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The Staff of Power

Page 10

by D E Boske

  They were about to stand when the giggling began anew. They forgot about their unseen admirers.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve a spell for that,” the Mage said reassuringly. They heard the disappointed sighs as they came ashore and began to dress. The invisibility spell worked wonders.

  Tynuviel walked back up the trail disappointed, but with a smile on her lovely face. It was clear to her that he loved her, and that was all that mattered.

  “I was hoping I’d catch up to you. I went by your chambers… I thought we could walk together,” said Trighton, giving her his most dazzling smile. His heart soared as she smiled back at him.

  “You came by my room?” she asked, and he nodded. “I’d like to walk with you,” she said, and he beamed at that. “Trighton, in these past months we’ve become very close. You’re a good friend, and I value that friendship.”

  At that comment, his smile melted away, and he stared at his feet as they walked. He had felt certain that she was beginning to have feelings for him… but friendship? That was not what he was looking for. He wanted much, much more. He did not intend to give up, especially after last night. He knew the Mage was not in her life yet as he had watched them from a concealed spot. He wanted this woman more than he wanted anyone else. He lifted his gaze to meet hers, reached over and clasped her hand in his.

  “Tynuviel…we need to talk. These last months have been special. I feel close to you as well but…” They slowed to a stop, and she gazed up into his eyes, deep azure pools. She felt she could get lost in them. Shenna! He was handsome. What was she thinking? This was her friend, nothing more.

  He put his arm around her, put his left hand in the small of her back and pulled her close. With his right hand, he stroked her face.

  Her mind was reeling. What was he doing? This was her friend, she confided in him. He was moving again, his face nearer… nearer. He put the thumb of his right hand on her chin and his index finger under her chin. She could smell the leather of his clothes, smell his scent like the woods and his hair like a sun kissed breeze.

  She didn’t really understand why she let him kiss her, but his lips found hers and she reveled at the intimate contact. How she needed it! He kissed her neck then returned to her lips. His hands went to her breasts and her hands found their way inside his breeches. Her pent-up emotions came flooding through her, threatening to drown her. Darian drove her to distraction and… With that, she broke off the kiss.

  “Trighton, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I just don’t have those feelings for you. I love Darian, you know this.” She could see the disappointment in his eyes. She couldn’t believe this was happening. It was like a nightmare; he was her friend. She’d hurt him, she knew, and

  she hated it.

  “I thought… you… I’m sorry.” His voice was raw with need. He turned and walked away from her.

  “Trighton, wait!” She called, but he never stopped.

  “Are you alright?” asked Tireniel. He witnessed part of what passed between them and came over immediately. Tynuviel and Tireniel had a long-standing friendship. He was there for her whenever she needed him. He always comforted her after Darian’s departures. He made her feel like herself again, and she smiled gratefully up at him.

  “No Tireniel, I’m not,” she replied rather forlornly. How did she let herself get into this mess? Darian and Trighton, she loved them both, each in a different way, and knew not what to do. She may not be human, but she still had feelings. “Trighton, it seems, harbors deeper feelings than simple friendship.”

  “Ahh, who could blame him?” asked Tireniel, his ice-blue eyes shining in the sunlight.

  “Be serious, would you?” she laughed.

  “I am, completely. You do not see yourself the way we do.”

  “Who are we?” She asked, amused but curious.

  “The entire male population. May I walk with you?” he asked, smiling disarmingly.

  “Of course, I’m on my way to the council meeting.” They chatted easily, passing the time quickly. He saw her safely to her destination, and then went to complete his tasks.

  The palace was a breathtaking sight. It was at the heart of the elf community. Huge windows like unseeing eyes greeted them as they rounded the last corner. Shaz drew in his breath sharply. Never had he seen such beauty! The elves constructed the palace, along with the rest of the community up in the trees. Deadly archers lined the parapets and could rain death down on their enemies while keeping a safe distance. Shaz saw the ramps they used during times of war, and they led to small holes that the slender elves had no trouble slipping through if needed.

  Once inside, they threw a switch and the opening became magically sealed. Though Morphindinaetlus had tried, he was never able to break through to the palace. That was the last time they saw the dragon until recently. The elves held no illusions; he would be back to try again.

  They were not idle in his absence, however. They reinforced the formidable protective shield, with Darian’s help of course. Their enemies would be hard-pressed to find a way in now.

  Darian leaned over and put his finger under Shaz’ chin. Darian was sure Shaz had no idea how stupid he looked. Shaz clamped his mouth shut with an audible click and nodded his thanks to the Mage. He inhaled deeply the scent of the flowers planted beside the walkway.

  There were roses, pansies, geraniums and many other rare and exotic breeds unique to Kiri A’ Nouell. The bushes and trees were well groomed, and everything was lush with life. Shaz was the first to reach the guards, and they blocked his path. Though they were slender, they looked fierce and strong.

  “It’s alright Asa, he’s with me,” stated Kyler to the highest-ranking officer.

  “Ni’ Kulana Ti’ ona bon?” asked Asa, and Kyler smiled, keeping his humor in reserve.

  “What did he say?” asked Shaz, a little perturbed that they would not speak in the common tongue. Asa looked him in the eye and sneered.

  “I asked if he was babysitting you.” Shaz looked as if he would get in trouble, so the Mage put his arm around Shaz’ shoulder, urging him on. He forced his own laughter down, knowing they should not humiliate the bounty hunter, though nothing would please Darian more. Shaz forgot about the impertinent guard when they strode into the great hall.

  The great hall had a cathedral ceiling with battle scenes painted by a talented hand; that was not what held Shaz’ attention though. The bounty hunter could not believe his eyes. The floor was made of an unknown opaque material. He could not tell what it was made from. There was beautiful script flowing down the borders of the walkway. The elves were ingenious builders. He’d never seen anything like it. He hurried to catch up so as not to be left behind.

  A cream-colored marble stand held fresh flowers, the aroma caressing the senses and the soul. There were windows with beautiful stained glass, and paintings decorating the walls. Arriving at the council room door, the escort stood aside.

  The council room looked plain compared to the great hall. An oak table sat in the center of the room. It could easily hold fifty people. Two tapestries hung on either side of the table; one of a terrible battle between the elves and the Dorgansi centuries before, the other of the waterfalls and the forest. The elves believed there must always be balance, keeping them focused on their never-ending responsibility.

  Kyler went down the line of elves already gathered there. Tynuviel sat distracted, wringing her hands, her mind clearly on something else. Trighton sat across from her, watching her carefully.

  Kiriasti sat deep in conversation with Kinistaya. Chrystyn was there as well, and a light sparkled in his eyes as he looked at Kyler. He rose and made his way over to shake the prince’s hand warmly.

  “It’s good to see you Kyler; you look well.” The weapons master said in the tongue of the elves. Upon seeing Darian, he continued in elvish. “Darian! It’s been a long time.” The weapons master shook the Mage’s hand warmly.

  “Chrystyn, this is Shaz. It’s a long story that we do
not wish to repeat. You will hear his

  tale in full during the meeting,” Kyler said in the common tongue for Shaz’ benefit.

  Kyler halted in his tracks upon seeing Nephraete. She wore a fine velvet gown of deep blue that made her silver hair sparkle. A silver belt encircled her slender waist and silver slippers peeked out from under her gown. She smiled as their eyes met. He forgot to breathe, and his heart hammered inside his chest. He did not understand what she was doing there. He thought of Destiny, so far away…

  “Beautiful, isn’t she?” asked Chrystyn in elvish. “I’ve been talking to her, and she’s very pleasant.” Kyler nodded, not saying a word as he made his way over to her.

  “We meet again,” she said in the elven tongue.

  “So it would seem,” replied Kyler with a smile, taking a seat beside her. “What are you doing here?”

  “I am here to speak with the Monarch, your father.” So, she knew! Suddenly, he was at a loss for words.

  “What are they saying?” asked Shaz, not at all appreciating everyone talking in a tongue he did not understand. I really need to learn someday, he thought to himself.

  Darian had not been listening. His eyes were on Tynuviel. Something was wrong; he saw Trighton watching her as well. He remembered Kyler’s words of warning then and decided to keep an eye on his rival while he was here. Tynuviel looked at him then, their eyes met, and he smiled at her. She returned his smile and motioned him to come and sit with her.

  Trighton turned in his seat, saw the Mage and frowned. Trighton was apparently not happy about the Mage being there at all. Then he saw the human, and he grunted in disgust. It was bad enough to let the Shivvendari in here, but Ni’ Kulana! That was going too far. The council room had never before allowed entrance to the race of man. To Trighton’s way of thinking, they may as well allow goblins and orcs! His thoughts ended abruptly as the great doors swung open.

  Kinistaya rose and gave the formal greeting, again in the elven tongue to Shaz’s dismay. The ancient elf then announced the Monarch and his consort. All elves, Darian as well, were standing with their arms crossed on their chests, fists resting on shoulders.

  Shaz figured since they didn’t have the decency to speak the common tongue, he knew that they could, then he wasn’t going to show respect by duplicating their actions. More than one elf frowned at his behavior.

  The Monarch and his consort arrived at their seats to stand before the gathering. The queen swept her gaze across those gathered and when her eyes met Shaz, he could not maintain it. It seemed to pierce right through him on many levels, boring into his soul. Though it only lasted mere seconds, he felt stripped bare, naked. Galavad gave a slight nod, and they all took their seats.

  “We will all speak the common tongue for the remainder of this council,” said Galavad, nodding to Shaz.

  Shaz opened his mouth to say something, but Darian elbowed him hard in the ribs. His mouth shut with an audible click, and he grimaced.

  Though the elves were on friendly terms with all the goodly races, they still did not decide things hastily. They intended to hear the travelers’ stories told in full.

  Kyler shifted uncomfortably in his seat, which was next to the king. He knew he would have to tell his father of Destiny and his plans to marry her. He decided to tell him in private. That way, the king’s explosive anger would be contained.

  Tyvale rose from his seat. “We will now hear from Darian.” The Ac Quay’ Ya made the final decision, but Tyvale presided over the council. He announced the speakers, asked questions and was more or less in command. The Mage, a bit taken aback at being announced first, was trying to decide quickly how much he should tell them.

  “All in the room know me, so I would keep it short.”

  “Not this time friend. You will tell your tale in full. Given the amount of trust we must put into our growing relationship, we will have no secrets,” responded Tyvale.

  “As you wish,” Darian said, sighing aloud. He told them little of Mogan Dar, where he came from or of the Shivvendari, the Mages. He spoke little of his growing up or of his teaching and training. He said nothing of the Test of Power or his visions and was careful to ward his mind, as he knew that the elves could scan his thoughts.

  He also knew that most of the elves present, king included, knew of his love for Tynuviel. He told them his version of the recent events as sparingly as possible. He did not like being the focal point of this meeting. At the mention of Morphindinaetlus, there were several gasps, but then they fell silent once more.

  Shaz could not take his eyes from Tynuviel and Nephraete; how beautiful and delicate they were. He forced himself to look elsewhere. He could not put an age to any present, they all seemed young and yet, ageless.

  He could sense the tension between Darian and the elf whose name he thought to be Trighton. The way that they both looked at Tynuviel, he understood that tension. They were both in love with her, it was in their eyes.

  He made his living studying people and hunting them. He could read people better than most. He could tell she had feelings for them both. Poor bastards! She didn’t hide it with the Mage, just stared at him, letting her eyes roam. The time or two that her eyes met the elf’s, he could see pain there and confusion. The council meeting might not be so bad after all, he thought to himself, almost smiling. The council room held fifty people and out of those fifty, only three

  were female. So, what does that mean? The bounty hunter thought.

  Darian was still talking, a lot of nonsense that had nothing to do with why they were here. If he didn’t know any better, he would think Darian did not want to speak of his past or his time in Mogan Dar. The Mage was deflecting. Tuning him out, he scanned the faces again, they were all intent on the Mage.

  These elves! They were all beautiful and exotic; the males included. For a brief moment, he wondered how much easier it would be to bed women if he looked like that! Elven faces with soft, angular features, delicate noses, high cheekbones, pointed ears, long slender fingers… And their eyes! Their eyes ranged in color from simple brown, blue and green, to more exotic colors like gold, lavender, black, amber and grey. He had always pictured elves as diminutive creatures with pale skin and golden hair, not so!

  Nephraete had silver hair. Not silver as in grey with age, but shining, lustrous silver. Some elves had brown hair, some black, some blonde. Even one elf he sensed was rather old, Kinistaya, he thought his name was; his hair was not grey, but still dark. Suddenly, he envied these people very much. They were an immortal people, while he would grow old and die. Now he understood why they rarely inter-married.

  He glanced at Kyler, wondering anew why he chose a human woman. If the rest of the elven females were as breathtaking as the three present, he had to question the elf’s sanity. At last, the Mage finished and sat down.

  “This is troubling news indeed,” said Tyvale. “That the great wyrm is awake again…” he trailed off.

  “We knew this day would come again. It seems that it is upon us now. We have a responsibility to the peoples of Corillia as well as our own,” said Galavad. The queen squeezed her husband’s hand in silent support. “Let us now hear from my son Kyler.”

  Then Kyler began to speak. Kyler gave his account in full, except of course, for Destiny. Now was not the time.

  Shaz noticed that through Kyler’s story, Nephraete’s eyes never left him. He saw the respect that these elves had for him. Nephraete… she felt so much more.

  There were gaps in the elf’s story. He did not even mention Destiny, why? Just as quickly, he had his answer. The Monarch would not approve. Shaz knew it instinctively. He did not understand why the elf would risk going against his father. What motives could Kyler possibly have?

  Shaz did nothing without reason. Kyler’s behavior seemed foolish to the bounty hunter. He did not understand love, having never been in love. His intimate encounters with women were for physical pleasures alone – his. He cared nothing for any of them, even C.J.
/>   At this point in his life, he was incapable of love. When he came out of his contemplation, he noticed it had grown very quiet and the Monarch’s son was sitting at the table again.

  “What does Nephraete, daughter of Thelarki, ask of this council?” asked Galavad.

  Thelarki? Well, that would mean… Kyler could not catch his breath. It did not make any sense. Nephraete must be Tara Ku’ Mai. Roughly translated, The Water People.

  Long ago, a great rift separated the elves. Some no longer wished to remain in the elven forest of Kiri A’ Nouell. They longed for the open water, open spaces, to feel the salt air on their faces. A great number of elves split and departed for the ocean, disappearing, vanishing, until now.

  “What I ask is only this, whatever the decision of this council; I ask that you let me accompany Kyler and Darian. I am T Ama’ Ro, a seer, and can be of great service to them. It is a long journey from Kaleika Bay. I fled my father’s house...” At this admission, there were shocked gasps from many present.

  “He held me captive in my room for days at a time. He became obsessed with my visions. After my mother died… He was not the same elf I once knew. I began to have the visions a year ago. I did not share them with Thelarki. Calisha helped me to escape. I knew I needed to reach Kiri A’ Nouell to warn you and offer what aid I could,” she finished quietly.

  “We are honored by your presence,” said Tiriel, Galavad’s consort. “It seems we have few options,” she went on.

  “What say you, Kinistaya?” asked Galavad.

  Kinistaya remained quiet for a long time, thinking. He knew they must act quickly, but this decision would affect the whole of the elven race and all of Corillia.

  “I think we should send messengers to the dwarves. We’ll need help, and the humans will not be enough to staunch the flow of this disaster unfolding,” the oldest elf replied.

  “Then we must decide who goes,” said Galavad.


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