight that day. She had been shot after. Someone had gone back and shot the old woman. Sadie had broken down in tears. She had thanked the old homeless man after getting the address of the “home” where Amanda was being kept. She had taken a cab over there and had sat with the older woman for three hours. Ever since that day, Amie had made it a point to send a check of at least two hundred dollars to the home for the upkeep of the wry old woman who had been nice to her.

  She had thought over and over again, wondering why anyone would have gone back to hurt an old woman whose only offence was in being in her own coffee shop at that time if the day. Why would anyone try to kill her? Amie was sad, but she was glad that Amanda was at least alive.

  “I’ll make sure that she is taken care of.” She had said to her and had stood by that promise even though it had been six years since she had last seen the town. She had made sure that she called the town once a month to confirm receipt of her cheque and to ask about Amanda’s health and general well being.

  Was that enough? Maybe not. Considering the fact that she felt that she was partly responsible for Amanda getting shot. She wanted to go visit. She wanted to see her every once in awhile but her life was fast changing. She had her mother to look after and she had her dog Terry to take care of. Perhaps most importantly, she had her job and her patients. The responsibility was great and she would not be having the extra time to travel
halfway across the world just to see one person.

  She pushed a pencil into her mouth and frowned guiltily. Amanda was not just a person... she was...

  “Dr Lancaster... you are needed in OR 4...Dr Lancaster... please report to OR 4” she jerked out of her thoughts. She was still not used to the name “Dr” it felt strange to her even though it had been over four months since she had been inducted into the midst of orthopaedic surgeons. She was not used to it. Not in the least.

  Her mother had been so proud of her. It had all been a dream come true and it had seemed to her that things couldn’t actually be better. She was a woman that had seen a lot, experienced so much and suffered so much. She had had to struggle to keep them afloat because the law had executed her husband’s hundred thousand dollars life insurance and estate to the last letter. They had only supplied feeding allowance and education fees for mother and child respectively. Every other thing, they had had to work for. For a while, Amie had felt some resentment towards her father for placing everything on such a condition. Why would he make her graduation from college the only criterion for her to get her due? She had thought it mean and insensitive but as time passed and she realized what she had made of herself after she became a certified medical doctor, she realized that this was what he saw. This was what he had envisaged when he made college mandatory as the only way she was going to get her hands on the money that he had saved up for her. He had made sure that she would have something to fall back on should she ever become broke. He had made sure that she would never have to be dependent and this was the biggest gift a man could give his children, she knew now that she appreciated him. She knew now that she no longer resented him and in the place of the resentment was a love and adoration that could never be quelled. Now she was not only making her mother proud, she was making herself proud with everything that she did and every move that she made in life.

  Dr Amie Lancaster got out of her chair and headed for OR 4. She was walking so fast that she did not see the hospital mail man that approached her. She bumped into him and banged her head on his lips.


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