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The Staff of Power

Page 39

by D E Boske

  Shaz had never seen Darian act like this. He just could not stop staring. She was so beautiful and sexy. He wanted her. He wanted to taste her, to make her cry for more. He would bend her like a pretzel. He would… the king of the dwarves rudely interrupted his train of thought.

  “So Darian, who’s the lovely lass?”

  “This is Gayla,” he introduced them all.

  Tynuviel just ignored the whole thing. She stared at Darian with smoldering eyes. She saw Nephraete chatting easily with her, but Nephraete was so nice, she’d talk to anybody. Then, to her surprise and dismay, her own brothers began talking to her as well. Talking and laughing with that… that… Shal Na’ Daru! And it only made it worse that she was so damn beautiful. She could understand why he kept her close. She felt so betrayed. Tireniel put his arm around her, whispering in her ear.

  “Are you alright? Tynuviel?” he asked.

  “How could he bring her here Tireniel? Why?”

  “I’m sorry Shan Ta’ Zi. At least you don’t have to be alone anymore.”

  She smiled at him. He was so kind to her. He honestly loved her. She should feel lucky, honored even, to be with Tireniel. She looked into his eyes and saw the hurt that he tried so hard to hide. He could not hide it from her. She kissed him, letting her lips linger on his.

  “I’m sorry Tireniel. I’m being so rude.”

  “I understand. It’s okay; I knew what I was getting into. I guess it’s the major reason why I was so hesitant to get involved, but I’m glad we did. I wouldn’t change a thing except the pain in your eyes and your love for him.” He kissed her again.

  “Gayla, I’m Asa. It’s nice to see you again. I’m Kyler and Tynuviel’s brother.”

  “Nice to meet you under better circumstances.”

  “I bet you feel pretty uncomfortable,” he said with a smile.

  “Yes actually,” she replied, laughing.

  “I can only imagine. Do you know anyone here besides Darian?”

  “Yes. I met Kyler, Nephraete and Tynuviel.”

  “It’s nice to see you again Gayla,” Kyler said, his face unreadable.

  “You too, Kyler.” Darian stood to fill Gayla’s glass with Al-Dan-Tir blue wine, then filled Nephraete’s glass.

  “I could kiss you Darian,” Nephraete whispered in relief.

  “Not now in front of all these people. Later,” he whispered tantalizingly. He offered some to Tryllia, but she declined with a smile.

  “It must be hard to stay alone for so long without knowing if Darian is alright and what he’s doing,” Kyler said to Gayla, ignoring Darian’s warning glare.

  “Yes, it is. But it won’t be that way anymore,” Gayla smiled, squeezing her lover’s hand.

  Nephraete could tell that Kyler’s offhand remark had made Darian angry, but she found it amusing. She felt sorry for Gayla because she could see she really did love Darian. Nephraete wondered how Gayla would react if she knew what he’d been up to in her absence. She knew the elves would not say a word, but she feared the bounty hunter would be happy to. She saw how he looked at Gayla. Like she was a piece of meat on his plate. He caught her looking and blew her a kiss. She did not let it show that it bothered her. Kyler had not noticed, so involved was he talking to Gayla.

  However, Darian saw and made a mental note to talk to him later. He could embarrass him right now, but felt that was not the right way to go. He refilled the ladies’ glasses, winking at Nephraete. She smiled in thanks.

  Darian was so thoughtful. If she didn’t know better, she would think he was flirting with her. He talked with her the whole night. Sometimes, he would touch her thigh, her arm or her hand. It was electrifying. His touch. He even touched her face, brushing stray strands of her silver hair behind her ear.

  There was so much about Darian that she didn’t know. Lately, he was showing a side they’d never seen before. One minute he could be so coldly calculating. The next, warm, thoughtful and compassionate. He was incredibly sexy, handsome and charismatic. And he knew it. Oft times, he used it to get what he wanted. All types of women fell prey to Darian Brade. He used them, and then sent them on their way, forever changed.

  Kryndale watched cautiously. He wanted to know who this beauty really was. The Mage’s behavior was getting out of control. Now it seemed he was moving on Nephraete. He flirted incessantly with her throughout dinner. Was Kyler blind? He was doing it right in front of the elven prince! Kyler must really trust the Mage. Kryndale wasn’t so sure he did.

  They just did not bring their “entertainment” to the dinner table. Darian was much different, he could tell. Darian was a complicated individual with many hidden layers. He felt he should speak to the Mage, though he might not be anxious to hear the Gor Li’ Khan’s words. If The Order ever found out what the Mage was doing, there would be consequences, he knew. He would never turn him in of course. Despite their differences. Kyler would never forgive him if he did. He served Kiri A’ Nouell now, faithfully. Darian was a good man in spite of his carnal appetite, which was none of Kryndale’s business.

  “So Gayla, I think I speak for a lot of us here. How do you know Darian?” asked Asa, pulling Kryndale from his thoughts.

  “Oh, that is quite a long story which I will not get into,” she responded politely.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you,” replied Asa.

  “It’s quite alright Asa. None taken,” Darian commented. “We go back a long time,” was all the answer they would get.

  “So are you going to be traveling with us now?” he asked Gayla.

  “Yes, sometimes I suppose,” she answered, glancing at Darian for direction. Not one of them at the table missed that look. It answered many unasked questions.

  So, Darian is in charge, thought Asa. She must have no say. Why had he brought her here now and not before? Was Tireniel and Tynuviel’s relationship making him jealous? Did he bring Gayla only to make Tynuviel jealous? He didn’t understand the Mage’s motives.

  Kyler knew he’d upset Darian. He didn’t really mean to, but felt his friend had it coming. In any case, Gayla was a beautiful, sensuous woman. What need did he have for all those others? He saw the look Darian shot his way, but he knew he was the only one who could get away talking to him like that. Darian would forgive him quickly, he always did. They could be honest with each other.

  Once supper was concluded, Darian walked Gayla most of the way back to their room. Then he stopped her in the corridor. He leaned into her, kissing her tenderly.

  “Our room is just down this hall. It’s the last room on the right. I’ll be back, but there’s something I must do.” He kissed her again, then went back the way he came.

  Shaz had been watching them from around the corner. He saw Darian kiss her and how she melted. He overheard Darian tell her that he’d be back, but he didn’t say how long he’d be gone. He stepped out, walking casually.

  “Do you need help…? Gayla right?” he said, trying to be charming, but failing miserably.

  “No. I’m fine thanks,” said Gayla with a fake smile.

  “Are you sure? A beautiful woman like you all alone can be dangerous.”

  “Oh brother. Is that the best you’ve got?” she asked sarcastically.

  “You want to see sweet thing? C’mon, my room is right here.” He grabbed her hand, pulling her to him. He tried to kiss her, but she turned her head.

  “C’mon, what’s so special about Darian anyway? I’m a nice guy. I can be fun.”

  “Let me go… Shaz right?” she remembered.

  “Gayla, are you alright?” Asa asked. “Is Shaz bothering you?”

  “I was trying to befriend her, but I guess she has enough friends,” he retorted.

  “Yeah. Enough like you. Get back in your room before I tell Darian,” Asa warned, coming between them.

  “Oh, I’m so scared,” Shaz retorted, mock biting his fingers.

  “You’re such an ass. Ni’ Kulana. Shal Na’ Daru!” Asa spat.

  “Oh yeah tough g
uy?” Shaz said, drawing his blade, but Asa only laughed.

  “Takasha! What’s going on here? What’s gotten into you Shaz?” asked Kyler. “Asa, what’s going on?”

  “I came upon him trying to seduce Gayla. He was holding her hand, trying to get her into his room. I don’t know why, for laughs maybe. It’s not like he could offer her anything else.” Gayla smiled at that. She liked Asa and Kyler.

  “Why you son of a…” Shaz began, but before he knew it, Asa had disarmed him, cutting his chin in the process. Of course, the elf could have done it without an injury, but where’s the fun in that?

  “Gayla, are you alright?” Kyler asked her.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Asa came just in time.”

  “Shaz get back to your room. Why do you persist in angering Darian and I?”

  “I just wanted a little taste. I wouldn’t have hurt her. Why do you and Darian get all the beauties? You know Gayla, Darian doesn’t deserve your loyalty. He has his share of women behind your back. You think you’re the only one? You’re not that stupid, are you?” Shaz said mockingly.

  “You men are all the same! If someone has something better than you do, you want it. You can’t stand to let a pretty girl go by without having some sick fantasy about her. You’re a disgusting pervert.”

  “Fine. Fine,” he said, retreating into his room.

  “Thank you, Asa. I’ll make sure she gets to her room.” Asa nodded and left. Kyler walked her down the hall to her room.

  “Could you come in please? For just a moment?” she pleaded and Kyler had a pretty good idea why. Once she closed the door she turned to him, tears in her eyes and Kyler’s heart went out to her.

  “Is it true? What Shaz said, is it true?” she asked.

  “Gayla, Shaz is not worth getting upset over. He just says things to upset you. He doesn’t care who he hurts. Don’t believe him,” Kyler soothed.

  “Darian is gone a lot. Sometimes for weeks at a time. He has plenty of opportunity. I mean, it’s not as if I’d know any different, being locked up in his tower. He’s handsome and he knows

  it. I’m not the only woman who wants him. Please, be honest with me Kyler.”

  “Gayla. What you’re talking about goes against Order law.”

  “Yes, but so does our relationship.”

  “Good point. Gayla, I’ve never seen Darian with another woman. We’ve been friends for a long time and I’ve only ever seen him with you.” She beamed. Kyler did not quite lie. He never saw Darian in his room with anyone. Heard maybe, but that was not the issue here.

  “Thank you, Kyler. I must seem pretty pathetic. I get the feeling you don’t quite like me.”

  “I’m sorry if I come across like that. I do like you, it’s just…”

  “I know. Tynuviel loves Darian and that’s your sister.” She was very perceptive, but she did not know the whole story.

  “I know you won’t tell. I know I can trust you. You’re Darian’s best friend.”

  “I won’t say anything. I won’t tell Darian about tonight either. I’ll leave that up to you.”


  Nephraete was alone in her room, Calisha had not returned yet. She was just about to get undressed when there was a knock on her door.

  “Oh Darian, come on in,” she said. “What can I do for you?” she asked, as she poured some juice. He gestured and the door bolted in place.

  “Would you like some?” she asked.

  “No, thank you,” he said. “I came to collect that kiss you promised at supper.”

  “Oh Darian,” she said, laughing and touching his arm. “Why are you really here? Besides, I said I could kiss you not that I would.”

  “Nephraete, I see the way you look at me. Your emotions are open to me. I know that I excite you. I know a part of you wants me…” he trailed off.

  “Darian, I love Kyler. He’s your best friend. How could you live with yourself?”

  “Oh, I’d live with myself just fine. Now, how about that kiss you promised me? If it makes you feel better, we can go from there. If you like the kiss… well… I’ll give you whatever you want.”

  “Darian! How could you? Kyler trusts you. What are you doing here? You should be with Gayla. She loves you.”

  “I know, but… Nephraete, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I should go.” She

  rose to walk him to the door. He grasped her hand, turning her around, and before she knew what was happening, his lips were on hers, his tongue exciting her. The way he kissed her… So different from Kyler. She started to fight, but his grip was too strong. When he let her go, she slapped him across the face.

  “So, how was it for you?” he asked glibly. She laughed, touching his red cheek.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have hit you so hard.” He took her small hand in his.

  “Nephraete, if Kyler wasn’t my friend… I would make love to you right now.”

  Nephraete stood there stunned for a moment. “What makes you think I’d allow it?” He smiled at her knowingly, kissing her again passionately. This time she did not slap him.

  “I should go before…” he left it unsaid.

  When he was gone, she bolted the door in place again. Did he somehow charm her? How did he get away with it? But she already knew.

  Later, Calisha returned. The lock on the door did not even slow him down. He saw the troubled expression on the seer’s face. “Would you like to talk about it?”

  “Calisha… I don’t understand what’s happening. Sometimes…” she trailed off, not knowing how to tell him.

  “You speak of the attraction between you and the Mage?”

  “Yes, how did you…?”

  “Nephraete… I know much that I never let on. I think it’s his deep connection to you. After all, you are a beautiful, sensuous woman. He is not the only one who desires you. He is used to getting what he wants. With his rank in The Order, he’s allowed many rewards. One of which is female companionship whenever he wants. He is changing; as I’m sure you’ve felt. Day by day, he slips further away from us. We cannot allow it to happen.”

  Later, he touched her lips where the Mage kissed her, watching over her as she lay in Ru Nay’ Sha. He would never let anything happen to her.

  Darian made his way back to his room. On his way, he spotted Shaz. “Shaz, can I talk to you please?”

  “What?” he groused.

  “The women here are way out of your league. Leave them alone unless they approach you first as unlikely as that seems. Your lewd behavior is very degrading and it had better stop. Don’t let me catch you again.”

  “You don’t own Corillia and you don’t own the women. Well, except for Gayla maybe.”

  Darian moved so fast Shaz had no time to react. The Mage threw him up against the wall, his left arm on the bounty hunter’s neck. He was every bit as strong as he looked. Maybe more so.

  “Did I make myself clear? Stick to your cheap whores. You’re perfect for each other.” Darian said, shoving him as he walked away.

  Gayla lay curled up on the bed asleep; he kissed her softly, waking her up.

  “Sorry. It took longer than I thought,” he went to kiss her again, but she turned away.

  “Gayla, what’s wrong?” he asked. She’d never done that to him before.

  “Darian, after you left, Shaz approached me. He told me you have quite the way with the ladies. He told me I’m not the only one in your life. Is this true?” she sounded afraid to hear the answer, but needed to know the truth.

  “He what? That bastard! He’s such a weasel. He can’t get laid so he’s trying to ruin our relationship,” Darian said heatedly. “I should have broken his scrawny little neck!”

  “Kyler said much the same thing. I just needed to hear it from you,” she whispered, kissing him softly.

  “When did you talk to Kyler?”

  “Well, Asa came upon me and Shaz. He came between us and then Kyler appeared.” She told him the whole story. He was thankful to Kyler for keeping
his secrets. Now he felt guilty. Momentarily.

  She kissed his bare chest, running her soft hands over his hot skin. She sat in his lap and his guilt melted away with the steady motion of her hips. She tossed her head back, spreading her fingers on his chest to brace herself. He put his hands on her hips, sighing in contentment.

  He rolled her onto her back. The pleasure she felt was undeniable. She lost control, grabbing his hair. He kissed her to keep her from making too much noise.

  He came out of Ru Nay’ Sha in the middle of the night. He knew Gayla was not in the bed. Opening his eyes, he found her crying softly at the table. He went to her, wiping her tears away.

  “Gayla, sweetheart what’s wrong?” he asked.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

  “I guess I’m a little overwhelmed. I never expected you to love me, let alone speak those words aloud. Now, here I am in Thunder Peak with you. I can hardly believe it. Since I came to Mogan Dar, all I’ve known is pain. That is, until I finally met you. You’ve shown me kindness and compassion. When we make love, you fill me with great pleasure. You’re one of the very few. Most of them are mean and cruel. They hurt me so bad.” She began crying anew. Darian just held her, whispering soothingly to her.

  “Gayla, it’s alright. You’re never going back there. I will be with you always.” He kissed

  her softly, tenderly. He picked her up, carrying her back to bed. She was so frail that he could

  not hurt her. She needed him. Tynuviel was strong and she could recover. Gayla could not.

  “I love you, Gayla,” he whispered, kissing her tears away. He kissed her neck, nibbling her ear. He left a trail of kisses down her body. He knew how to stop her from crying. Her sobs quickly turned to moans as he turned her on her belly, gently grabbing her hips and pulling her to him. She buried her face in the pillow. It was late after all.

  “I love you, too, Darian. I always have. I always will.”

  “You know I’ll never let anything happen to you. I will always take care of you.”


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