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Trixie Provoked

Page 16

by Viktor Redreich

  The alarm on her phone sounded, letting her know it was time to head back to work.

  She climbed into a cab, disappointed.

  Looking out the back window of the taxi as it pulled away she saw him leaving the building.

  Only seconds ago she’d felt utterly defeated, but she smiled widely as the taxi turned the corner and the man disappeared out of view.

  Her quest to find Cherry’s Daddy was going to succeed after all!

  She stood outside his building the next day and the next and the next.

  Sometimes she’d catch a glimpse of him but never got the opportunity to get close.

  She fortified herself with the absolute certainty that eventually their fates would permit them to cross paths.

  And finally, fate granted her wish.

  She’d just arrived in front of his building, and he was just leaving. She hurried so she’d bump into him at just the right moment and pretend it was an accident.

  “Oh wow, Atlas! It’s great to see you. What a coincidence running into you like this,” she exclaimed, putting as much happy surprise on her face as she could muster.

  Up close like this, Trixie was hit with how good he smelled and how sexy he looked.

  Her memory of him did not do him justice, and he appeared far more worldly and distinguished in his navy blue suit and tie.

  She hoped he appreciated her looks just as much. She’d put special care into her appearance over the last few days.

  She was pleased when he looked down at her smooth legs as they emerged from the short skirt she wore.

  His gaze lingered, and she moved her hips subtly to give him an even better view. She flipped her hair and pushed her chest up, hoping he’d notice the buttons were undone on her blouse displaying her cleavage.

  “Trixie! How are you doing? Crazy meeting you here,” he answered with a gentle smile.

  Trixie nearly melted into a puddle, bubbling feelings engulfing her seeing that smile directed at her.

  “I know! I’m doing great, especially now that I’ve literally bumped into you. You look even more gorgeous than I remember.”

  She moved closer to him and pressed her hand on his arm.

  His eyes widened, and he swallowed.

  She was coming on strong, she knew, but this was an opportunity she wasn’t about to let pass her by.

  “Thank you, Trixie. You look beautiful as well,” he responded in his smooth, cultured way.

  She glowed under his compliment and said, “We should have lunch together. To catch up. I would love to hear what you’ve been up to since you got back to the city.”

  “Well, I have a lunch meeting to attend right now-” he started.

  It was the perfect opportunity, so she interrupted, and said, “How about we meet up for drinks after work? There’s a bar not too far from here. Great atmosphere. You’ll love it.”

  He said he knew the spot she was referring to and agreed to meet her for drinks.

  “Well, I have to get back to work now,” she told him. “See you in a few hours.”

  She rose up onto her tippytoes, pressed her titties against his arm and kissed his cheek.

  With a flirty little wave, she walked away smiling even though he wore an expression of confusion.

  It was 6:45 p.m. and Trixie was afraid that Atlas had stood her up.

  They’d agreed to meet at 6:30, and he was late.

  She looked around the upscale bar for the umpteenth time noting all the people around enjoying their after-work drinks and laughing with camaraderie.

  Still though, no sign of Atlas.

  Trixie took another sip of her martini and crossed her legs settling in to wait. Others crowded close by, but she ignored them, especially the young man trying in vain to get her attention.

  He was cute and looked like he might have been a good fuck, but she had no real interest in him.

  She wasn’t giving up hope Atlas would arrive soon. And it was lucky she didn’t because the man in question walked in just moments later.

  He commanded attention – Trixie’s and that of many other women in the bar.

  It irked Trixie to see those women watch him with lust in their eyes, but she felt better when he smiled at her.

  He paid those women no mind as he made his way over.

  “I am so sorry I’m late. I had a last-minute project I had to finish up.”

  She blasted him with the effect of her smile and said, “Oh, that’s okay. I completely understand.”

  Atlas returned her smile and pressed in close so they could continue speaking over the noise of the crowd.

  She certainly didn’t mind.

  Soon Atlas snagged them an empty table, and they sipped on martinis, laughed and flirted.

  Trixie was sure with a little more prompting, she would be able to persuade him to end the night in her bed and therefore made her desire no secret.

  Taking his hand, she placed it between her legs. There was no way he could miss how wet she was.

  She didn’t seem to care who observed their risque behavior.

  Leaning over, she let her body brush his, and whispered seductively, “I miss the taste of your cock. How about we head back to my place and you let me swallow your load, Daddy?”

  She was sure she’d get what she wanted. That Atlas would be her Daddy now.

  But instead of rushing her out of the bar as she’d hoped, he stiffened.

  He removed his hand from between her legs, took her by the shoulders and lightly pushed her back.

  “Trixie, stop it,” he said. His voice was polite but firm. “Don’t call me Daddy. I’m Cherry’s Daddy. I have to get going. Goodbye, Trixie.”

  “But-” she started to protest, but he’d already risen, thrown a few bills on the table and was making his way through the maze of tables.

  “Atlas,” Trixie called, but it was no use.

  He walked through the restaurant's exit and disappeared.

  Trixie was devastated. This gorgeous man had gotten away from her yet again.

  Chapter 14

  Cheeky girls

  Luckily, Trixie was off from work the next day.

  She was suffering from a major headache after crying her eyes out for most of the night. The lack of sleep didn’t help.

  She’d already taken a few aspirins, but the pills hadn’t had much effect.

  She never thought Atlas would have rejected her so cruelly and it hurt a lot more than she’d imagined possible.

  Not even the separation from her first lover had made her feel this way.

  She was lying in bed with the blinds drawn even though it was already past 10 a.m.

  Her belly grumbled from hunger, but she didn’t move from under the covers.

  That is, until her phone buzzed letting her know of an incoming message. Needing a distraction, she grabbed the device.

  The number attached to the message was vaguely familiar, but she knew who the sender was as soon as she read it.

  I heard you tried to hit on my man. Back off bitch! Atlas is mine.

  It was Cherry and she was very clearly livid.

  Faced with the other young woman's anger, Trixie felt a fresh onslaught of tears well up in her eyes.

  She was shaken by the force of animosity conveyed through three simple sentences.

  Then embarrassment engulfed her as she remembered her salacious behavior the evening before and the disastrous consequences.

  Atlas had rejected her and she could not get over it.

  She stared at Cherry's message for a full five minutes, not sure what to say or do.

  Finally, she found the courage to reply.

  Please, can we meet? I really need to talk to you.

  She saved Cherry’s number as she waited for the reply.

  Although Trixie could see that Cherry had received and read her message, the girl took so long to respond Trixie thought she wouldn’t.

  Then the one-word answer came.


that day, Cherry and Trixie met for coffee.

  Cherry looked gorgeous in a designer short skirt and crop top while Trixie felt ragged in comparison with her hair quickly thrown up into a loose, messy bun. Her swollen, red-rimmed eyes were hidden behind a pair of sun shades.

  She hadn’t even had the energy to throw on a decent outfit, and was dressed instead in sweats and an oversized hoodie.

  They both ordered matcha lattes, Trixie could practically feel a chill from Cherry with her cold attitude.

  There was silence after the uniformed woman placed their drinks in front of them. Then Trixie spoke.

  “I’m sorry for what I did.”

  Cherry flashed Trixie a cruel look and snarled, “He knew were you stalking him outside his building, ya know? How pathetic! How low can you go, Trixie?”

  Trixie flinched at her harsh words.

  Silence stretched out as Trixie tried to control her racing heart and keep from crying again.

  She put her head down to hide from Cherry’s gaze. All she wanted right now was for the floor to open up and swallow her. She’d never felt so humiliated in her life.

  Then Cherry sighed taking pity on her former friend.

  “Why did you do it?” she asked.

  She focused in on Trixie’s expression and every movement and twitch as she waited for an answer.

  Trixie considered lying but settled on the truth when she told Cherry, “I just can’t stop thinking about him. He’s the perfect Daddy.”

  She looked up and Cherry was nodding her head because she understood perfectly how addictive an older man with the experience, know-how, and the right attitude could be to women like them.

  “I tried to get over it, I swear. I tried so hard to find another Daddy like him, but, truly, there’s no one out there. Not like him. Just a lot of douchebags parading as real men.” she confessed.

  The two girls held a long gaze.

  The way Cherry’s eyes softened and her expression melted told Trixie she was actually getting through to the other girl. She ended by saying, “I couldn’t stop thinking about him since that night on the island. I’ve never felt anything like it.”

  “It was only supposed to be a one-time thing,” Cherry said, her voice low so others couldn’t overhear their conversation. “Atlas and I had previously discussed the idea of having a threesome with another young girl. When I saw you, I knew you’d be perfect.”

  Cherry reached over and placed her hand over Trixie’s.

  “It was great. Truly wonderful, but it's over now, Trixie. It’s time for you to move on with your life. I have no intention of giving up my Daddy to you or anyone else.”

  Trixie was devastated all over again imagining going back to a life without Atlas.

  In desperation, she caught Cherry's hand before the girl could move away.

  “Why does it have to be over?” she cried. “You don’t have to give him up. The three of us were so good together. Why can’t you and I share him? We’ve shared a tiny room together. We’ve shared clothes and makeup! Why can’t we share the same Daddy? Why, Cherry? It would be perfect if all three of us were together. Please, tell me we can find a way to make this work.”

  Cherry twirled her hair the way she always had when she was thinking. Trixie waited with held breath.

  Cherry grinned and turned her hand over so their fingers intertwined.

  With a light squeeze of Trixie’s hands, she said, “Well, living in that big house can get lonely during the day when he’s not around. It would be nice to have some company. Plus, I have to admit the night we spent together was hot…”

  Trixie was almost bouncing in her seat. She looked at Cherry with big, hopeful eyes.

  Please let her say we can share him, she begged some higher power.

  For once it seemed her prayer was answered.

  Cherry said, “I’ll talk to him about it and let you know what he says.”

  They squealed like young girls at a pajama party, not caring that they were drawing curious gazes from nearly everyone in the cafe.

  Chapter 15

  How to make you mine

  Cherry invited Trixie over for dinner the next evening.

  It was at this dinner that Atlas would reveal his decision.

  Trixie had gone to the spa and salon earlier to make sure she looked her absolute best for the occasion. She’d accented her nails bob-cut her hair, bronzed her cheekbones. She’d shimmied into a gypsy crochet minidress, and squeed into the highest pair of heels she owned.

  Trixie was nervous as her taxi drove past the manicured lawns and intricately façaded mansions in one of the most affluent neighborhoods in the city. She looked out nervously and bit her lip as realized she’d made a fool of herself stalking him. She worried now that all her efforts might be in vain. Perhaps she’d never be able to return to Atlas’s good graces.

  She tried to remain hopeful though.

  So many emotions tumbled around inside her, but her emotions took a backseat as soon as the taxi stopped in front of the colonial-style mansion that Atlas and Cherry called home.

  Absentmindedly, she paid the driver and got out. The cabby swung around the fountain centered in the rounded driveway then his taillights disappeared down the street.

  The front door opened and a pink-cheeked Cherry rushed out to greet Trixie.

  Dressed in a simple but undoubtedly expensive white dress, Cherry air-kissed both Trixie’s cheeks then said, “I'm so glad you came. Please, come inside.”

  She followed where Cherry led and marveled.

  The inside of the house was even more beautiful than the outside. A mixture of heritage and ultramodern, everything glowed, sparkled and spoke of wealth.

  Trixie’s eyes continued to wander around the luxurious home and all its fittings and trimmings.

  “Your home is beautiful,” she told Cherry.

  “I know,” Cherry sighed looking around. “But this one is nothing compared to the cabin in Vermont or the flat in Paris. I love staying at those two most, but Daddy works in the city, so we stay here most of the time.”

  Trixie could feel her jaw slacken at the news.

  This lifestyle was such a contrast to the one Cherry had led barely a year ago.

  It seemed she had indeed found the Prince Charming she’d sought to take all her problems away and give her a life of opulence.

  Trixie couldn’t find any other words to express her amazement so. Instead, she asked, “Where’s Atlas?”

  “Oh, Daddy had to attend an important meeting, but he’ll be back soon. Here, let me give you a tour of the house while we wait.” Cherry proceeded to show off the large swimming pool, the tea house, and an abundant garden. The Cherry showed Trixie the spacious living room stylishly decorated and the modern kitchen outfitted with appliances Trixie had never even heard of.

  The house even had its own theatre.

  A feeling tightened in Trixie’s stomach and grew with every space she saw.

  The nagging emotion took her a while to identify, but there was no mistaking it when she did.


  She had worked so hard to afford the apartment she currently lived in. She’d been so proud when she finally got the keys. Two bedrooms, walls with exposed brick and brand new furniture, she thought the home was posh and a great reflection of her accomplishments.

  But now, in the face of the wealth and luxury Cherry lived in, her apartment seemed like a dump.

  Without any hard work on Cherry’s part, she’d managed to land the life Trixie had always wanted for herself.

  Resentment burned in Trixie’s stomach though she kept a smile plastered on her face.

  She was the one who deserved to live like this. To travel all over the world in a private jet and have servants tend to her every whim.

  She was the one who deserved to be with a man like Atlas. A man who matched her drive and ambition.

  Trixie deserved all these things and more. Not Cherry.

  Again, she thought
of how unfair life was, and the negativity flooded her mind.

  Cherry is just a slut. The angry notions bounced off the walls of her brain. I’m so much more of a catch than her. She has nothing to offer a man like Atlas. I’m so much more stylish and professional. Atlas and I are the perfect match. I can make his life so much better.

  Her composure was beginning to crack, and she felt on the brink of lashing out.

  Luckily, Atlas chose that moment to walk in.

  Cherry didn’t notice the hateful look Trixie threw her as she ran up to her Daddy.

  She jumped up, and he caught her in his strong arms.

  Wrapping her legs around his waist, he held her as they kissed passionately. Atlas’s hand went under Cherry’s dress, and he palmed her ass like they were the only ones in the room.

  He didn’t even acknowledge Trixie.

  Trixie turned away, jealousy burning and blazing within her young body.

  More than ever, she was determined to instill herself in Atlas’s life.

  This was the life she deserved, and she would do whatever it took to get it.

  Dinner was a luxurious event, seven courses worthy of at least two Michlin stars.

  Atlas had asked a local Tuscan restaurant to cater dinner that evening, and employees poured in and out of the background, bringing and taking away dishes with the utmost discretion.

  Cherry and Atlas sat on one side of the huge dining table occupying most of the space in the extravagant dining room that matched the grandeur of the rest of the house.

  Trixie sat on the other side and felt isolated though the couple was being warm toward her.

  The three made small talk, and Trixie forced herself to eat, anxiety dispacing her appetite, trying to show appreciation. Beneath the table, Trixie tapped her feet quickly. She was dying to hear Atlas’s decision.

  She didn’t rush him though.

  She wanted to show him what a good girl she could be.

  When dessert came, a nutty sfratto of honey, orange peel, and aniseed, Atlas finally spoke about the three of them entering a relationship.


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