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The Irresistible Passion: A Billionaire Bad Boy Friends to Lovers Mystery Romance

Page 2

by Alexa McLean

  “I see,” I said.

  “So, what’s new with you? It’s been a while since we’ve sat down together. Do you want a coffee or something? The coffee machine is usually on the fritz but tonight could be your lucky night.” He chuckled, attempting to turn on the machine but it didn’t respond. “Oh, come on you stupid thing. Work. Just this once.” He banged the side but still, it refused to cooperate.

  “It’s fine. I shouldn’t have coffee this late anyway.” I said. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Still Miss Goody Two-Shoes, huh?” He teased. “When are you going to loosen up a little and let me give you some ink?”

  “Not going to happen.” I shook my head while covering my arms. “Don’t even think about it.”

  “Oh, come on. It doesn’t hurt nearly as much as everyone says.” He picked up his ink gun and waved it invitingly. “A literary quote, maybe? A lot of people get those. Shakespeare is a popular one.”

  “Don’t think about it,” I warned.

  “Alright, alright. Don’t bite my head off.” He raised his hands in innocence. “I won’t push it – for now.” He grinned. “But one day...”

  I rolled my eyes. “I should probably head home.”

  “Don’t be a stranger.” He called out as I left. “The door is always open.” I sensed he was implying something more with that comment but I didn’t dwell on the thought for very long because just then, the rain picked up.

  I made a run for it, holding my bag over my head for protection. Somehow, I managed to make it to the front door without getting soaked. Sure, I was wet, but there were still a few dry spots left on my clothes.

  Ready for a hot bath, I was just about to turn the key and step inside when I heard the rumbling of a motorcycle. I turned around and my eyes nearly bugged out of my head.

  It was him.

  Chapter 2: Hunter

  Oh, it’s been a while but somehow, this sleepy little town hasn’t changed. I still knew this place like the back of my hand.

  But one thing had changed – me.

  I went from being in a shabby one-bedroom apartment that I used to share with my mom to the biggest place in town. As I walked down the hallway, my footsteps echoed against the emptiness. Moving boxes were stacked against the wall. I would need to hire a crew to unpack everything for me because with my schedule, I’ll never get around to doing it myself.

  Once I reached the spiral staircase, the smell of sizzling bacon wafted up to the second floor. I breathed it in and grinned. Mmm. I quickened down the steps and swung into the kitchen where Porter stood in front of the oven wearing a bright pink apron. I raised an eyebrow in question. “What on Earth are you wearing?”

  He flipped over an omelet before responding. “I was unable to find my usual kitchen attire. This was the only thing at hand at the moment.”

  I laughed. “And God forbid if you get your suit dirty.”

  “That is correct, sir.” He replied as he plated my breakfast and placed it on the table. “Coffee or orange juice this morning?”

  “Coffee. Make it black.” I said as I scooped up the morning paper and browsed through the headlines. Nothing particularly interesting. At least the stock market was on the rise. “If the economy keeps at it, I might have to keep expanding the company,” I commented in hopes that Porter was listening to me.

  “Is that not always the hope, sir?” He asked. “Here’s your coffee.”

  “Yes, but I rather like it here. It’s nice to be back home for once.” I leaned into my chair and sighed. “It would be a shame to leave.”

  “We’ve been here for the better part of six months and you’ve yet to fully unpack. One man alone cannot build Rome, although I have certainly tried.” Porter sat down across from me enjoying a bowl of bland-looking cereal.

  “Why do you eat that stuff anyway? You can’t possibly like the way it tastes.” I grabbed the box. Even that was bland.

  “Doctor’s orders.” He said before taking another bite.

  I shook my head. “I’m no medical professional but I think he’s full of it. This is just going to make you keel over faster.”

  Porter didn’t bother to respond.

  I sighed. “Anyway, I think I’ll be taking the day off from corporate today. It’s about time I head down memory lane.”

  “Sir?” Porter cocked his head to the side. “I do hope you aren’t going to do anything foolish.”

  “Foolish?” I grinned. “Now when have I ever done anything foolish.”

  Porter just gave me a knowing look before gathering up my empty plate and putting it into the wash.

  “Should I wait up for you, sir?” He asked as I started to leave.


  THAT NIGHT I ENJOYED the world’s best burger. It was just as glorious as I remember with a thick layer of bubbling cheese and rich, tasty grease.

  The owner emerged from the kitchen and slapped me on the back. “I never thought you’d come back here. You’ve really smartened up.” His big, meaty fingers dug into my shoulder as his smile widened. “I’m proud of you. There aren’t many boys who make it out of this town and make a name for themselves.”

  I took another enormous bite out of my burger. It was much too good to resist.

  He chuckled. “Still the town’s best?” He asked.

  “Oh, definitely.” I wiped my hands with a napkin before reaching into my wallet and pulling out a one-hundred-dollar bill. “Keep the change.”

  Tommy, the owner, picked up the bill and shook his head. “I can’t accept this.”

  “Too bad.” I grinned. “It’s yours now and I don’t accept returns.” With that, I shoved my hands into my pockets and left the burger joint. Parked against the curb, my bike was patiently waiting for me. I got on her back and revved the engine.

  For a while, all I did was ride around enjoying the cool night air against my face. I didn’t have a particular destination in mind but eventually, I turned up at my old neighborhood. I lingered in front of the park with the same broken swing set and the teeter-totter that no longer teetered. I chuckled to myself as memories flooded my mind. Oh, I used to get into so much trouble in this park. One time, I was even sent to the hospital to get stitches. My mother was so mad that I was grounded for a month. Of course, that didn’t stop me from sneaking out my window at night. Especially when it meant getting to see her.

  She haunted my thoughts as she always had. Those deep, chocolate eyes. The curve of her smile. Oh, why did she leave?

  For old time’s sake, I drove toward her home only to stop in front of a tattoo parlor – my tattoo parlor. I had invested in the place for kicks and it was about time I check up on it. I parked my bike and headed inside.

  There, I found one of my tattoo artists hard at work. From what I could tell, he was drawing some sort of elephant. It would make a nice piece of ink for a yogi.

  He looked up and smiled. “Hey, we’re just about to close up shop, man, sorry.”

  I held up my hand, letting my keys dangle from my middle finger. “I don’t think I have to worry about that.”

  His eyes widened. “Wait. You mean you’re the owner?” He kept staring at me with a look of utter disbelief on his face. “What kind of guy owns a tattoo parlor but doesn’t have any ink?”

  “None that you can see. In my line of work, I can’t have visible tats.” I explained. “Wouldn’t do well for my professionalism.”

  “So, what, you’re like a businessman or something?” He asked.

  “You could say that.” I grinned.

  “Wearing a leather jacket and owning a Robin's Rides bike? I thought you guys wore suits and stuff.” The artist scratched his head.

  “In the office, sure, but on a Friday night I’m allowed to wear whatever I want. After all, I’m the boss. Realistically, I can do whatever I want.” I said before sitting down on a nearby chair. “We’ll have to spruce this place up a bit. It’s looking a little shabby and I wouldn’t want that reflecting poorly on my management

  “Yeah, okay.” The artist agreed. “We can do that.” He rubbed the back of his neck and shifted his weight from foot to foot. “Might do this place a bit of good. We don’t exactly get a lot of foot traffic around here.”

  “I’ll make sure to change that,” I said. “By the way, I didn’t catch your name.”

  “Conrad.” He answered.

  “Ah, Conrad Rossi. Yes, I remember signing your check.” I got up and examined some of the photographs posted at his station. “Did you do all of this?”

  “Every last one of them.” He boasted. “These are my best works so far but I’m always trying to outdo myself.”

  “That’s a good mindset to have.” I agreed with a nod. “It’s the only way for someone to become successful. If someone is willing to settle, they are never going to advance very far.”

  Before he could respond, someone walked into the tattoo parlor. I turned around and my whole world seemed to stop. No. It couldn’t possibly be her, could it? I blinked, half expecting her to disappear as she always did in my dreams.

  But, there she was. Her hair, shorter than I remembered, was dripping wet and clinging to the sides of her angelic face. I wanted nothing more than to destroy the space between us and take her into my arms but I kept my emotions in check. I remained rooted in place waiting for her to make a move.

  Realistically, I knew she was still in town. I had been keeping tabs on her but I never allowed myself to get too close. After what happened, I doubted she wanted to see me again. So, to see her standing right in front of me, it came as a shock. I never thought this moment would come.

  “Hunter...” She whispered, taking a step forward. She reached out a hand like she wanted to touch me but then it dropped down by her side. “I can’t believe you’re back...”

  “Do you two know each other?” Conrad chimed in.

  Tori ignored him as she took another step closer. Already, I could smell her perfume, sweet and intoxicating. I breathed in deep, filling my lungs with her scent. Instantly, I had the urge to pounce on her; to make her mine, like I should have done all those years ago.

  She looked up at me with those gorgeous eyes of hers. “Hunter...” She repeated.

  The sound of my name on her lips sent a shot of adrenaline running through my veins. “Tori...” I whispered as I took her by the shoulders and pulled her into a long-awaited hug.

  She buried her face into my chest while clutching at my jacket. “I thought I’d never see you again...”

  “Shh...” I rubbed her back ever so gently. “There’s no need to get all worked up about the past. It’s behind us now.”

  “Um...” Conrad stood to the side looking rather awkwardly. “I should probably close up shop for the night...”

  “Go ahead,” I said.

  “Hey...” Tori started but then she stopped to bite her bottom lip – a nervous tick of hers that she hadn’t grown out of. “If you aren’t busy, what do you say we go back to my place? I can make us some coffee or something...”

  “Sure.” I smiled. “I’ll drive.”

  “It’s only down the block. Bought my old place from the folks now that they’re retired.” She explained as we walked out the door.

  Outside, the rain was really starting to pick up. So, I shrugged off my jacket and draped it over her shoulders. “I know it’s nearby but I don’t want to see you catch a cold.”

  She pulled the jacket tight around her body. She was much slimmer than I remembered. I guess adulthood was treating her well. All the baby fat had melted away revealing an irresistible figure. I should have made amends years ago.

  “Still ride a bike, I see.” She ran her hand along the seat, a look of admiration in her eyes.

  “You know, my offer still stands. If you ever want to learn, I’ll be more than willing to teach you.” As I spoke, I took her by the hips and hoisted her onto the seat.

  She blushed ever so slightly, the rosiness of her cheeks illuminated by the moonlight. I couldn’t help myself from running my fingers through her hair, remembering all the times where I had once kissed her in the rain. Oh, how I wanted to relive those moments but just as I leaned forward, she turned her head. “We should really get going. This neighborhood is still as bad as it used to be.”

  I chuckled. “That never scared me in the past.” I felt like there was more I wanted to say but my tongue had swelled to an impossible degree making it difficult to utter another syllable. “But, you’re right. There’s no point just standing here in the rain.” I jumped onto the bike and cruised down the street to the familiar home.

  Flower boxes decorated the windows adding a pop of color that wasn’t there in my childhood. I pulled into the driveway and followed her inside.

  “Do you want me to grab you a towel or something?” She asked.

  “Nah, I’m fine. Don’t worry about it. How about you get started on that pot of coffee and I’ll get the fireplace going?” I offered, already making my way into the living room.

  A few minutes later, she returned with two large steaming mugs in her hands. She placed them both on a nearby table before sitting down in front of the fireplace. “No luck?”

  “I’m working on it,” I growled. “But my lighter is out of fuel.” I flicked it so she could see. “Do you happen to have one I could use?”

  “Of course.” She said with a nod. As she got up, her shirt dipped down revealing a bit more of her cleavage. My eyes instantly gravitated toward the sight. They were much, much larger than I remembered. Adulthood was definitely treating her well.

  Without meaning to, naughty fantasies clogged my brain. My instincts came alive with the need to act upon the lust that flooded my system. Tori was still the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. I was a fool for ever letting her go.

  “Here.” She handed over the lighter with a smile.

  With the working lighter, I was able to ignite the tinder. The flames spread across the logs, creating a nice warmth. “We’ll be dry in no time.”

  “Yeah.” She smiled with her mug held between her hands.

  As I looked over at her I noticed something on the inside of her wrist: a tattoo. The discovery came as quite a surprise. Growing up, she had always been opposed to getting ink. Without a word, I took her hand and turned it over, examining the tiny fox that seemed to frolic across her wrist. “Who did this?”

  “Conrad but it’s only temporary. It’ll fade in a couple of months.” She said, shyly looking away.

  “He did a pretty good job,” I commented. Maybe I should give that man a raise. “Why didn’t you go for a permanent one?”

  “Couldn’t wrap my mind around the commitment.” She laughed nervously. “You know how I get.”

  I nodded. It was the reason why we had never officially become a couple. She didn’t want to label our relationship and potentially sour our friendship. In a way, I didn’t blame her. Back then I wasn’t exactly boyfriend of the year material.

  “So, what have you been up to?” I asked.

  “Not much. I work at the library now.” She said while hugging her knees to her chest. “I love it there.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” I took a sip of my coffee while looking into the fire. “I always knew you’d find a job that involved books somehow.” I looked over at her and our eyes locked for a moment. At that moment, the world seemed to stop. The air became electric. I could feel the sparks flying between us. All I wanted to do was lean forward and kiss those pink lips of hers but I knew, deep down, that things weren’t the same as they used to be.

  “Yeah.” She bit her bottom lip and edged a little closer to the fire.

  “What about writing? Are you still doing that or...?” I grabbed a blanket off the couch and wrapped it around her body. She offered a smile in response.

  “Sometimes but it has kind of fallen to the wayside.” She admitted.

  “That’s a shame. I used to like your stories especially when you used to write about me.” I flashed
her a grin before pulling her into my chest.

  To my surprise, she rested her head on my chest just like old times. Our hands found one another and our fingers tangled together. I held my breath half expecting to wake up in my bed. This had to be some sort of dream. After years apart, we were falling back together as if nothing had ever happened. It was too good to be true.

  “So, what are you doing in town?” Tori blurted out like she had been holding in the question for way too long. “I mean, when I came back no one knew where you went. And after ten years... I just assumed...”

  “I was in the area so I decided to drop in for a little while,” I said. Technically, I was lying to her, I was simply withholding some information.

  “So, you aren’t staying?” There was a hopeful look in her eyes as she looked up at me.

  I ran my fingers through my hair and offered a smile. “I haven’t decided yet.” I rose to my feet and looked out the window. “It looks like the rain is letting up. Why don’t we go down to the beach?”

  “The beach?” She repeated as she had never heard the word before. “Now?”

  “Why not?” I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her onto her feet.

  “I have work in the morning. I should really go to bed soon...” She looked over at her bedroom.

  For a second, I wondered whether it was an invitation. No. She wouldn’t.

  “Come on, you need to live a little.”

  Chapter 3: Tori

  This had to be some elaborate dream. I kept waiting for the moment when I’d wake up but as far as I could tell, it wasn’t going to happen any time soon.

  As we rode through the night, I felt the bike’s vibrations rippling through my body. I tightened my grip around his torso, addicted to the warmth radiating around him.

  Soon, we arrived at the beach. The wind blew violently, pulling a couple of strands from my bun and into the breeze. “It’s been ages since I’ve been here.” I leaned against the fence and looked out at the water.

  “Come on. I’ll give you a boost.” He grinned over at me with this fiery look in his eyes. Before I could react, he was hoisting me over the fence.


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