New Quarters

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New Quarters Page 20

by Tey Holden

  “Here, on the sofa.” Karen replied in a whisper like tone. Addy came close and stood next to her. “Ker, come back to bed. What are you doing here in the dark?”

  “I couldn’t be next to you knowing that you are so mad at me. I don’t know what else to say to fix things with you. I’m so sorry. I had no right to do what I did. I will never do anything like that again. I promise. I just thought that you were taking an unnecessary risk, and I panicked. I just don’t want to lose you. This woman has no idea—.” Karen started to cry again.

  “Ker, don’t, please.”

  When she was able to speak again, Karen continued. “She has no idea of what you mean to me or what we went through to be together. How could she come here making such a request?” Karen whimpered. “I can’t understand why you’d want to do such a thing when there’s so much at stake. But, still I have no right to stop you. It was my mistake. If this is something you really want to do, go ahead and do it, but if you do it, I will go with you. If we die, we die together. I’m not staying around without you.”

  “Karen, don’t you think you are being a little dramatic?”

  “Those things fall all the time.”

  “They have occasionally, but not all the time. I just thought it would be fun and good exposure for the inn. I really didn’t think of any danger to it. And you can’t go up in a balloon, you are afraid of heights.”

  “Still, I’d rather deal with that than something terrible happening to you.”

  Not knowing what to say, Addy sat next to her and kissed her. “Ker, I understand you have fears. I just wish you were more positive and not always think that the worse will happen. Come on, that bed upstairs is pretty empty and cold without you. I want you there with me.”

  “I couldn’t live a day without you, Addy. I—.”

  “Ker.” Addy came closer and they held each other.

  “Seriously, I couldn’t.”

  Addy kissed her again and took her hand. “Come on, let’s go back to bed.”

  “Are you still mad at me?” Karen asked still in anguish.

  “Yes, but, we’ll talk about it later.”

  “We’ll talk? You are not leaving me?” Addy turned around stunned.

  “Why would I leave you? Just because we had an argument? Are you crazy?”

  “We’ve never had one before.”

  Addy realized that Karen was right. Until now, they never had a disagreement that had not been immediately resolved. “Well, there’s always a first, and I think it’s normal for couples to argue, and please, don’t go about thinking that I’m going to leave you every time we disagree on something.” She turned around and looked at her. “There are only two reasons for which I would leave you. One, if you cheat on me, and two, if you hit me.”

  “Addy, I would never do either.”

  “Then be at ease, because I’m not going anywhere.” Karen smiled slightly, unbelieving the turn of events.

  “However, we need to discuss a few things.”

  “Yes, what?”

  “I’m not mad because you don’t want me to go up in the balloon. I don’t really want to ride a balloon, and I’m certainly not going to have you go up with me knowing that you hate heights. I’m mad because of how you went about it. I’m mad because we could have talked about it in private, and not in front of strangers. You could have talked me out of it like you just did. You could have told me your reasons, and I would have listened and understood.”

  “I know. I realized my mistake immediately after I spoke. I wasn’t thinking. I panicked. That may be hard to believe for you because you think of me as calm and rational most of the times, but I’m not when it comes to you.”

  “Okay. I get it. But next time, we talk, in private.”

  “Okay. I’m sorry. I really am.”

  “I know. And don’t worry. I’m not going to do it.” Addy looked down. “I also made a mistake. I should have asked how you felt about it. I forgot that what I do affects you as much as what you do affects me. So, the lesson here is that we have to be mindful of each other when making decisions. Come on, it’s cold down here, let’s go upstairs. I need my blankie.”

  Karen followed her upstairs and went to the bathroom before going to bed. When she got under the covers, she immediately noticed that Addy was not wearing her pajamas. It was not normal for Addy to sleep nude. She always wore, at the very least, a long T-shirt. “Addy, where are your jammies?”

  “I thought you liked it like this, I—.”

  Karen smiled, once again unable to understand the woman she loved. “Yes, I like it like this. Is it okay if I hold you?” Karen was still not sure of her footing after the latest events. She couldn’t believe that two minutes ago she thought her life was over and now they were naked in bed, as if nothing had happened.

  “Of course, but we need to talk first.”

  “More? Now? Like this?” She looked down at their naked bodies. “Here?”

  “Yes. If the Native Americans discussed matters smoking a pipe, we can discuss matters in our birthday suits and comfy in bed.”

  Karen smiled again. Sometimes Addy’s reasoning defied all logic, but it was always fun to hear it. By now, Karen had stopped trying to understand and enjoyed and accepted things as they came.

  “So what are these fears that you have that something is going to happen to me? I’d like you to know that I had a life before you came along, and I was perfectly fine. And by the way, Karen Larsen, don’t you think that I’ve noticed that you are always protecting me? And that, the real reason for getting the Range Rover was not only because I liked it or because it is a good car, but because it is a safe car? You didn’t think I caught that, missy? Do you think I’m so out of it?”

  “No, Addy, you are not out of it. I believe I’m the stupid one for thinking that I could get away with it without you realizing it. I just know you don’t like me looking out for you, but I can’t help it. It’s how I am with you. I was never like this with anyone. I guess no one else mattered as much.”

  “I get it. I love how you take care of me, but I can take care of myself too. I take care of you, don’t I?”

  “Uh huh.” Karen hugged her as she spoke. “Addy, I can’t help being how I am with you. So, I think that I will do, and say many stupid things, and you will be mad at me, and there might be more arguments, but I will raise hell whenever I see you about to bungee jump off a bridge or go up in some hot air balloon. I’m sorry.”

  “Hmm, I see. In that case, we are going to need come up with make up procedures for after our arguments.”

  “What? What make up procedures? What do you mean?” Karen’s jaw dropped when she felt Addy’s hand on her rear, and gasped when Addy later moved her hand to parts of her body craving her touch.

  “I think this is a good procedure, what do you think?”

  “Oh, yeah! You bet! An excellent procedure.”

  Enthralled in their love making, Addy paused and whispered in Karen’s ear. “And just so that you know, I’m not bungee jumping from any bridge.”

  Karen chuckled and combed Addy’s hair away from her face. “I think if the Native Americans had figured out this form of discussion, neither the pipe nor tobacco would have made it to present day.”

  Addy chuckled, as she kissed Karen’s neck. “It’s a good thing for the tobacco industry that I wasn’t around then.”

  Karen laughed. “Their loss is my gain. Come here, you devil!”


  At the festival, two weeks later, they met up with James and JP. They stood to watch the balloons as preparations were being made for their lift up. Karen stood behind Addy amidst the crowd of people. She was so close she could smell Addy’s inebriating scent, and Addy could feel the heat of Karen’s body. Karen was unaware of the activities going on regarding the balloon event because she was totally focused and mesmerized looking at Addy’s profile, and the effect of the wind and the sun on her face.

  Addy sensed the scrutiny and barely tilted
her head to look for Karen, they smiled when their eyes met. Karen was so close, Addy could hear Karen’s ragged breathing, and she felt like turning around and kissing her madly. Karen couldn’t resist not touching her, and barely placed her left hand inside Addy’s jean’s front pocket and pulled her closer to her. “You smell so good. I think I’m going to faint if I don’t hold you.”

  Addy gasped when she felt Karen’s hand pulling her in, and when she felt her rear pressing against Karen’s pelvis. “Ms. Larsen, if you continue with this, I’m afraid we are going to have to cut the festival short because of certain matters that may require immediate attention.”

  Karen whispered in her ear. “Say the word, and we are out of here. I’d rather be giving immediate attention to those certain matters than being here.”

  Addy closed her eyes and smiled. “I think I need fresh air.”

  Karen smiled knowing that she was driving Addy to the edge. “We are already outside, you know?”

  “You are so bad. You know exactly what you are doing to me, and you love it.”

  “Yes, I do. I love to see you flushed and mushy. My problem is that what I do to you is half of what you do to me.”

  “Too bad you can’t reach and feel a certain part of me, Ms. Larsen, you’d be able to verify the fallacy of your statement.”

  Before Karen could utter another word, Addy turned and looked straight into Karen’s eyes, her longing and want were palpable. Opening her mouth she brushed her upper lip with the tip of her tongue from side to side and as her tongue descended to her lower lip, she bit it and smiled in mischievously. Karen was mesmerized looking at her, as if overtaken by a mysterious force.

  Addy broke the spell when she smiled, raised one eyebrow, and whispered into Karen’s ear. “Save it, woman, before we make a spectacle of ourselves. Let’s go talk to JP and James over there. We need to get our minds out of our pants.” If it hadn’t been because Addy pulled her to start walking, it would have taken Karen several minutes to even think of moving. Karen closed her eyes and smiled as she felt Addy pulling her towards where JP and James were sitting.

  Addy let go of her hand and walked ahead of her. All Karen could see were those gorgeous hips swaying in front of her. She smiled and followed contently hypnotized by the vision. JP had noticed the interaction between the women and elbowed James. “Aren’t they adorable?” JP and James were sitting under a tent of one of the local wineries.

  “Hi guys!”

  “Well, well, the love birds decided to fly and join the rest of the flock. We were wondering if—.”

  “If you guys were going to join us?” James interrupted knowing that JP was already about to stick his foot in his mouth once again. He gave JP a very direct look, which did not escape Karen.

  JP was taken aback by James interruption, but dismissed it immediately. Karen’s smile to James was a discrete acknowledgement of his graceful intervention to avert yet another of JP’s indiscretions.

  James ordered some wine. “Isn’t he a gentleman?” JP asked.

  Karen smiled. “Indeed. I will drink to the gentleman.” Karen took a glass of wine and raised it in James’ direction, again acknowledging her appreciation. James nodded in acceptance of the gracious action. They laughed and immediately started talking and reminiscing.

  “Addy, do you remember that night at the restaurant when we got drunk?”

  Addy chuckled. “You bet I do. I had a great time that night. Do you know I actually kissed her twice that night?”

  JP laughed. “Yes I remembered you asking about it the next day. So you actually knew you did?”

  “Of course! I was testing the waters.”

  Karen looked at Addy. “I cannot believe my ears. And there I was all worried because I thought she was drunk. That also reminds me that I ended up picking up the tab that night when everybody was going about their happy lives. James, you should have seen these two that night. JP claiming that parked cars were moving, and me having to pick him up from the hood of a car. Thank God that the car’s alarm didn’t go off! And the missy here, poking into my life trying to figure out if I had a secret love, it was quite a night.”

  James chuckled. “I should have been there. It must have been a very interesting night.”

  Karen looked at Addy. “You did kiss me twice, once in the car, and a second time in the bedroom. I really thought you were drunk.”

  “I was, but I’m never so drunk not to know what I’m doing.” She winked, and Karen shook her head.

  “Let’s drink to interesting nights.” JP had already been wine tasting around the different tents and was a bit too happy already. Addy was also laughing too much, which only meant that she had already tasted more wines than she should have.

  “I think we need to get some food in your stomach before this turns into an interesting afternoon.” Karen tapped her on the belly.

  “Yes, I agree. I need food, or I might start kissing people again.”

  “I better go with you, and make sure that I’m the recipient of any kisses.”

  “Come on, let’s get food. I’m starving.” Addy kissed Karen on the cheek before they began to walk towards the food tents. JP and James laughed when they heard the women’s banter. “Bring some food when you come back!” JP yelled.

  “I also know that you kissed me that night, when you tucked me in bed, little Ms. Right.” Karen smiled but was unable to say anything because they had arrived at the food table. Addy piled up her plate, but not before winking at Karen who was, as usual, mesmerized and smiling.


  Karen went ahead and took some food to JP and James, while Addy approached the tasting center for one of the local wineries. Addy thought it was a good opportunity to compliment the winery owner on the red wine she had chosen for her meal and which she had tasted earlier.

  “Hi, I’m Adriana Marcos, I just wanted to let you know how much I’m enjoying your wine.”

  “Hello, I’m Isabella Ludwig, very pleased to meet you. You are the inn’s owner, right?”

  “Well—.” Addy was about to explain that Karen was the owner of the estate, but Isabella cut her short. She was eager to speak to Addy.

  Isabella Ludwig was a woman in her late seventies. She had started the vineyard and winery from scratch twenty years ago with her husband. The winery had prospered from a one-room business to a major operation. It was, in fact, well known in the region. She was a very pleasant woman who loved the art of wine making.

  Neither of Isabella’s two sons had shown an interest for the wine business, and after her husband’s death, she had been running the winery alone. She had a very knowledgeable management team who took care of the daily operation of the winery, but the marketing and sale of the wines was all under her control, still at her age. She simply loved wine and her business. The moment she and Addy started to talk they hit it off.

  “Ms. Marcos, I have been meaning to pay you a visit. You see, my vineyards are adjacent to your land and right now at our current production rate, we are barely meeting our customer demands. Future projections indicate that unless we grow, we will be losing customers to other vineyards, and you know how it is when people start trying other things, we might end up losing their business altogether.” As they continued to talk, the conversation became very animated. Sometimes Isabella laughed so hard, she could be heard from far away. Her laughter was so contagious that Addy began to laugh as well. Karen, James and JP heard the merriment and looked in their direction.

  “I wonder what that is all about?” JP asked. “Does anyone know who the old lady is?”

  “No.” James replied.

  Karen worried thinking that Addy might have had too much to drink already, and that she should perhaps go and see what was going on. She decided not to interfere, but remained very vigilant.

  “So, I don’t want to talk much about it now, we’ve all had more than our share of my good wine today, but I just wanted to give you a heads up. So, the thing is, my dear, that I would like
for you to think about the possibility of you and I coming to some sort of arrangement that would allow me to use your land to grow more vines at a fair price, of course. So, think about it, and we can discuss it some other time.” They continued to talk for a little while longer, after which Addy walked back to the tent where everyone was expectantly waiting for her, especially a certain blonde, who was already a little anxious about the whole impromptu meeting and all the laughter.

  Of course, it was JP who couldn’t wait and asked first. “Addy who is that woman you were with? I think your blonde here was a little worried.” This, of course, was said in jest because although Isabella Ludwig was a very nice looking lady, her age was very evident to the point that she walked with a cane.

  “Very funny, JP. She’s the owner of the winery adjacent to us. We’ve been there for tastings. I complemented her on her wine,” Addy raised her wine glass, “and she invited me to sit with her to talk about her wines. She’s very proud of them, so I think my comments got her going.”

  “She seemed to enjoy your company. We could hear her laughing all the way here.” JP continued his mocking.

  “She laughs really loud, doesn’t she? Believe it or not, she’s one of those people who laughs at her own jokes. I was just laughing from hearing her laugh. But then, again, in my company who doesn’t have a good time?” She winked at JP, and glanced in Karen’s direction.

  Karen grinned and immediately knew, from the way Addy looked at her, that there was more to be told. Whatever it was, it was a matter that Addy did not want to disclose in the company of others.

  When they left, and Karen started to maneuver the car towards the road, Addy began to speak.

  “Ker, I have something to tell you.” Karen smiled, knowing that she had been right.


  On account of the inn’s prosperity, their lives had gotten quite busy. Business was booming, money was coming in, the bills were getting paid, and Karen was not so worried about money anymore.


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