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Hogtying the Bartender

Page 11

by Charlie Richards

  Smirking, Jimmy murmured, “Good to know.” While it could be labeled a little perverse, Jimmy liked that knowledge, too. After he’d unbuttoned a couple more of Vance’s buttons, he yanked it out of his jeans as he ordered, “Lift your arms, handsome.”

  Vance obeyed, and when Jimmy began lifting it over his head, he bent at the waist, making it easy for Jimmy to pull it free. Jimmy yanked if off of him, then tossed it to the floor, revealing his white t-shirt. He removed that, too.

  Humming, Jimmy admired the tanned skin covering wide shoulders that led to a tapered waist. Vance’s pectorals were covered in a light smattering of chest hair, his muscles nicely defined. His treasure trail led down across a set of grooved six-pack abdominals that Jimmy couldn’t wait to explore.

  Yep, knew he’d be gorgeous.

  Jimmy eased his fingertips into the waist of Vance’s jeans. “Do I have your permission to open these, Vance?” he asked roughly. “I should warn you, this time I’m not gonna suck you. I’m gonna ride you.”

  To Jimmy’s satisfaction, a shudder worked through Vance’s body. His nostrils flared, and he groaned roughly. He nodded, parting his lips in a pant.

  The eagerness displayed by his soon-to-be lover—no, he’s my lover—was such a heady thing. He wanted to see more of those reactions.

  Jimmy popped the button, then unzipped the fly. He wasted no time in skimming the jeans and underwear down his thighs, and he dropped to one knee. It took everything in him to ignore the long, thick, totally gorgeous erection on display before him.

  “Sit,” Jimmy urged, jutting his chin toward the bed a couple of steps behind Vance and to the side.

  Vance obeyed, shuffling the few steps, and settled his bare ass on the comforter.

  After making quick work of Vance’s jeans, underwear, and socks, tossing them aside, too, Jimmy rose to his feet. He grinned hungrily at the handsome figure splayed on the mattress before him. “Damn, Vance,” Jimmy whispered huskily. “You are gorgeous.”

  Vance narrowed his eyes, just the edges of his lips curving. His expression was one of heat and need. He swept his gaze down Jimmy’s body, then back up before meeting his gaze.

  “I bet I’ll be saying the same thing in just a few seconds.” Lifting his casted hand, he murmured, “And I hope to be able to return the favor before too long. Give me a week or two.”

  Jimmy liked that, seeing as it implied Vance didn’t consider this a one-time thing. While the man had insinuated that several times before, hearing it again was always welcome. Jimmy looked forward to feeling Vance’s hands on him... many, many times.

  “I’ll make it easy on you this time,” Jimmy teased with a grin. As he began to undress, stripping his shirt and undershirt, he asked, “Do you have lube and a condom?”

  He figured he might as well be direct.

  Vance growled softly, then pointed toward the nightstand to the right of the bed.

  Jimmy dropped his undershirt, then began unbuttoning his jeans as he strode around the bed. His jeans drooped around his hips. After opening the drawer, Jimmy quickly found what he was looking for.

  After Jimmy tossed the condom on the bed, he held up the open tube of lube and winked. “Use this often?”

  “Not for what I wished I could,” Vance murmured in a hungry tone. “Take those off so I can change that.”

  Loving Vance’s reaction to him, Jimmy did just that even as he ordered, “Slide to the middle of the bed.” As soon as Vance obeyed, he shucked his jeans, underwear, and socks, kicking them off. Next, he climbed onto the bed and brazenly straddled Vance’s thighs, settling his ass on them. “You just lie right there, handsome. I’ll take care of everything,” he purred, admiring Vance’s shuddering torso. “Don’t want you hurting yourself, after all.”

  Vance moaned while nodding eagerly. “Yes. God, please, yes!”

  More than on board with Vance’s pleading cries, Jimmy popped the cap off the lube, poured a liberal amount onto his fingers, and reached behind himself.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Vance stared up at Jimmy, his mouth dry and his tongue thick. Peering at the gorgeous male straddling him, he could barely hold a thought in his head. Jimmy was just too stunning, the vision of him arching above him, of him reaching back, obviously impaled on his own fingers, and the way his cheeks were flushed and his lips parted as he panted... or it could have been the way Vance’s erection felt as if it throbbed with each beat of his heart.

  Hearing Jimmy let out a throaty moan and watching a tremble work through him, Vance decided it was all the man above him. Jimmy was a vision of passion. His eyes were heavy-lidded, and he peered at him with an expression of hunger that Vance knew he’d never before received.

  He loved it and knew, before long, he would come to crave it. Hell, he hadn’t even experienced it, and he already did.

  Resting his right hand on Jimmy’s chest, Vance skimmed his fingertips over his pectoral. He rubbed around the gold hoop in his lover’s nipple—god, my lover! Vance reveled in the knowledge that finally, after so many years, he would have what his body longed for and what he’d denied himself.

  Even better, it’s with Jimmy, a man who understands me, and seems to want the same things.

  Jimmy moaned and arched, pushing into where Vance touched him. Wanting more, bigger reactions, he gripped his man’s hoop between thumb and forefinger and gently tugged. Hearing Jimmy’s whimper sent a shaft of need straight to Vance’s cock, causing it to twitch and throb, but he did his best to ignore it. Instead, he continued to tease at Jimmy’s pierced nubs, alternating between them, twisting, tugging, and pinching.

  To Vance’s pride, Jimmy’s jaw sagged open, and he began to pant. His eyelids drooped over his dilated eyes. Jimmy’s whimpers and moans, the sounds of pure delight, echoed through the room.

  Peering down at Jimmy’s groin, Vance licked his lips. He’d never given a blowjob, but he desperately wanted a taste of the leaking shaft bobbing from his groin. He also wanted to taste the pale beads of pre-cum sliding across the slender man’s red-flushed crown.

  Stunning. Gorgeous. Mouth-watering.

  “St-Stop, V-Vance.”

  Even as Jimmy whimpered the words, he jerked away from Vance’s caresses. Vance would have been hurt—have asked what was wrong—but then Jimmy pulled his hand out from behind him and grabbed the condom he’d left on the comforter. With precision that spoke of experience, Jimmy opened the prophylactic and rolled it down Vance’s erection.

  Vance opened his mouth to tease about his skill, but the feel of Jimmy swiping lubricant up and down his condom-covered erection had all thought fleeing from his mind.

  Groaning, Vance slid his right hand to Jimmy’s hip. It was more a need to hold onto something than to control, and his lover seemed to understand that. The fingertips of his left hand twitched where he rested it on the comforter, and he had to fight his desire to grab onto the man.

  “R-Ready?” Jimmy shifted up Vance’s body a little. Resting one hand on Vance’s torso, he used his other hand to grip the base of Vance’s erection and point it toward his entrance. “Please?”

  “Yes!” Vance cried, his hips shifting restlessly, as he was unable to keep them still. Never had he wanted anything so badly as he did right then. “I need you, Jimmy. Please!”

  Jimmy didn’t comment on Vance’s plea. He would have been embarrassed. Except judging by the look on the other man’s face, his sexy bartender needed just as badly. Keeping his grip on Jimmy’s hip, Vance tried to offer support as he straightened, then sank down.

  Vance felt pressure on his crown unlike anything he’d ever before experienced. The resistance concerned him, and he’d just opened his mouth to say something when Jimmy’s body felt as if it opened up and swallowed him. The exquisite pressure that clamped around his head yanked a low groan from his throat.

  Opening his mouth, Vance panted hard, trying to suck enough oxygen into his lungs. Between the unbelieve squeeze to h
is crown and the look of enjoyment on Jimmy’s face, he felt his nuts tingle. Whimpering, Vance fought to keep his rising orgasm at bay.

  Not yet. Not yet. Not yet.

  He took to recalling images from the latest pig trauma to keep his balls from tightening.

  Jimmy’s moans were the sound of sweet enjoyment, and they coupled with the way he moved. He eased down, then up, then down again, taking more and more of Vance’s shaft with each move. Unable to tear his gaze away from where his erection speared Jimmy’s body, Vance felt beads of sweat break out on his brow.

  Finally, finally, Jimmy settled his ass cheeks on Vance’s thighs. Vance panted harshly, trying to breathe with his cock fully encased in his lover’s exquisite channel. Never had he felt anything so spine-tingling as the squeeze of Jimmy’s chute muscles rippling along his length.

  “Jimmy,” Vance hissed through clenched teeth. His body trembled, his need to move nearly overwhelming him. “Oh, god, Jimmy!”

  “Oh fuck!” Jimmy whined. “I love the way you cry my name.” Meeting Vance’s gaze, his grin appeared almost loopy, and his eyes were glazed. “Gonna ride you now, my cowboy.”

  Vance moaned at the ridiculous line, but he couldn’t get his brain to come up with a reply, because right then, Jimmy began to move.

  Lifting up on his knees, Jimmy eased off his prick until the flared crown of Vance’s knob teased at the edges of his rim. Before it could pull free of Jimmy’s body, he reversed direction and sank back down, using his weight to sink onto him. Vance sucked in a harsh breath, then let it out on a cry of bliss as Jimmy did it again... and again... and again.

  Bellowing his pleasure as wave upon wave of ecstasy surged over his senses, Vance lost himself in the amazing sensations created by Jimmy’s bouncing form. He had just enough presence of mind to reach over and wrap his fingers around his lover’s erection. The wild, masculine moan of pleasure flooded his ears, sending a heady wash of smug pride filling him.

  “Yessss,” Vance snarled as his body flushed with spine-tingling delight. His balls tightened, and his bliss crested. He couldn’t stop it when his orgasm ripped through his system, sending his system awash with endorphins. “Jimmy!”

  Jimmy’s answering cry echoed on the periphery of Vance’s awareness. As his cock throbbed and pulsed, filling the condom with spurt after spurt of his seed, a full body shudder worked through him. Vance’s brain shorted out from ecstasy, and he could do nothing but go along for the ride.

  Vance wasn’t entirely certain how long it’d been before he regained awareness. He inhaled deeply and smiled, loving the scents of male sweat, seed, and something masculine that was all Jimmy’s own. Turning his head, he nuzzled Jimmy’s temple... which was about the time that Vance realized the man was flopped on his left side and cuddled against him, his arm around his waist.

  After that realization, Vance felt the discomfort to his groin. He looked down and realized his condom was still clinging to his half-hard prick. When he reached over and grabbed a tissue from the carton on the nightstand, Vance felt the hairs on his chest and treasure trail pull, telling him the seed splattered across his chest was at least half dried.

  Even through the discomfort, Vance grinned.

  Holy shit! Did I just pass out from pleasure after sex? Hot damn!

  Vance carefully wrapped up the condom, then cleaned his prick and chest as best he could. He tossed the soiled tissues into the wastebasket to the right of the bed. After that, he gently turned Jimmy so he could wipe him down, too.

  When Vance realized half the semen was already dried on, he bit back a snicker. It seemed they’d passed out for at least a few minutes. Since he didn’t know too many men who’d want to wake with itchy semen pulling their hair and skin—well, in truth he’d only talked to a couple of really good friends about it—Vance ever-so-carefully eased away from Jimmy.

  Rising from the bed, Vance padded to his bathroom. He grabbed a towel, dampened it with warm water, then washed himself. After that, he rinsed the towel, rung it out, and headed back to the bed. As he was doing the same with Jimmy, his lover hummed and smiled up at him.

  “Thanks,” Jimmy mumbled, the single word slurring slightly.

  Seeing as Jimmy had done most of the work during the sex itself, Vance was pleased he could help his man in some small way.

  After Vance had finished cleaning Jimmy, he tossed the soiled towel toward his half-open closet door. He then eased the comforter out from under his lover, doing his best not to jostle him, then slipped into bed beside him. After pulling the comforter over them both, Vance slid his right arm under Jimmy’s shoulders and urged him over his front again.

  Vance smiled as Jimmy immediately cuddled against him once more. Enjoying the feeling of another body against him for the first time in over a decade, he sighed happily. Turning his head, he kissed Jimmy’s hair, smiling wider when his lover mumbled something in his sleep, then quieted.

  Keeping his injured left hand on top of the covers, Vance settled his head against the pillows and relaxed. He knew a smile curved his lips, but that was okay. The only one who knew was him.

  Then he drifted off to sleep.

  Vance awoke warmer than he normally did. It felt as if a heat source rested flush to his right side... and even banded across his torso and thigh. He furrowed his brows, trying to figure out what had happened.

  It came to him swiftly, and he smiled.


  God, what an amazing evening.

  Sex so good we passed out in each other’s arms.

  Peeling open his eyelids, Vance turned his head and stared at the gorgeous brown-haired bartender who had totally rocked his world. He took in Jimmy’s thick lashes that seemed long enough to fan his cheeks as he slept. His eyelids held only the slightest remains of the eyeliner he wore, and his hair was gorgeously mussed. Even the slight smile curving his plump lips was a thing of beauty.

  How the fuck did I luck out so fantastically?

  Vance remembered their amazing night together. He also recalled how his lover had pretty much done all the work. Seeing the way Jimmy’s eyelids began to flutter, he realized his sweetheart was beginning to awaken. He decided to totally take advantage of that. He would please his lover back and fulfill one of his desires at the same time.

  In an instant, the idea caused his morning wood to go from slightly swollen to rock hard and twitching.

  With great care, Vance eased Jimmy onto his back, then slithered down the bed, taking the covers with him. The move bared Jimmy and all his glorious naked flesh to Vance’s gaze. Peering at every lean line of Jimmy’s toned form, he admired the stunning man before him, and his desire to touch and explore surged through him.

  Vance stopped with his head parallel to his lover’s hip and stared at Jimmy’s morning semi-wood. The light filtering past the drawn curtains created an air of mystery that made his mouth water. Licking his lips, Vance swallowed hard, almost dying for a taste.

  After just a few seconds of hesitation, Vance rested his weight on his right arm and leaned forward. He opened his mouth and slipped out his tongue. Gently, he slid his appendage over the slightly flushed head.

  The flavor of salt and male flesh exploded across his taste buds. Fighting back a moan, he opened his mouth wider and wrapped his lips around Jimmy’s crown. He suckled lightly as he swiped his tongue back and forth over the tip. Sliding his tongue under the brim, he teased at the sensitive nerves beneath it, then licked down his semi-soft stalk.

  Vance felt Jimmy’s penis thicken and swell beneath his ministrations. As it began to fill his mouth and push deeper inside him, he had to ease back a bit so he didn’t choke. He countered by sucking harder and lashing every inch of Jimmy’s rising erection with his tongue. Jimmy had made it look so easy the times that he’d sucked Vance, but now he knew it would take some practice.

  God, my lover must have no gag reflex. How is that possible?

  Upon hearing Jimmy’s soft moa
n and feeling his legs move restlessly against his body, Vance doubled his efforts. He massaged his tongue up and down his lover’s length, then dipped his tongue into his piss slit. Finally, remembering the fact that Jimmy enjoyed a bite of pain—if his pierced nipples were anything to go by—he took a chance and scraped his bottom teeth over the sensitive bundle of nerves beneath his crown.

  That seemed to do it.

  Jimmy barked a cry and shuddered.

  When the first spurt of his lover’s seed blasted across his tongue, Vance nearly gagged. He forced himself to swallow, breathing through his nose. Expecting the next shot, Vance swallowed readily. The third burst he actually managed to roll over his tongue, so he could taste it.

  Not bad.

  Another shot hit him, almost causing him to gag again.

  Unable to help himself, Vance popped off Jimmy’s prick. He swallowed as he straightened, peering up his lover’s body. Seeing Jimmy’s parted lips and gasping torso, not to mention the slightly glazed look in his eyes as he peered down at him, that all combined with the loopy smile on Jimmy’s lips, and Vance knew he’d done a good job.

  Hell yeah.

  After swallowing a couple of times as well as licking his lips, Vance grinned up at Jimmy. “Morning, sweetheart.”

  “It definitely is,” Jimmy responded, grinning at him. “Come up here.”

  Vance went to him eagerly, settling his weight on his right side, pushing his arm under Jimmy’s head. Resting his casted arm on Jimmy’s stomach, he happily went with it when his lover cradled his head and drew their mouths together. As he opened to Jimmy’s explorations, he hummed, happy to give in to the other man.

  Feeling slender fingers wrap around his throbbing erection, Vance fed Jimmy a throaty moan. He bucked his hips, pleasure flooding him when his lover tightened his fingers. Wrapping his left leg around Jimmy’s thighs, he began rocking his hips.

  As Jimmy ate at his mouth, Vance jacked into his hold. He reveled in the stimulation, relishing not only the way the man boldly kissed him, but how he worked his dick. Jimmy’s thumb against the bundle of nerves beneath his crown created tingles which spiked down his shaft. When Jimmy rubbed over his flared head, spreading his pre-cum, a zing traveled straight to his testicles.


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