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The Staff of Power

Page 26

by D E Boske

  “Any one in particular?” Kyler asked, amused.

  “I’ll let you choose.”

  “All right then…” he began, but she interrupted.

  “Not the Mage, you two need to talk and work things out between you. Right now, you do not behave as brothers or friends. I only have one more request, not the human either. I do not like the looks of him.”

  “As you wish,” Kyler said tersely. This elf was far too perceptive.

  Asa, please accompany Tryllia. Make sure she is safe. He sent the quick instructions to his older brother and immediately Asa responded, walking toward them.

  “Your choice is most acceptable,” she said, looking Asa up and down with a smile.

  “Greetings, lady. My name is Asa and I would accompany you.”

  “Well met, Asa. I am Tryllia.” They hit it off right away, talking and joking easily.

  So it was for days uncounted. Asa walked with Tryllia, Kyler with Nephraete and Darian walked alone. But this did not bother him. It gave him time to think. He pulled his cowl up, making himself unapproachable. When they decided they needed him again, maybe he would decline to help them. He glanced in Tynuviel’s direction. On occasion, she would look over at him, but she made no move to speak with him. Tireniel walked with her, trying to brighten her mood. The way he looked at her… Briefly, he wondered what else they were doing, but it was no longer his concern.

  Their path had taken them south two days ago. They were crossing the Logan Plains, a vast expanse of nothing but tall grass and wildflowers. It had grown suddenly silent. No insects hummed. No birds chirped. Nothing. The tall grass was losing its color as the Plains prepared for the long, brutal winter. The late summer sun was still warm and could catch an inexperienced traveler completely unaware. The change of seasons was approaching quickly, the warm breeze carried the scent of it.

  The grass shifted ever so slightly twenty yards ahead and to the left of them. Before Nephraete or Darian could shout a warning, the Gor Li’ Khan appeared, surrounding them. There was nowhere to go. Nothing to do, but face them. They did not appear threatening. They made no sudden movements, nor did they draw their weapons.

  “Takasha! Nephraete, I’ve been so worried about you!” Kryndale rushed to her, holding her close for long moments.

  “You should have told me. I would never force you to marry me. You must know this,” he whispered into her ear.

  “I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I was frightened and I just didn’t know what else to do.” He released her, seeing the forest elves getting restless.

  “I am Kryndale, leader of the Gor Li’ Khan of Kaleika Bay and charged with the task of finding Nephraete and returning her safely home…” Kyler cut him off before he could finish his statement.

  “You’re not taking her anywhere. I believe the lady does not wish to return to that place. Her home is Kiri A’ Nouell. Now, please excuse us as we have pressing business.” Kyler finished and looked to Darian, but the Mage only shrugged his indifference. He did not feel threatened by them. He would show them they could not ignore him and expect him to do their bidding. And Kyler knew better. After all the time they traveled together, he should know him by now. Kyler stepped forward.

  “I am Kyler Brighton, son of Galavad the Monarch,” he said tightly.

  “Yes, the resemblance is obvious.” At the prince’s look of alarm, he continued. “Yes, I have been to your forest homeland. I have met your father, the Monarch.”

  “If you harmed him…” Kyler let the threat hang in the air.

  “If that was my intent I could have had you killed before the rest of you knew what was happening. No, killing you is not why we are here.” Kyler believed him. His long-lost kin were deadly.

  “Then why have you come?” asked Kyler stiffly.

  “We wish to travel with you to Thunder Peak. I believe we could be of use to you.”

  “Really. Why should I consider your request?” asked Kyler, and Kryndale responded in elvish.

  “I have a mage with me as well, yours seems uncooperative…” Darian cut him off, also speaking elvish.

  “I am no one’s pet and I do no man’s bidding.” With that, he opened a gate and was gone.

  The company from Kiri A’ Nouell stood in shocked silence. They had never before witnessed the two friends in such open disagreement. They did not know what to make of it.

  Tryllia’s eyes grew wide as the Gor Li’ Khan appeared. She saw Tryndil, but there was no time, nowhere to hide. It was as if he did not see her. He looked right past her. He could not have forgotten her.

  She left him without an explanation or warning. She knew he had been going to ask her to marry him and this frightened her. She ran without ever looking back. Now, here he was.

  He was as handsome as he was then, but his eyes were cold. Suddenly, she wished she never left. If she could only make things right. Looking at him now, she doubted it. She hurt him deeply. Still, Asa was not a bad choice.

  Kyler sent his thoughts to his companions. Do you think we should let them join us?

  What’s with you and Darian? asked Asa. If we accept them, can we leave Shaz behind? asked Asa.

  I believe it’s obvious father told them where we could be found. I dare say that they would be welcome indeed. They are seasoned fighters and before this is all over, we may need them, Tynuviel sent.

  What say you? Kyler asked, looking at the rest of them.

  Aye. The rest sent. Kyler made the briefest of nods, clearly unhappy with the decision.

  “It is decided then. We welcome your company. We will be entering dangerous ground and your skills would be most welcome,” said Kyler graciously. Kryndale inclined his head.

  “My apologies for my earlier behavior,” said Kyler sincerely.

  “Forgiven. The way we surprised you left little time for manners. I am sorry for that, but felt it necessary under the circumstances. I did not think you would welcome our presence. There is something I must tell you, the town of Marubiel is convinced that…” but the elf prince cut him off.

  “That I killed that girl, I know. I did not, it was the dragon.” At Kyler’s words, Kryndale did well to hide his surprise. How had he found out? He could not use this information as a bargaining chip now.

  “Yes, but we found proof and have cleared you of the crime. A simple spell from Loganthar confirmed this. He must have assumed your form. It is the only explanation. She would not knowingly share her bed with a dragon, I think. Even if he was in the form of an elf prince.”

  “Thank you for your honesty and your help with this. I need to know if I can trust you to be loyal to me and my command,” said Kyler sternly.

  “Yes, of course.” Kryndale did not understand how but he would swear Kyler knew everything he had told him. How was that possible?

  Kyler briefly touched the other’s mind with his. He saw that the Gor Li’ Khan leader was sincere. He severed the connection immediately, hopefully before he was aware. But there was no understanding in his eyes, no comprehension. Kyler wondered how else they differed. If someone had touched his mind he would know, but Kryndale did not. Interesting.

  “Why is the Mage angry? Where did he go?” asked Kryndale.

  “That is a personal matter,” said Kyler crisply.

  “Of course,” Kryndale said with a slight bow. Kyler signaled that they would begin

  moving again.

  “Walk with me,” the elf prince said.

  “As you wish,” replied the leader of the Gor Li’ Khan. “Thank you for your gracious offer. We will do what needs to be done.” Kyler nodded.

  “Tell me, does Nephraete have the same abilities as you do? Can she blend in with her surroundings?” asked Kyler.

  “No, she is T Ama’ Ro. She can do none of these things. When first we came to Kaleika Bay, neither could we. These skills formed over time as we adapted to our new environment. They were many centuries in the making.”

  “Why exactly are you here, Kryndale? Plea
se spare me the story you concocted.

  I want the truth. I deserve the truth if you are to travel with me, if I am to trust you.”

  “In all honesty, when we departed Kaleika Bay, I had every intention of returning home with Nephraete in tow. The farther we got from home, the more I felt an overwhelming sense of relief.

  “Then I began to realize Nephraete held no love for me. If she had, she never would have left. When we came to Kiri A’ Nouell, it was as if we had finally come home. I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and tranquility. Then your father bade us to stay as long as we liked.

  “We long to work for someone who has a unique appreciation for our talents and uses them wisely. I know that Nephraete does not love me as I do her. I will not force her to marry me. No, how could I live with myself?

  “Thelarki can be a harsh taskmaster and we are eager to find someone better suited to us. Your father made us a gracious offer, to join his ranks and be one again with our long-lost kin. Imagine my surprise! He is a great elf and I thought if his chosen were half as good, we would be better served to make our home with you in the forest. Kyler, know that we are sincere and loyal. I would gladly die to protect you.”

  “Why? Why would you do this? You do not know me.”

  “As I’ve said, I need to work for someone that I can respect.” At the sound of Nephraete’s laughter, the leader of the Gor Li’ Khan became distracted.

  She walked with an elf male and a beautiful elf that resembled Kyler. That must be his sister. He watched Nephraete. She had a dark blue scarf tied around her head. Her eyes sparkled in merriment. She was stunningly beautiful. She held the hand of a handsome elf that walked with her. This must be whom she left me for, he thought. Well, not really. They were never together, just friends, but he wanted her. Pain of loss filled him at the sight of her.

  Maybe Tryndil had been right. Maybe it was not wise to come here after all. Takasha! That was Tryllia! What was she doing here? She walked with an elf male and they seemed to be

  getting along quite well. Give it time, she’ll leave him as well, he thought. He saw her look at Tryndil more than once. This could mean trouble. It had taken Tryndil a long time to get over her. Late nights of drinking and carousing with many women seemed to have done the trick. Kryndale did not want him falling for her again. He knew he wouldn’t be able to stop it from happening anyway.

  “Kryndale, there’s something I think you should know. Nephraete and I… We… I’m falling in love with her. She left Kaleika Bay to find me, I’m sorry.”

  “Her visions… Then who is that with her now?” asked Kryndale, stunned. He did not recognize the elf by her side. Mixed emotions flooded him. Anger, sorrow, resentment.

  “That is up to her to tell you.”


  The rogue Mage stepped from the gate into a darkened alley. It had been a long time since he was here last. He hoped he would still be welcome. The sun was just beginning to set as he climbed the stairs to the door and knocked, his face hidden in shadow.

  “Come in, yeah. ‘Tis open.” At the sound of her voice, he smiled to himself. He opened the door and memories flooded him. It had been a long time. He locked the door and went to where he knew she waited. He stood across the room from her, as he lowered his cowl, so she could see her visitor.

  “You! You no come here so long. I miss ye. I been so lonely waitin’ for ye. What keep ye?” She had a strange accent, but she was so beautiful and intoxicating. She had long, black wavy hair and dark skin. Blue eyes looked him over, inviting him closer. He crossed the room to embrace her.

  “Rushani, I’ve been busy. I’m sorry. I never meant to neglect you.” He brought his lips to hers and she kissed him back, urgently. He caressed her skin with his hands as she removed his Shryvven and then his shirt. He let her take control. She guided him to the bed, shoving him down and climbing atop him.

  She kissed him, teasing and tasting his urgency. Her breathing quickened as she rode the

  tidal wave he created. He rolled her over, not even close to being finished with her.

  Hours later, she lay in his arms, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. She did not want him to go, but knew he would never stay. He never did for long. She knew she should find someone else, but she just couldn’t do it and he knew it. She lived for these moments when he was with her. She knew she was not the only one in his life. She was no fool. He was a ladies’ man.

  If The Order ever found out about her, it would be her death. A Mage of The Order was not to spread his seed to any but the Breeders or the sterile whores they provided for amusement. She was at great risk every time he came to her, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Darian, love you. Know? Tell me what happen. Why you no come for so long? The Order keep you too busy now? You canno’ slip away for a while? You know I want you stay here with me.”

  “I know, but I cannot, you know this. It’s dangerous for me to be here with you right now. If The Order ever found out…” she silenced him with her lips.

  “No care. You stay with me tonight. We have lot of catchin’ up to do.” He did not argue with her. He had not the strength or the conviction. He did not want to concentrate with her lips on his body, so he gave himself over to her charms.

  In the morning, he left a glass beside her bed. A mixture of bitter herbs that he made every time they were together. It would kill his seed in case… He had known for some time that she was not taking it. He also found out much worse things about her. Things he wished were not true, but… He had to protect himself and The Order. She was a spy for the Dark Mage and had been feeding him information about his whereabouts. No longer.

  She awoke to find Darian already awake and dressed. She rolled over and tried to grab his wrist, but he pulled away. Then she saw his eyes, so cold, hard, and ruthless! She’d never seen that look on him before. She knew at once that he knew what she’d done and in that instant, all the gold she’d been paid wasn’t worth his betrayal. She hadn’t lied when she told him she loved him and she didn’t know exactly why she betrayed him. Jealousy perhaps. Jealous rage ripped through her now as she recognized that she was nothing to him. Nothing at all. He cared nothing for her.

  “Why Rushani? Why have you betrayed me?” he asked.

  “I… I… I don’t know. I’m sorry Darian, please… Please don’t hurt me,” she begged. “A terribly scarred, burned Mage came here and threatened me. He said that if I didn’t turn you in that he’d come back and kill me.”

  “And what, exactly, do you think I’m going to do?” he asked her, quietly threatening.

  “He forced me to…” she trailed off and he realized that her accent had vanished.

  “Is anything real about you, Rushani?” he smirked.

  “I wanted to tell you, I did, but… He was always watching me and I was scared Darian!”

  Darian began casting a series of spells and she felt the magic ooze over her home. She was going to die a horrible, grisly death. The worst part of it all was that she knew she deserved it. She never should have turned against Darian. Not after everything they’d shared. By the looks of it, she was the only one feeling nostalgic.

  “Please Darian, don’t hurt me. I’ll tell you whatever you wish to know,” she begged, as she began trembling in fear.

  “Yes, you will,” he smiled coldly. “Who is the one who contacted you initially?”

  “I don’t know his name, but he is vile and disgusting. He forced me to…”

  “I don’t care what he did Rushani,” Darian cut her off. “I only want to know what you told him.”

  “But… Darian, he made me…”

  “Darlin’, your well-being is of no concern to me. It never was. I’ve been in you, that’s all. I’ve been in thousands babe. You think I give a shit about any of them?”

  She began to cry now. She thought he’d have some compassion, but she’d been wrong. Apparently, she’d been wrong about a lot. His face was smooth, perfect, and utter
ly captivating. She found she could not look away from his silvery-grey eyes. Her eyes traveled to his lips and down his body, drinking in the sight of him. Her only hope was to try and appeal to his senses. She smiled shyly at him and lifted the bed sheet so he could see her body. She got to her knees and put her hands on her hips.

  “C’mon Darian, make love to me like you have so many times before,” she purred.

  “Listen you stupid, worthless whore! I’m done with you! Now tell me what you know!” His words held magic and they forced her to obey, but not without pain. He gripped her throat in his right hand, squeezing, squeezing. He shoved her violently down onto the bed and bound her with magic so she could not move.

  She began babbling anything that she thought might be useful to him. “I don’t know his name, but the Mage that comes here is the burned one. His voice is raspy and charred sounding. He comes regularly to pay me and pick up any information that I may have. Mortin, he is the one who initially set up the meeting with the burned one. He utterly despises you and would see you dead, I think,” she stammered.

  “Are you saying that Mortin frightened you? You could take out Mortin with little more than your sharpened tongue! You filthy, lying wench.”

  “Darian please, stop. You’re hurting me,” she cried.

  Rather than release her, he did the opposite. He tightened the magic that was restraining her. “Are you gonna’ rape me too?” she asked. He looked at her and she thought she saw something akin to pity and she felt her bonds loosen.

  “That’s not my style Rushani and I think you know that. Besides, I don’t have to force myself on women, they throw themselves willingly at my feet. You know, the same way you threw yourself at me, remember?” He smirked. “Are you stalling? Hoping that Mortin will save you? Gods, I hope he does show up so I can kill him too,” said the young Mage harshly.

  He began casting once more and while he was occupied, she tried to hit him with something from her dresser. He never even opened his eyes. His concentration was frightening and his control absolute. He did not miss a syllable in his spell, even as he continued casting, he froze her with his right hand. Once the dweomer was complete, she started screaming and couldn’t stop. The pain was indescribable. She felt scraped raw from the inside out and her fingers twisted obscenely and no longer obeyed her commands.


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