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Claiming Their Village Bride

Page 15

by Abby Aaron

  Anders stepped forward to take advantage of the delay as Ellias, Leodon and Ellena shared humorous looks. The Finn warrior tied knots in the boys’ shirts and pants, fashioning makeshift pockets. Then Aras and Loinbard help place the extra eggs in the new hiding places. They were careful to store the eggs in areas less likely to lead to accidental breakage.

  Leodon saw their efforts and objected. “Your original rules only regarded the eggs carried in the apron, Darnish. Are you amending that now? This lot seeks ways to challenge our limits yet again. To allow for it would not be wise.”

  Darnish just smiled with delight. “You worry too much, my brother. How can anyone challenge rules, which have not even been laid out before them. I would not handicap any warrior who brings too many weapons to battle. Instead, I would watch how he manages to handle the excess until it is needed.” He started to pace the length of the platform, carefully counting the number of steps back and forth, then to and from.

  “If my calculations are correct, there is but ten square feet to maneuver up here. Three sets of grown warriors would have an issue moving about, but the young fledglings will have just enough room to do so. In a few minutes, the horn will sound. The triads will send their young charges up here. They will be given a brief moment to select a portion of the area to begin the quest. At the sound of the second horn, the game is on.”

  Stepping down, he moved among the young Urijah groups. “Be careful to stay on the platform, boys. Once you leave it, you will no longer be in the field of play and eliminated. So long as at least one of your group remains on top, your team is still part of the challenge.”

  “Are we meant to avoid breaking our eggs as we shove other boys off?” Usman asked politely.

  “It is imperative to protect your own eggs, yes. In this task, they represent the weakest among you, depending on each of you to guard them, even if you get wounded in the process.” Darnish explained, taking note of which child had been bright enough to ask.

  “Sir, who would seek to harm our eggs? There are no evildoers here. Who will play the role of enemy so we may show our skill?” The boy dared to question him again.

  “You are one of Leodon’s blood brothers’ sons, right? Named Usman?” he looked back at Leodon for confirmation. A quick nod affirmed his guess. “Sometimes a foe is within your own village. It is sad, but true. You must not only defend yourself against outsiders, but protect what is yours from those around you, too. Do you understand my meaning now?”

  The boy’s face lifted with excitement. “We get to smash the other teams’ eggs! Aras thought as much before you even mentioned the plan, sir. He is almost as wise and brave as a Urijah warrior.”

  Nodding with agreement, Darnish motioned to the triads. “Prepare your teams for the challenge. Know this. While you may provide advice when the game begins, only the young boys are allowed on the platform. Any triad breaking this rule will be eliminated from winning the task.” A challenging glare was made in the direction of the Finn men. Crosby was confused and the others pretended to ignore the action.

  Hendrix grabbed the two older boys in his charge the moment Darnish walked away. “Go after the boys wearing the apron. Don’t waste time smashing stupid eggs. Pitch both from the playing field, and the win is ours.”

  Tyler and his group spoke to their group in a hushed tone. Aras bent low to do the same with his own team. “Usher, Ulices, you have spent years protecting Usman’s back. Now you must rely on that skill to give us an added advantage in this quest. Do not concentrate on smashing any eggs unless you have a clear shot. Instead, stop anyone from breaking your brother’s load. If one egg does get smashed, do not waste time regretting the loss. Instead, reach in your pockets and replace the broken egg with a new one.”

  Loinbard added his advice. “Do not be aggressive in your pursuit of the other egg bearers. Such an action might draw a counterattack. This is not a task that calls for a speedy victory. Lay low until the time is right and your group will benefit.”

  “But you promised I could smash some eggs!” Usman pouted, giving Aras a comical frown. He might have the wisdom and pride of an old soul, but his boyish demeanor shined through.

  Anders carefully patted the boy’s back, careful not to break any of the eggs. “That is the beauty of this task, little warrior. You get to do what you know best. While your brothers must be careful and concentrate on protecting your back, you are free to move about the entire platform destroying as many eggs as possible. Trust they will be close by to block any blows aimed your way and have fun getting some of your blood thirsty tendencies out.”

  The horn signaled it was time for the boys to take their places. Aras lifted the smallest of their charges up and bid him luck. Usman walked to the middle of the platform, deciding it would be the best location to avoid getting eliminated. It also allowed him easy access to the rest of the area. He could dart in and out of the others, cracking as many eggs as possible before returning to the safety of mid-section.

  “That boy will be an elder of Urijah one day,” Aras told his triad.

  “Without a doubt,” Jemina said, no longer pretending she did not have a favorite in the challenge. She stood among the Konrad-Finn triad as if it were her rightful place. “All three of your charges are direct descendants of Urijah. Finnegan, Jael and me, too, if Grandpa Ian is to be trusted. They carry the bloodline of our first elder’s DNA and are being groomed for accepting the duty of village leaders when the time comes.”

  The boys under the Finn Triad were quickly eliminated well before Crosby accidently tripped and landed on the platform. The other fledglings used that group’s larger size and lack of teamwork to send Hendrix’s chosen ones out of the field of play. The group trained by Tyler, Sage and Riley held their own, but they lacked the additional eggs to replenish lost ones. Once their last egg was cracked, they shook hands with the winners and stepped off of the platform. Usman pranced around the stage, pulling out his remaining eggs now that their last challengers were abolished. He turned his remaining stash into projectiles and hurled them at his brothers. Usher and Ulices used their wooden swords to bat the eggs back at him. The entire area was soon covered in scrambled egg whites and yolks.

  Aras lifted a slippery Usman to his shoulders while Anders and Loinbard did the same with the remaining brothers. They carried the victors off to where the morning meal was set to begin. “All hail Urijah!” The Konrad-Finn triad chanted, Jemina lending her high-pitched voice to the cheer.


  Narrowing the field of competition

  Tyler, Sage and Riley approached asking for a moment alone with Aras’ triad. Jemina tried to join them, but was sent back to where her fathers and mother were finishing their meal. She started to argue when three hands lifted, ready to reply to any further defiance. Her eyes were back to being steel blue again as she stormed away.

  “Congratulations on your win this morning,” Sage said. “The elders of Konrad will be pleased to know our village not only produces worthy warriors, but excellent teachers as well.”

  “Had I not guessed about the advantage of having extra eggs, I am not so sure our team would have claimed this victory. You three would make fine trainers for the fledglings one day,” Aras told the other triad. “Truth be known, your lot is the only real competition we worry about for Jemina’s hand. The only way Crosby managed to claim one victory was because it literally fell in his lap.”

  “Then your third victory should be easy to accomplish,” Tyler offered. “We are withdrawing from the competition after the meal is complete.” He raised his hand to put off any arguments. “Our triad is set on taking this course. It is best to leave now while there may still be time to reclaim our position on the wall. Sometimes elders take up areas at the city left vulnerable on the off chance a winner will be declared quickly. The defeated triads can avoid losing a precious cycle of duty that way.”

  Riley shook hands with all three of the Konrad-Finn triad. “We might have provided you with
more of a challenge in the coming events if it was not evident Jemina has already bonded with you three. She is a rare gift, and when you return to Konrad, we will celebrate in the treasure you earned. Until then, we return to our duty and prepare the way for your homecoming.”

  “We will leave the details of your triad’s make up for you to share.” Tyler smiled. “Explaining it would be too difficult. Besides, no one would believe us if we tried to explain how you three could come together from two different villages, perfect your team efforts and claim a village bride.”

  Later that night, Aras awoke to the sound of a dove’s cry. He listened attentively for the number of coos, wondering if trouble was afoot. Stiffening with anticipation, he reached for his sword quietly. The call came again, and the others in his triad sat up, their weapons ready. Each counted the number sounded at four bustles and peered at one another with confusion. Was an actual dove in one of the trees a few feet away? They turned to search the area.

  Abruptly Jemina’s face popped out as the top of her body dropped into view. but her head was upside down. Their village bride was hanging from a branch by her knees, her lips pursed together in four, quick coos. All three men groaned in frustration.

  “I claim the right to upend her this time,” Aras grumped as he pulled himself up to head in her direction.

  “This is her second transgression for the same offense. We each get a chance to impart our displeasure with her mistake,” Anders announced as he and Loinbard followed suit.

  “You already got a chance to enjoy feeling her backside respond to your hand. I go second, and don’t be surprised if I bare her ass before I take up the task.” Loinbard heard the call of an eagle sound once. He turned toward the opposite direction.

  Hands on his hips, he replied, “Yes, Grandfather Ian, I recall your presence. Your headstrong granddaughter needs to be tamed, sir. If she keeps showing up here at night, my brothers and I can’t promise not to claim her. We trust you will slaughter us for the insult, but it is still tempting. Do not forget we love her and have pledged ourselves to her. Waiting to bed her is difficult enough without her pulling us off every chance she gets so we can share a stolen moment of privacy.”

  “Her ass remains covered until the ceremony, son of Konrad. I am not your grandfather yet.” Not a hint of the older warrior was visible as he laid down the law. With a reluctant nod of agreement, Loinbard continued on to where Aras was now helping Jemina climb out of her hiding spot.

  “Four coos- did you notice?” Jemina smiled with pride. “Given your clever calling system, I decided it was appropriate to claim my own signal. I wager no other family unit has secret ways of communicating without outsiders noticing.”

  “My fathers could convey many ideas within my family unit without opening their mouths,” Anders muttered, with a dark expression marring his attractive features. “One pointed stare can say a lot about how someone is feeling. You might try to remember such a keen bit of insight and work on employing your skills on understanding unspoken messages. Do any of our faces suggest how we are feeling about your second act of defiance tonight?”

  “Before any of you start lecturing me,” she whispered bravely, “it is important for you to realize I have permission to be here this time.”

  Aras pulled her around to face him again. “Look me in the eyes, and tell me you did not sneak past your fathers to come here.”

  Jemina grabbed her backside even though no threats had been made on it as yet. “My mother and I decided it might be beneficial for me to come. She distracted my fathers to enable me to go outside without burdening them with needless worry.”

  Anders pulled her around to face him, making her dizzy. “Why would your mother betray her own mates for such a dangerous mission?”

  Jemina found it hard to explain what had seemed so logical only a few moments before. “After the Konrad triad departed… because they saw how close we had become…” Her hand gestured toward the men and back to herself. “It’s apparent how we all feel about each other. Mother and I wondered if maybe the other men will do the same as the Konrad triad did. Even if they lack honor, seeing a woman they hope to claim sneaking around at night with other men would have to be difficult to tolerate. We concluded the Finn warriors would leave in disgust at the humiliation, if nothing else.”

  Anders muttered a phrase any honorable warrior was careful to avoid expressing when women were about. Grabbing her arms, he gave Jemina a slight shake. “Creator above, give me patience!”

  Loinbard turned her yet again, so he was inches from her face. “Your mother and you are naïve if you think Hendrix and Johan would willingly walk away from this competition. If they feel slighted by your actions, they won’t withdraw. They have no honor. They are selfish enough to stay here and do their best to win your hand, brooding over your perceived slight. Then they would haul you off to their village to make you pay for embarrassing them. The rest of your life would be pure hell because you sought to outwit them.”

  “And you would have no one to appeal to for help.” The last scolding came from her grandfather. He had remained hidden, but his voice indicated he was close at hand. “This has become intolerable, sons of Konrad and Finn. I give you leave to handle this indiscretion as you see fit. Just remember I am close enough to intervene if any of you try to take advantage.”

  Aras took Jemina by the hand and led her to a stump near the tree she had dropped from. The area was poorly lit, and it would afford them some privacy. It was important to protect her from view if anyone chanced by their location. “Will we be allowed to provide comfort afterwards? It is important to reset matters after any correction.”

  “Are all men of Konrad so bold, young man? Fine, you will have a few moments to share words of forgiveness and innocent kisses, but that is all!” The words were spoken in a tight tone. Jemina’s eyes locked onto something off to the left. “Don’t give me that defiant glare, Jemina, daughter of Urijah. I might well take a turn trying to pound some sense into your bottom.”

  Without giving her a chance to even acknowledge the threat, Aras took a seat and pulled her across his lap. His eyes examined what she wore. Their little spitfire had donned her fighter clothes to gain better camouflaging of her movements in the darkness.

  Her careful consideration of dressing both pleased and concerned him. She was brilliant, a fierce warrior and beautiful soul. He paused a moment, then decided it was important to humble Jemina a bit since this was her second correction for the same rule. He reached under her and unfastened the clasp holding her pants in place.

  She let out a shocked mewing sound as he tugged the clothing down and cool air touched her skin. Aras debated restoring the material as his eyes feasted on her perfect, pale ass. It was small and unblemished. He had to adjust his position as his cock grew uncomfortably thick. Protecting Jem was something he would never take lightly. She was his world now.

  One hard palm smacked against her backside. His single handprint covered both globes, an angry mark appeared and he took care to use steady, measured strokes as he continued painting the rest of the region. She protested and started thrashing about so he used his left hand to anchor her as he began lecturing and spanking in unison.

  “Think for a moment, my brilliant little fighter,” he ordered. “What if we had not been the ones to find you tonight? Hendrix and Johan have no morals. They would assume you were offering yourself, and smuggle you off to enjoy the pleasure of using your body. If you did manage to explain you were not coming to see them but spend time with us, it would not matter. I fear they would only be more sadistic in their intent then.

  “They would hold you down and take turns planting their seed in your womb. In their minds, your fathers would end the games and wed you to them before your humiliation could come to light.” The more he spoke, the harder she struggled against him. His hand continued bouncing around her soft skin. It grew warm to the touch, but she still did not yield.

  It was then he noticed th
e treasure exposed every time she kicked her legs in her attempts to escape. Red, plush folds guarded her secrets, and his cock grew so hard he had to alter his position yet again. The action paused his attention to her backside, and they both stilled. The Creator might strike him dead where he sat, but Aras could not deny himself. His hand slid down her backside, along the crease that separated the globes and to the treasure hidden between those folds.

  She was wet and hot. His fingertip slipped just inside the opening he would rightfully claim one day. He groaned with desire and frustration. Pulling his hand away before his actions became more sinful. Aras helped Jemina back up and gained his own feet. He prayed his erection was not as evident as it seemed.

  His palm, still hot from the attention he gave her backside lifted to cup her neck. He pulled her to him, his mouth parting as it sought hers. Jemina did not protest. Her lips melted against his and she gave his tongue leave to join with hers. He explored every crease, tasted every inch and sought to mark his claim with his scent.

  Stepping away from her was difficult, but necessary. She was not his alone. It pained him, but in a society where men outnumbered women six to one, it was impossible to lay sole claim to one bride. One day, if the Creator saw fit, the disparity of such a number would be eliminated. His mind drifted for a moment to the city of women. Once revenge had been gained, many of the people inside might well leave the walls and join the different villages. Future generations, maybe even his own sons, would no longer have to share intimacies of a wife with other men.

  Aras went to where his blood brother stood, relieving him to take his position with Jem.


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