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The Staff of Power

Page 48

by D E Boske

  “Know this… though I grant you Tynuviel’s love you may not marry her. This rule will stand. She will bear you many strong children. Mage children! You will not return them to Piri-Tuma. You will work towards a new relationship between the elves and Mages. The Breeders must remain as well for they are a necessary evil. We will talk of what I expect later when the time is right.

  “You need not fear my anger should you and Tynuviel consummate your love. I will ensure The Order does not find out. Rest now and be at peace.” With that, he touched Darian’s brow and he slipped deep into Ru Nay’ Sha.


  Kyler and Nephraete walked back to his chambers. He nodded to the guards, bolting the door behind them.

  “Alone at last,” he said huskily.

  “Did you see Calisha?” she hedged.

  “Yes, he left with Khazzuri. Don’t worry, we’ll have privacy,” he said, moving to kiss her. His lips were soft, warm and she forgot her misgivings for the moment. He held her for long moments before releasing her.

  “I guess I should go,” she said quietly.

  “Go where?” he asked.

  “To my room. Kyler… I…” she drifted off.

  “Nephraete, what’s wrong?” she had been fairly quiet all night and he worried that the Monarch’s announcement had upset her. Though he did not understand why it would. She loved him, he knew, so… Then he understood. He had the incredible gift of knowing exactly what she wanted and what she was not ready for.

  “Nephraete, please stay. Don’t leave for the wrong reasons even if you think they’re the right ones. I just want to be with you. When you feel ready again, you’ll know. I love you. I won’t

  force you to do anything you don’t want to.” In answer, she kissed him, touching his face.

  Darian awoke with a start. Delvishan’s words still in the forefront of his mind. He heard a soft shuffling outside his door. A soft knock like someone was trying to be very quiet. He rose, pulling on his breeches. He was stunned when he opened the door. Two beautiful elves were standing there practically naked.

  “Ladies, you have the wrong room.”

  “No, Darian, we don’t. We came to show our appreciation for everything you’ve done.”

  “Did Tynuviel put you up to this?” he asked with a smirk.

  “No. But since you’re up,” she said lewdly as she stroked him. “Takasha, Darian!”

  “Yeah, I get that a lot,” he remarked, removing her hands. “Sorry ladies, there’s only one woman for me. Good-night.” He closed the door, bolting it in place once more.

  What the hell was going on? That had never happened before. The elves had never paid him much attention. Now of a sudden they were all acting as if they owed him… The council meeting.

  Someone must have spoken of the things he’d said in there. That’s exactly why he didn’t like to reveal personal information about himself.

  He got undressed once more before climbing between the sheets. He liked to rest completely naked. He always had. What do you need clothes for in bed anyway? It’s not like he would meet someone he didn’t know while he dreamed. And if he did… At least he’d be prepared. He’d never been ashamed of his body and did not mind showing it off.

  In the morning, he bathed and dressed, then went to see Tynuviel. It all felt like a dream. Too good to be true. He was so thankful to Delvishan for his graciousness. He could hardly believe that finally, he no longer had to keep his distance. He knocked on her door and heard her say, “Come on in.” When he walked in, she stood bent over brushing her hair. And she was naked. His head cocked sideways taking in the view as all the blood in his body rushed south.

  “Oh Darian,” she turned to face him.

  “Who were you expecting?” he asked, more harshly than he intended. A dangerous gleam lighting his sexy grey eyes.

  “Just you. You told me last night you’d be by this morning, remember?”

  “I’m sorry. Please get dressed. I can’t think about anything, but… Well,” he turned his back to her. Though he had the god’s approval, he felt it might be better to wait until he had control of The Order. It’s going to be a long hard road he smirked at the thought.

  Five minutes later, she came to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, folding her hands on his stomach.

  “So, what did you have in mind for today, Darian?” she asked, turning him about.

  “Takasha! Shan Ta’ Zi I told you to get dressed. You’re half naked.”

  “You don’t like my dress?” she asked. The “dress” did not come to mid-thigh, it barely covered her breasts and it left her sides and back exposed.

  “Are you kidding? I love it! That’s the problem. I want to take it off of you right now.” He kissed her, running his hands over her smooth shapely legs. His tongue passed her lips and she grew weak in the knees. She could feel the hardness of him and she didn’t think she could wait too much longer. Being so near him and not being able to touch him was driving her insane.

  “We could stay in. I’m sure we could think of something to do,” she said, sliding her hands inside his breeches. He kissed her again as her hands aroused him thoroughly. Finding the strength from somewhere deep inside, he groaned, taking her hands in his.

  “Last night, two elves came by my room offering themselves to me. You don’t know anything about that, do you?”

  “No,” she said an octave higher.

  “Shan Ta’ Zi, I sent them away. This has never happened here before. Why now, after I asked for Galavad’s blessing in front of them all?”

  “Hmm, good point. We can ask father. Maybe he can help.”

  “To be honest, at first I thought you sent them as a test.”

  “I’d never do that. I’d much rather test your resolve myself,” she said with a wicked grin.

  “You’re not going before your father dressed like that, are you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “I’ll go change… Unless you’d like to accompany me?”

  “I’ll wait here,” he said in a strained voice. Her smile lit up his world. She came back ten minutes later with her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She wore form fitting black pants and a soft pink tunic.

  “Is this better milord?” she mocked.

  “Much. Now I can actually look at your face.” He remarked flippantly.

  “Dyvana, please inform my father that we need to speak to him.” Less than a minute later, they were standing before the Monarch.

  “Ah, you two look well together. What is it that I can do for you today?” he asked with a warm smile. “Please, have a seat,” he poured fresh lemonade for them all.

  “I don’t quite know how to say this,” Darian began. “Late last night I was awakened by someone knocking on my door. It was two elf females. They said they were offering themselves to me for all I’ve done. Well, obviously I sent them away but cannot understand why they bothered when I announced my intentions earlier last night.”

  “I don’t know what to say. I do not understand this either. Has this ever happened before?”

  “No, never.”

  “Well, let me know if it happens again. Maybe these two had too much to drink. The party did last long into the night. You’re an exquisite man, Darian. I’ve seen the way women look at you. Darian, if I may, what of Gayla? How is she?”

  “I’ve not seen her since last night. She left with Asa. They’ve been seeing a lot of each other since Thunder Peak. Of course, it was all part of my plan. I would never send her back to Mogan Dar. That would surely be the death of her. No, I knew that Asa would take care of her, love her even. I just had to devise a plan that was believable to bring her to my side. Once I did, the rest was easy.”

  “You really do care for her, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do. I did not want anything to happen to her. Asa helped, though unwittingly.”

  “I am happy that it all worked out. It really is good to see you together.”

  “It is by the grace of your daughter. S
he gave me another chance. I know I am not deserving of such a gift, but I promise that it will only get better.”

  “Your mother worries for you, child. She does not wish to see you hurt anymore.”

  “I know father, me either. But I believe with all my heart that it will be different this time,” she said, squeezing the Mage’s hand.

  “I hope so. What of Gayla’s things? Shall I prepare another room for her?” the Monarch asked unrelentingly.

  “I will help her with her things as soon as I see her and know what she intends to do. Do not worry; I made a promise to your daughter.”

  “What promise is this then?” asked Galavad, not giving the Mage any room to breathe.

  “She is the only one I love. The only one I want to be with,” Darian tried tactfully.

  “So what you mean to say is that you’ll keep it in your pants until you are ready to court my daughter properly as befits the princess of Kiri A’ Nouell?”

  “Father!” Tynuviel berated.

  “It’s alright Shan Ta’ Zi. It’s no less than I deserve. After everything I’ve put you through, he wants to make sure that I will not hurt you again. And absolutely no intimacy until I’ve remade The Order. If such a thing can even be done.”

  “I’ve heard abstinence achieves higher intellect,” said the Monarch.

  “I’d rather be a witless moron,” said the Mage with a snort. The Monarch clapped him

  on the back as they laughed.

  “Your mother and I would like to spend the day with you both. If that is acceptable?”

  “Of course,” Darian did not hesitate in his reply though he groaned inwardly. He’d been looking forward to spending the day alone with Ty and seeing just how far they could push his resolve. He cursed silently, remembering her nakedness. The Monarch and his wife intended to grill him, he knew.

  They wanted to be sure this time he would stay on the right path. Alas, if that’s what they demanded, he would do it. For her… he would do anything. Anything she wanted she had only to ask and it would be hers. Well, within limits of course.

  The truth was something she must never know. Upon his death, she never would. The contingency spell he placed upon his tome would see to that. It was linked with his life force. It would know if he perished and when he did, the tome would be utterly and completely destroyed. No one would ever know.

  Tiriel appeared in the doorway. Darian and Galavad stood at once. She smiled, hugging her daughter and kissing her husband on the cheek. She nodded politely to Darian, but he could see by the look in her eyes she had an axe to grind.

  Yep, he thought, this is totally what I had in mind. Much rather be butchered by the parents. Just because he knew he deserved it didn’t mean he would enjoy it.

  The queen’s eyes were penetrating as she looked at the Mage. It was as if she were trying to scan his thoughts.

  Good luck, he thought. They’d have better luck with that empty-headed bastard Shaz. As if he was such a simpleton that he would leave his thoughts open to them. Did they think so little of him then?

  “Darian, you have been our friend since Kyler met you. We love you. Accept you as one of our own. Now you ask for our blessing. You ask for our only daughter. My daughter whom you claim to love, yet you hurt her repeatedly. You must understand I want to believe you. For her sake, for it is her happiness that matters to me. How many more women will fall prey to your charms before my daughter?”

  Takasha! The queen was responsible for the late-night visitors. She needed the reassurance that he would be faithful. Fine, let her send the whole female population. It mattered not. All he could think about was Tynuviel.

  “I have no room in my life for anyone else but your daughter. I want no one else. She’s all I think about; all I care about.”

  “We’ll see,” the challenge was clear. The queen’s blessing was yet to be given. She would put him through the paces. A mother’s love was not to be messed with on any level. So be it. He would pass her challenge. She had no idea what his life had been like in The Order. This would be a cakewalk. Those pregnant hormones were a real bitch.

  With business concluded, they enjoyed the rest of their visit. They stayed until just before supper then took their leave.

  “Takasha! Darian I’m sorry. I did not know about the Mage roast, I swear.”

  “It’s no more than I deserve. They love you and need to make sure that I love you at least as much as they and that I will take care of their only daughter. At least for now.”

  “Excuse me?” she asked sharply.

  “Your mother carries twins. One girl, one boy.”

  “How do you… Even the Shak Ta’ Ru could not tell her this.”

  “Good thing I’m a Mage and not an elven healer, then,” he said, his words clipped.

  They went back to her chambers for dinner. They talked all evening and every time his fingers touched hers, her body came alive. She could not deny the distraction his presence created.

  Afterwards, they sat on the couch drinking Nykessa and just talking. She had to pinch herself to believe it was really happening. Darian, the man she loved, was in her chambers with her! She almost could not believe it.

  “So, do you?” she prompted.

  “Do I what?” he asked, trying hard to control his body.

  “Do you love me at least as much as they?” she asked wickedly.

  He pulled her into his lap. “Shan Ta’ Zi, I will love you in so many ways they never even imagined. No room shall be spared. I will make love to you ‘til I just can’t do it anymore.”

  She kissed him then. His kiss made her feel so many things. His tongue teased hers in a wave of excitement that threatened to drown her. One year! She wasn’t sure either one of them could wait so long. She ground her hips into his, moaning against his lips. He unlaced her tunic, his lips kissing her flesh.

  There was a knock on her door but she ignored it. She did not repeat her mistakes. She undid his shirt, her lips finding his as she fumbled with his breeches. He threw his head back, groaning, unable to concentrate on anything but her lips... Score a point for persistence. Subtract ten for resolve.

  The knock was louder this time. He picked up a book and flung it, hitting the door hard.

  “Tynuviel, it’s your father.”

  “Takasha! You’re kidding me, right?” she howled, but all Darian could do was laugh. He rose quickly, putting himself back together as Tynuviel did the same. He opened the door to admit Galavad. The Monarch’s guards remained outside.

  He looked at the both of them, flush and unkempt. “Am I interrupting something?”

  “Not anymore,” the Mage replied flippantly.

  “You did not compromise her honor did you Darian?” he asked hastily.

  “No. You came in the nick of time cuz I was gonna take it and run with it.” Darian didn’t see why he should lie. Obviously, the Monarch knew exactly what had been going on.

  “Good that I followed my instincts then.”

  “Did you harass the shit out of Tireniel like you’re doing to me?” Tynuviel sucked in a breath. She couldn’t believe Darian spoke so openly to her father. He did have a point though.

  “Tireniel is no Mage of The Order, is he? I think it’s time you said goodnight. I’ll be back in half an hour. See that you’re in your room alone Tynuviel,” he replied, looking pointedly at Darian.

  She waited until they were gone before erupting. “I can’t believe his nerve! Takasha! I am no child!”

  “Relax Shan Ta’ Zi. He’s right. We really shouldn’t. Not until I finally straighten things out. It’s just too dangerous.”

  “What about the kissing? Won’t that be trouble too?” she asked, putting her hand on his chest.

  “Yes, but it wouldn’t be your death. The worst that could happen is they would beat me. Whoopee like that hasn’t happened before.”

  “They beat you?” she asked, appalled.

  “Yes, more often than I care to remember. Some don’t survive t
he beatings. Some don’t survive a lot of things,” he said, with a touch of melancholy.

  “Oh Darian, the life you’ve known,” she touched his cheek.

  “Good-night Shan Ta’ Zi.” He hugged her close, kissing her tenderly.

  “Darian, you’re like a totally different person.”

  “Yeah. All the credit goes to you.” Then he was gone.

  Half an hour later, true to his word, the Monarch returned. He checked on his daughter. The guards informed him that the Mage was in his quarters alone. Satisfied, he returned to Tiriel.

  Tynuviel did not understand why her parents were treating her like such a child. Breaking down her door and interrupting them. And of all things to do, he laughs. Laughs! Darian did have a beautiful smile. She did not see what was so damn funny though. Because he was right. They never bothered her and Tireniel. Of course, at the time she and Tireniel were not yet lovers, but they were alone many times in her chambers. Why were they doing it now with Darian?

  They knew she’d waited so long. Why were they torturing her further? Not her. Him. They were torturing him. At least trying to. She wondered if they were responsible for the seduc-

  tion as well. They would get to the bottom of it she swore.

  Once again, they’d been so close. At least this time he did not leave on his own. Her

  father ordered him to leave. Maybe she should talk to Kyler about it. They always seemed to listen to him. She knew they had promised… but still. She touched her lips where he’d kissed her. She drifted into Ru Nay’ Sha with a smile on her face. She dreamt of Darian… It was almost like he never left.


  Asa awoke as the sun was rising. Gayla was still fast asleep. She was so beautiful. He hoped she would be happy with him. He never meant to fall in love with her. That had been the farthest thing from his mind. The more time they spent together, the more he came to know her… When he finally admitted those feelings to himself, he decided he would tell her when they were back in the elven homeland. He was hoping a little magic would rub off on her and she would look at him differently. For unbeknownst to him, she had begun to have feelings for him as well.


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