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Borrower Queen: The Sixer Series Book One

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by Ravyn Fyre

  As soon as our bodies made contact, my breathing normalized, and that same calming effect came over me. “How do you know? Could there be a mistake?” I whispered, remembering the black-haired beauty’s claim that he was hers. “I’m not sure what’s going on. I feel different when I’m around you. I should be freaking out, but I’m not, and it scares me even more because I’m not.” I continued to stare at his chest as I waited for him to answer my question.

  Kalen nudged my chin up with his long fingers until our eyes met. His beauty took my breath away. “Jade, you feel different around me because your body recognizes its mate. Fate does not make mistakes.” I opened my mouth to protest, but he moved his fingers to cover my lips. “My people have enhanced senses, and when they smell their mate, it is a tremendous experience. The missing piece our soul needs is like a beacon in the dead of night. I could find you from anywhere by following that light. When our souls merge, it will be a sight to behold.” While he spoke, I couldn't help but lean closer to him as though pulled by an invisible string. When he finished his statement, his eyes locked on mine as he closed the short distance between us.

  The kiss was unlike anything I had ever experienced. The gentle pressure of Kalen’s lips over mine felt so right. I melted into his embrace as he deepened the kiss with a growl. My confusion faded the longer the kiss continued. How could something that feels so right be anything but? I pulled away, gasping for breath, and Kalen followed, scorching a trail of kisses along my jawline toward my ear. He paused and took in a large breath, releasing it over my heated skin. I shivered in his embrace. Aching for something more, but not knowing what that might be. I whimpered as he pulled away.

  “Oh, sweet Jade, your desire smells divine, and knowing it’s just for me is even better. I know you do not yet understand this longing, and believe me, it will only get worse the longer we prolong our mating. Normally we do not meet our intended until after the trials, during the banquet, so the longing never becomes a problem.” A look of concern briefly crossed his face at the mention of the trials before he blinked and schooled his face to a look of determination.

  Lifting me off his lap, he began to pace in front of the bed, forcing his fingers through his hair roughly. He stopped and nodded to himself before he faced me and said, “There is no reason for you to compete, as far as I am concerned. Instead, I will have a lady’s maid assigned to you tonight, and she will prepare you for the ceremony over the next couple of days. You will stay here where I can be sure of your safety.” My heart rate increased at the mention of staying in his room, and I watched as his eyes dilated with his increased breathing.

  “There is more than one bedroom in my quarters. I will be staying in the main bedroom while you reside here. Although I would thoroughly love for you to join me there, I will await our union.”

  “You mean . . .? I mean . . . Why would I not be safe?” Choosing not to bring up where I’d be sleeping in an effort to keep my thoughts more PG. I mean, why would I want to think about whether he chooses to sleep in the nude or not? I mean, I wouldn’t, right? Right. I just needed to keep telling myself that.

  When he didn’t answer I pushed for more, “What are you protecting me from? I mean obviously the Mengh, but here on your planet surrounded by your army and weaponry, what are you protecting me from?”

  His smile dropped, instantly sobering his expression. “I have waited my whole life for you, Jade. You are the soulmate I cannot wait to cleave with, and nothing will take you away from me. I refuse to take anything to chance. You are lucky I haven’t claimed you already.” He growled, stalking toward me.

  “What’s stopping you?” I have no idea where that blurted from, but the longer I stared at him, the more I needed him. I wanted to be selfish and have him all to myself. I found myself no longer wondering what my future held as long as he was a part of it.

  Chapter Four

  His aquamarine eyes pulsated with unleashed lust. He opened his mouth to answer me, but a knock at the door interrupted him. Kalen’s head whipped around, and he growled as he repositioned himself within his fatigues. Stomping towards the bedroom door, he snarled, opening the door to find General Jaelel with an amused expression.

  Bowing in deference, Jaelel straightened and whispered something in Kalen’s ear before promptly turning and gliding away. Kalen turned, and the look on his face was that of a chastised child in a candy store. Clearing his throat, “Excuse me, darling, but my friend just reminded me of my pressing duties. I will send Selene up right away. You are never to go anywhere alone. I’ve assigned two of my most trusted guards, Rom and Kiso. You’ll take them with you wherever you go.” Turning abruptly and blinking from the room left me no time to argue, and I stared at the spot he had left in awe.

  A yearning like no other left me exhausted and strangely hungry, but for what I wasn’t sure.

  I didn’t have much time to ponder my state because the next breath was followed by a squeak when two giants, who I could only assume were my guards, stormed into the room to announce my handmaiden. My hand flew up to my chest in surprise at the intrusion. They both seemed to realize their mistake as they scrambled backward, mumbling apologies over each other on their way. “Sorry, my lady,” the taller of the two stammered at the same time the slightly shorter guard uttered, “We didn’t mean to frighten you. Next time we’ll knock.”

  “No reason to be sorry. Your entry took me by surprise, is all. I’ll hold you to the knock, though. I’d hate to see what the king would do if you walked in while I was indisposed. He seems like the jealous type to me. Anyways. Where are my manners? Since we haven’t met, I think an introduction would be appropriate. My name is Jade,” I replied, holding out my hand. I dropped it to my side when they looked at it with fear and said, “Sorry. Where I’m from, it’s customary to shake hands when introducing yourself. It must not be the norm around here. No worries. I’m sure it will be one of many things that are different from where I’m from. Let’s just start with names. Which one of you is Rom?”

  The taller Strix nodded his head towards me and said, “I am your lady, and this is my brother Kiso. We’ll be right outside your door if you need us.”

  “Thanks. Was there a reason you stormed in Rom?” I asked with a smile to show them I was at ease.

  His resulting grin was infectious as he nodded yes to my question before he replied, "Yes, my lady. Your Handmaiden has arrived.” He stepped to the side as a beautiful black-haired gem appeared in the door with a broad, genuine smile.

  “Hello, my lady. My name is Selene, and if you require anything, I am to ensure that you are not left wanting.” Dropping into a large curtsey, she remained on the floor, appearing to await my command.

  I stared at the fair beauty in front of me, waiting for her to rise. When it became apparent she wasn't moving, I cleared my throat and said in a slightly annoyed voice, “Thank you, Selene. I do not require anything at the moment.”

  Selene rose quickly from the floor and exclaimed, “I meant no disrespect, my lady. Please forgive me.”

  I smiled, and my defenses fell slightly, “You weren’t disrespectful. I’m just not used to having anyone serve me. Seeing as I am hardly a lady, it would please me if you would drop the formalities and call me Jade.”

  She nodded, slowly losing her smile. “Lord Kalen had suggested you might be interested in a long bath before dinner,” I wasn't sure if she had agreed to my request or not because she hadn’t referenced a title in her last statement, so I decided to give her a break and acquiesce. “I would love a long bath. Thank you, Selene.”

  She curtsied again and led me to the door closest to the balcony. Opening the door with a flourish, she indicated to enter in front of her. I walked into luxury and stood in wonder. The bathroom was bigger than my apartment back home and had a mini swimming pool directly in the center, sunken into the middle. The same black marble I had seen in the foyer was throughout the room, and the water flowed into the tub from the ceiling continuously, never
quite filling to the surface.

  The tub was lit from within, giving the water an iridescent glow, sparkling in green, purple, and blue hues. The scent of the water was pleasing and drew me forward; before I took a plunge into the water, Selene spoke up. “My lady, might I help you with your garments?”

  “Um . . . Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I wasn't born of privilege. Being waited on hand and foot is not something I feel comfortable with, I can do it myself.”

  Selene bowed yet again, “My job is to serve you in whatever capacity you need me in, and I take pride in my job. Many of the women I serve in the palace prefer not to lift a finger and enjoy the life of a royal. I did not mean to offend you, my lady. I am here for you. I will heed your wants and needs. If you prefer more space, I will be just outside the door getting your outfit ready for dinner.”

  I immediately felt like shit. I had a lot to learn about this place and my new life. I might need her help in the future, and it wouldn’t be smart to burn any bridges this soon in my tenure. “Thank you, Selene. It’s a lot to take in at first and I could use the privacy to regroup. You did nothing to offend me, I assure you. I just need time to adapt and assimilate.” Selene grinned slightly and shuffled off to the right, slamming drawers and cupboards in what I could only assume was the closet in the next room over.

  Not waiting any longer, I made quick work of the lingerie and slowly melted into the water step by glorious step. The water was fluid, like home, but aquamarine instead of clear. Sinking to my shoulders, I laid my head back to relax and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and congratulated myself for handling the day relatively well, despite fainting twice. The heat of the water and warm stone beneath me was magic to my tense muscles. So much had happened in a day. The fact that I wasn't in hysterics was a noble feat in and of itself. I was on another planet, about to be mated to a vampire, who happened to be a king of some sort, all because I was gifted and not entirely human. I should be commemorated or get an award or something.

  Without Kalen by my side, the weight of how quickly my life changed in an instant was hard to bear. In less than 24 hours, I discovered we were lied to about aliens’ existence for many years. So many people on Earth were more than ready to embrace the unknown, and I could only hope that I would have the chance to expose the truth one day.

  My thoughts drifted to my ability as I wrapped my hand around the necklace. I felt adrift without the connection and the only time I completely forgot that it was absent was in Kalen’s presence. His ability to calm me with just the slightest touch was an enigma. The feelings he stirred within me were out of this world; literally, pun intended. Fighting the attraction I felt for him would be insane, and if I were to be truly honest with myself, I don’t think I have it in me to try. Swirling thoughts of what was coming, and the journey I was about to embark on, had my eyes springing open, willing myself to stay in the moment and take life one step at a time.

  The ceiling’s waterfall was surrounded by a circular skylight that allowed the waning light from the two suns to cast tiny rainbows onto the walls and ceiling. I was entranced at the dancing light and, before long, found my eyes closing in exhaustion.

  “My lady, I don’t think it’s a good idea to fall asleep in the bath. As far as my knowledge extends, humans do not breathe underwater, milady Jade.”

  I opened my eyes and, noticing the concerned look on her face, smiled. “I’m not asleep. Although this water feels to die for, I have no wish to end my life when it has hardly just begun.”

  Selene leaned down behind me, softly stroking my strands of hair, and quietly said, “It would be my pleasure to wash your hair, my lady. Some say that a good head massage is all that is needed to melt your worries away.” Moaning my agreement, she carefully scrubbed my scalp with a relaxing lavender-scented shampoo. Covering my forehead with her hand, she washed the soap from my hair with such gentleness it was almost reverent.

  “Over the next couple of days, you will be under a lot of pressure to . . . what was the word you used? Oh yeah, assimilate. I just wanted you to know that you can count on me to be here for you. I will instruct you in our traditions and educate you on what to expect at the Gathering. At least you will not have to worry about competing in the Trials. Do you have any questions?”

  Did I have any questions? She was a regular old comedian; of course, I had questions. I’m just not sure where to start. “When will I be allowed to use my powers?”

  “Usually only during the trials and then after the selection. You might have to wait until the ceremony since you are not participating in the Trials. I will discuss it with Lord Kalen.”

  “Why do your people require a tribute from the planets they protect?”

  “Many centuries ago, the evil Mengh invaded our home planet, hoping to conquer and control our people. Their invasion greatly reduced our numbers over the years, and when we fled our planet just before they destroyed it, Lord Kalen vowed it would never happen to another race. Using our technology, we reached out to the other known planetary systems outside of the Mengh’s control and made treaties. He found this abandoned paradise and built our army from nothing with those tributes, carefully selecting those with the greatest power to join it. We were a peaceful people, and someday I hope we return to our roots.”

  Grabbing a towel, she motioned for me to get out of the tub and wrapped it around my body as I emerged from the water. “Why do the Mengh attack? For what purpose? If they eventually destroyed your planet, it couldn’t be for the resources. What purpose does it provide?”

  Selene stared in wonder, perhaps at my naivete, before she spoke. “Their resources are the people of the planet. The gifted become slaves in their army. They eat the rest.”

  Wow, nothing like being blunt. I was beginning to be sorry I asked. What was that saying, what you didn't know wouldn't hurt you, but perhaps that wouldn’t be the case this time because the thing I didn't know about could actually eat me. What was the other saying? Something about knowledge is power? I think that should be my new motto.

  “Well, by all means, tell it like it is, Selene because I want to live from this point forward with the wool pulled away from my eyes.”

  “I have your dress ready, my lady. A gorgeous green to match the color of your eyes. Once I finish with your make-up, you’ll be the talk of the night. I know you are uncomfortable with my help, but the dress is quite difficult to put on, so if you would allow me the honors.”

  “Thanks, Selene. I think I am ready to see what the night will bring, but I thought we agreed you would call me Jade?”

  Selene dropped her eyes to the ground, folding her hands in front of her demurely before she answered, “You are the Lady to my Lord. It would not be proper for me to address you as so.”

  “We haven’t tied the knot yet. Until we do, I insist you call me Jade. Gives me a sense of normalcy.”

  “How about a compromise? I will call you Jade if Lord Kalen gives me the right to do so, but only in private.”

  Shaking my head, I smiled and said, “That’s not a compromise in my book, but I will talk to Lord Kalen at dinner to make my wishes known.”

  “Perfect! He will be expecting us shortly. Let’s get a move on, my lady.”

  Chapter Five

  The person staring back at me from the mirror is a thing of beauty. If I don’t consider the wide-open mouth staring back at me. It makes me look like a largemouth bass. Snapping the offending object closed, I pinned my gaze on the miracle worker standing behind me with a beaming smile on her face and asked, “What did you do to my face?”

  Dropping her shoulders in defeat, her smile melted like ice cream in an incinerator. Her lower lip slightly wavered as she replied, “I applied makeup, my lady, as is customary to our traditions. I am sorry you do not like it. Do you want me to start over? We will be late, but I will gladly take the blame.”

  “Like it? I love it! It’s just; I look nothing like myself. Are you sure you didn’t change my face to
make it this way?” I cocked my head to the side as a small grin slowly replaced Selene’s grimace. Admiring myself one more time, I turned to face her and wished for the umpteenth time I had control of my gift. Never one to hold back on my need for knowledge, I contorted my face in what I hoped was a silent apology, and I blurted out my next question. “What abilities do you have?”

  “I’m an artist, my lady. I can draw a perfect circle without instrumentation, even with my eyes closed.”

  “That ability must qualify you for a different position. How in the hell did you end up here?”

  Selene averted her eyes when she murmured, “I don’t do well in crowds. I failed miserably during the trials. They determined I work best alone.”

  “Why didn’t you go home? Didn’t you have a choice?”

  She slowly raised her eyes to meet mine and, with a look of defeat, sighed, “I couldn’t face my family. They think I am a cartographer with the scholar group because I was too ashamed to admit my failure. It’s too late now. I’ve taken the oath granting me immortality.” The tears she managed to avert from my earlier stab fell freely this time when she closed her eyes to escape my sympathetic gaze.

  I couldn’t help my empathy, but if I was going to be the lady of this establishment, I should use that authority to help her. “Well, I’ll say something to Lord Kalen at dinner. There must be something we can do to get you moved to the right team.”

  “Please, my lady, I beg you to forget what I just said. I am honored to be your maid, and if you say something now, they will assume you deemed me unworthy of serving you. I doubt I will ever be allowed in the castle again. Please.” Selene seemed to be holding her breath as she waited for my response. The look of terror on her face was not what I expected when I offered to talk to the king. Her statement had me questioning the morality of the man fated to be my mate. The saying till death do us part had a whole other meaning when one could live forever.


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