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The Staff of Power

Page 46

by D E Boske

  He had a plan. It was dangerous to be sure but it was a plan. It had to work. He could feel Delvishan working through him. For the first time he could feel, actually feel, the god’s presence. He wondered why he’d chosen him. Why now?

  “Darian, you okay?”

  “Of course he’s not, honey. He just found out that the love of his life is to wed Tireniel. Ha!” said Shaz malevolently.

  Darian did not stop walking as he punched Shaz in the face, laying him low.

  “I think you broke my nose!” Shaz shouted, but Darian did not stop. He kept walking until he reached the waterfall.

  “Oh Darian, it’s beautiful. Darian? Is that really what’s bothering you?”

  “No, of course not,” he lied, smiling disarmingly at her. “Sorry, just deep in thought about the future and what I need to do.” He took her hand in his and brought it to his lips.

  “This is so romantic.”

  “Yes, it is,” he replied.

  He kissed her, pulling her near. She whispered in his, touching him. Needing him. Though he was distracted, his body responded to her touch. His kiss became urgent, his hands brushing her breasts.

  Killini watched them from afar. Who was this human the Mage was with? Did Tynuviel know of her? He knew they were not yet involved. Talk said she would wed Tireniel. Damn Tireniel! Better Tireniel than the Mage. Elves belonged with elves. Not Shivvendar!

  His face twisted with hatred. He could tell the Mage cared nothing for the girl. It was in his eyes, his posture, his very being. His movements were mechanical. Anyone paying attention could see this. Apparently, the human was blind. The way she looked at Darian, her love for him

  was obvious. Just like Tynuviel’s. It was utterly appalling.

  They stayed there a long time, not really saying much. Their lips were too busy doing other things. Killini shadowed them for as long as he could. At least Darian had the decency not to have sex in the open.

  He never took to the Mage. He knew the Mage was Kyler’s best friend but there was something about him… It set Killini’s teeth on edge. Most of the elven community liked Darian. What did they see that he did not? For it was not just jealousy. He was an elf, not an abhorrent

  human; he didn’t let simple jealousy get in the way.

  Finally, they began walking back to the palace. It grated his nerves that the Mage had quarters inside the palace. He was Ni’ Kulana and not deserving of such respect.

  As they approached Galavad’s chambers, Dyvana stopped them.

  “Darian, the Monarch wishes to speak to you.”

  “Alright. Let me walk Gayla safely back…” the Mage began.

  “I’m sorry, Darian. The Monarch said now.”

  “It’s alright Darian. I can find my way back,” said Gayla with more confidence than she felt. He nodded and motioned for Dyvana to open the door.

  Once inside, Galavad shook his hand warmly. “Darian, please have a seat and let us talk. By now, I’m sure you’ve heard. Tireniel has asked me for Tynuviel’s hand. Though I do not think he has asked her yet.”

  “What does this have to do with me?” asked Darian, trying to pretend that it did not bother him.

  “Come now, Darian. Do not pretend you do not care. I know you do. You work hard to hide your true feelings. Will you fight for her or will you let her go?”

  “Which answer does the king of the elves wish to hear?” The Mage asked seriously.

  “I am not the enemy, my friend. I hope with all my heart that you both find happiness in each other’s arms. You both love each other. That is plainly visible to a blind man. And though I gave Tireniel my blessing, I do not think she will choose him.”

  Darian let out a long slow breath. “You’re right. I do love your daughter. Since the first time I met her. She is so very different from the women I am used to. She does not have to be with me. She wants to be with me, but the rules of The Order forbid it. If they were to find out they would demand her death.”

  “I’d like to see them try,” replied Galavad in a steely voice.

  “That is a risk I am not willing to take. I want to be with her more than I’ve ever wanted anything, but I’d rather she marry Tireniel than be put to death because of me.”

  “You have made many sacrifices for the elves and that is something I will never forget. You have but to ask and I will give you my blessing.”

  The Monarch’s words deeply touched Darian. If only he could… “I want to but I dare not. Not until I am ready to ask her. Right now, that is not possible,” said the Mage regretfully.

  “You said you intended to make some changes. May I ask what those changes

  are and how you plan to implement them?”

  “Aganor, the head of my order, said that he cannot find the origins of the rule that we Mages cannot love. He doesn’t know where that came from or why. He believes I am the key to

  the changes that must be made for The Order to survive.”

  The Mage’s words rang true. Kyler had told him the same things, but he would not reveal this to Darian.

  “How will you accomplish this?”

  “I have the beginnings of a plan, but it is dangerous to be sure. They will not change willingly. They’ve been doing things the same way for a long time and it won’t be easy.”

  “You do plan on returning here, don’t you? I know that I am not alone when I say I would miss you and I don’t want you to leave.”

  “Yes. That is if I don’t die in the days ahead. I will be honest with you, I fully expect to. What destiny holds for me, who can say?”

  “I think you are for so much more. I do not believe that you will die. I am glad that you think of the forest as your home. You honor us with your presence here. You may stay as long as you like.”

  “Since I met Kyler I could never imagine living in Mogan Dar again. This is home to me now. Everyone I care about is here.” Darian was not sure he agreed with the Monarch about his honoring presence. If he knew the truth, he surely would not feel the same, the Mage thought.

  “Please Darian, move quickly. Find the answer soon. I would really like to see you with Tynuviel.”

  “Even though I am a Shivvendar and not an elf?” Darian asked with a smile.

  “You’re elf enough for me. You understand our culture, our people. You speak our language. You protect us as your own. As far as I’m concerned, you’re one of us.”

  This was not a light statement coming from the king of the elves. Never before had they accepted an outsider into their lives as one of their own. The importance of this was not lost on the Mage.


  Gayla tried to make her way back to Darian’s room, but she got hopelessly lost on the way. She wandered aimlessly for a while before help finally found her.

  “Gayla, do you need help? You look lost.”

  “Asa, yes. I’m afraid I am,” she responded, embarrassed.

  “It’s not easy to navigate unless you grew up here. It’s built that way for a reason. Do you have some time? Would you like to take a walk?”

  “I would love that, thanks,” she replied, smiling.

  She did not have the heart to tell him she was on her way back. Besides, she liked Asa. She liked spending time with him. He was so handsome and a perfect gentleman. Though she was sure he did not take notice of her in that way.

  “Darian showed me the waterfall.”

  “Yes. That’s almost everyone’s favorite spot. It’s peaceful and romantic,” he said, glancing at her sideways.

  “It is, but I’m afraid he’s had so much on his mind today. Then on our way back, the Monarch wanted to speak to him. I tried so hard to find my way back, but I got turned around. I’m so embarrassed,” she said turning red.

  “Don’t be. Lucky for you I came along when I did. You may have wandered for eons before you finally found your way,” he said lightly, making her smile.

  “I miss our walks. I enjoy them. I miss your company,” she said seriously.

  “Me t
oo. But you’re here now so we can still see each other when you’re not busy.”

  “I’d like that. You’re so different from Darian. He’s so intense and you’re so relaxed. He’s a man of few words and you like to talk. Such stark differences. I get the feeling that something’s bothering him but he won’t tell me what it is. Tulani spoke to him in elvish and after that, it was like I wasn’t even there anymore.”

  “I’m sorry. If I’d known you were here already, I’d have come by sooner.”

  “I’ve seen Darian talk to you. He trusts you. Do you have any idea what could be bothering him?”

  “No, I’m sorry. The only one he really talks to is Kyler. I should say confides. He tells Kyler things I bet he tells no one else. He is a very secretive man, Gayla.”

  “Yes, he is. Even though we’ve been lovers for several years, I do not really know him. I don’t think anybody does. Oh, but you missed it!” She said, grabbing Asa’s arm. “He punched Shaz in the face.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Shaz told me Darian was upset because the love of his life, Tynuviel is to wed Tireniel.”

  “Oh.” But the way he said it… It seemed he knew more than he let on.

  “Asa, please tell me. I know you know something. I can tell.”

  “It’s not my place and I don’t want to see you hurt,” said Asa, holding her hand in his.

  “I can take it. I’m a big girl. Asa?” She stopped him in a secluded spot of the forest, turning his head toward her.

  Asa let out a long, slow breath. “I don’t know how much you know, but since he first came here, he’s had a thing for my sister. He never acted on it because, well, now we know because of The Order. Before, we all just kind of thought he was crazy, you know? A beautiful girl throws herself at him and… nothing.”

  “Wow, I always thought it was she who had a thing for him,” Gayla was stunned.

  “They have a thing for each other,” Asa amended. “Nothing ever happened.”

  “That’s what must be bothering him. Then he lied, he told me… Asa, what am I going to do? I’m gonna’ lose him aren’t I?” she asked, tears springing to her eyes.

  “Are you sure that would be so bad? Maybe then you could find someone who really loves you.”

  “Yeah right. I don’t know what’s going to happen to me now. Where will I go? I don’t think I’m strong enough to scour all of Corillia for a man who wouldn’t mind being with a former whore of The Order. And would Darian let me go or would he send me back to Mogan Dar? After all, he is a Mage first and foremost.”

  “Gayla, you wouldn’t have to scour all of Corillia. Just look at the man standing in front of you.”

  “Asa, this is no time for jokes. You’re an elf. I’m human. Elves don’t…” but she never finished. Without warning, Asa leaned forward, kissing her tenderly.

  Instantly, she could tell the difference between Asa and Darian. Darian excelled at everything he did, but she could feel the raw emotion in Asa’s kiss. It lasted several long, breathtaking moments.

  “Asa… what are we doing? Darian will kill us,” she sounded scared.

  “I don’t think so. I think he’d be relieved, happy even. Gayla, I love you and I want to be with you. Take a hard look at Darian’s behavior. He doesn’t love you, but I do. I didn’t mean for this to happen, but it did.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him again.

  Could what he was saying be true? Would Darian be angry or happy? She remembered how he’d dismissed them in Thunder Peak. He’d said he wasn’t worried about Asa being a gentleman with her. He didn’t care. Maybe that’s why he took her out of the tower. Maybe that’s why he suggested an elf accompany her. That was his plan. His plan to be rid of her so he could have Tynuviel.

  Though she was hurt, she felt grateful that he cared enough about her to let her go. He could have turned her in, but that wasn’t his style. She felt lucky indeed. Asa was handsome and she really did care for him. She just couldn’t believe this was happening.

  “Asa, I’m sorry you got mixed up in this horrible mess.”

  “I’m not. We’d have never met otherwise,” he said, holding her hand.

  “I feel lost, overwhelmed and I never thought anything like this would be possible. There are so many beautiful women here, why choose me?” she asked, looking into his eyes.

  “Are you blind to your own beauty? I am not, nor am I the only one who watches you. Will you do me the honor of sharing your life with me?” asked Asa, clasping her hands in his.

  “Asa… I… I just can’t until I know for sure Darian’s mind. If he finds out… I’m afraid, that’s all.”

  “I will be here waiting for you when you finally accept the truth.” He kissed her once more and then walked her back to her chambers.

  Darian was back when she returned. She decided to see if there was any truth to what Asa had told her. She hoped with all her heart that Darian really did love her, but somehow deep inside she understood that he did not, that he never had. Why lie to her then? Why say such a thing if it weren’t true? She knew he cared for her, that much was obvious.

  Maybe that had been his intent from the beginning. She would much rather remain here in Kiri A’ Nouell with Asa than be returned to Mogan Dar or even to Al-Dan-Tir, her place of birth. She liked Asa but she had mixed feelings right now. She could not see past her love of Darian.

  “Where have you been? I was worried,” he came to her, hugging her close.

  “I’m sorry. I got lost. I wandered for a while before Asa found me. Then we went for a walk,” she looked closely for a reaction, but there was nothing.

  “That’s good. I’m glad he found you. Are you alright? You look…”

  “I’m fine, really. Just glad to be back,” she rushed to finish.

  She did not want him looking too close. What if he saw her and Asa? What if he already knew or suspected? She decided to let him play his hand first. He took her in his arms, kissing her softly.

  “Were you really worried?”

  “Mhmmm,” he said as he nuzzled her neck.

  Things were finally going according to plan. For he knew about Asa. What kind of Mage would he be if he did not? He was happy because he knew the elf would take care of her. That was why he’d told her that he loved her to begin with.

  It was all about believability. If he didn’t love her, why would he want her to be with him? She never would have believed him otherwise. He regretted the lie, but maybe soon she would know true happiness. He would have to come clean with Kyler as well. The deception had been complete. He just hoped it would not be too late for him and Tynuviel.

  Gayla stroked him, letting him know what she wanted. He brought his lips to hers, making her heady and weak-kneed. She pushed his shirt off his shoulders, exposing his sexy chest. He gestured and her dress fell to the floor. She took his hand, leading him to the bed.

  She would miss him. He filled her with almost unbearable pleasure. Lately, when they made love he seemed distracted, his mind clearly on something or someone else.

  Suddenly, she felt sorry for him. If indeed Tynuviel and Darian were really in love, they deserved happiness as well. She understood why Tynuviel had fallen for Darian. Everyone did, though the girls back at Piri-Tuma would never speak the words. His charisma was strong, even when he tried not to use it. There was just something about Darian Brade; he attracted all kinds.

  She would speak to Tynuviel as soon as she could. She should not wed Tireniel. She could hardly believe the thoughts as they entered her mind. If not for Asa, she did not think she would be strong enough.

  “What did the Monarch want?” she dared to ask.

  “We were discussing our options. How to handle the dragon and the Dark Mage.” He

  was surprisingly forthcoming. He kissed her on the forehead. “C’mon, let’s get dressed. There’s a big party tonight. There will be much food, drinking and dancing.” As if on cue, the forest burst into song.

  “This is such a b
eautiful place, Darian. Thank you for bringing me here.” She was grateful to him. And if she could help him with Tynuviel, she would. She would pay special attention to the way he looked at Tynuviel tonight. Either way, she would have her answer. She hoped Asa would be there.

  The forest floor was cleared as tables and chairs were set up. Magical lights lit up the night as the sun set. Lights that had no flame and were cool to the touch. They appeared to be some kind of stones inside the lanterns bound with elven steel. The elves were ever careful with their forest home.

  Darian sat at a place of honor at the Monarch’s table. Because she was with Darian, Gayla sat with them. Asa appeared and she smiled warmly at him. She waved him over and he sat next to her. Kyler of course sat next to the Mage with Nephraete on his left. Across from Darian sat Tynuviel.

  Gayla noticed when she appeared, Darian could not look away. It was as if they were the only two here. When Tireniel appeared at Tynuviel’s side, Gayla saw Darian’s hands clench into fists. Tireniel seated himself, kissing Tynuviel on the cheek, but her eyes never left the Mage.

  Well, it seemed she had her answer. They could not keep their eyes off each other. They did look good together. She must speak to Tynuviel soon. If the elf would even speak to her. Maybe Asa could help. She felt Asa’s hand on her thigh, startling her from her contemplations.

  “Gayla, are you alright?” he asked, sincerely worried.

  “I’m fine, Asa. For the first time, I… I feel sorry for him. I never knew. I feel terrible. I want him to be happy. I must speak to your sister soon. Will you help me?” she whispered. Because the Mage was distracted with Tynuviel so near, Gayla likely could have shouted and he wouldn’t have heard.

  “Of course, whatever you need,” Asa’s words were cut short as his father stood to speak.

  “We have some hard times ahead of us, but for tonight we will drink, laugh, sing and be merry. We welcome our dwarven friends to our table. It has been too long, friends. My son Kyler has chosen Nephraete of Kaleika Bay for his companion and we are all very excited and happy for them. Help us to celebrate. Eat and drink your fill.”


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