New Quarters

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New Quarters Page 10

by Tey Holden


  When Karen walked down the next morning, Addy was busy in the kitchen making breakfast “Good morning, dear!”


  Addy smirked, suspecting that Karen had a terrible hangover. She was not used to drinking that much anymore. “Something wrong?”

  “I need coffee. My head is going to explode.”

  “I thought you might want some beer?”

  “Ha, funny, very funny.” Karen poured coffee in a cup and sat on the sofa.

  Addy continued making breakfast. After a while, she came over to the sofa with a plate in her hands. “Open your mouth. I’m going to feed you.”

  “I can do it.”

  “I know but I want to do it, come on, be a good girl and open big.”

  Karen grinned and obeyed, then she proceeded to speak with her mouth full. “You are spoiling me.”

  “I like spoiling you, plus you’d do the same for me. So, no talking, chew. You need to get something in that stomach to stabilize all the beer you drank last night. I’ll bring you more coffee and two ibuprofens when we are done here.”

  Karen just chewed and smiled. This was not the first time Addy had insisted on feeding her. “You must think I’m a little kid with this feeding thing you got going here.”

  Addy said nothing and continued feeding her. Afterwards, Karen reclined on the sofa. She wondered what the hell she did that would give Addy the impression that she was just like a little kid. She had one leg on the sofa the other on the floor. She liked that position. Addy came back from the kitchen and brought the coffee and the ibuprofen. Karen sat up to drink the coffee. “Are you going to be like this with me twenty years from today?”


  “Taking care of me like this? As if I was a little kid.”

  Addy smiled. “I don’t treat you like a little kid. Ker. I treat you like my heart tells me to treat you. If you want me to treat you like this twenty years from now, just make sure I feel about you like I do now. Nothing should ever be taken for granted.”

  Such an Addy response, should have known better than to ask. Karen smiled and slid down on the sofa again, back into the same position. Except this time, Addy grabbed the leg she had hanging on the floor and placed it on the sofa. She took one of the throws they used when they watched movies and wrapped her legs with it. Then she came up and kissed her. “This is how I take care of the one I love.” She patted Karen’s head and went to the kitchen. Karen remained on the sofa contently smiling. And I like it!

  Karen looked at her from the sofa. The woman couldn’t sit still for a minute.


  “Yes, sweetie?”

  “Come here, on the sofa.”

  Addy smiled. “What?”

  “Lay down here with me.” She patted the sofa.

  “What about the kitchen? I need to clear it.”

  “It can wait. I think you should take a break here with me. Come on.” Sometimes, Karen made her stop and rest. It was the only way that Addy would sit still. Two minutes after she lay down on the sofa next to Karen she was asleep. Karen chuckled. Who’s the real baby now? She kissed her tenderly on her forehead and held her.

  They woke up around noon. Karen was much recuperated. Of course, when Addy woke up, it was as if the world had ended and she had missed it. “Oh, crap, Ker, we’ve slept the whole morning! How could I have fallen asleep just like that? I didn’t even clear the kitchen from breakfast yet!”

  Karen smiled. “Maybe you were tired and needed to rest. Addy, things can wait. They don’t have to be done immediately.”

  “I know, baby. But you know how I am. I appreciate that you make me pace myself, though.”

  After Addy cleared the kitchen, they talked about the acquired information and what the next steps would be. In the afternoon, they went to see Mr. Kimbell. He appeared to be very interested in their plan.

  “That would be a great way to rebuild the estate, Ms. Larsen. For example, the Shire’s Historical Society may have an interest in the preservation of the property. Also, the Chamber of Commerce may consider investing if the Historical Society approves the project. As you know Ms. Larsen the manor house was—.”

  “Yes, Mr. Kimbell, I know. Could you, please, make all those inquiries for us? We are definitely interested in following through with the plan. I’m preparing a business plan and as soon as I have the estimates that I need, I can forward them to you so that you may present it for us to the Historical Society and Chamber of Commerce. I think an inn of the category we are proposing is sure to bring a lot of high-end tourism to the area and would no doubt benefit the town. Other local establishments like restaurants, shops and coffee shops may benefit from the business of overnight guests as well.”

  “May I ask, Ms. Larsen, how do you plan to attract the guests over to this area?”

  “Mr. Kimbell, the minute we initiate this project, I will be contacting a public relations firm in London and retain them to take care of contacting the right people to bring business to the inn. The business plan will provide detailed information of all these matters.”

  “Well, Ms. Larsen, I will be happy to do my share and present the idea and plan. Please, let me know the minute you have something ready.”

  “I will. Thank you very much for all your help.”

  “As always, it is my pleasure. It was good to see you too, Ms. Marcos.”

  “Same here, Mr. Kimbell.”

  When they left Mr. Kimbell’s office, Addy looked at Karen. “Baby, you really come through when you have to. Wow! Even I was impressed, and I know what you are capable of doing.”

  Karen smiled. “You’ve seen nothing yet, sweetie pie. You shall have your wish come true.” Karen looked at her with a smug look.

  Addy smiled. “My hero!” She kissed, even though they were in the middle of town.

  “Addy, what are you doing? ”

  “I think it’s about time this town joined the 21st century.”

  Karen rolled her eyes. “Yeah, that, or they will kick us out of town.”

  Addy stopped completely. “Not with the kind of counsel I have on my side.”

  They continued walking, Addy holding onto Karen’s arm. Karen just continued smiling. How does she always make me feel so good?

  A few days later, Mr. Kimbell presented the project to the Historical Society and the Chamber of Commerce, and when Karen submitted her business plan everyone was astonished. The inn’s impact on the town’s business, as projected by Karen, showed that everyone was to benefit from the business. All the permits were approved and the Historical society approved a loan. The Chamber of Commerce and local banks followed as every expert consulted confirmed Karen’s projections. She was definitely a financial wiz. Addy was more than pleased. She thought herself very lucky to have a Harvard business grad working at the kitchen table drafting business plans in exchange for mere kisses. This is how Addy referred to Karen’s compensation for her input on her project. Once the loan was approved, and was available, it was a matter of finding who would do the work needed within their budget. That was Addy’s expertise, people.

  Part 6

  During the next few months the women were busy compiling ideas for the inn. They went shopping to get ideas on style, design, and food. Buying the Range Rover had proven to be a good decision, which made the trips to the city easy and comfortable. Almost immediately after buying it, they gave away the old pickup truck because Karen didn’t think it was safe to drive. She was concerned that Addy might want to practice her driving in the old truck. Of course, Karen never said such a thing to Addy because Addy would have blown a fuse if she had known that Karen was being protective again. After their last conversation when Addy made very clear that she didn’t want or need protection, Karen was very careful not to sound, or act overprotective.

  It was Addy who suggested buying the Range Rover. She thought it to be a good, safe, reliable vehicle, which coincidentally met Karen’s standards of safety, a fact th
at she kept to herself, of course. Addy, picked the dark blue, with beige leather interior. Contrary to Karen’s original idea to lease the car, they opted for buying it, once they considered the pros and cons of the options. In fact, they were already talking about the possibility of buying a second car because they knew that sooner or later they would need another. For now, they were both very happy with their acquisition.

  During one of their trips to Edinburgh, they talked about things that were needed for the inn. “Ker, I think we are going to need someone to design and decorate the interiors. We are not that fashion conscious. I’d like the place to look authentic and classy. We need to find a professional.”

  “Okay, Addy, but keep in mind that we don’t want to put more money into it than we need. We are on a very limited budget.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  While in the city, there was always the usual shopping. “Hey, I have to get ink and paper for the printer. Let’s go to that place over there.”

  “Ker, I’m going to go to the fabric store while you are looking for the paper that way we can finish sooner and have more time to shop around and maybe grab a bite before we head home.”

  “Okay, I’ll meet you there.” They each went their own way.

  Addy walked into the fabric store and overheard the conversation between the woman at the register and two other younger women. They were probably in their late twenties. Addy looked and saw sketches of rooms very nicely decorated.

  “Sandy, that’s amazing!” The women at the register exclaimed.

  “Yeah, too bad I don’t have a place to show it.” Sandy, the younger woman responded.

  “Are you an artist?” Addy asked admiring the sketches.

  “I wish. I’d probably be able to sell more as a painter than as a decorator.”

  “So you are a decorator? Is this your work?”

  “Yeah, but no one wants it because I’m ‘unknown.’ Everybody wants the known and famous, but how does one get to be known if no one gives you a chance? How does one even get started if no one gets to see your work?”

  “What kind of chance are you looking for?”

  “A job where I can show off my talent, a place where people would be able to see what I can do. All I’ve gotten until now have been nurseries and bedrooms, in private residencies, which no one gets to see. I need like a shop, a café, a public place of sorts.”

  “Show me what you got.”

  “Do you need work done somewhere?”

  Addy smiled. Do I need work done? You have no idea! “Let me put it this way. I have the place, if you have good ideas, and if your prices are reasonable.”

  “What kind of a place?” Sandy was eager.

  “Show me your sketches. My name is Adriana Marcos, and you are?”

  “Sandra Swenson. I just graduated two years ago from design school. This here is my friend Cynthia Darr. She works magic with fabric.”

  “Please to meet you both.” At that precise moment, Karen walked in.

  “Hi, babe.”

  “This is my partner, Karen Larsen.”

  Addy explained to Karen what was happening as Sandy was about to show off her sketches.

  Addy was immediately impressed with the drawings. “Can you really translate this into a real thing?”

  Sandy smiled. “You bet. This is what I love doing.”

  Karen and Addy looked at each other. Addy spoke first. “Sandy, this is our situation. We have a place, we’d like you to come and see, and then we’ll sit down and hear your ideas. We need a designer and decorator with a good sense of fashion who can make miracles on a limited budget. We can pay, but we are just starting ourselves, so the price has to be reasonable.”

  “Ms. Marcos, at this moment in my life, I’m more interested in the opportunity to show off my work than in making money. As long as I cover the cost of the materials, I’m good. What kind of place are we talking about here?”

  “You can call me Addy, the place is a country inn.”

  “Here? In Scotland?”

  “Yes, very near here.”

  “How many rooms are we talking about?”

  “Twenty two.”

  Sandy was astonished. “What? What kind of a place is it? Oh my God! Twenty two rooms?” She looked to her friend Cynthia in awe.

  “It’s a beautiful country manor near Altee. We would like to turn it into a luxury retreat in the country with horses, sailing, a spa, gourmet food—.”

  “I’m in!” Sandy almost shrieked. Her excitement was evident.

  Karen jumped in the conversation. “But you haven’t even seen the place, or told us your price yet.”

  “Don’t worry about that, I’d work for free for this kind of exposure.”

  Karen smiled at the ‘for free’ part and at the young lady’s excitement. However, the woman’s youth and excitement concerned her. She couldn’t have been older than twenty-nine years old.

  Addy spoke. “Sandy, we are able to pay as long as the prices are reasonable. With luck, and if things go as we plan, you might even be able to make a name for yourself.”

  Karen raised her eyebrows smiling. Addy was always inserting drama and excitement into things. Karen didn’t like the idea of setting the younger women’s hopes so high, but the truth was that Addy had just, more or less, recruited people who were willing to work for free, or for very little money, and that was very appealing. So, Addy’s optimism and charm seemed to be working well. Sandy and her friend were already on board with Addy’s dream.

  “I like your resolve. Are you partners in business or are you like a couple?” Sandy asked.

  “We are life partners who are starting a business.”

  “Cool.” You could tell that Sandy was an easygoing person.

  Karen looked at Addy and gave her a knowing smile. Oh God, we are working with children! Addy opened her eyes signaling a ‘behave’ type of message, and Karen looked the other way nonchalantly. Addy knew what was going through Karen’s mind because she knew that Karen thought that people who used the word ‘cool’ were too juvenile.

  “Here’s our address, Sandy, when can you come by?”

  “Is tomorrow, okay? I’m really psyched about this project.”

  “Tomorrow, around noon?”

  “Perfect! I’ll call ahead. I’ll bring Cindy along.”


  “Addy, how do you come across these people?”

  “Dunno, it just happens. I have a good feeling about these girls, Ker.”

  “Addy I like her enthusiasm, but I’m also glad that you used the word girls. They have to be in her twenties. I feel like we are hiring children. I’m going to look into child labor laws, I want to make sure that we are not breaking any rules.”

  Addy swatted her arm. “Karen, shut up, I know you are not serious. She’s not a child. She’s an enthusiastic, mature young woman. Besides, on our budget, I’d take Snow White and the seven dwarfs if they came cheap!”

  Karen chuckled. “Never a dull moment with you Ms. Addy. I kind of liked them too. They seemed uncomplicated, flexible, and cooool!”

  “Hush, woman, I will pay no attention to you on this one!”

  Karen chuckled.


  The next day, when the young women arrived they were in awe looking at the Manor house. “Oh my God! This is a beautiful place! Have you hired any contractors to fix it up?”

  “We have gotten some estimates, but haven’t closed a deal with anyone yet. Why? Do you know someone you’d like to work with?”

  Sandy and Cindy looked at each other in disbelief. “Ms. Marcos, we know a lot of young people with great talent that are looking for opportunities like this. So, yes, we know people who would work dirt cheap for the opportunity to show their craftsmanship on a place like this. This place has the grandeur of an era gone by, why the architecture alone—.” Sandy went on and on about the place.

  She was apparently an expert on design and architecture and was throwing all sorts of names left
and right. Addy was thrilled listening and talking about the place with Sandy.

  Karen was well aware of the provenance of the Manor and the estate, and the minute Sandy began to talk about architecture and design and styles according to the era and age of the house, Karen realized that Sandy knew what she was talking about, and that she was not putting on a show to get the job. She was for real, or at least, she sounded like she knew what she was talking about. Karen smiled wondering how it was that Addy could come across the right people all the time. Still, she remained quiet and let Addy do all the talking.

  “Okay Sandy, call me Addy. Please, bring over for an interview whoever you think might be capable to do work around here according to what we have discussed. Let’s see what kind of arrangements we can come up with. Let’s have a show and tell.”

  “Some of these people would work for free, if you buy the materials. They want to showcase themselves. This inn could be the chance of a lifetime for them, just like for Cindy and me.”

  “So be it. Let’s make it happen then!”

  Sandy and Cindy left elated, full of dreams and hopes and thinking that they had struck gold. Karen was leaning by the wall at the far end of the entry hallway shaking her head when Addy joined her.

  “What?” Addy asked.

  “You have an incredible ability to sell ideas and raise people’s hopes and dreams. You are a natural salesperson. Those two girls probably think that a miracle will happen here soon.”

  Addy smiled, and grabbed Karen by the collar of her blouse. “A miracle will happen here soon. Are you still having doubts?”

  Karen smiled adoringly. “I’m too realistic for my own sake. Sorry. I need to see it to believe. Not everyone has your gift to see things all peachy and rosy.”

  “Okay, but someday you will see things differently. By the way, how come you did not object anymore to Sandy? Did she convince you also? She sounds like she knows what she’s talking about, doesn’t she?”


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