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The Staff of Power

Page 33

by D E Boske

  “Nephraete told me. She said she was worried about you and thought that maybe you shouldn’t be alone. I’m sorry.”

  “For what? Nephraete is a good friend. She told me that you would be willing. She told me how you look at me.”

  “She did, huh?’


  “This was a setup.”

  “Are you angry?” she asked worriedly.

  “Not at all. I’ve wanted this for a long time. I never should have let Trighton near you. For that, I am deeply sorry.”

  “It’s my fault, no one else’s. Everything happens for a reason, right? Thank you Tireniel. That was amazing.”

  “It was, wasn’t it? Takasha! Kyler will kill me!”

  “No, he will not. I’m a big girl and can take care of myself. He has no say over my heart. He just might be pleased. He knows you well and trusts you.”

  “My point exactly. He trusts me. I don’t think he’d like me making love to his sister.”

  “I’ll take care of it. You’re a good elf and he knows that. Why would he worry?”

  “Brothers can be vicious.” He kissed her softly, stroking her bare flesh as he held her. For the first time in many days, she did not cry herself to sleep. Tireniel deeply satisfied her. She drifted into Ru Nay’ Sha with a smile on her face.

  In the morning, Tireniel and Tynuviel were the first in the common room. When the others arrived, she was sitting in Tireniel’s lap as they kissed. The Mage sat across from them, his face devoid of emotion.

  Nephraete had a gleam in her eye and a smile on her face that not an elf present failed to notice.

  Darian did not eat much. The sight of Ty kissing Tireniel made him sick to his stomach. He could not expect her to ignore her needs. He just wished it were him satisfying her and not Tireniel. But, he was better than Trighton. He respected Tireniel. He would take care of her. Trighton was a child in an adult’s body. Just then, Tansher walked into the common room and right up to their table.

  “I am Tansher Morningstar, leader of The Knights of Shorlan. I would speak to Kyler Brighton of Kiri A’ Nouell and the Mage of The Order that travels with him.” Kyler stood at once.

  “I am Kyler. What can we do for you, Tansher?”

  “I would speak to you alone if you don’t mind.”

  “Of course.” Kyler led them upstairs to his room.

  “I’m sorry I could not come sooner. I’ve been kept quite busy since the dragon attack.

  “We heard from the dwarves. I’m not sure what any of this has to do with us,” said Darian seriously.

  “I’ve heard tales of your prowess. It is an honor to finally meet you. There have been many strange happenings of late. The thief and the bard, though they act suspicious, have done nothing wrong that I know of. First, they came to the city. Then, two of my best Knights disappear for a couple of days. Then we found Rushani dead and Morphindinaetlus attacked.”

  “Again, what does this have to do with us?” asked the Mage tonelessly.

  “Who is Rushani?” asked Kyler, looking from Tansher to Darian.

  “I was hoping you two might have some insight. You travel with a large company, Kyler.”

  “I have no idea who that is. As for our company, six of them we picked up along the

  way. They are the legendary Gor Li’ Khan.” At the mention of this, Tansher paled. “The human we rescued from goblins. As for the thief and the bard, we are to meet them tonight. They wish to join us as well.”

  “For what possible purpose?” asked Tansher.

  “I gather that is why we meet tonight,” Darian inserted.

  “How long will you stay?” asked Tansher.

  “No more than two more nights.”

  “How fares Kiri A’ Nouell?”

  “The goddess, as always, protects her people,” responded Kyler.

  “The forest has been unaffected, then?” asked Tansher.

  “Nay. We were attacked by a Dorgansi.”

  “A… How?” The shock on Tansher’s face was palpable.

  “I do not know. This is the second attack by a Dorgansi that I know of,” admitted the elf prince.

  “Then more are free?” the Knight asked worriedly.

  “It would seem so,” responded Kyler.

  “But how?”

  “A Dark Mage,” interjected Darian.

  “I thought The Order worked to prevent this from happening again,” said Tansher stiffly.

  “We do. I believe he is behind the release of the Dorgansi. I believe he controls the Mighty Green as well.”

  “He would have to be powerful indeed. This is much worse than I feared,” said the leader of the Knights.

  “So it would seem,” said the Mage quietly.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  The Knights blocked the lone elf’s path at the gate and they would not let him enter.

  “State your business,” said Firehawk.

  “I’m with Kyler. We got separated during the snowstorm,” the elf replied confidently.

  “Kyler did not mention waiting for anyone,” replied the Knight.

  “No doubt he thinks me dead. It was a bad storm. We got separated and I had to find shelter. When the storm was over, they were all gone. I tracked them to the city, hoping to catch

  them before they left.” They searched him and let him pass.

  Once inside, he walked the streets in search of his prey. This day was a long time coming and he became aroused at the thought that he finally would get what he was after. His keen sense of smell led him to The Vale inn. He walked past it and down the street a bit to wait for them.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  “What is The Order’s position? How do you intend to help? Will you send Mages to every city?”

  “I am not at liberty to discuss this right now,” stated Darian.

  “What can you discuss? So far, you haven’t been much help,” retorted Tansher, his amber eyes blazing.

  “Well excuse me. I have a Dark Mage crawling up my ass and I’ve been a little busy lately trying to throw him off my trail! You take care of my problem and it’ll free up my mind to work on yours,” said Darian acidly. Tansher blew an exasperated breath.

  “I’m sorry. We are all under a lot of pressure. We have much to worry about these days and have been on the road for quite a while and are in need of rest,” soothed Kyler. “We are on our way to see Branson Thundershield. From there, we will return home and tell the council what we have learned. The Monarch and the council will decide our next course of action. That is all I can tell you right now, Tansher.”

  “It is a pleasure, Kyler. Any plans for marriage in the future?” Kyler smiled at the question.

  “Not at this time. I’m still getting to know her.”

  “She’s a beauty. Keep her close. More than one elf in your party watches her. One misstep could be your downfall, Kyler. And I meant no offense…” Tansher said, looking to the Mage and extending his hand.

  “Darian,” said the Mage, clasping the Knight’s hand.

  “Darian,” repeated Tansher. “I should get back to my duties,” Tansher said as he left the two friends alone.

  “I’ll catch up to you in the market. I wish to speak with Tireniel. Do you mind?” asked Kyler.

  “Not at all,” said Darian, wondering what would be said. They went back to the common

  room. Darian was relieved to see Ty off his lap now and talking to Nephraete.

  “Tireniel, a moment please,” said Kyler, going back to his room. He could have easily sent the mental command, but preferred to let everyone see that he was talking to him privately. Ty and Nephraete prepared to leave, but the Mage stepped in and took hold of Ty’s arm.

  “Could I talk to you please?” He led her to a corner where there was an empty table out of sight of theirs.

  “Ty, I think it’s good that you’re with Tireniel. He is good for you and he will not hurt you the way I have,” he said carefully.

  “Darian, what are you
trying to say?” she asked, feeling sick to her stomach. For she suspected and the very thought of it made her weak in the knees. A chasm had opened and her whole world crashed down into it.

  “It’s over Ty. I am letting you go. I will not interfere in your life again. Maybe you can find happiness if you’re not thinking of me.”

  “You’re giving up on us? You will not try to find a way for us to be together?” she asked as tears fell from her eyes.

  “All I’ve ever managed to accomplish is to make you cry. And that is the last thing I’ve ever wanted. With me out of your life, maybe you can find happiness.”

  “All I’ve ever wanted is you Darian. Please don’t do this. Promise me you won’t give up. I need you. I love you,” she said, crying freely now.

  “I love you too Shan Ta’ Zi,” which in elvish was an affectionate term with no definite translation. He kissed her then, never wanting to stop. This is not how he wanted it to end. He always thought they would end up together. He just could not bring himself to cause her more pain than he already had. He felt it best to end it now. She could still be happy with Tireniel and he was giving her that chance. The hardest thing he had ever done was to walk away from her as she cried.


  Kyler closed the door behind Tireniel and did not speak right away. He took several moments to gather his thoughts.

  “What are your intentions toward my sister? She is in a delicate position right now and does not need any more complications. She’s had a rough time with Darian. Shenna only knows why she still loves him.”

  “Kyler, I care for her. We’ve been friends for years and I never told her how I felt because I knew she loved Darian. Last night, we bumped into each other in the hall. We went down for a drink… I just wanted to make sure she got to her room safely because she was visibly upset.

  “I told her I would not stand in Darian’s way. If they want to be together, I will step aside. As hard as that may be, I will do it and if Darian does not find himself by the time this is over, I intend to ask your father for her hand.” Tireniel finished and waited for Kyler’s response. The elf prince broke into a big smile and hugged Tireniel.

  “Truly? You shall ask father for her hand?”

  “Yes. I’m no Darian, but I’d like to make her happy.”

  “By the looks of it this morning, you do.”

  “She is a very passionate woman. It is easy loving her. If she will let me, I would do it

  for a lifetime,” said Tireniel.

  “Tireniel, I’m happy it’s you and not Trighton. He is no good for her. I did not tell him because I did not wish to hurt his feelings. You’re a good elf and you both deserve happiness. I know you will treat her right.”

  “Thank you. That means a lot to me. I was worried you’d be angry with me.”

  “That’s why I wanted to talk to you in private. I would have been angry if you were taking advantage of her. I can see this isn’t the case, she isn’t crying anymore either,” said Kyler.

  They returned to the common room to find her doing exactly that. Tireniel went to her immediately and Kyler took Nephraete’s hand, giving his sister space.

  “Ty, what’s wrong? What happened?” Tireniel asked, holding her tightly.

  She clung to him as her whole body was wracked with sobs. She could not speak for some time, so upset was she. He was patient with her and did not try to rush her. He stood holding her, stroking her hair. He began to sing to her in elvish and finally she grew quiet.

  Darian kept going until he was outside the inn. He stumbled down the narrow alley, vomiting until there was nothing left. He wiped his brow with a soft cloth and dragged his hand over his mouth. By Delvishan, that was the hardest thing he had ever done. He knew she would be better off with Tireniel, but it pained him, breaking his heart. He could not get her tear stained face out of his mind.

  He took control of his emotions, blocking them off and sealing his love for her behind his iron will. When he’d regained his composure, he went in to the market. They still needed many things and he was in need of some personal items as well.

  He had just completed the purchase of his personal items when he heard Kyler behind him.

  “Darian, wait up!” the elf sprinted lightly to his side. “What happened back there? Are you alright? You don’t look too good.” Something about the elf’s presence set his teeth on edge and grated on his nerves.

  “What’s with the questions?” asked the Mage shortly.

  “Sorry for being worried about you. I should know better by now.”

  “Yeah, you should.” Darian walked away in search of the baker’s table they visited yesterday. He intended to get more of those sweet cakes. His stomach began rumbling, apparently forgiving him for the earlier outburst. They made it to the table and Darian bought four of the cakes. He offered one to Kyler, but he turned his nose up at it.

  “Darian, do you have the staff? I sense trouble approaching.” Darian set the cakes down on the table, tapped his staff, sending the command word and the staff grew in size. He spun

  around, attacking Kyler, but the elf was ready and blocked blow after blow, albeit clumsily.

  “Darian, what are you doing? Stop this madness! Darian!” the elf cried, trying desperately to bring him to his senses. The Mage turned his back on his friend, shaking his head as if to clear his troubled mind.

  People in the streets began to run screaming. The sound of smashing wood and broken glass reached his ears. The Mage turned to face his destiny. Morphindinaetlus stood in the square. His huge bulk had smashed many of the vendor’s tables, including the baker’s table.

  “That was my breakfast!” shouted Darian.

  Fire shot from the wyrm’s mouth and the Mage brought his staff to bear, freezing the flames in mid-air. Nereina huddled in a corner, well hidden. She could not believe her eyes. The man who’d shared her bed for the past two nights was a Mage of The Order!

  The Great Wyrm swung his enormous tail in a mighty sweep, trying to smash his hated enemy. The Mage ducked low, then jumped high to avoid the powerful strokes. The battle quickly decimated the Market Square. The people were long gone except Nereina, who was frozen in shock. She could not take her eyes off the horrific battle taking place in front of her.

  “Nephraete, what’s wrong?” Kyler asked worriedly.

  “Darian! He’s in danger!” she cried, sounding far away.

  “No. He’s fine. He went to the market. I told him I’d meet up with him later.”

  “No! He’s not alright. He is in grave danger. The wyrm is in the city. A great battle is being fought and if the Mage loses…” she trailed off, losing consciousness.

  “Tynuviel, stay with her. Make sure she’s okay.” He signaled for the rest of the elves to follow him.

  “Be prepared… We go to fight the dragon. Darian needs us. If he falls…” he let the thought go unspoken.

  Once outside, it wasn’t hard to find them. Terrible sounds filled the air. Black ash fell from the heavens, blotting out the sun. Lightning raced across the sky and thunder crashed, sounding far too close for Kyler’s comfort. He stumbled and almost went down, the pull on the Magical Weave ripped through him, nearly laying him low.

  The Mage seemed tiny compared to Morphindinaetlus. Darian raised his staff high and red light poured out. The dragon sneered at the Mage, the spell having no effect on him. Darian tucked that bit of knowledge away for later. If indeed there was a later for him.

  “Where is my Orb, Darian Brade?” asked the wyrm in his mighty voice. “I shall keep you for a lifetime to torture you and bleed out your magic for your impudence.”

  “Really, and does your master agree with your decision?” Darian took a great chance in bringing this up to the prideful beast. A dragon had no master, but he knew the Dark Mage had taken control of Morphindinaetlus, a difficult task indeed.

  The dragon expelled the flame again. Darian raised the staff, once more turning the fire to ice. The dragon swung his tail to
the right, and when the Mage prepared to deal with the blow, Morphindinaetlus quickly changed direction, sweeping to the left and catching the rogue Mage off guard. The blow caught him in the side and he heard the snap of bone, knowing he was in trouble. The blow pierced his lung, he could not catch his breath and he began to cough up blood.

  He cast one of his most powerful spells, he knew it wouldn’t kill the beast, but it would injure him, he was sure. The blue snake-like fingers of death flew from his fingertips, biting into the wyrm. They found the dragon’s most vulnerable spots and struck without mercy.

  The beast howled in pain and anger, lashing out with its wicked claws. The Shryvven protected him from being ripped open, but the force of the blow deeply bruised his thigh. He collapsed on the ground, writhing and twitching, his leg no longer supporting him. The wyrm raised his huge limb, intending to squash the Mage. Darian barely made it to safety as the appendage came crashing down where he lay, only seconds before. Shards of shattered bricks and dust flew into the air as the dragon’s might smote the square. The shrapnel cut into Darian’s exposed flesh, leaving his hands and face raw and bleeding.

  Darian reached into a pouch at his waist and threw the faerie dust in the air, weaving his staff through it in intricate patterns. The orb flew free of the staff. The dragon’s eyes grew wide with fear. Apparently, this fact was unknown to the dragon and his master and the Mage ground his teeth at the thought, but there was no help for it.

  Wisely, he tucked his wings tightly against his back. He could ill afford anything to happen to them. The orb scorched the dragon’s flesh on its left side and he howled in anguish. He opened his mouth wide, spraying flame and torching everything in its path. When he opened his eyes, he was amazed to see Darian still standing there, unscathed by the flames. The Mage was gravely injured though. He could see the strain behind his eyes. He could smell the blood on him and it smelled… good.


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