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The Staff of Power

Page 8

by D E Boske


  “I’m sorry Nay. I was just so tired. I did not mean to fall asleep, just wanted to rest a bit,” Destiny replied with a yawn.

  “It’s alright. I’ll tell him ye was checkin’ stocks. He asked me to, but since you’re back here anyway…” Destiny laughed and gave her friend a hug.

  “I’ll check the stocks, and I’ll be right out. Thanks Nay.” Destiny said, still smiling.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  The Pit Shryke watched the exchange. The orders were explicit—watch only, no killing. The hatred was hard to keep in check, the eyes blazing red with the fires of desire. The desire to taste human blood, but the thing feared the master. The Pit Shryke reluctantly let the woman go back to work. How he would like to hear that one scream in pain as it rent the flesh from her bones.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  At last, her double shift ended, and she wearily removed her apron and began to walk home. It seemed longer without Kyler to accompany her. The late-night air was chill, and she rubbed her bare arms, trying to keep warm. It was late summer, but on the Plains, the nights were cool. The night was so quiet; no night birds sang, and no insects hummed.

  The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She felt as if she was being pursued and repeatedly looked behind her as she ran the rest of the way to her house.

  Once inside, she slammed and locked the door and immediately lit several candles. The shadows played tricks on her, and she felt as though she were not alone.

  “Kyler, is that you?” She asked hesitantly. She could hear no sound, no movement. Her skin began to crawl, and she thought she heard someone whisper her name.

  “Darian?” she whispered hoarsely. A shadow detached itself from the other shadows dancing in the flickering candlelight to saunter up behind her and slide his hand up her dress to feel the tender flesh beneath.

  “Tell me of Darian.” The shadow hissed.

  She gasped, the scream dying in her throat, as the intruder silenced her, his hand covering her mouth as he spun her around to face him. She began to tremble, and tears leaked from her eyes. The man groping her, if that’s what he was, was evil. She could see it in his eyes, and hear it in his voice.

  He was perhaps the most hideous creature she had ever beheld; his face was horribly scarred, as if severely burned. The hair on the left side of his face had been burned away to expose the withered, melted scalp beneath. He was big, strong and she harbored no illusions about trying to escape his vice grip.

  “Yes, tell me of Darian.” He hissed, as something skittered across the room in the darkness. She openly glared at the man but made no move to reply.

  “Oh, I have many ways to loosen your tongue girl. We can do this quickly or painfully, but you will tell me what I wish to know,” he croaked.

  She set her jaw firmly, refusing to utter a word. Giving up Darian would surely mean giving up Kyler, and that was something she was not prepared to do. The ugly man laughed.

  “Ah, we do it the fun way. Good. Good,” he purred. He reached over and ripped the front of her dress, exposing her breasts. He grasped her nipple between his index finger and thumb, twisting it viciously.

  She screamed and he backhanded her across the face. Blood oozed from the corner of her mouth. He rose, tied her hands behind her back, and tied her legs to the chair. She closed her eyes and thought of Kyler.

  As if he had been reading her mind he said, “Not as gentle as the elf, am I?” At the look of surprise on her face, he chuckled lewdly. “Oh yes, I know of you and the elf. Now tell me of the Mage!”

  His yellow eyes violated her thoughts, and she shuddered involuntarily. He ripped her dress from hem to hip, and she bit her lip and cried when he touched her. His touch defiled her and she wished she could take a hot bath to soak it away. But there would be no hot bath for her. Instinctively, she knew she would never leave this room alive. He snapped his fingers and from the darkened corner on the other side of the room, a terrifying sight emerged.

  The creatures were coal black, blacker than deep night, with shining green eyes. They had no hair, and their lips were peeled back to reveal row upon row of razor-sharp teeth, in addition to two sets of fangs. Drool dripped from their mouths, their tongues flicking out to lick bloodless lips.

  Destiny wanted to scream, but her throat locked up and only a minimal croak emerged. She closed her eyes and pictured Kyler, remembering the way he touched her. She truly wished

  he were here now to save her. Hot tears sprang anew to her eyes at the realization she would never see him again. She shuddered as the hideous creature cackled.

  “Do you know of the Pit Shrykes? You will soon enough. Again, I ask you, where is the Mage? Tell me where he is and I will let you live. Does your life mean so little to you? What about the life of your unborn child, hmmmm?” he asked, surprised that this delicate creature had not broken yet. His rank breath made her want to vomit and the smell of his unwashed body made her ill.

  He untied her bonds and threw her to the floor. She tried to rise, but he kicked her hard in the abdomen. She coughed, gasping for breath as he tore her clothes off.

  Her screams would go unheard through the silence ward he had cast. The last thing she saw was the ring Kyler had given her and through her anguish, she was able to smile.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Though they were in a hurry, in the morning Darian and Kyler washed, dressed and went out to walk the streets of Mishkalan. Shaz had not yet returned from his foray. People clogged the streets, making it impossible to take the horses. They passed by fishmongers, fruit stands, a bakery and countless other stands.

  All at once, the elf knew someone or something was following them. He risked a glance at the Mage and could see in his eyes that he knew as well. He casually laid a hand on the hilt of a dagger tucked in his belt. Whoever it was; they took great care to remain invisible to their eyes, but not their senses. The elf did not wish to let on that they knew. His instincts told him they were in no danger.

  They stopped at a bakery and bought some cinnamon cakes for breakfast. They ate as they walked, their pursuer not far behind. They purchased some needed supplies to see them to Kiri A’ Nouell.

  Then Darian announced he must get some things and headed in the direction of a shop that sold unique items. The hard to find, the very expensive, the one of a kind, and magical items were all sold here.

  Kyler was surprised at the shopkeeper—a beautiful elf maiden. He did not remember seeing her before. They’d visited this shop more than once on their trips, and she was not the proprietor. He would have remembered a face as beautiful as hers and instantly felt guilty for

  the inappropriate thoughts.

  “Where is Barman?” inquired the Mage.

  “He had a family emergency and needed someone to watch over his shop. I am a friend of the family,” she responded and her easy manner put them both at ease at once.

  Darian gave her his list of items, and she raised her silver eyebrows at one of them. She said nothing as she gathered the items he requested. She eyed Kyler curiously, openly admiring his fine features. He was trying very hard not to look at her. The attraction was obvious, to her if not to him as well.

  “Where are you headed?” she asked in her musical voice. “Are you headed home?” she pointedly looked to Kyler for an answer.

  “Yes,” he replied, looking into her violet eyes. Surely, she could not be from his home. He would never have forgotten so beautiful a face. He tried hard to look away but found he could not.

  “I trust Calisha did not alarm you? When I heard of your appearance in the city, I had to be sure. Please, take no offense,” she said, gesturing behind them. When they turned, they knew at once that this was their pursuer.

  It was a creature of Faerie—able to change appearance at will. No one knew what the Crebellan’s true form was. Crebellan, in the common tongue, meant creature of mist. He was in elf form right now; blonde hair tied back.

  “Not to worry
lady, we are not offended,” said Kyler, with equal parts respect and admiration. “Though, I am surprised that anyone took note of our passing.” The elf maiden laughed merrily at that.

  “Let us not remain strangers. I am Nephraete.” She held out her hand and as Kyler took it in his, she seemed to sway, her eyes far away.

  “Make haste to Kiri A’ Nouell, our people need you. You cannot reclaim the past for it is gone. Look to the future and our people. Take heart! Your companion is a true friend. His road will become dark, and you must help him find his way back. Only then can we stand united and vanquish our enemies.”

  Then she turned to Darian. “Your love is not lost. Do not let go yet. Hope remains. Look out! Your enemies know your road. They are almost upon you! For you, a great sacrifice has been made, a candle snuffed out, blackness. Alas! You have made a powerful enemy. He would take from you that which you treasure most. An unholy alliance was forged; the mighty wyrm flies free. Many will die.” She trailed off. She looked very weak and swayed on her feet. Kyler was beside her in an instant, helping her to a chair. He filled a pewter cup with water from a pitcher resting on a small table.

  “Are you alright?” asked Kyler, his fine features etched in worry. Darian looked too stunned to speak.

  “Yes, I’ll be fine in a moment. The visions just leave me feeling weak, thank you.” She smiled at him, taking his hand in her own, he did not resist. Her silver hair glimmered in the sunlight like stars in a night sky. Her violet eyes held him, and he could not look away.

  “Hey! I’ve been looking all over for you,” Shaz shouted from several shops away. Darian snorted, apparently over the effects of Nephraete’s words.

  “Damn! I thought we lost him.” Then to Shaz, “You were the one that stayed out all night,” said Darian with a smirk.

  “And what a night it was. You two should have joined me, releases the tension. Especially you,” Shaz replied, jabbing a finger at Darian’s chest. “You need to lighten up and have some fun.” Shaz went on, oblivious of the dark clouds swarming in the Mage’s eyes.

  “I do not, nor have I ever, paid for sex. Women give themselves to me freely,” the Mage admitted. The bounty hunter mimicked him and rolled his eyes. Darian laughed inwardly. If only Shaz knew how many women Darian had in his bed at one time or another. He would never have been so bold as to suggest that the Mage needed sex. If anything, he would have said he’d had enough for a lifetime and leave some for the rest of them.

  As they made their way back to their rooms, the Mage and the elf remained quiet, going over Nephraete’s words in their minds. Shaz talked incessantly, but they paid him no mind. They needed to speak alone about a few things. Once back in their room, they secured the door and began to pack.

  “Darian, what do you think she meant by all that?” asked the elf.

  “She’s T Ama’ Ro. I’m sorry I got you and your people mixed up in all this,” answered the Mage.

  “What are you talking about?” asked Kyler, a little worried about what the Mage would say.

  “I haven’t been completely honest with you, about many things. I didn’t come upon Kiri A’ Nouell by accident. I knew exactly where I was and what I was doing. I just didn’t expect to make a friend. Your friendship means everything to me and what I have to tell you now may change that.”

  Darian held up his hand to stop the elf from speaking. “Please, allow me to speak before I change my mind. I left Piri-Tuma not because I earned my staff and wanted to travel as I told you that day. During my Test, I saw many things. I cannot tell you what I saw, but I can tell you that someone is after me. I fear they will not give up until they succeed, or I am dead.” He smiled bitterly at the confused look Kyler gave him.

  “In order to accomplish what I must, I cannot allow myself any distractions, which could prove fatal. It’s just too dangerous, and I will not risk Tynuviel’s life. One of my own is after me Kyler. They want my staff. Morphindinaetlus’s appearance is not a coincidence. The unholy alliance, he has allied himself with a powerful being. To control the Mighty Green, you must be dominant indeed. I still do not know the identity of the one that seeks me. No other staff holds more power than mine. It has unique properties that no Mage has ever seen before. I have many magical items that I keep secret. Hopefully, they remain a secret still, especially from my enemies.” Kyler gripped the Mages arm.

  “My friend, your enemies are my enemies,” assured the elf and was amazed when he saw tears spring to Darian’s eyes, which the Mage quickly suppressed. Darian rarely let his emotions show and now was no different.

  “I understand many things now. You came to Kiri A’ Nouell because you knew no one would find you there. The one thing you did not count on was me. Falling in love with my sister was not part of your plan either, I would guess. Why haven’t you told me these things before now?” asked the elf. “You know I would stand by you.”

  “Do I? How could I have known, not knowing what I would do if our positions were reversed? I tried to tell you many times, but I always lost my nerve. You are the only friend I have remaining. I once had a good friend at Piri-Tuma; Raschel was his name. We entered the school at the same time. We were the same age and were in all the same classes together. We became very close, but he died during the Test of Power, and somehow, I blame myself, though I know I’m being foolish. I keep thinking maybe if I had tutored him…” The pain in his friend’s eyes struck a chord in the elf’s very being.

  “There is nothing you could have done. You must know this,” Kyler reasoned, though he had no way of knowing if the words he spoke held any truth. “If you explain this to Tynuviel, she’ll understand. She will wait for you.”

  “I tell you and you alone. No one else may know. I risk everything in telling you, yet I do not wish to endanger you. Besides, by the time this is all over, I most likely will be dead. We need to discuss one more thing. Do I use my magic to bring us to Kiri A’ Nouell? Nephraete said make haste, they may need us.”

  “I agree. I think there is no way around it, but the final decision is yours, Darian. I do not presume to govern its use. Do we bring Shaz?” asked the elf.

  “I would leave that up to you. It is your homeland, your people. Will they accept another outsider?”

  “If we don’t bring him, he’ll likely follow us there anyway,” answered Kyler with a smile.

  “Yes, but the magical barrier will kill him if he dares try to enter. Hey! That’s it!”

  “Darian, this is no time for jokes.”

  “Who said I was joking?” asked the Mage, but the look the elf gave him forced him to reconsider. “Fine, let us leave at once,” replied the Mage.

  The elf went to sell their horses and was about to retrieve the bounty hunter, but he heard a noise on the other side of the door that gave him pause. He knocked loudly. After a few moments, two scantily clad women came out, and Shaz emerged.

  “This had better be good, elf,” he said gruffly.

  “We’re leaving now. Meet us in our room in five minutes. If you’re not there we leave without you,” replied the elf, his tone stern. He turned on his heel and walked away leaving Shaz in the doorway half dressed.

  Kyler returned to the Mage, “I told him that we’re leaving at once, and if he’s not here we’re leaving without him.”

  Just then, the door opened and Shaz came striding in. Darian frowned. He’d hoped they’d finally get rid of the gigantic pain in the ass.

  Darian began chanting the words to the teleportation spell. He motioned them into a tight circle. A black speck appeared in the air before them, widening as the chant hit the climax. They stepped in, and the portal closed. Every fiber of Shaz’ being was on fire. The air seemed streaky and there were spots before his eyes. An overwhelming sense of vertigo swept through Shaz, making him violently ill.

  They could see brightness approaching quickly. All this took place in milliseconds. Then the portal began to open, and Kyler knew they were a few miles from his home. Shaz fell to the groun
d, vomiting uncontrollably.

  “That happens sometimes,” Darian said, with an evil grin.


  When they were nearing the legendary forest, it seemed to explode into song.

  Lura Shantia O’ Valari

  Nan ti’ Lumanesti

  Volan Kindara Ta vini Osh

  Furana tin Dey O’ Shi

  Ku’ Larai Flutara tia Lazhana

  Gustan Callari Sofan

  Kelban Terani tia Fotana nishi

  Fura Ti’ Nama calo

  Com Ba’ Loh Ixa Flan

  Cah Ni’ Loa Takana oblan

  Mak Ta’ Nilo tir ona Vera

  Shenna tas Ni’ Chuay

  Bah’ Kino tir Shan Ti’ Lau

  Mixhi tir Os Ta’ Lowe

  Kiri A’ Nouell tir La Ma’ tia

  Kulana Mo’ Han!

  Thousands of smiling faces met them at the border. The elves were so excited; they were all talking at once. Tynuviel pushed her way through the throng and threw herself into Kyler’s waiting arms. When she released him, she looked to Darian, unable to keep the smile off her face. He smiled back at her and embraced her, lovingly stroking her hair and caressing her face.

  “I’ve missed you,” he whispered into her ear, drawing her into a passionate kiss. He was unable to help himself. He knew he was being foolish and sending mixed signals, but with her so near…

  “I’ve missed you, too,” she said, entwining her fingers in his. They all walked together through the forest, slowly making their way to the inner realm.

  The celebration went long into the night. There were fine tables set with meats and cheeses, fresh loaves of bread, wine, cakes and much more.

  Tynuviel sat between Darian and Kyler as they all told their stories. At the mention of the Dorgansi battle, the Mage and Kyler exchanged worried looks, for they both had hoped Kiri A’ Nouell would remain untouched.


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