New Quarters

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New Quarters Page 21

by Tey Holden

  Late in November of that year as they went to bed one night, Addy took her usual spot on the bed and snuggled to Karen. Karen quickly accommodated her and kissed her.


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “I want to quit my legal work at the firm.” Although, her legal workload was merely talking occasionally to clients to keep them happy, she still had to dedicate a considerable amount of time reading the status of accounts whenever she had to speak to any of them, and then she had to resolve whatever matter needed to be addressed.

  Karen looked at her. “Why? What’s going on?”

  “It’s taking too much of my time, and I’m tired of solving issues which most of the time are not even legal. Most of the times, I’m dealing with complaints of how this or that was handled, and I feel like an arbitrator more than a lawyer. I enjoy working at the inn so much more, and it feels like I barely have time and—.”

  Karen stopped her. “Send your letter in tomorrow. I want you to enjoy what you are doing here.”

  “It’s going to be a big deal over there with the clients and all.”

  “They’ll live. You don’t owe anyone anything. I want you to do what you really want to do. Above all I don’t want you to wear yourself out working.”

  With her index finger she circled Karen’s belly button. “Are you going to keep me now that I won’t be making all that money?” She smiled mischievously knowing the answer to that question very well.

  Karen played along, smiling. “I don’t know. Now that you mention it, you might have to find other ways to make yourself useful around here.”

  Addy grinned. “Well, the inn does keep me busy, but I would be willing to work some overtime for the right price. Should I explain the terms of payment?”

  Karen turned her and placed her leg over Addy’s thigh. She pushed Addy’s hair back and chuckled. “I’m quite familiar with the terms of payment, Ms. Addy, and they have always been very agreeable to me. I believe that I have never either owed, or been late on a single installment.” Karen was already making all the moves to put her deposit down.

  “Hmm! I think I like working here. The boss is very generous, and the pay is excellent.”


  Sometimes, they took breaks from work to enjoy the many amenities of the inn. One of those amenities was the horses’ stables, which had proven to be a great success with the guests.

  “Ker, why don’t we go to the stables and go horseback riding? It’s a beautiful, and unusually warm fall day for November.”

  “You want to do that? I’m all for it. Let’s go. Should we walk to the stables?”

  “Yeah, it’ll be good exercise.” Ahead of their walk, they had called Mr. Nelson, the stable manager, to have two horses ready for them.

  “Addy, I have one question before we start riding. Do you know how to ride? Or better yet, have you ever been on a horse?” Karen had hesitated whether to ask, but she knew that Addy’s impulsiveness sometimes got the best of her, and Karen wanted to make sure that the outing would be safe and fun. Mr. Nelson, who by now was standing next to them, looked at Karen and then at Addy expecting a reasonable answer.

  “Well, years ago in Kentucky, I rode a horse. It was the scariest thing ever.” Both Mr. Nelson and Karen listened attentively to the story. “The ride was up the mountain in the middle of the forest and all you could see where trees and more trees everywhere. The horses were following a trail on the mountain along a ravine. The trail was so narrow I thought we were going to die if the horse slipped. I could not wait to get out of there. I swore that if I ever rode a horse again, it would be on a flat field.”

  “And that’s been your only riding experience?” Karen asked.

  “Yes, but it was quite an experience.” Addy was very excited about her story.

  Karen spoke to Mr. Nelson. “Is this the best horse for her, considering her vast riding experience?” The sarcasm was unmistakable. Addy wrinkled her nose and made a funny face looking at Karen.

  Mr. Nelson chuckled. “Yes, Ms. Larsen, this is a very tame one.”

  “You two sound like a pair of old ladies. How hard could this be? Look at all that space out there and look at this horse. I don’t think he can even move. I don’t even know how I’m going to get him started. How old is he?”

  Karen was trying to hold back her laughter. Her worries however, were beginning to overtake the smile.

  “It’s a her, Ms. Marcos. It’s a mare.” Mr. Nelson replied in a very polite tone, while slightly smiling.

  “Oh, well.” Addy was obviously embarrassed, but discretely looked to a certain part of the animal to verify the obvious.

  Karen grinned. “Come on, Addy. Let me help you up.” Karen couldn’t help smile as Addy looked underneath the horse for evidence. This was going to be fun.

  “Don’t worry, I can do it.”

  Addy couldn’t even reach the stirrup. Mr. Nelson facilitated a small stool, and she was able to climb up. Karen helped her with the reins.

  “You see, this is all fine, a piece of cake.”

  “Mr. Nelson, do we have helmets?”

  “A helmet? Isn’t that for little kids? Wouldn’t it make our heads hot?”

  “Maybe, but it’s safer.”

  Karen was used to riding, and she never wore a helmet. Today, however, helmets were highly recommended because she wanted Addy to wear one, so she decided to wear one also to set the example.

  When Addy saw Karen putting on the helmet, she rolled her eyes, but followed Karen’s lead. Karen smiled when she saw Addy putting it on. Her plan was working.

  Karen climbed on her horse without any difficulty. “Wow. You are really good.”

  “I always rode when I came here. I know this property like the back of my hand. Come on. Follow me.” No sooner had Karen finished talking, Addy kicked the mare, allegedly to get her started, and the animal took off at full gallop. Addy was startled by the takeoff, but remained quiet until two seconds later when she freaked and started screaming for help realizing that she didn’t have a clue as to how to stop the animal. She called out all the known words she had heard cowboys yell in movies, but it appeared that the mare had not seen the movies she’d seen and did not respond to any of her commands. So, she ended up screaming for help on how to stop “the beast.”

  When Karen saw Addy’s abrupt departure, she already knew there’d be trouble, and when she heard Addy screaming, she took off in pursuit. Mr. Nelson was astonished looking at the two riders charging towards the open field.

  Karen, who had not ridden in a long time, was frightened not recalling ever riding so fast in her lifetime. Mr. Nelson didn’t have another horse ready to go, so he got in his pick-up truck and drove fast down the road to see if he could cut-off Addy’s horse down the path and make it turn back, so that, at least Karen could intercept her in the open field and stop the horse.

  That’s exactly what would have happened, if Addy’s horse had not been frightened with the sound of the truck’s engine. When Karen saw what was about to happen she panicked. When the pick-up truck approached the horse, the mare lifted her two front legs in the air and a terrified Addy fell to the ground. Karen jumped off her horse, ran to Addy and practically grabbed her from under the horse and pulled her away from the terrified animal. It was fortunate that the horse continued to run after Addy fell, and that the horse didn’t kick her, which had been Karen’s fear.

  “Are you okay, Addy, are you okay?” Addy was still on the ground, while Karen checked her to make sure that she was okay. In shock, Addy began to cry, terrified by what had just happened. She nodded and sort of mumbled that she was okay holding on to Karen. Karen could feel her body shaking, but barely able to tell which of them shook more.

  Karen hugged her still checking to see if it was true that all was okay. “It’s okay, baby, it’s okay. What hurts, baby, tell me what hurts?”

  “My butt.” Addy said amidst gigantic teardrops.

  “Oh, baby, you scared me t
o death!”

  “I don’t think I want to ride horses anymore today.”

  Karen chuckled. “No, I think we’ve had enough horses for today. Do you think you can get up and walk?”


  “I want to take you to Dr. Naylor for a checkup.”

  “Ker, no, don’t be ridiculous, ouch! I’m not going to let Dr. Naylor see my butt.”

  “Honey, I don’t want anyone to see your butt other than me, but I’m taking you for a checkup. I don’t think he will be checking your butt as much as your bones. I’ll be the one checking your butt at home later.”


  “What? What else hurts?”

  “Just my butt.”


  Reluctantly, Addy saw Dr. Naylor. “Do you know how many times you’ve made me go to the doctor for much less than this? Addy, I don’t want to hear excuses. I won’t let this one pass. You are going, period!” Karen would not have it any other way.

  Dr. Naylor checked her and concluded that nothing was broken, and that there would just be some pain from sore muscles and maybe a bruise in the gluteus area.

  “See, I told you. All that fuss just to tell me that my butt is going to bruise and to take acetaminophen.”

  “But, at least, we know that nothing is broken.”

  When they got home, Addy sat on a kitchen stool. “Ouch!”


  “I can’t sit, it hurts.”

  Karen chuckled. “Here, let me see.” Karen unzipped her pants and pulled them down. “Okay, I want you to go upstairs, take off your pants and lie down.”

  Addy looked at her. “What for?”

  “We need to ice it, like Dr. Naylor said. It’s turning purplish.”

  “Oh! Does it look bad?”

  “Hun, you will never hear me say that your butt looks bad, but this bruise needs icing. Go upstairs. I’ll bring the ice.”


  When Karen got upstairs, Addy was on the bed, belly down. She had the covers over part of her. Karen smiled seeing how cute she looked on the bed looking so pathetic. Karen came over and laid down next to her, she had the ice pack in her hand. She pulled down the covers and under it she found the most gorgeous purple butt she had ever seen. Karen couldn’t help smile. “Poor baby.” She came close and kissed it. Addy was pleased with the attention. “It’s going to feel cold. Your body temperature is kind of high and—.”

  “Oh, just do it Ker.” For as gentle as Karen went about it, the ice felt really cold when it came in contact with the over-heated, swollen body part. “Aaaaah, shit! That’s cold!”

  Karen chuckled. “I was trying to go slow about it, sorry.” Karen kissed her head coming closer to her, but still holding the ice pack in place. “I’m going to get a towel to wrap the ice pack, it might feel more comfortable that way.” Karen wrapped the ice pack with the towel and placed it back on Addy’s rear. “Is that better?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry too, for the scare I gave you.” A muffled voice said. Addy’s face was buried in the pillow. “I’m such an idiot! I should have told you that I had no idea about how to get the darn horse going, or how to stop the beast! Would you show me how to do it?”

  Karen smiled and kissed her. “Sure, baby, sure. It’s my fault too. I suspected you didn’t know, but didn’t want to make you feel bad in front of Mr. Nelson, so I took a chance.”

  “On safety?” Addy asked astonished.

  “I’m working on my fears and protectiveness. At least, I’m glad we were wearing the helmets.”

  “Yeah. I guess it’s my fault for always being on your case for your protectiveness. If there is ever a next time, please say something.”

  Karen smiled completely knowing that there would surely be many more next times. “And you are not going to be mad when I do?”

  Addy was quiet for a minute, prompting an immediate smile from Karen. “I can’t promise that. I think that I will probably be mad. You know how I am.”

  Karen remained quiet knowing that Addy had realized her conundrum. Then Addy raised her head from the pillow and looked to Karen. “I’m difficult, aren’t I?”

  Karen grinned. “You are a challenge, Ms. Addy.”

  “Sorry.” She buried her head in the pillow again.

  Karen whispered in her ear. “I love my challenge.”

  Addy raised her head again. “I don’t think I deserve you.”

  “That feeling is mutual, love. And if we don’t stop this talk right now, I may forget that you fell off a horse, that your butt is purple, and go for the whole nine yards.” They grinned simultaneously.

  “Are you going to hold the ice pack on my butt all night?”

  “Yes, all night and all day if I have to.”

  Addy turned around a bit. “You are not mad at me for being such an idiot? It seems like I’m always screwing up, first with the cow, and now with the horse. Maybe I should stay away from animals altogether.”

  “No, I’m not mad. I love you, and your purple butt.”

  “I think you are actually enjoying this little incident. You are terrible!”

  Karen grinned. She couldn’t hide it. “Yep! I love it, baby. I guess I am terrible. I love it now that I get to ice your purple butt, but I was terrified earlier. I think Mr. Nelson freaked out. Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t get to ice your butt.”

  “Ha, ha. Can you move the ice around a little bit, because it burns if you leave it in one place for too long.”

  “Okay, I can certainly do that.”

  “Ker! Just watch that you don’t put it any other sensitive area.”

  “Nope, I was thinking some warmth for those sensitive areas.”

  Addy hid her smile. “Don’t even think about it, Larsen. I’m in too much pain.”

  “I know, baby, I’m just kidding you, trying to make you feel better. Just try to rest a bit. I’m going down to make sandwiches, and then I’ll prop you with some pillows, and we can watch a movie in bed.”

  “Sounds good.”

  When the movie ended, Karen turned off the TV. “That was a good movie.” Not hearing a word from Addy, she looked back to check her and found her sound asleep. Karen smiled. She went to the bathroom and came back to bed. She removed the ice pack, which by now had melted, looked at Addy’s rear to check the color of the bruise and noticed that although it was still purple, it was less swollen. She kissed it several times, covered her up and got into bed. The minute Addy felt Karen’s body in bed, she crawled closer to snuggle. Karen held her tight and gave her a ton of kisses, which were returned instinctively.

  The next day, Addy was so sore she couldn’t even get out of the bed to go to the bathroom on her own. Karen had to help her. “I think you better stay in bed today and rest. I’ll fix us some breakfast, go to the inn, and I’ll be back by noon to stay home with you.”

  “I can’t believe how stupid I was!”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Things happen. Thank God that you landed on your butt, and not on your neck.”

  “I don’t think I’ll be getting on a horse any time soon.”

  “Oh yes, you will, just as soon as that butt is not purple anymore.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because you have to lose your fear, and you need to learn how to ride. I will personally make sure that you do. Just like the driving.”

  “You just love feeling so grand, don’t you?” Addy smirked.

  “Yes, I do. And you, and your lovely purple butt, will become an expert rider.”

  Part 11

  Alana Dickerson lived in London. She was the marketing representative of the public relations firm Karen had contracted to give exposure to the inn. The firm normally sent people prior to the start of any promotional campaign to ascertain the needs of the clients, and to make sure that the new client complied with their promotional standards. It was also the practice of the firm to later send a higher-ranking representative to ensure that the clients were satisfied with their services,
and to sell them additional promotional services. Alana was the daughter of the owner of the public relations firm, and she was usually the person who handled any second visits to establishments that revealed more potential.

  The attractive, tall brunette with sparkling blue eyes had a business degree from St. Andrews, was smart, refined and openly lesbian. When she arrived at the inn, she asked to speak with the owner. JP immediately called Karen who was the person at the inn at the time.

  “Hello, my name is Alana Dickerson, from the Dickerson Group. I believe you are expecting me.” She gave Karen the twice over check and smiled appreciatively.

  Karen disliked her immediately. She had never liked people that made such lascivious scrutiny. “Yes, hello. Karen Larsen.” Karen reluctantly shook her hand.

  “I’ll have someone take you to your room.” She had planned on taking the representative upstairs herself to show the inn’s graciousness, but Alana’s demeanor had been like a neon flashing sign signaling to stay away.

  At that precise moment Addy showed up. “Ker, I just came from the stables, I was talking to Mr. Nelson and, oh! I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were busy.” Addy took a look at the well-dressed woman standing next to Karen and felt bad about her abrupt interruption.

  “Addy, this is Ms. Alana Dickerson from the Dickerson public relations group. She’s going to be staying with us for a couple of days to conduct an inspection on the inn. Ms. Alana, this is my partner, Adriana Marcos.” Karen’s introduction was deliberate. She wanted to make clear that Addy was off limits.

  Alana smiled. So, we are family! Yummy! The introduction didn’t seem to affect Alana in any particular way, and Karen was internally fuming when she saw how Alana gave Addy a closer scrutiny than she had received herself. Apparently, the woman had no scruples.

  Addy smiled politely, after listening to Karen’s introduction. “Please to meet you, Ms. Dickerson. I’d shake your hand, but I just came from the stables, and I think you’d much prefer it if I didn’t.”


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