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Trixie Provoked

Page 12

by Viktor Redreich

  He hadn’t waited two minutes while she’d been in the bathroom before falling into Cherry's clutches.

  Feeling vengeful, Trixie walked over, but instead of going to Shayne, she pulled Eric’s cock out of Cherry’s mouth and started sucking him with ravenous vigor.

  She would show these men who the better cocksucker was!

  “Damn, that's some good head!” Eric groaned then grabbed hold of Trixie's hair aggressively he facefucked her.

  The atmosphere in the room shifted as Eric pushed his cock as far down Trixie's throat as he could go.

  He was not the biggest man Trixie had taken in her troat by any means and she usually handled giving oral with amazing finesse, but Eric made the task difficult with his irregular rhythm and callus treatment.

  He showed no mercy as she gagged, her air supply cut off. even tapping his thigh to signal he should let up, he ignored her and continued pummeling deep.

  Her eyes watered and she was sure her makeup was being ruined.

  Meanwhile, Shayne threw Cherry over his shoulder, walked the short distance to her bed and slammed her down.

  She giggled and shouted his name when she bounced.

  She didn’t bounce twice before he was on her.

  Cherry cooed in a high-pitched, girly tone, “Oh, you're a big fella, aren't you? Fuck me real good with that big thing.”

  “Oh, I will.” he answered with seductive wink.

  Then the unmistakable sound of rough fucking started.

  The slap of wet skin on wet skin. Moaning and groaning. Dirty words hissed and shouted.

  The bed banged against the wall repeatedly, the springs creaking. Cherry shouted with surprise and unbridled pleasure.

  Trixie's senses began to blur and she gave up trying to make Eric slow down or be gentle. She just relaxed and let him do with her as he pleased. It was easier that way.

  Her mind took a backseat and she took pleasure where she could ignoring the pain when Eric was too rough.

  He was too rough more often than not.

  Her memory faded in and out as the men switched places.

  She was on her hands and knees on the floor when Shayne thrust into her. He was still wet with Cherry’s juices.

  Grabbing her hair with one fist, he pulled her head back, his other hand kept her rooted in place for his hard jabs.

  He put his mouth on hers, swallowing her screams.

  He was not as brutal as his friend, but he beat her cunt hard enough with his steely cock that pain mixed with the pleasure.

  When he released her mouth, Eric’s penis was in her face once more.

  She opened her mouth and he pushed in, deep.

  Trixie was not sure how long had passed before they’d changed positions with Shayne at the bottom pounding her ass and Eric on top taking her cunt just as hard as he had taken her mouth.

  The two men used her long and hard, she gushed once before they abandoned her in a puddle of cum and juices on the floor then moved onto fucking Cherry.

  She had fallen into a light doze but was soon woken up as the men came back to her.

  They fucked the girls at the same time in brutal threesomes leaving them both exhausted. Shayne and Eric picked the girl they fancied in the moment, smashed them against the nearest surface and thrust deep. They were rough and careless, and Trixie knew she would be bruised and aching the next day.

  Though Trixie climaxed a few times as the men used her mercilessly, even in her drunken state she could tell these guys were selfish pricks.

  Both men made it all about their pleasure. They didn’t care if the girls enjoyed themselves or not, only using them as disposable fuckmeat.

  Trixie blacked out from the excessive use just as the sun began to rise, eating up the darkness.

  Chapter 5

  I can explain

  Trixie didn’t know what jolted her from her sleep, but her eyes sprung open bright and early the next morning.

  The first thing she noticed was that the ceiling fan that had fallen from its place. It now hung tenuously above the room by a single wire, as if ready to crash to the floor at any second.

  What the hell happened?

  She tried to recall what could have caused the destruction but her mind came up blank.

  In fact, she was coming up blank on the whole night.

  Squinting, she searched around the room from her position on the bed for clues.

  She was careful not to move her head though.

  Having been well acquainted with the symptoms of a hangover, the headache looming in the background and the cottony feel in her mouth told her to keep still as long as possible.

  Early morning light shined into the room through the sheer curtains and illuminated the disaster that was her room. It also sent shards of pain piercing through her skull.

  The events of the night before crashed into Trixie's befuddled brain and the smell of sex, weed, and alcohol assaulted her nostrils.

  The room she’d just cleaned was once again in shambles. Trash and liquor bottles all over the floor, clothes strewn over every available surface and a gaping hole in the wall.

  Even the speaker had been knocked over.

  It was still on though, tuned to a local station and streaming early morning jams. The announcer interrupted to give updates on the weather and traffic.

  Suddenly Trixie became aware of a dampness beneath her. It clicked in her mind. Bodily fluids. She’d laid in them all night long. Then she realized the area between her legs was damp as well. Both her ass and pussy were aching from last night’s rough treatment, her jaw not faring much better.

  An icky feeling rattled her nerves and twisted her stomach. The memory and evidence of the previous night’s ruinous sex session still on her skin was enough to stir her up and out of bed.

  She needed to get cleaned up, the first step in trying to forget all about her time with Shayne and Eric. The self-centered bastards!

  In the light of day, she couldn’t understand why she’d gone home with them in the first place, worse was why she’d allowed them to use her as callously as they did.

  She lifted her head and promptly moaned as pain ricocheted off the walls of her brain.

  The ache was forced to take a backseat once she realized the predicament she was in.

  A limp willy slid over her face. She realized she was tangled in a mess of bodies. The foursome had tried fallen asleep on Cherry’s double bed. It seemed she’d been suckling on the men’s penises when sleep had overtaken her.

  She shifted her eyes and noticed it was Shayne’s peeney.

  She sat up with a jolt then groaned at the aches immediately making themselves known on damn near every part of her body.

  “Good morning to you again, my lovelies. Just a reminder that if you want to beat the 8 a.m. rush hour traffic then it is time to get a move on.” The words came from the announcer and Trixie went ramrod straight as panic slammed into her naked body with the force of a freight train.

  She had a job interview at 7 a.m. today!

  Frantically, she searched the mess for her phone.

  She rushed over the others’ still-sleeping bodies not caring that her knee jabbed someone in the stomach. Her jostling movements did not interrupt their slumbers. They continued to snore.

  Wading through the massive mess on the floor, Trixie became frustrated.

  “Where is it?” she repeated, growing more frantic with every passing second.

  Finally, she located her handbag. She dug inside.

  For the first time in years, she prayed.

  Please god, don’t let it be past 7 a.m.

  Her prayer went unheeded.

  Trixie’s fingers stumbled upon the phone.

  She looked at the screen.

  It was already 7:15.


  Her crazed shout echoed through apartment and she rushed into action.

  She grabbed a suit and high heels from her wardrobe then she rushed into the bathroom.

; Trixie could not show up to the boutique smelling like she did. She needed to take a shower. Slamming the door she heard someone groan and curse.

  There wasn’t even time for satisfaction. She dunked her head under the cool water.

  She squealed from the chill, but pushed through it and grabbed her shampoo.

  She refused to think about the consequences of last night’s excessive behavior.

  She just needed to get to work and impress the Regional Director despite her lateness.

  I can do this!

  A few minutes later she was hopping into her heels and gathering the things she needed around the apartment and dumping them into her purse.

  No one in Cherry’s bed seemed to have moved an inch.

  Trixie’s hair was in rollers as she slammed the front door behind her and raced down the stairs to hail a taxi. She stumbled and almost landed on her face a few times but kept going.

  She honed in a few stares as she ran down the street. Luckily, she caught a cab and was speeding toward the boutique a few minutes later.

  She did her hair, swallowed a few aspirins and fixed her makeup, doing her best to give herself a neutral look despite the bumpy ride.

  The vehicle’s wheels screeched when the driver pulled up in front of the boutique.

  A quick glance at her phone told her the time.


  She grabbed a few bills from her purse and tossed the money at the taxi driver.

  She ran into the shop as fast as her heels allowed.

  The door chimed signaling her arrival and the first thing she saw was the raised eyebrow of another Sales Assistant.

  Right behind the brunette woman, Francine stood looking angry and disappointed.

  “Francine, I can explain-” Trixie started, but the woman cut her off with a sharp hand movement.

  “Follow me,” was all the Manager said before turning her back and walking to her office.

  Doing her best to ignore her racing heart and the intrigued looks of the other workers, Trixie did as Francine ordered.

  Her mind scrambled to come up with a suitable excuse that would get her back into the woman’s good graces. Telling the truth – that she was out partying, getting and fucking all night – would not do the trick.

  She closed the door to keep out prying ears and eyes, and faced Francine, who sat behind her imposing desk.

  She did not invite Trixie to take the guest seat like she normally would have.

  Instead, she got right down to business with the younger woman.

  “The Regional Director left ten minutes ago, Beatrice. She did not appreciate being kept waiting and expressed her displeasure. She regrets to inform you she will no longer be offering you the promotion to the position of Assistant Supervisor.”

  She stopped her tirade to slam her hand down on her desk.

  Trixie was startled by the violent outburst. Trixie had never seen her this angry. Francine was known for her cool and calm attitude.

  Francine’s voice was tight as she continued, “I had such high hopes for you, young lady. I gave you a glowing recommendation. But… you not only made yourself look bad, you did the same to me. How could you disappoint me like this?”

  For once, Trixie lost her composure and a tear rolled down her cheek.

  Chapter 6


  Trixie had lived out on a farm in the middle of nowhere before she’d moved to the big city.

  She was totally innocent, she’d never even been intimate with a man until she was eighteen years old.

  Then she met a beast of a man who taught her everything she knew about sex.

  He changed her outlook on life completely. While their relationship was short-lived, it was he who showed her that the world was a lot bigger than the speck on the globe she had called home.

  Once she’d seen the light, she was determined to make it as a city girl. One with a prestigious job and an even more prestigious life.

  She’d worked at the boutique for half a year and had moved up the hierarchy quickly.

  The job, and what was supposed to be her subsequent promotion, meant everything to Trixie. She’d taken pains to make sure her boss was consistently impressed with her performance. Today was supposed to be the big day her hard work finally paid off.

  She was supposed to have attained a new position and a higher salary.

  She would have been able to move into a bigger apartment and bump shoulders with men and women of influence.

  On her way to bigger, better things, this promotion would have been her ticket to the big league!

  Instead, everything lay in shambles at her feet.

  Instead of being promoted today, she’d been given a five-day suspension and was now walking down the street barefoot, head down, high heels dangling from her fingers as everyone rushed around her with their busy lives, unconcerned that she was breaking down inside.

  When her suspension came to an end, she’d go back to the status quo.

  Back to the boutique as just another Sales Associate.

  She would continue living in the small room barely big enough for one person let alone two.

  She would continue having a bank balance in the negative.

  Her dream was slipping through her fingers and it was all Cherry's fault!

  Had Cherry not pressured her into yet another wild night out, she’d have gotten the sleep she’d needed, been up early, promptly made it to the boutique at 7 a.m. and wowed the Regional Director's socks off with her interview.

  Trixie was furious.

  She was way past the saddened disbelief she’d felt only minutes ago when Francine handed her the suspension letter.

  Now, she was livid and headed toward the source of her fury: Cherry.

  She should have never allowed Cherry to move in with her.

  Apart from the fact that the room was too small for two people, her roommate was a bad influence and frankly unambitious.

  Cherry didn’t care enough to make anything of herself. She gave no thought to the future. She was selfish and consumed with immature desires.

  Although she’d moved out of her parent’s house as soon as she turned eighteen, she’d done nothing more than bounce from place to place, gaining roommate after roommate and playing off the generous hearts of others. She hadn’t worked a day in her life and didn’t plan to.

  Several people warned Trixie about letting Cherry stay with her, but she hadn’t listened, persuaded by the girl's sweet nature.

  Now she saw what these people saw – a greedy leech.

  Although Cherry was an adult, she still behaved like a child with the ultimate fantasy that one day a white knight would come into her life and solve all her problems in one fell swoop.

  It was Cherry’s ultimate goal - to find a man who would save her from her problems and take care of her for the rest of her life.

  Although Trixie had nothing against casual sex and fun, she had other ambitions: moving up in the world, being able to manage her finances and make some wise investments.

  She’d quickly gone through the small inheritance her deceased mother had left her and did not want to rely on her dad, still living on the farm, to support her anymore.

  Which meant it was time to get rid of the negative influence in her life.

  Although Trixie had been knocked down by today’s happenings, she was far from out of the game. Through the tight grip of anger squeezing her chest, she was more determined than ever to climb high up the big city corporate ladder.

  She had no idea how long it took to get back to her apartment building. In fact, the walk there was a blur of angry thoughts and desperate planning.

  Suddenly she stood in front of the building.

  She was storming up the stairs.

  When she got to her room, she pushed the door in. It banged against the wall.

  Eric, Shayne, and Cherry were still sleeping naked in the messy room. Not one of them seemed to have moved from their positions.

bsp; This enraged Trixie further.

  While they were all happily sleeping, her life had been wrecked.

  It was not fair!

  She threw her handbag across the room and stomped towards the bed, she grabbed Cherry by the hair, pulled her into a sitting position and slapped her across the face.

  The sound cracked through the room.

  It was followed quickly by Cherry's pained and surprised yelp.

  “Trixie! What are you doing?” Cherry cried out, tears welling in her eyes.

  Trixie watched her clutch her cheek, which was rapidly reddening. Once, she would have found the little girl routine cute, but now it only served to further irritate her.

  Cherry was no little girl. She was a grown woman who needed to start taking responsibility for her life.

  “You good-for-nothing slut!” Trixie shouted, taking satisfaction in the way Cherry’s eyes widened.

  “All you do is sit on your ass all day and party all night. Well, guess what, bitch? Your wounded little girl act is getting old real fast and it’s about time you got a wakeup call!”

  The two men, disturbed by the commotion, rose from the bed with jerky movements and sleepy eyes.

  They scrambled to cover their privates, which looked rather pathetic in the light of day. She was disgusted once again that she’d gone home with them.

  Again, that was all Cherry's fault.

  “Damn, can’t you girls keep it down? I've got a raging headache. What’s going on, anyway?” Eric asked, holding his head.

  Both girls ignored Eric as they squared off.

  Cherry's eyes began to harden with anger and she said, “I don't know what's gotten into you, Trixie, but you’d better stop right now! Why are you acting this way?”

  Trixie released Cherry's hair and threw her hands up. She paced up and down the room then came back to her position before Cherry.

  This girl really had no clue, did she?

  “I was late for my interview this morning, Cherry, and can you guess the fuck why?”

  Cherry opened her mouth. Trixie did not allow her to answer and steamrolled on, “It's all your fault. You made me go out last night. You made me come home with these two lame, teeny-peeny assholes and you made me sleep past my alarm!”


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