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Red the Were Hunter (Fairelle Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Rebekah R. Ganiere

  Adrian grumbled deep in his chest. “No. You don’t.”

  “I should go. The baby is teething, and Fendrick doesn’t do well with the crying.”

  Hanna gathered her belongings and left as Blain walked in.

  “How was patrol?” he asked.

  “A bloodsucker was in the wood.”

  Blain’s eyes sparkled. “The same one?”

  “Long blond hair, dark leather coat.”

  “That’s him.” Blaine turned to leave. “I’ll go.”

  “No.” Adrian waved his hand. “Angus is out there. You’ve done enough tonight helping with Redlynn.”

  “Where did you find him? The vampire.”

  “By the southern border.”

  Blain’s eyes fixed on the fire.

  “Go to bed, brother,” Adrian said. “Tonight’s been long for all of us, and patrol reminded me that we need to find the missing girls and take care of the vampires’ adventures into our woods. Starting tomorrow, I am going to be counting on you to help me double the patrols.”

  “We’ll find the girls.” Blain moved to Adrian. “Even if we have to go into Tanah Darah ourselves. I’ll make sure of it.” The men embraced, and then Blain left.

  Adrian studied the closed curtains around his bed. Redlynn snored slightly, making him smile. His wolf stirred at the thought of her in his bed. Since her arrival, his wolf was becoming what Adrian had denied for so long. He was becoming the Alpha. Protective, judicious, dominant. He didn’t like it. Didn’t want it, but he could no longer deny it. Redlynn made him want to be king. If something happened to her now... His ribcage and stomach muscles tightened at the thought. His heartbeat quickened and his breath caught. Leaning on the table for support, he clutched his chest. No. This couldn’t be happening. He didn’t want to care for her. His wolf laughed at him, knowing the truth could not be changed. Squeezing his eyes shut, he saw her peachy skin, her red hair, her golden eyes. He slammed his fists into the table.

  “No!” he roared.


  His head whipped up. He’d woken her. He ran his hands over his face and hair, stepped to the side of the bed and slid back the curtain. She lay peaceful in the blood-red dress he’d picked for her. He was pretty sure that she’d be amazing in all the dresses he’d stored away.

  Gently, he pushed a silken strand from her face.

  “Where’ve you been?” Her eyes fluttered open and closed more slowly than natural.

  “I had a few things I needed to attend to.”

  “Blain drugged me.”

  “Yes, I’m sorry about that. He will be dealt with."

  "I can deal with him myself as soon as I'm up."

  Adrian looked at her for a long minute. "Let me help you turn over, so you don’t irritate your shoulder further.”

  He bent down and put his arms underneath her. The herbs Hanna had given her permeated her breath.

  “Will you help me get this dress off?”

  Oh no. Adrian stared at her. The desire building in his loins answered her question. “I should get Hanna.”

  “No, don’t bother her. I can do it myself.”

  Adrian swallowed hard, his breeches getting tighter by the moment.

  She pushed to her feet and swayed. He put his hand out to steady her, and she fell against his chest.

  “Sorry.” She straightened and leaned on the wall. “You can let go.”

  Adrian hadn’t realized he was still touching her. He let his hand slide down the fabric of her sleeve.

  “I’ll help,” he croaked. He cleared his throat and tried again. “I can help you out of your dress.” His brain told him not to do it but his wolf was all to happy at the prospect.

  He knelt in front of her, breathing in and out several times, trying to calm himself. He hesitated momentarily. He was about to take off her clothing. A shiver of desire scuttled over his skin. He ran his hands under her dress, trying to keep his thoughts pure. Her skin was warm to the touch, even to him. Her body was definitely fighting something. Lifting her gown up over her knees, then her thighs, he stopped and dropped the hem of the dress.

  “Is something wrong?” She clutched the bed for support.

  Adrian stepped away, struggling to keep his wits about him. It was hard with his wolf pounding to be let loose.

  “You have no undergarments.” He tried to keep his voice even.

  “I do, they are just shorter. I don’t wear the typical female under things because I’m usually in breeches.”

  He tried to concentrate, but the touch of his hands on her soft, bare skin was almost more than he could take. The arousal growing within him was an unbearable thirst that needed to be slaked.

  “Uh... do you have anything for me to put on you after we remove the dress?” He didn’t meet her eye.

  “The nightgown I wore before is in the bathing room.” Redlynn swayed slightly.

  Adrian hurried away from her, unable to control the uncomfortable bulge in his breeches. He tried to calm his mounting need. She was in no state to be taken advantage of, no matter how much his wolf wanted to claim her.

  He found the gown on the floor and lifted it, taking in her scent. Rushing to the basin, he plunged his hands into the frigid water and splashed it on his face. At the shock, his wolf retreated. He took several long gulps from the pitcher, then went to the small window and threw it open. The cold breeze slapped his face and helped his head clear.

  Get a hold of yourself. She is a female but she needs your help right now, not your loving. Besides, he didn’t want to love her. He wanted to bed her, but he still had no interest in mating and becoming king. Adrian stared at the lights in the sky, breathing deeply for several minutes, and trying not to envision her naked body beneath his. It didn’t work. He grabbed the gown and walked out. Redlynn leaned against the wall waiting.

  Without a word he knelt again and lifted the crimson silk. He averted his eyes and skimmed his hands over her hips, up her sides, atop her silken shoulders, and down her arms. He tossed the gown away and grabbed the nightgown. Keeping his gaze trained on the wall, he eased the new nightgown over her, letting it drop down, covering her body. A spicy, musky scent wafted off of Redlynn’s skin, so strong it made him shudder.

  “Am I so ugly that you cannot even bear to look at me?” she asked.

  How in the world could she think that? He watched the way her supple, soft lips moved as she spoke. Memories of their kiss the night before stirred the wolf again. Redlynn laid her palm flat upon his chest. Her delicate fingers caressed his skin.

  “You should lie down.”

  “Lie with me.”

  Yes. No! Her scent filled his nostrils until he couldn’t think straight. He wanted to lie with her more than anything. To feel the softness of her skin, the caress of her touch. To make her his.

  “I missed you all day. Lying in your bed, smelling your scent on the pillows. I don’t know why I want you so badly. I’ve never wanted a man before. But I want you.”

  Stretching up on her toes, she pressed her lips to his. He stiffened as her tongue skimmed over his lip, coaxing him for a response.

  He lifted his hands to push her away, but before he knew what he was doing, his arms were around her, crushing her to him. Her lush body pressed into his chest, and his skin tingled where her hand still lay. She probed and teased his tongue with her own with a force that startled him. The heat of her body scorched him, and her scent made him lose all control. He lifted her, placing her on the bed.

  She watched him remove his shirt and slide under the covers on the other side of the bed. He could no longer deny it. He wanted her for himself.

  Whatever Blain had given her was making Redlynn lose her inhibitions, but she didn’t care. A pulsing, aching need throbbed between her legs and was not from being close to her woman’s time. Something inside of her had set her on fire, something that could only be sated by being near Adrian. Though she was a virgin, all she’d been able to think about was him. The feeli
ngs that had overtaken her confused her. But nothing else mattered at that moment. Her body called for him.

  His hands on her skin as he’d undressed her caused her to almost explode. Redlynn found herself needing him inside of her. She slid closer to him and smelled the forest on his skin. Her mouth found his. She didn't know what she was doing so she let her hands wander, tracing his hard nipples, his chest and down to his stomach. A rumble of pleasure escaped him as he pulled her close, kissing her harder. His hands moved down her back to her rump, and he crushed her body into his. This was it. The moment she’d been waiting for. To finally have a man want to make love to her. It was terrifying and exciting. She reached under the covers for the cord for his breeches, but his hand found her first.

  Redlynn gazed deep into his brown eyes; golden flecks glowed within them. She was unsure. What if he didn’t want her the way she wanted him?

  As if answering her fears, he kissed her softly. But she wanted more; she wanted all of him. She pulled him to her, only to have her shoulder scream in pain. Her flinch made him retreat.

  “Let’s just take this a bit slower.” He clenched his jaw.

  “I don’t want to.”

  “Neither do I, but–”

  Redlynn moved in and kissed him hard. A growl escaped his chest that she swore sounded more animalistic than human. He pushed her away.

  “What? Is it me?” Her temper flared.

  “No. No.” He peppered her face with light kisses. “We just… I can’t. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  His lips on her skin was exquisite agony. “You won’t.”

  Adrian sucked in a ragged breath. He ran his thumb over her lips. “You test me in ways I have never been tested, woman. But I must be chivalrous and say, no.”

  “I think I might burst into flames if I don’t have you.” The throbbing inside of her was an ache that, with the knowledge that she couldn’t have him, had become painful. She scissored her legs, trying to stop the sensation.

  “Come, let me hold you as you rest.” He opened his arms.

  She didn’t want to be held. She wanted him inside her. She wanted him to make the pain stop.

  “Trust me. I want it as much as you do.” He kissed her cheek.

  “Then why?” She searched his eyes for the answer, but they darkened, and a frown crossed his features.

  “Let me hold you.” He gathered her against his chest.

  Redlynn curled into his body with her head on his shoulder. She traced circles on his skin as he stroked her hair and kissed her skin. She refused to force him to do something he’d regret, and she wasn’t all that sure she wanted to lay with a man she barely knew, but the throbbing inside of her was getting stronger with every moon passing. She prayed that her fever would break by the next day.

  Adrian hummed a haunting tune, and soon she relaxed. What was happening to her? Her body and her mind were at war. Being in Adrian’s arms both helped and made things worse. After a long while, she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  The next morning Redlynn tore at her gown to get it off as Adrian sprinted from the room to find Hanna. Fire scorched her skin. A pool of sweat soaked the sheets beneath her. By the time Hanna and Adrian returned, she wore nothing but her short bloomers, covered only in a thin sheet.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Adrian’s voice held a note of worry.

  “I don’t know,” Hanna admitted. “She looks fine.”

  “I don’t feel fine,” Redlynn moaned. “Give me something for the heat,” she whimpered.

  “I have nothing. We can bathe you in cold water, put a cold compress on your head, but you should know, Red, there’s nothing for a fever like this. It must take its course and burn itself out.”

  “If it doesn’t burn me out first.” Her eyes felt like they were melting in their sockets. Her head pounded in her ears.

  “Hanna, get the compresses.” Adrian sat next to Redlynn and stroked her cheek. Her body ached for him. His hair lay loosely around his shoulders, and his brown eyes were full of concern. The throbbing inside of her increased at his touch. As irrational as it seemed, something told her that the only way to cure her was to make love to him.

  “What’s wrong with her now?” Blain entered the room.

  “I don’t want you here,” Redlynn snapped.

  Blain laughed, moving closer. “Now, now, don’t be like that golden sister.”

  “Blain.” Adrian’s voice held warning. “She’s sick. Step away from her.”

  “Is it catching?” Blain looked at Redlynn, amused. He took a deep breath and his brows furrowed.

  “You drugged me. Get out!” Redlynn sat up suddenly. Her anger at his violation was enough to make her want to run him through with her sword.

  Adrian was up on his feet in an instant. “Leave.” He clenched his jaw.

  Blain’s smile evaporated. “Easy, brother.” He sniffed the air again, and his eyes lit on Redlynn.

  She blinked several times, trying to focus on his face.

  “What can I do?” Blain asked.

  “Tell the women to collect as much cool water from the spring as possible. She needs to bathe.”

  Blain’s gaze traveled to Redlynn and back to Adrian. “I’ll do it.”

  His concern for her seemed genuine, but what he’d done to keep her inside was not something easily forgiven. No matter the reason.

  Blain pressed his forehead to Adrian’s. “I’d do anything for you, brother. You know that.” The two men embraced in a way Redlynn had never seen men do before. A whine escaped Adrian’s chest. Blain whispered something in his ear, then kissed him on the forehead and left.

  “You two are close.”

  “He’s my oldest friend. We have seen many bad times together.” Adrian sat down and gently touched her. “Do you hurt?”

  “My shoulder’s better than yesterday. And I’ve had a fever before, but not like this. I feel like I am burning up from the inside out. And my–”

  “What? What is it?” His eyes searched her face.

  “Nothing,” she said quickly. How could she tell him that a need to lie with him grew inside her in a way that was almost all-consuming? Even his touch on her cheek was now painful.

  He watched her for a moment before Hanna returned, followed by Dax, who held a large basin of water. Dax set it on the night table, and Hanna brought several towels. She poured a vial that smelled strongly of eucalyptus into the basin and then dipped in the rag.

  “Keep this on her head.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Adrian smiled at Redlynn and put the fresh water on her brow.

  The hours passed slowly, with Adrian sitting at her side and mopping her brow. Occasionally he’d check her, frown, and mop again. He ran the towel slowly over her arms and legs, humming as he went.

  “What are you humming?” she asked, her throat dry and gravely.

  “It’s an ancient tune of love and loss. Of a wish gone wrong and of the price that was paid for arrogance.”

  He continued to run the towel over her limbs.

  By mid-afternoon, Redlynn couldn’t understand why she hadn’t turned to ash yet. When Blain stopped by, Adrian sent him to find Hanna.

  “She’s worse. We need to bathe her, Lord Adrian,” Hanna declared.

  Several other women entered with buckets of water. Hanna covered Redlynn with the bed sheet, and Adrian carried her to the tub and stood her on shaky legs.

  “We’ll do it,” said Hanna.

  Adrian didn’t move. His face was full of fear and apprehension.

  Blain grasped Adrian by the arm. “Let’s get you something to eat while she bathes.”

  Adrian seemed confused by Blain’s words but allowed himself to be led out of the room.

  When the bathing room door closed, Hanna and the others removed the sheet and under things and helped her into the tub. Redlynn tried to protest the frigid water, but the women forced her in. She cried out as they poured the water over her shoulders.
br />   “It will help,” Hanna crooned. “Rina come, brush her hair to distract her.”

  An hour later, Rina and another woman helped Redlynn out of the tub. She shivered, and her teeth chattered together. The mind-numbing cold was a stark contrast to the fire that burned her just an hour earlier. Hanna dried her with the towel, and then a new nightgown and longer pantaloons were produced. She felt wrung out and weak as a newly born calf.

  The women helped her to the bed and tucked her in. Hanna stood by and made sure she sipped from a cup of water and honey.

  “Jelosa will stay with you, while I go for Lord Adrian,” she said.

  Redlynn nodded mutely.

  Hanna touched her forehead and then replaced the cooling rag.

  “Your fever is better. Let us hope it continues to go down.” Hanna squeezed Redlynn’s hand, and then the group of women left.

  Jelosa busied herself around the room. She took the trays of food that had yet to be cleaned up and moved them into the hall. Then she picked up Redlynn’s sword and set it against the wall, along with her bow and quiver. Going to Redlynn’s pack, she opened it and pulled out the clothes, placing them in a dresser drawer. Redlynn wanted to protest, but she didn’t have the strength. Jelosa unwrapped the food items and sniffed them. A few pieces she set outside the door, presumably on the trays to be taken away. The other food items she put back inside the pack, along with her herbs. The bedroll she set next to the quiver. Her cloak was pulled from under the table, shook out and then hung on a hook near the fireplace.

  Jelosa stocked more wood on the fire and swept the room. When she finished, she pulled out a chair and sat down.

  “There. That’s much better. It’s been a while since a female has been in here to clean up.”

  Jelosa was plump with brown curly hair, pulled tight into a bun. Something about her voice sounded familiar, but Redlynn was too tired to think of who it reminded her of.

  “I used to hate living out of a pack,” Jelosa mused, running her finger over the stitching of Redlynn’s leather satchel.

  “I’m used to it.”

  “Oh, I was used to it. But I hated it. Here, though... here I have found peace. You can find peace here, too—"


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