New Quarters

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New Quarters Page 9

by Tey Holden

  “I love Scottish massages.”

  “Which ones, the aquatic or the land ones?”

  “Tough decision, I like both. I love the aquatic ones for sure.”

  “Well, you are lucky then, they are both included in the package.” Karen chuckled burying her head into Addy’s hair. She continued the massage, lingering as her hands traveled down Addy’s front. She could tell that Addy was enjoying it. She continued down to Addy’s thighs, first on the outside and finally coming back up the inside. She didn’t stop this time as her hand reached where no other woman had reached before.

  “Oh, Ker!” Addy leaned back into Karen’s arms enjoying her pleasure. Karen smiled knowing the hot tub was money well spent, and that she and Addy would certainly enjoy it over the next few years. “Good?”

  “Yes, very good.”

  Karen combed Addy’s hair back. “You know, that day in my apartment when you discovered I was in love with you? After you left, I was devastated, I was crying and Jean-Paul was trying to calm me down. He said ‘you know, Karen, life can turn on a dime, who knows what will happen,’ and look at us now. Never in my wildest dream would I have dreamed this.”

  “Me either, Ker.” They both smiled. Addy was mesmerized looking into the emerald green eyes adoring her.

  “Green eyes, you’ve bewitched me. Ready for your Latin massage?”

  Karen smirked. “Always.”

  Addy slid behind her and pulled her close. “Come here.” Addy kneaded Karen’s lower back as she placed small kisses on her shoulders. The warm water had a relaxing effect. Addy’s hands slowly traveled all the way down to Karen’s thighs and buttocks. She kissed her neck and ever so slowly, brushed Karen’s shoulders with her lips making sure that Karen could feel her breath barely tickling her already sensitive skin.

  Karen sighed. “I learned well, didn’t I?”

  “I think the student has surpassed the teacher. Karen managed to say between sighs.

  “That good, huh?”

  “Uh huh, you are awesome.” Karen smiled and relaxed inert in Addy’s arms enjoying the moment, as Addy continued to massage her while enjoying the warm water.

  Unexpectedly, Karen turned causing a big splash. “Ker! What?” Karen grinned wildly as Addy felt strong hands grab her from below the water and lift her to one of the seats on the far end of the tub. Addy wasn’t quite sure what to make of Karen’s sudden move or show of strength, but held onto the hands lifting her and wrapped her legs around Karen’s waist as Karen buried her face into her breasts.

  Addy held her fiercely and pushed her into her breasts while tightening her grip around Karen’s waist with her legs. Desire and want overtook them. Their orgasms were intense, and overpowering. Karen rested her head between Addy’s breasts holding onto her while Addy’s body shivered, convulsed, and then went limp, unable to even hold herself upright.

  Karen brought her down from the seat to hold her better. She embraced her. “Baby, are you okay?”

  “Hold me, I might drown.”

  Karen laughed kissing her passionately while embracing her. “Addy?”

  Addy was completely spent, barely able to stand. Karen managed to help her out of the hot tub and dried her with the towel on the rack. “Come on, baby. Let me take you upstairs.”

  “Give me a few minutes, I don’t know that I can make it upstairs just yet.”

  “Addy, I don’t know if I can, but—.” Karen lifted her and all of a sudden was carrying her. “Ker! You are going to hurt yourself, I’m too heavy.”

  Looking at Addy, as she carried her upstairs, she thought it was the most erotic moment she’d ever experienced. Nothing could ever compare, nothing she ever imagined could even come close to the irresistible passion she felt for the woman in her arms. It was maddening. It was beautiful. As she placed Addy on the bed, Karen collapsed on her. Unable to hold back her emotions, she began to cry as she brushed Addy’s hair back, kissing and nuzzling her face with the gentlest touch. “Addy,” Karen mumbled.

  “What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Why are you crying?”

  “No, I’m not hurt, I’m just happy.” Karen started to laugh. Addy didn’t know what to make of Karen’s laughing and crying. “I can’t believe I carried you up here!” She continued to laugh. “You make me do crazy things.”

  Addy smiled, and caressed and kissed Karen’s face. “I think tomorrow, when your back hurts, you are not going to be so happy about your deed.”

  Karen gently ran her hand up and down Addy’s side. “Sometimes, I’m afraid you will get tired of me, of all my crazy love, that I might suffocate you with it. It’s almost embarrassing how I love you.”

  “No, it’s not embarrassing. It’s beautiful. I love how you love me. I will never have enough of your love, or of you. I don’t ever want you to stop being like this, you make me feel alive.” They held on to each other as they slowly dozed into sleep, fully content and satisfied.


  The following morning when Addy came downstairs, breakfast was already made. When Karen saw Addy in the kitchen, she grinned. So did Addy when she saw Karen’s face. She immediately came over and hugged and kissed her. “Are you going to be grinning all day, lover girl?”

  A very smiling Karen replied. “Yeap, I don’t think I can’t help it.”

  “How’s your back?”

  “Surprisingly well, maybe happiness is a cure-all.”

  “Good, I’d like to take a drive and later go to town to meet people. We have to get socially involved in town to be in the loop.”

  Karen liked the idea of going to town. She stood behind Addy, inhaled her scent, and kissed the back of her neck. “You always smell so good. I’ll clean up the kitchen, you go get ready.”

  “Okay, I won’t be long.” Addy loved when Karen offered to pick up, or clean up.

  Karen was exactly the opposite of what Luke had been. There was never a need to request help, Karen would always anticipate and just take on whatever needed to be done, laundry, dishes, or cleaning. For that matter, Addy also loved to do things for her. Laundry had been an issue once. Addy didn’t think Karen should do her laundry. However, she wanted to do Karen’s laundry.

  “Laundry is laundry and anyone can do it.” Karen declared. “Why can’t I do your laundry? It can’t be because you don’t want me to see your panties! I’ve seen them and been all over them, so I get to wash them.” Karen was putting the laundry in the washing machine.

  Addy leaned on the threshold of the door with her arms crossed and watched. “Do you hear yourself speak? Do you realize how ridiculous this conversation is? You want to do my laundry? Then do it! Have a blast, knock yourself out!” After that one time, they decided to have a common hamper and when it was full, either one of them would take on the job. Most of the time they would share the folding duties, and then they would both put it away the laundered clothes.

  “I like it like this! This is a true partnership!” Karen basked in her happiness.


  That evening after having completed the house chores, they went to the local pub, ordered drinks and food and started to talk to the folks there. Addy was the type of person who could start a conversation with anyone, at any time, about anything. Karen was convinced that if she talked to a wall, it would somehow reply. They soon gathered a crowd around them. The fact that they were two gorgeous looking women always helped, and the conversation became very animated. They gathered some interesting data about the town and its inhabitants, who had what skills, and how their services were acquired. Of course, they never mentioned anything about opening an inn.

  Everyone must have thought that as newcomers they were looking for people to do things on their place. Then there was all the added town gossip, of course. For example, they found out that Mrs. Molly had been the head of household to the Ackerman family until the last of them died. She was in charge of ten maids, gardeners and drivers. They also found out that the chef of the new restaurant about twenty miles from town had a d
egree from a very famous French culinary school, and that Mr. Nelson was thinking of getting rid of his horses because it cost too much to feed them, and he didn’t need them anymore since he was too old to run his farm.

  As she listened, Addy’s head was filled with ideas. Karen had been distracted by a beer-drinking contest that she had somehow entered. As it turned out, she knew some of the guys at the bar from years past. Addy saw her having so much fun that she didn’t say anything because she was always of the opinion that it was good for Karen to unwind. It was rare to see Karen so relaxed with anyone other than her, or JP and James. It was as if she had a public and a private persona with even the private persona having various sublevels. Only Addy got to see the real Karen and most of the time it was within the confines of their bedroom.

  Karen’s adolescent years, the many years of living alone and being shun by her family, made her very reserved, and uptight. The fact that she trusted no one and thought the worst of people was surely the result of her upbringing and experiences. One of the character traits Karen loved most about Addy, but couldn’t comprehend, was that Addy was so trusting of other people. She couldn’t understand Addy’s outlook of the world because hers was exactly the opposite. It scared her that Addy was so trusting because she thought she could easily be taken advantage of and hurt, and for that reason, Karen sometimes had a tendency to overprotect her. Addy, of course, insisted that she didn’t need protection against the world, because she had lived a whole life before meeting Karen and no one had ever hurt her. However, Karen always kept a watchful eye resolved that no one would ever hurt her, not on her watch.

  Apparently, once Karen decided to leave her adventurous life behind, she became extremely responsible and goal oriented. Addy met her in this other stage of her life, the responsible stage. Addy thought that Karen always stressed over everything, and that she had to find ways to unwind. Of course, Addy found ways to unwind her completely but thought that there had to be other ways to unwind while still in a vertical position.

  There were about four fellows around the table who knew Karen from the old days when she came to visit Aunt Charlotte. “Hey Karen, do you remember when we ran down to the old man Jethro’s mill and stopped it, and he came running out to see who had done it?”

  Karen cracked up laughing. She kept banging the table with her hand and her eyes were filled with tears of laughter. “Yeah! He never found out! Oh boy! We had fun that night!”

  Addy was listening and smiling, but at a certain point, she thought that Karen’s beer quota had reached her limit and felt that they needed to leave. Addy made the decision, since Karen was definitely in no condition to decide anything. “Everybody, we’ve had a very pleasant evening, but I think it’s best if we go now.” She took Karen by the arm and practically pulled her out of the dining booth. “Good night everyone!”

  “Do we need to go now that I’m starting to plan the takeover of Jethro’s Mill?” Karen asked while the bunch at the table laughed and drank.

  “Yes, I think that will have to wait until tomorrow.” Addy whispered in her ear as they began to walk out.

  “Okay, guys, got to go now, but I’ll be here tomorrow.” Karen waved the guys goodbye, but no one was paying attention anymore. Everyone was too drunk to notice her departure.

  Karen wondered why it was necessary to leave just then. She however, didn’t question Addy’s initiative, and followed her out. In truth, Addy helped her with her jacket and led her to the car. Karen realized that she was being taken to the passenger seat.

  “What? You are going to drive on the left side of the road?”

  “Yes, Ms. Larsen, I’m afraid you’ve had one too many beers with your old buddies in there. Be a good girl and get in. Come on.” Karen pouted, not too happy about being decommissioned and receiving instructions. She knew better than to cross Addy, so she followed her marching orders. Addy helped her get in the car. The Range Rover was a little high and Karen had some trouble getting in. Addy had to help her get her foot up. She also made sure that she was buckled up. Karen looked at her when Addy got close to her in order to secure the seat belt and kissed her. “I like it when you take care of me.”

  “I like it too.” Addy smiled and kissed her back. Karen looked very satisfied with the response and smiled quietly. Addy smiled and said nothing more. Karen really looked like she couldn’t register much at the moment.

  Even though she was not very comfortable with driving on the left side of the road, Addy knew she could manage. She had always known she could do it but preferred when Karen drove. Karen liked to feel in command, so Addy gave her those little pleasures. The truth was that Addy thought that the ultimate form of control was to let others ‘think’ they were in control. She loved Karen and would let her get away with whatever, as long as she was okay with it, of course. When she got inside the car, she looked at Karen, and saw her leaning against the side window dozing.

  Tonight, Karen was in no condition to drive. Even though she was not yet comfortable driving on the left side, she thought that a novice driver was better than a drunk driver. The cottage was not far from town, the road was good, and there weren’t many people on the road late at night in a small town.

  As she drove slowly and carefully, she smiled listening to Karen’s mumbling. “You are definitely the most beautiful woman in the world!” Karen also started to sing. “You are so beautiful to me!” Addy shook her head and smiled all the way to the cottage.

  Once at home, Addy helped Karen out of the car. She was enjoying seeing Karen drunk. When Karen walked inside the house, she immediately headed for the sofa and sprawled on it, one leg hanging down to the floor. As Addy came close, Karen grinned.

  “I think I’m going to get you drunk more often. I like to see you so relaxed.” She knelt next to the sofa and kissed her, brushing her hair back.

  Karen looked at her with hooded eyes. “Have I ever told you that you are the most beautiful woman in the world?”

  Addy smiled. “Yes, you have, quite often, especially tonight.”

  “I love you. I’m very much in love with you. I can’t stop looking at you, you are so beautiful!” Addy was really enjoying Karen’s drunkenness.

  “Lover girl, I think you need to sleep this off. Although I have to confess I like your sweet talk.”

  “You like it when I talk sweet to you, huh? I have a few ideas about what we can do while I sweet talk you, wanna know what?”

  Addy chuckled. “I think I have a pretty good idea, but what I think we need to do now is to get my little drunk, lover-girl upstairs and to bed.”

  “To bed, huh? Exactly! That’s where we should be! You planning to take advantage of me?” Karen slurred.


  Karen grinned. “Got to hurry then.” She fell off the sofa as she was getting up.

  “Ooops! Where did the sofa go?”

  “Oh, Ker, come here, let me help you!”

  “Oh, here it is, don’t worry I found it, it didn’t go anywhere. I like when you make love to me. No one makes love like you do. Have I told you that? I don’t know if I’ve ever said that. You are so gorgeous and beautiful and cute, you are—.” Karen turned around and found gorgeous brown eyes staring at her with a very amused look on her face. “Perfect, that’s what you are! Perfect! My wish come true! Puff! Just like that! Sometimes I think you are not even real. Are you for real? Is this a dream? I love youuuuuu, baby! I love the way you do things so slow, and the way you touch me, and you kiss me, and—.”

  Addy could hardly hold her laughter. She stopped her from talking with a kiss. “You are my dream come true also, and I super love you. Come on, missy, let me help you go upstairs. Just how much did you drink tonight woman? I’m counting your drinks from now on!”

  “I am? Am I your dream too?”

  “You are. Don’t ever doubt it for a second.”

  Karen kissed her. Addy could taste the beer on her breath. “You know Ms. Larsen if you ever doubt that I love you
, let me assure you that tonight should be enough proof! You smell like a keg of beer!”

  Karen grinned. “I didn’t know I liked beer so much! I’m kind of getting to like beer! They didn’t have a frozen glass for you, though. We are going to have to find us another place where they have frozen glasses for your beer. I’m not going there anymore, if they don’t have a frozen glass for you, and that’s that!”

  Addy continued to chuckle. “It’s okay, honey, the beer was pretty cold. Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

  “Well, Ms. Addy, who would have thought?”

  Upstairs, Addy undressed her and tucked her in bed. When Addy came out of the bathroom she found Karen on her belly, she had pulled back the covers exposing her entire naked back. She was absolutely beautiful. Addy lay next to her and kissed her shoulders and ran a finger down her back, sensually tickling her. She couldn’t resist touching her. Karen moaned when she felt the tickle of her fingers. She turned around exposing all her front attributes, Addy smiled taking in the vision.

  She kissed her and gently caressed one of her breasts “Gorgeous, if you don’t cover up, I’m very tempted to take advantage of you, even in your intoxicated condition.”

  Karen grinned. “Is that a threat or an invitation? Either way I’m all for it! Take me! I’m yours.” She opened her arms wide.

  Addy chuckled, as she kissed her and caressed her face. “I know you are all mine, and I definitely like what I see, however, I think you need to sleep off all that beer.”

  Karen pouted. “You don’t want me?”

  “I want you very much, but you need to sleep now. Good night, sweetie. Come here, let me hold you.”

  Addy closed her eyes and grinned as she covered her and kissed her good night. A couple of seconds later, Karen was totally asleep. Such was not the case for Addy. Sober or drunk, Karen always had the ability to arouse her beyond belief. She caressed Karen’s back in small circles enjoying the softness of the nude body in her arms. “I love you, baby.” She kissed her gently.


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