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The Irresistible Passion: A Billionaire Bad Boy Friends to Lovers Mystery Romance

Page 4

by Alexa McLean

  “Oh yeah? Is he any good at it?” I asked.

  “Definitely. His father thinks that he’ll be ready for the big leagues in no time.” She boasted like the proud mother she was.

  I handed over a thick stack of books. “Here you are.”

  “Thanks. I’ll see you next week.” She waved her goodbyes before rushing out the door. I waited to hear the click of the lock catching before I grabbed Art of War and flipped through its pages. Nothing. Next, I grabbed Anna Karenina and bingo, I found my little slip of paper. It fell right into my lap.

  I turned it over and this time, the handwriting was all wrong. It was jagged and rough like someone wrote every letter in a fit of anger.

  Get out of town. You’re in danger.

  I stared at the words. Was this some kind of threat? In danger of what exactly? The note seemed to burn in my hand so I was forced to put it down where it just stared at me. The words echoed through my head. Get out of town. You’re in danger. What could it mean? Was it sent by the same person? Or someone else?

  All these questions swirled around my head like a horde of angry bats.

  “Oh! Tori, I forgot to ask –”

  I nearly screamed at the sound of Betsy’s voice. I held a hand to my chest feeling it thump to a near breaking point.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” She said in an apologetic tone. “But, I wanted to ask you what books you’d recommend for my daughter. She loved that mystery book you suggested a few months back and she needs a couple of chapter books for a school assignment...” Betsy continued to ramble but I quickly ignored her.

  Get out of town. You’re in danger.

  My skin felt ice cold. What if this was a legitimate warning and my life was in danger?

  “Tori...?” Betsy reached over and touched my hand.

  “Sorry, I just need a minute,” I said with a ragged breath.

  “Oh, sure. I’ll do a round and come back then.” She nodded her understanding before walking away.

  I barely had the time to breathe before Rebecca returned with a wild grin on her face.

  “What are you doing back here so soon?” I asked automatically.

  “Got a text message from my boss and he wants to extend an invitation to you.” She said.

  “An invitation?” I repeated. “What kind of invitation?”

  “We’re having a masquerade ball this evening and he wants you to attend, as his date.” Her voice shook with excitement. “Oh, this is so cool. Seriously. This sort of stuff is only supposed to happen in the movies. It’s like you’re some kind of princess or something.”

  “I don’t think I understand.” I ran my fingers through my hair as if that would help settle my mind.

  “What is there not to understand? The CEO of my company wants to make you his date to a masquerade ball. This is right out of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. All that’s missing is for your families to hate one another.” She giggled at the thought.

  “I...” My voice caught in my throat.

  “And, he told me that under no circumstances he will take no for an answer. He’ll have everything prepared for you as soon as you get home. You should be ready by 8:00. A car will be there to pick you up at that time.”


  “As I said, he won’t take no for an answer.”

  Chapter 6: Hunter

  The function hall was packed with people. Most of the men were dressed to the nines while the women donned their best pearls in a desperate attempt to impress the rich men they came here for.

  “Whiskey. Neat.” I ordered a drink at the bar.

  The bartender nodded and promptly filled my request. With the drink in hand, I tilted it back, feeling the warmth spreading across my chest. Mmm. There’s nothing better than a good shot of whiskey.

  I placed the shot glass down on the counter and sighed. I hated social events like this. Everyone always pretended to be friendly when all they really wanted to do was stab you in the back and take all your money.

  “Hunter!” A large, heavy-set man clapped me on the shoulder.

  I turned and smiled at an old associate of mine. “Keith. I’m glad you could make it.”

  “And miss one of your famous parties? Are you kidding me? So long as you keep buying black label booze, I’ll keep coming year after year.” He said with a grin while raising his glass. “How are things by the way? I heard you moved out of the city.”

  “I did.” I agreed but didn’t bother to elaborate because all of a sudden, something caught my eye. “Sorry, I don’t mean to cut this conversation short but my date has just arrived.” A surge of excitement coursed through my veins as I watched her step into the room. I had never seen a woman look so stunning.

  The red dress I had picked out complimented her fair complexion to perfection. The ruby earrings made her look like a queen – and she was a queen – my queen.

  With a certain swagger to my step, I walked over to her before anyone else could have the chance. “My lady.” I took her hand and kissed her knuckles ever so gently. “Let me just say that you are looking absolutely beautiful this morning.”

  I couldn’t quite see her facial expression from behind her peacock-themed mask but I could tell that she was studying me quite intensely.

  “The dancing is just about to begin. Maybe you’d like to join me on the dancefloor.” Before she could respond, I tightened my hold around her hand and pulled her toward the growing group of couples.

  “I... I don’t dance.” She tried to tell me, cheeks turning red just underneath her mask.

  “Everyone dances. It’s just a matter of how well.” I grinned, my hand placed firmly on the small of her back. I pulled her tight against my body until we were like two puzzle pieces coming together. I could feel her hot breath against my lips and I wanted nothing more than to kiss her but I couldn’t spoil the moment – not yet, anyway. There would be time for plenty of kisses – and much more – later in the night.

  The music started to play before she could protest. I guided her through the motions until we floated across the dance floor like a couple of clouds on the horizon.

  “See, I told you everyone dances.”

  She bit her bottom lip before looking up at me. “Hunter, why have you brought me here?”

  It was the question I had asked myself already. This was dangerous. Very dangerous. There was no telling what Morgan would do. But I couldn’t stay away from Tori. Now that I had gotten a taste of her again, I was addicted.

  I held her a little closer as we waltzed from one side of the room to the other. Was I foolish to put Tori at risk like this? No. I would keep her safe – no matter the cost.

  “Hunter?” She whispered.

  “How do you know it’s me?” I asked.

  “Are you kidding? I could recognize that voice anywhere.” She rested her hand on my chest. “Are you really Rebecca’s boss?”

  I nodded. “I am.”

  “And you’ve been checking out books from my library all this time? Did you know I worked there?” She searched my face for answers.

  “Yes,” I admitted. “I’ve known for a long time now.”

  “Why didn’t you just come in yourself? I would have loved to see you...” She trailed off. “What were you scared of?”

  “Truthfully, I was scared that you no longer wanted to see me so I kept my distance.” As we spoke, I guided us toward a set of French doors. They were shielded by a couple of security guards dressed in all black. They nodded in my direction before letting us through.

  Outside, the night was a beautiful one. The moon was full and round, casting a silvery light across the landscape.

  “Do you want something to drink?” I asked.

  “No. I want answers.” She took off her mask and threw it on a nearby table. “What’s the point of all this? Why did you bring me here?”

  I took her hand and squeezed it. “I want you to know that I’ve made something for myself. I’m not the loser you used to know
in high school.”

  “I never thought you were a loser...” She shook her head. “I always knew you’d make something of yourself. I just never thought...”

  “I’d be this successful?” I suggested. “It still surprises me.”

  Tori walked up to the balcony and looked out at the city. “This just doesn’t feel like you. All the glitz and the glamor?”

  I turned her around, pushed her against the railing, and took her face into my hands. “Listen, Tori, I’m still the same Hunter you used to know all those years ago. Only now my pockets are a little heavier which means I have all the more reason to pamper you.”

  “No.” She pushed me away. “I don’t want you to pamper me. I want to know why you ignored me all this time – why you sent Rebecca into the library when you could have done it yourself. Instead, you kept sending me those love notes.”

  “Love notes? What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “Don’t play dumb with me.” She accused. “Who else would they be from? I always found them in your books. Or, are you saying that someone else planted them there?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about?” I furrowed my brows together. “You’re talking nonsense.”

  “Never mind.” She turned and headed for the door. “I think it was a mistake for me to come here.”

  I grabbed her by the wrist before she could leave. “What are you talking about?”

  “Clearly you just wanted me to come here so you could parade me like some kind of doll.” She pulled at the fabric of her dress. “You know I would never wear something like this.”

  “I think you look stunning,” I whispered into her ear before leaning down and planting my lips against the side of her neck. “And I think you’d look even better with it off.”

  She pushed me away. “I didn’t come here to play games.”

  “Tori...” I didn’t know what to make of her reaction. Did she hate me after all?

  She grabbed the door handle but again, I pulled her back. This time, I wrapped my arms around her so she couldn’t get away. “What has gotten into you? I thought you’d be happy for me.”

  “I didn’t know whether you were still alive for ten years of my life!” She shouted, her face going red, nearly matching the color of her dress. “You didn’t call – text – send a letter. Hell, I would have been okay with a goddamn carrier pigeon if it meant getting some word from you.”

  I was about to says something but she cut me off with a deadly glare. So, I pressed my lips together and listened to what she had to say. I’m no fool. I know there’s nothing worse than a woman’s scorn.

  “Instead, you ignore me to live this high and mighty life of yours. I can only imagine what you’ve been up to. I saw how all those girls kept looking at you. How many of them have you slept with?” She demanded with venom dripping from her every word. “Let me guess, I’m just another notch in your bedpost.”

  I took her by the shoulders. “How can you say this to me? Money hasn’t changed a thing. I’m still the same man I used to be. I promise. And I’m still just as crazy about you now as I was back then.”

  “Then, why did you wait this long to come back?” She asked, expression softening a bit.

  I could hardly tell her the truth. Some things are better left unsaid. So, I cupped her cheek in my palm and looked into those gorgeous brown eyes of hers. “Because, I wanted you to be happy and I thought you’d only be happy if you found someone else – someone better than me.”

  Suddenly, she punched my arm. “You idiot! How was I supposed to find someone better than you?”

  “I hoped you would,” I said.

  “Why?” Her eyes were as wide as the moon as she looked up at me. My heart melted. She was truly an angel on Earth. I tightened my grip and promised myself that I would never let her go again.

  “Because I don’t think I’m the best man for you.” It pained me to say those words but, deep down, I knew it was true. She could do much, much better and she’d be much, much safer without me. And yet, I couldn’t let her walk away – not now.

  “You idiot.” She mumbled before wrapping her arms around my neck and rising on her tippy toes. Our lips collided. She kissed me with such a fevered passion that it took me by surprise.

  I lifted her off her feet and placed her on the table as our kiss intensified. She was as sweet as honey. The more I kissed her the more I wanted her.

  My hand slid along the length of her leg, rising higher and higher until I felt the warmth of her thigh. I squeezed it, feeling her moan against the kiss.

  She pulled at my hair as her tongue slid into my mouth. They tangled together, twisting into a knot.

  My blood boiled with lust. If we kept this up, I wouldn’t be able to control myself. I wanted her – no I needed her.

  I bit her bottom lip and pulled on it.

  She moaned a little louder this time. I could feel the heat radiating off her body. She wanted me just as badly as I wanted her.

  I pulled away and our eyes locked. There was no need for words as I took her hand and towed her through the door. Soon, we passed another set of guards. “Make sure no one comes out here,” I order.

  They nodded.

  With a wild grin on my face, I pulled Tori toward a large, brightly lit gazebo, hidden behind a thicket of trees. No one would find us here and that’s exactly how I wanted it to be.

  I pushed her onto the swinging bench and growled.

  “What has gotten into you?” She asked, eyes wide.

  “You’re mine.”

  Chapter 7: Tori

  I had dreamt of this moment and now it was finally happening. Hunter took my legs and spread them apart.

  There was a devilish look on his face as he licked his lips. “You don’t know how badly I’ve wanted to do this.” His voice was a deep growled as he leaned down and left a trail of kisses along the length of my leg. When he reached my inner thigh, he paused.

  “Oh, if you’re going to tease...” But I couldn’t finish my train of thought because his hand had suddenly slipped into my panties. His fingers trailed along my clit, flicking it back and forth.

  “You were saying?” His grin deepened. “If you don’t want to – I can stop.”

  I shook my head. “Don’t you dare.” I ran my fingers through his hair and attempted to pull his head a little closer to my crotch but he pulled away and looked at me with a dirty grin on his. “Hunter... you can’t do this to me.”

  “Can’t I?” He mused as he took my clit between his thumb and forefinger, rubbing it ever so slowly. I could already feel a wetness forming between my legs. “You know, I’m not all that convinced that you want this.”

  I bit my bottom lip. I knew he was toying with me. “Hunter...” I warned but it didn’t change a thing.

  Slowly, he hiked up my skirt until it was bunched up around my waist. He got down on his knees and took my panties between his teeth. He looked up at me with dark, seductive eyes. My heart thumped louder than ever. This was only the beginning and already my body surged with pleasure. I could only imagine what this man would do to me. He’d play my body like a violin and I’d be his willing little plaything.

  “Tell me how much you want it.” He removed his hand and trailed his fingertips along my thigh. I spread them even further, inviting him to slip between my folds but he didn’t take the bait. Instead, he started taking off his tie. “I suggest you answer me or I might have to tie you to this bench and have my way with you.”

  I gulped. The thought was both exciting and terrifying. I trusted the old Hunter but was this Hunter still as trustworthy? Should I take the risk just to satisfy my lustful desires?

  “Time’s ticking.” He whispered into my ear before nibbling on my lobe. “And you should know that I’m not a patient man.”

  “Please...” I whispered, begging him with my eyes. I wanted this more than anything else. My body yearned for his touch. I tried to speak but my lips failed to obey my commands. So, I reach
ed out my hands and started to unbuckle his belt.

  He smiled. “Eager, are we?”

  I slid his belt off and tossed it to the side. But, before I could unbutton his pants, he grabbed me by the wrists and pinned me in place.

  My breath caught in my throat as he kissed me. It wasn’t any ordinary kiss. It burned with a passion that I hadn’t felt in years. He pulled at my hair as he devoured my lips, sending a shot of adrenaline running through my veins.

  I tried to turn the tables and take control but it didn’t work. My sudden movement caused us to fall to the ground. I landed on top of Hunter’s chiseled body, my cheeks burning with blush.

  “Well, well, what do we have here?” He teased as he ran his hands along the curve of my ass. He grabbed it roughly causing me to moan. “Oh, I like the sound of that but I think I’d like it even better if it was a little louder.” Suddenly, he slapped my ass.

  I jumped and he took the opportunity to flip us over and pin me to the ground. “Did you really think you were going to win this fight?” He nibbled the side of my neck. “You’re mine. All mine.”

  Slowly, he undid the zipper on my dress and rolled it off my body. He took his time like someone who was afraid of breaking a porcelain doll. As soon as it was off, he threw it onto the bench, exposing me to the elements. I was wearing nothing but my panties.

  Goosebumps rippled across my skin as the wind snuck into the gazebo.

  He leaned down and took one of my breasts into his mouth. His tongue flicked around the hardening nub causing my back to arch with pleasure. As his tongue ran across the edge of my areola, he took my other breast into his hand and started kneading it between his fingers.

  I moaned into the night, my toes curling. My breasts had always been especially sensitive and Hunter seemed to know exactly what to do to drive me insane.

  A fire burned deep inside my stomach. It intensified with his every lick and touch. I wanted more – much more. I wanted that monster hiding in his pants. I was about to tell him as much when he snapped off my panties.


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