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The Final Prophecy (The Oracle Series Book 3)

Page 5

by N. J. Cooper

  “I’ve been training every day since I left, of course I do.” Kyla snapped. Orion grinned.

  “Then prove it, let’s go to the arena.” He challenged. Kyla grinned and nodded then followed back through familiar halls, down to the arena. She took turns against the centaurs, Orion first and then Shemar as the other went back to guard the Prince. She hated to admit that she had forgotten how strong centaurs were. It took hours for her to best them in a sword fight and she had thought she had been okay at that. Clearly not as okay as she needed to be. Kyla finally began besting them in the early hours of the morning once the Elders had gone to bed, the students had left, and it was just them awake in the mansion. She hadn’t been asked to leave yet, so she was taking that as a good sign for their plan and kept trying to get the better of the centaurs. She wasn’t sure what time the sun began to shine through the small windows at the top of the arena, but she was exhausted. Sweat poured down the training gear she had been given; three quarter sweatpants and a plain t-shirt. Her makeup had sweated off hours ago and she was running out of potency in her attacks. The centaurs were even puffing and finally she held her hands up in surrender.

  “Alright, centaur. You suck and I’m tired.” She smirked breathily, her hands on her hips. Orion wiped his forehead and chuckled.

  “You are quite an opponent, Kyla. The Prince will be safe with you.”

  Kyla nodded with a smirk.

  “Told you he would.” She teased. He smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes.

  “Has he been training?” Kyla asked warily. Orion looked away with a slight shake of his head.

  “Barely. The Queen has him doing a lot of Royal tasks. He doesn’t get much spare time to train.” Orion admitted, and the tone of his voice said he wasn’t happy about it. Kyla frowned, her heart constricted, remembering Zarek’s struggle with his new powers that had siphoned through his bloodline when his father had passed and imprinted on him. The powers were strong and Zarek had been struggling to control them but if he wasn’t training then how was he managing the control?

  “How is he going with his powers then?” She asked, hoping for a good answer but the look on his face said that wasn’t going to happen.

  “His emotions are erratic. He is impulsive and he needs a release before his powers do it for him and in front of people that aren’t meant to see that side of him. Kyla, whatever you are doing, he needs to use some of those powers. He needs something to help with the build-up because it is getting dangerously close to another outburst.” Orion warned. Kyla sighed and looked around the arena, checking with her senses that they weren’t being listened to, then stepped closer to the centaur, her height literally half of his.

  “We’re going to the Outlands, Orion. He’ll be able to use as much of his powers as he wants while we are there.” Kyla whispered. Orion’s eyebrows raised in surprise before he scowled at her.

  “Out of all the stupid ideas and plans that you have come up with, this one is the worst. Why are you taking the Prince to a realm full of creatures that hate the Royal family?” Orion demanded. Kyla checked their surroundings again.

  “Onyx. He’s got something that can help him get out and I need to get it back before he uses it.” Kyla admitted, pointing to her chest. He picked up what she meant instantly and stepped backwards, his hooves clicking on the floor of the arena.

  “I’ll have the centaurs check for it.” He said immediately but Kyla stopped him an gave him the same reason she had given Zarek.

  “No, he can’t know that we know otherwise he might jumpstart his plan. Just come with us and make sure nothing happens. I’ll get the amulet back.” Kyla whispered. Orion scowled but nodded.

  “Fine. I’ll get the details from the Prince. You should go home and get ready. This is going to be unlike anything you have experienced yet.” Orion admitted. Kyla nodded.

  “I know. How do I get back to Imperium?” Kyla asked. Orion checked the time on his walkie.

  “The buses will be gone by now. I’ll have a car waiting for you outside the mansion. Are you going back to the Academy?” He asked. Kyla shook her head.

  “No. I need to see my Mom. Let her know what is happening. Oh, and it’s not just us going.” Kyla admitted as they walked from the arena. Orion frowned.

  “Who did you convince to come this time?” He demanded. Kyla snickered.

  “I didn’t invite her, she invited herself. Elanor is tagging along. She reckons she can hold her own and that it’ll make the Queen more co-operative.” Kyla said doubtfully but Orion nodded.

  “I guess that’s true but training in an arena is a lot different to being in the middle of life and death. I hope she realises that.” Orion said, clopping up the stairs next to her as he led her into the lobby.

  “So do I.” Kyla sighed.

  A maid brought Elanor’s dress over and Kyla hung it over her arm before getting in the SUV that Orion had ordered for her and left the mansion without seeing Zarek to say goodbye or the Queen. She slept the whole car ride, until the SUV stopped, and the door clicked open. The black divider in between her and the driver meant she never knew who drove, but she was back in Imperium Area and had been dropped off right outside her small house, that she shared with her mom. She grabbed the laundry bag with Elanor’s dress and shoes in it then walked up the stone path to her house. The SUV sped away and she unlocked her door with her fingerprint on the door handle. Kyla walked in to the open, bright home, walking straight passed the kitchen and the living area, dumping her garment bag on the way. The French doors onto the deck that faced their garden was open and her mom sat out there, with her tea steaming next to her and papers and books sprawled over the table. She had her glasses on, her hair was frazzled and hadn’t noticed Kyla come in.

  “Have you slept at all, Mom?” Kyla asked, walking over and sitting down on the other side of the table, squinting through the sunlight. Her mother looked up with a smile.

  “Hey baby. I thought you’d be at school. How was the ceremony?” She asked, ignoring Kyla’s question. Kyla sighed.

  “It was okay. It was just the start of the nomination process, we won’t know the Elder’s that get in until they pass these tests, which doesn’t happen until after the wedding.” Kyla sulked. Lorraine took a sip of her tea and put down her book. She pulled her cardi tighter across her body.

  “Did you see him?” She asked softly. Kyla smiled at just how much she had seen of him then nodded coyly.

  “Yeah, I saw him. Still handsome as ever. But that’s not why I’m home.” Kyla admitted. Her mom frowned at that and sighed.

  “You’re leaving again, aren’t you?” She guessed. Kyla nodded.

  “I have to. The King’s note is leading me to Onyx who might get out again. After everything that has happened, I can’t let him.” Kyla admitted. Lorraine pursed her lips but nodded.

  “I understand what your role is here, Kyla. You are important in this and I want you to be the person you are meant to be, but just be careful okay? I want you to come back, always.” Her mom pleaded, holding Kyla’s hand across the table. Kyla squeezed it gently.

  “I will. But I need to make sure you are going to be okay while I’m gone. Have you figured anything out?” Kyla asked. Lorraine leaned back and gestured towards her papers.

  “I have looked through every human and supernatural record with my name and birthday and I have found one result in the human realm, but the records are incomplete.” Lorraine sighed. Kyla frowned and leaned forward, grabbing the paper that her mom handed her. It was a form for an orphanage in Minnesota with her mom’s name on it. She was eight months old.

  “This is from when you were already 8 months old, is there no birth records or anything from before then?” Kyla asked. Lorraine shook her head, her wisps of loose hair blowing across her face.

  “How can there be no record of your birth? What do you remember of your childhood, Mom?” Kyla wondered. Lorraine shrugged.

  “I knew I was adopted. The couple that adopte
d me were amazing parents, loved me enough that I never wanted to know anything about my birth parents so it’s all a big question mark for me.” She answered. Kyla let out a breath.

  “Well, maybe you had a different name when you were born?” Kyla asked. Lorraine nodded.

  “That’s why I’m going through this.” She said, patting the huge folder of birth records from the year of her birthday. Kyla nodded and stood, stretching against the afternoon sun’s rays.

  “Okay, well before I help you tackle that, I need a shower.” Kyla said. Lorraine chuckled.

  “I’ll put the jug on.” She said and stood to go back inside after Kyla.

  Later that night after a shower and searching through records for hours, Kyla lay in her plump bed trying to fall asleep. She had messaged Zarek and Elanor had messaged back with the details of when they were leaving but Kyla was going to leave earlier. She had to see Sky before she left. She wanted to try again before leaving in case she didn’t make it back. Kyla sighed and rolled over again, she closed her eyes and finally fell asleep after what felt like forever. She should have known that she wouldn’t get through the night without a vision, simply because she needed the sleep for the next day and the world was a bitch like that.

  She fell into the vision expecting to be confused and have to quickly figure out what tense she was in and where she was, but she knew as soon as she landed because she had been there before. Onyx’s childhood. It was the worst vision she had ever received and one she detested having to live through again. Her stomach turned as she followed Onyx’s tiny high-school body up the overgrown path to his run-down childhood home that was the size of her living area. Kyla had to re-watch the horror of what had happened to Onyx and the past that made him what he was. His father had been a drunk and Onyx had been weak because he provided so much for his mother and sister. His father had killed his mother and sister right in front of him then forced him to take their souls into him, before abandoning him to die. Except Onyx hadn’t died, he had survived the souls and sworn vengeance on his kind. He was getting damn close to living out that revenge and Kyla woke with a gasp, her body sweating as her breaths came hard and fast against her ribcage. She ran a hand through her hair and clenched her eyes shut, glad to see just darkness for once. She didn’t want to see the image of his baby sister burning to death or his father snap his mother’s neck, she had already seen it, why was she re-seeing it? Kyla couldn’t figure it out and shook her head to expel the images. She climbed out of her bed and went to the bathroom, splashing her face with cold water. She patted it dry and was ready to go back to bed when the alarm on her phone went off. Kyla rolled her eyes; there went her beauty sleep. She clicked it off then went straight to her wardrobe and pulled on her leggings, a long-sleeved shirt and an oversized jumper then her converse. She brushed her teeth then went out to the kitchen where her mother was up, wrapped in a fluffy dressing gown and making coffee and toast. Kyla smiled and sat down at the breakfast bar. It was still dark outside, but she let her mom, mother her for the few times she could, knowing they both appreciated it.

  “You can’t leave to save the world without breakfast.” Lorraine smiled and placed breakfast in front of Kyla. She smiled back and sipped the coffee, then bit into the toast.

  “Thanks Mom.” Kyla said then finished her breakfast as her mom tidied up their books, they had left sprawled in front of the television and over the couch. Kyla finished and went over to hug her mom as a honk came from outside. Her ride was there.

  “Keep searching through those records, Mom. The answer is in there somewhere. But don’t worry, Zarek won’t take you away from me, okay?” Kyla promised, hoping it wasn’t a lie. Lorraine nodded.

  “I know, baby. Be safe.” She said, kissing Kyla on the cheek then releasing her. Kyla nodded then pulled her bag that she had packed the night before onto her back and left the house. She climbed in the SUV and it sped away towards the hospital.

  Kyla catnapped on the way into the city, but it was impossible to sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, flashes of Onyx’s past assaulted her. She cringed every time she saw his baby sister die. Finally, she gave up and sat there until they arrived at the hospital and Kyla rushed from the SUV with her bag on her back. She only had an hour with Sky, and she wanted every minute of it. She took the elevator up to the fourth floor and was buzzed into the ward where Sky was being kept. She was taken to Sky’s room, where Sky’s pale body lay unmoving on the bed. Her hair was vibrant red, her face wide like Wyatt’s and her eyes used to be green but were completely white. She still hadn’t moved. Kyla sighed, thanked the attendant who had led her then placed her bag by her feet and sat down in the chair next to the bed.

  “One last chance, Sky. I don’t know if I’ll make it back from this one and I don’t know what is going to happen when I get that amulet back. It’s too dangerous to keep around so I have to destroy it, but I don’t know what is going to happen after that. Maybe, if I can’t bring you back, I’ll see you in the shadow world.” Kyla sighed and clutched Sky’s hand in hers. As usual nothing happened. Kyla gritted her teeth.

  “Dammit, Sky! You are so stubborn. Come back. Wyatt needs you. I need you.” Kyla whispered but nothing happened. Kyla bit her lip and looked over Sky’s body. There was only one thing left she could try, and she knew it was forbidden because she had already checked but she was getting really good at not listening to that word. She looked around, got up and locked the door to the room then sat back down. Kyla grabbed Sky’s hand and took a few steadying breaths.

  “Alright Sky, we’ll do this your way. I can’t reach you through your body, so I’m going to find your soul and when I do, I’m dragging it back here.”

  ~ 6 ~

  Kyla fell into a world of shadow. There was no colour and a permanent storm loomed overhead. The ground was uneven with hills and rocks. No grass grew and the atmosphere itself hissed. Kyla spun around, taking in the forest that was all shades of grey and tried to stop her head from aching. She shivered as the biting cold air wisped passed her.

  “Kyla.” A familiar voice said from behind her. She spun to it and ran into him. Kasyn. She recognised his scar and his immortal blade that was a shining beacon in the dark. She pulled away and looked up at his impressive height.

  “Sky’s in the shadow world?” Kyla guessed where she was. Kasyn nodded with a sombre face.

  “Where is she then? Can you take me to her? I need to bring her back.” Kyla pleaded. Kasyn shook his head.

  “You can try but I doubt it’ll do much good, Kyla. I’ve been trying to get through to her for weeks. She’s warped now. Her soul has no emotion, she’s not the same as she was.” Kasyn admitted looking behind him as if he heard something. Kyla shivered and looked behind him, instinctively drawing closer. He shook his head.

  “She’s awake though?” Kyla demanded. Kasyn nodded, pulling her over the hill.

  “Yeah. But we have to hurry. It’s not safe here in the open.”

  “Can you take me to her? To Sky.” Kyla asked. Kasyn sighed then stopped and pointed to the huge black castle in the distance.

  “She’s in there. Kyla, you don’t understand. She isn’t just awake; she runs things here now.” He revealed. Kyla’s jaw dropped as she looked at the castle that was on the other side of more swamp and forest. Kyla huffed and summoned her own immortal blade.

  “Well then, I guess we better go get her and slap some sense into her.” Kyla shrugged. Kasyn smirked then nodded and led her forward.

  “How did you even get in here?” Kasyn asked as he led the way towards the castle. Kyla shrugged.

  “Not really sure how it works. I used her body to anchor me and then found a thread of connection to her soul, then traced it, pulling my soul with it so I could find hers.” Kyla admitted.

  “That’s some serious power, isn’t it forbidden though?” He wondered. Kyla scowled.

  “I hate that word.” She grumbled. He smirked then cut his way through a huge spiderweb that blocked t
heir way. Kyla shivered and looked over her shoulder, but the warning in her prickling senses wasn’t coming from behind her, it was in front. She stopped Kasyn from going forward. He frowned at her stopping in the middle of the path, dark thickets of trees and shadows in front of them.

  “Somethings out there.” Kyla whispered, reaching out her senses. It was a strange scent that she almost recognised, but something was off. That was when they heard the growling. Kyla summoned her blade and held it out in front of her as four large, black dogs charged towards them, snarling and growling, their skin glowing with embers from the inside. Kyla went to protect herself as Kasyn did the same when a figure came out of the shadows. A figure with bright red hair, green eyes and black lips.

  “Heel!” She called in her husky voice as the dogs stopped right before Kyla and Kasyn, snarling again at the command. Sky came towards them with a smirk.

  “You like my new pets?” She smiled, steam pouring from around her black gown. Kyla’s eyes widened.

  “Sky?” She asked incredulously. Sky shook her head.

  “Not anymore, Oracle. I’m a Queen.” She boasted. Kyla frowned over her friend who resembled nothing of who she had been.

  “Whoever you think you are right now, is not the real you, Sky. You need to come back.” Kyla tried. Sky laughed, a hint of manic to it that Kyla cringed at. Kasyn looked defeated, he kept his blade next to him but the way his hand clenched on the hilt was very telling.

  “Not going to happen. I have nothing to go back to, only a cell where they tell me not to do everything that I want. No thanks.” Sky said then extended her pale arms to the land around her, “Look around Kyla, here I am worshipped. I was Onyx’s path to your world. I was touched by the master himself and the power that he left behind is intoxicating. A stain that dark is not going to be swept away like the rest of my pathetic life.” Sky bit. Kyla scowled and clenched her fists.


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