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New Quarters

Page 36

by Tey Holden

  “What do you think JP is going to do when he finds out he is a rich man? We have to give them a cut. I mean they’ve both lived for all of these.”

  Karen started to laugh, as they lay on the bed. “I think JP will have tachycardia. And, yes, I agree on giving them a share.

  Addy laughed thinking of JP’s reaction. “Hey, Ker, there’s one thing we didn’t do.”

  “Counter offer?”

  “Yes. If they are willing to pay so much, it’s because they know it’s worth more.”

  “That’s why I asked the financial team to do research.”

  Addy smiled. “I may be a business whiz, but I know who the financial whiz is!”


  The next day when they met with the International Hotel people they were more than prepared. Karen had decided that Addy was going to be the spokesperson since she had done so well the day before.

  “Our legal team has run some numbers. We would like to make a counter offer. We have put it down in this proposal.” She handed it over the spokesperson of the International group. “The proposal is for the same money originally offered with all the caveats, but we keep the property in Scotland.”

  There was a bit of a commotion on the other side of the table. They got up and talked among themselves. There was some hesitation from a couple of members of the team, but some papers were passed around and that seemed to have made everyone agree.

  “Ms. Marcos, Ms. Larsen we have a deal.” The International Group head representative came over to their side of the table, shook hands and talked about some paper work that would be sent over to the Sparrow and Finch group for their examination.

  When they left the conference room, neither could believe it. In the elevator they smiled at each other, but once in the lobby, they hugged. “Addy, let’s go back to the hotel, I need to wind down. I feel like I might collapse if I don’t lay down somewhere.”

  “Come on, I need a very dry Martini, I’ll get you one too. That and a good massage ought to relax us!” Once in the privacy of their hotel room, Addy shared her thoughts. “Sometimes, it frightens me to be so happy. It doesn’t seem possible, or even real.”

  Karen extended her arms. “Welcome to my life in this alternate universe of ours.” She came over to Addy and lifted her off her feet as she kissed her and twirled her around. “Have I told you lately that I love you?”

  Addy looked at her watch and smiled. “Not in the last few hours. Actually, I think that I’m in imminent and great need of being reminded.” Karen kissed her as she began to undress.

  “Ker, wait! There’s something I need to run by you. I need to act on something real quick. I know you hate it when I do this, but this is very important. This is crucial, and it has to be done right now.”

  Karen wondered what was so imminent that couldn’t wait, but then again, this was Addy. God only knew what the next move would be.

  “I want to call Isabella Ludwig and tell her that we are buying the vineyards and the winery from her.”

  Karen’s jaw dropped. She couldn’t say a word. Karen didn’t know what surprised her most, the wanting to buy the winery part, that the matter was coming up at that very moment, or finally realizing that keeping the property in Scotland and buying the winery meant that they were definitely staying in Scotland for good. There was no way that she would oppose any proposal from Addy in view of her successful track record.

  Nevertheless, the rational part of Karen spoke. “Addy, I will only say this, hasn’t Isabella been complaining about the winery not doing too well?”

  “Ker, I don’t want the winery for wine. There is another reason. Trust me on this one?”

  Karen chuckled, rolled her eyes, and she handed the phone over to Addy. “Trust me! It’s a brilliant idea.” Addy said smiling. The smile was topped with a wink.

  “That’s what I was afraid of!” Oh, dear! Karen leaned against the bed headboard and pillows to watch Addy again deal the next hand in the adventure-filled game that had become their lives. Karen listened in awe as Addy committed a million Euros to buy Isabella’s winery in Scotland. The money was nothing considering all they had just made in the sale of the inns, but Karen was totally intrigued in what the next project would be.

  When Addy hung up, Karen smiled to the point that her face almost hurt. “So, it looks like we are staying in Scotland, are we?”

  Addy smiled. “Yes, green eyes. Haven’t I told you a million times that green, it’s my favorite color?”

  Karen grinned. She put a hand on her heart trying to figure out if it was beating erratically. “Are you sure about this? I think my heart has just skipped a beat. What about the family?”

  Addy smile, while placing her hand on Karen’s heart, “we’ll work on that. You know what they say . . . ‘build it and they will come,’ and about your heart, I think it’s good for it to skip a beat every now and then, mine does all the time when I look at you.”

  Lord, have mercy! “So, what are you up to now? What’s the new vision, Ms. Marcos?”

  “I have many visions, Ms. Larsen, but right now the most vibrant and imminent vision has to do with a certain blonde, and what I want to do to her.” Addy pushed her down on the bed, put her knee between Karen’s legs and straddled her other leg. Leaning forward over her, she said the magic words, “You are mine, Blondie!” Karen grinned and any thoughts about other visions were forgotten instantaneously.


  From Zurich, they flew to Paris and then to the inn in the Riviera where they were meeting with JP and James.

  “Lovely ones, what brings you here? Is everything okay? What ever happened with International Hotels? What did they want?”

  Wanting to be subtle about the whole thing, Karen spoke first. “Everything’s okay, JP. Why don’t we get some lunch? I’m starving. We can talk later.”

  The next words said came from Addy. “Guys, we have good news and bad news to tell you.”

  Karen rolled her eyes knowing that Addy wouldn’t be able to wait to tell the news. She also sensed the extra input of drama, which was the norm on Addy’s communications. Somehow she had already developed a way to prepare for whatever Addy would say. The truth was that Karen loved Addy’s pronouncements and was always amazed at the ease with which she communicated anything. She’d always stand back and smiled.

  They were barely sitting down when Addy dropped the bomb. “Guys, the bad news is that we sold the inns.” Addy seemed excited conveying the news.

  JP’s was shocked. “What?”

  James was speechless and deadly serious. JP was about to open his mouth again but closed it again after hearing the good news part of Addy’s pronouncement. “The good news is that we are all millionaires!” She started to laugh. The men were both speechless, not understanding what was going on. Karen raised her eyebrows, smiled, and said nothing waiting for more reactions. She was expecting her queue to intervene. There was always that moment when she had to make some sense, and explain to others the news communicated by Addy under extreme excitement.

  It was James who broke the silence, “I’m sorry, what was that again? You sold the inns?”

  Karen explained the latest happenings without giving any details as to how much money they made on the deal. The men seemed happy but still in shock. They were particularly happy when they found out that they were to profit from the deal as well. Karen and Addy, had agreed to share their fortune with them because they had worked the inns shoulder to shoulder with them for the past two years and acting and defending their interests above and beyond the call of duty. They were family.

  “We cannot possibly accept!” JP proclaimed. You created everything. He signaled to the surroundings. “It was your money all the time being invested, and we were paid very well for our work.”

  “Yes, JP, but you guys helped us to make it happen.”

  “Well, we couldn’t possibly accept more than a small percentage. If, we did!”

  “Name your percentage.”

; “Ten percent, no more than twenty for sure.” JP said.

  “Twenty percent. Are you okay with that James?”

  James was curious. “Karen, Addy, how much money are we talking about? How much does twenty percent come to?”

  “You are sitting down, so I need to ask you both, how is your heart health?” Karen chuckled when she heard Addy’s input of drama.

  “We have strong hearts, Addy, but this suspense is going to kill me, though. What is it?”

  When JP heard the sum of money, he screamed. “WHAT?” When he screamed, in his usual flamboyancy, JP jumped knocking the chair down and tripping a waiter behind him. There was food everywhere. They helped the waiter to gather things up. When JP sat back claiming that he was about to faint. Salts had to be brought to help him overcome the dizzy spell. “Oh my God, Oh my God, I’m getting hot flashes!” James was in shock.

  Karen continued explaining. “So, we told International about your role managing the inns, and they agreed to keep you on, if that’s what you want. If you don’t want that, then you can do whatever you want. However, there is a third option. I will let Addy explain that one, since this is once again another one of her visions, and I still don’t know the details myself.” She wiggled her hands in the air as she raised her eyebrows looking at the two men.

  JP immediately recuperated. “Woman, what are you up to now? What could you possibly be plotting in that beautiful head? I don’t know what it is, but I’m in. Adriana Marcos, you are miracle worker! I’m in and I don’t care what it is, unless it’s in Antarctica or the Congo. I will not give up certain comforts, not even for best friends. I’m getting too old. I need take better care of my skin in my golden years.” Another one for drama! No wonder they get along so well! Karen and James looked at each other and smiled, apparently both having had the same thoughts.

  “JP nothing of this would have been possible without the Karen’s financial brain. She may be blonde, but she’s no ditzy blonde!”

  “Oh, please! We all know the smart blonde and how she makes you drool, but you, my dear, have her upside down. Look at her! The woman barely speaks anymore, she just listens and smiles.” JP’s statement was very true. Karen was quiet and, as usual, smiling. Addy came closer and kissed her full on the lips in front of everyone. “JP, without that smile, and those eyes looking at me, I’m nothing.”

  JP rolled his eyes now. “Okay, woman, we know she’s your sun and your stars, so what is it that you are you up to now?”

  “Right before we came here, we bought Isabella’s winery.”

  James gasped in amazement while JP stood up in pure excitement. “We are in!”

  Karen spoke. “JP, sit down. Wine is not the reason for acquiring the winery.”

  JP, somewhat disappointed, sat down to hear the rest of the vision. “Then what is?”

  Addy smiled. “I will not reveal my plan until tomorrow. I need to do something first.”

  “Yet she has already committed a very hefty sum of money to this very secret project.” Karen couldn’t believe her own words.

  “Are you crazy? Thank God you now have enough money to throw around like that!” JP commented waving his hand dismissively.

  James kept looking at Addy very seriously. “We are in, Addy, whatever this is, we are in. When we first came to Europe, we came because the two of you were here and we liked to share our lives with you. When we took on the task of managing the Inns of Europe, we saw it as a labor of love and not as a job. We have been happy with our association. We wouldn’t miss a future with you guys for anything. You are our family. So we stick together as long as you’ll have us.” James had thoroughly enjoyed establishing and managing the inns to the point that he had abandoned his web design business to dedicate all his time to the inns. He had also proven to be very business savvy, and JP was always the perfect host delighting everyone with his charming personality.

  Oh my God! She’s got you too. I cannot believe this! Karen thought and inwardly laughed. It was obvious that Addy had the ability to make people jump into whatever pool she jumped in, even without knowing if the pool had any water. Instead of business ventures, Karen referred to Addy’s projects as ‘business adventures’ because they were all based on gut feelings.

  Karen sat back to enjoy the totally crazy circumstances of her life and wondered why she had spent so many years going to the best universities in the world to learn how to draw business plans, mergers, and acquisitions when she could have just done what Addy did, which was more or less pointing in any direction and say something like, “that’s the business I’m going to start because I like the color of the building,” and have that business immediately become a million dollar enterprise. Addy had explained that her business decisions were not just based on gut feelings, or the colors of the buildings, as Karen sarcastically put it. Addy had consistently explained that her decisions were based on observations and research.

  “I feel faint! All this news is too much for me. I need iced water, hot flashes, hot flashes. Waiter! Can you bring me iced water? The coldest one you may have!” He seemed to recover immediately when no one paid attention to him.

  Everyone laughed. “So, we go back to Scotland.” James said happily.

  “Yes, James. We go back home.” Addy smiled and looked to the smiling green eyes next to her.

  “Let’s order something nice to drink and celebrate.” James suggested.

  Addy spoke. “How about some Scotch?” Addy gave Karen a playful smile as she spoke. Karen was momentarily astonished when a thought crossed her mind. Scotch?

  “What’s wrong with the blonde here? She looks like she has just seen an apparition.”

  Addy smiled and picked up the conversation. “Maybe she’s had some sort of revelation.”

  “Guys, once we get the plans on their way, Ker and I are planning to do some extended traveling. We have a long overdue honeymoon in many warm places.”

  “Wow!” James was really happy.

  “Finally! After all this time, I say, it’s about time!”

  Karen continued to smile. JP saw the look on Karen’s face, and pointed at her with the palm of his hand, “see what I mean? Always smiling!”

  “JP, is there a better sign of happiness?” James asked him.

  JP smiled back. “No, there isn’t.”

  Addy, continued. “We are going to go everywhere and do everything we have ever dreamed of doing.”

  “Girls, I think I’m going to have to definitely go upstairs to rest. All this has been too much for my tender heart. I really need to relax some. James, I need you to come with me and help me. We can talk more later.”

  James opened his eyes, as he looked at Karen who had the biggest grin on her face. “We’ll see you later or tomorrow, guys.” James smiled, as he waved goodbye to Karen.

  “What was that all about?”

  “Didn’t you hear? James was needed to provide JP’s tender heart the relaxation he needed.”

  Addy chuckled. “Oh, I see. I could use some relaxation too, you know?”

  Karen looked her up and down. “I think I can help in that department. Aren’t you going to finish your Scotch, though?”

  Addy grinned. They barely needed to talk to communicate. They had each other all figured out.

  Addy kissed her tenderly on the cheek. “Come on, babe, I’d rather go upstairs with my Scottish woman. We have a lot of planning to do and I need to be relaxed.” Oh heaven!


  The next morning when they met for breakfast, it was James who started the conversation. “Addy, I think we would like to know what you have in mind for our future in Scotland. We promise,” and he looked at JP very sternly, “that we will keep the secret.” JP used the signal for boy scouts honor.

  Addy chuckled. “I think it’s a fair question. After all you are committing yourselves to the project. I haven’t even told Karen yet, although I think she knows me well and suspects what it is. Anyway, here it goes. The manor house will be leased f
or corporate retreats and private parties at a very high price, of course. You guys can live there if you want to and can manage that aspect of the business. Rene and Margo can keep their restaurant there, as their private business, as payment for the rent they can take care of the grounds, one less thing for us to worry about. They can also cater all events at the manor. We will keep the stables and raise horses. The winery, ah! The winery. We will pull out all the vines.”

  “Oh God! Addy!” JP wailed.

  “Grapes don’t grow well up there, JP. Isabella was having financial trouble. Wineries are cute, but not for that part of the world.” Karen smiled, happy to know that Addy had really done her research. “We are going to produce what grows best and what Scotland is famous for – Scotch whiskey.” Karen grinned having suspected that much, but also wondering about the details of this huge enterprise.

  “I’m in, oh my God, I am so in!” James was doing a happy dance around the table, waving his arms in the air. Everybody was astounded because he was normally a quiet subdued person.

  Addy asked. “What’s with him?”

  JP answered. “He likes Scotch. I don’t know, Addy, but don’t you think wine has more class?”

  “I love Scotch! What a great idea!” James kept chanting as he danced around the table. Karen was biting her lip and laughing just listening in amazement at the news, and James’ display of emotions. It was like being in a party of mad people, where she felt like the only sane person.

  “Well, JP, sometimes how you market something is what makes it special.” Addy explained.

  Karen continued to smile, listening to her lovely business whiz. Somehow, until now everything made sense in the most absolute craziest of ways.

  “You see, we are in the right place, Scotland, we have the land and the facilities. Some alterations will need to be made to the winery, of course, but a lot of it is already there. We also have the history of the estate and if Karen would allow it and, honey, don’t feel like you have to answer right away, and it’s totally okay if you don’t want to. I can totally understand.”

  “For God’s sake Addy, just say it! What is it?” JP was growing desperate. Karen and James were at the edge of their seats like suspended in time listening.


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