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Silver City Girl

Page 10

by Yvonne Beattie

  We flick through a bunch of channels until we come across some old Friend’s episodes, so we watch a couple and it makes me happy he knows them as well as I do. Nancy starts bringing food through to us and we sit at the huge dining table and gorge ourselves. Her cooking is outstanding. I can see why Jack hired her. Once we are done, I feel exhausted.

  “Dinner was amazing,” I pat my full tummy. “I think I just made up for my lack of food intake the last few days. I got so nervous about everything and with all the excitement too, I couldn’t eat much.”

  “Well that’s no good,” Jack eyes me steadily. “I like a girl with a healthy appetite.”

  “That, I normally have,” I sigh. “I just ate too much tonight!”

  "I think you should go and try to get some sleep, sweetie."

  He takes my hand and pulls me up from the dining table giving me a little hug. He is so tactile which I am not used to, but I am growing fonder of by the second.

  He leads me through to the little room with the bed in it. There are two big fluffy white robes and slippers looked out for us both. It suddenly dawns on me that maybe there are some expectations here.

  "What about you? Are you going to sleep too?" I ask nervously.

  "Yeah, I'll just crash on the sofa, it's cool," he answers me, somewhat nervously too.

  I’m relieved by the fact he is not being pushy, and evidently there is no expectations, or at least he’s being a gentleman about it. I relax a little not wanting to be taken for granted. For someone who evidently has everything and more, he appears to be a true gentleman.

  "Oh, well, you're welcome to sleep in here too. I mean, not... you know... or I can easily sleep on the sofa."

  I am embarrassed even suggesting this but I feel bad he has to sleep on the sofa in his own aircraft. And, admittedly, my mouth started speaking before my brain got the chance to catch up.

  He smiles at me and pulls me into another hug, "I love it when you get embarrassed, Jen. It has to be the cutest thing I've ever seen."

  "Oh!" My face is buried in his chest, he needs to stop being so sweet.

  "Well listen, I'd love to sleep in here with you, as long as you promise not to take advantage of me,” he nudges me playfully.

  “Watch it mister, or you’ll find yourself back on the couch,” I nudge him back.

  He sniggers, “OK, I promise not to take advantage, if you do too. Purely sleeping it is. So is it a deal?" he asks.

  "Deal," I smile and now realise I have no idea what I am going to sleep in other than my underwear, or maybe the big fluffy robe. "I just need to use the loo first if that's ok."

  "Of course, the 'looooo' is just inside that door on the left," he grins as he mocks me. "And if you look to the right through there, your suitcase is in there for you if you want to grab some night wear."

  He has thought of everything, "Ahh, you read my mind. Thanks."

  "You're welcome."

  I feel his gaze follow me as I leave the bedroom.

  Chapter 15

  I get myself changed and sorted for bed and am glad I took some nice silky night gowns with me, not overly sexy, but most importantly, not granny style either. I take most of my make-up off but leave just the right amount on so I don't look overly done, but I also don't look like the walking dead.

  When I get back to the bedroom the lights are dimmed, the window shutters are closed, the bed is turned down and there are eye masks lying on each pillowcase. I also notice bottles of water have been put at either side of the bed and little chocolates. My guess is Nancy did this. I'm not sure where Jack is, so I just climb into bed and snuggle down. It feels weird lying down on a plane. I haven't thought too much about being on a plane until now, it's all so surreal. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined my life would be how it has been this week. I guess it is a taste of how the other half live.

  I suddenly feel the planes movement more and need to sit up, there is a little turbulence and I wish Jack was here. I'm not a nervous flyer at all but I'm not liking this turbulence and being in here on my own. I need a hand to hold. I think there is something to be said for sitting on a normal plane with lots of other people, there is generally always someone to make small talk with, or someone snoring to harrumph at.

  Jack saunters back into the room wearing some low cut shorts, and nothing else.

  Good lord.

  He is an adonis.

  His body is like something off the front cover magazine of Men's Fitness. He has an all over tan, which makes me wonder if it continues under his shorts, his shoulders are broad and masculine, he has more ripples down his abs than I can count at a glance, a perfect covering of dark hair across his chest, and the most perfectly shaped happy trail which is giving me all sorts of happy thoughts right now.

  All thoughts about any turbulence are fast forgotten. He clears his throat and I snap my eyes back to his eye level and realise I was caught ogling. He smiles, knowingly. He turns the lights down and climbs in beside me.

  I try to breathe slowly to calm my nervousness.

  "You ok?" He asks.

  "Yeah. Just getting my head around all of this, and you."

  "I'm sorry, I should have told you before. I wasn't sure what all you knew to be honest. Come here," he instructs me.

  I lie back down and he turns me over and spoons with me. It feels so nice. Too nice. I can't help but press myself back against him, and when I do, he automatically returns it pushing himself into my back.

  "Sweetie, I promised not to take advantage of you through here, but if you do that again I just might have to," his voice has lost all sense of lightheartedness, and I’m pretty sure that’s not a banana I feel through his shorts.

  "Is that a threat or a promise?" I can't help myself.

  "Oh, that is most definitely a promise, my dear," he nearly growls.

  I stay still for a moment, then press back against him again, and as I do, he reaches over and flips me onto my back holding my hands together above my head and impatiently kisses me. I don't want him to be a gentleman any more. I need this before I either go insane, or my chance is missed. I mentally scold myself for thinking about this as a mere chance to be with him. I have gone against the grain of everything I promised myself I wouldn’t do these last few days. I know this will undoubtedly end in heartache, but I just want to forget about all that and enjoy what time I have with Jack. He is everything I want, and that’s not even inclusive of all this over the top, rich guy stuff. I’m falling for him, just him.

  We kiss for I don't know how long and eventually he lets my hands go and I get to explore his body. He moans as I run my nails gently down his chest, which invokes a carnal reaction from within me. I want him so much. I can feel him stretching his shorts and I automatically wrap my legs around him.

  "Are you sure about this, Jennifer?" He asks, his voice is gravelly and I love it.

  "More than I've ever been. Please," I almost beg him. I pull his shorts down to free him and feel the length of him. He groans as I stroke him and he buries his head in my neck, kissing and gently biting me. He pulls my night gown up and touches me gently pulling my underwear down. I feel him teasing me and my back arches off the bed. He leans across the bed and I hear him shuffling around, he comes back and leans back over me.

  "I really want to explore you more, Jen. I want to take my time and kiss every part of you, but I don't think either of us can wait tonight," he says with an evident struggle.

  "You're right," I just want him inside me.

  He holds his hand up, "And here is our little friend again." He smirks and flashes a small silver packet at me.

  I laugh, "Now that, is not an eraser."

  He grins and tears it open. I take it from him and stretch it over his impressively thick length.

  He takes a deep breath and looks me in the eye, "I'm so glad you're here with me, Jen. I’m so happy to have met you, finally."

  "Me too," I whisper, wrapping my legs around him again and pulling him down to
me. The missionary position just got a whole new meaning to it as I watch Jack’s delicious muscles harden around me. He gently prods me and I feel him enter me slowly, teasingly.

  "Ahh," I moan as he stretches me.

  "You ok?" He pulls back.

  "Mmm hmm," I reply and pull him into me.

  "You sure you want to join the mile high club, sweetie?" He grins down at me.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down to me.

  He kisses me and slowly slides into me, more, more, more....he fills me completely.

  "Oh my god, Jen."

  He stops and his forehead meets mine, "Sorry, you feel incredible, too incredible, just give me a sec."

  I feel the same way, it's so intense. He slowly starts moving and I know neither of us are going to last long, he feels amazing. He fits me like we were meant to be, I've never experienced anything so intense before. We find our rhythm, he is so gentle with me, but his carnal instinct takes over as we get near. He lifts my right leg up and hooks it over his shoulder, he is in so deep and he feels too good.

  "Now, Jack, please," I can't hold it any longer. It’s been so long but somehow my libido is back in full swing.

  "Oh baby," he groans into my neck as he falls apart.

  We come together and it is literally the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. I am seeing stars, and all things delicious. He is all I want and more. Way more.

  We are spent, it’s been a long day and an even longer week though it is only Wednesday, possibly Thursday, I have no idea. Who cares? He lies lightly on top of me holding his weight on his elbows and cuddles me tightly as we catch our breath. I’d happily stay here forever.

  Eventually he looks up at me, "That was amazing, Jen. I definitely want to do that again very soon."

  "I'd have to agree, Mr. S.," I gaze up at him. He is amazing in every way imaginable. I am falling hard for him and there is nothing I can do to stop myself.

  He finally pulls out of me and ties up the condom, quickly pulling his shorts on to go and dispose of it. I cover up again and he lies back down beside me and cuddles me against him.

  "Get some sleep, beautiful. You're going to need it," I feel him smiling.

  "Night, Jack."

  “Night, sweetie.”

  I fall asleep with the biggest smile ever.

  Chapter 16

  I wake up with a sense of falling and for a minute or so I can’t think where I am. I feel myself starting to panic. I hear a constant humming noise that I can’t quite place. I rub my eyes and will myself to wake up properly and snap out of this.

  "You ok, Jen?” A voice says from beside me, and I bolt awake.

  “Hey, hey, calm down! It’s just me, Jack!” The voice continues and wraps an arm around me.

  Quickly everything floods back to me and I relax into him.

  “We have a little bit of turbulence but the pilot said not to worry. We only have an hour or so left until we land, you've slept soundly," he smiles down at me.

  I can't even find the words right now, I feel exhausted and still half asleep.

  Memories of last night swirl around my head and I can’t help but smile smugly.

  "Sorry, not a morning person," I grumble turning my face away even though I’m positive my morning breath smells of delicious strawberries.

  "Shall I get us some coffee?" Jack suggests gently rubbing my back.

  "Good idea," I sit up and pull my hair to the side, flattening it down past my shoulder. I don't really want Jack to see me in all my glory just yet.

  "You wana go take a shower?" he asks.

  "Please," I drag my behind through to the shower and stand under it long enough to shift the cobwebs and reminisce about our little rendezvous last night. I actually slept with Jack. I feel all warm and tingly at the thought of it all, and sore in all the right places. It's been so long, I'd forgotten sex is as good as a work out. I get dried and grab my work clothes I had laid out the night before in the hope they wouldn’t be too crumpled. I'd left my case inside the bathroom last night which is surprisingly spacious and has a large bench which I figured was probably for a suitcase. I fix my hair and put on some make-up. I am excited to land and see what Houston is like. I've heard you'll either love it, or hate it.

  As I head through I smell coffee. I need some caffeine. Nancy has outdone herself again with breakfast but I'm not overly hungry after last night’s indulgence. Jack is sitting all suited up looking like every woman's dream reading something on his laptop. He looks up as I walk through.

  "Feeling a little more awake?" He smiles.

  "Slightly," I smile back feeling ridiculously shy again.


  "Not really, I'll just have some coffee if that's ok."

  We sit in comfortable silence, I'm grateful as I am not ready for any in-depth conversation. I've had approximately four hours of broken sleep, and I think around another four hours would have been very nice.

  A short while later we are prepared for landing and once landed we exit the plane to a still very dark, but warm and humid, Houston. I'm told it is 645am. There is a black town car waiting for us which we hop straight into and Jack tells me we are headed for the office which should take thirty to forty five minutes depending on traffic. As we head towards the exit we are stopped to show our documents, I'm asked several questions, have to give a finger print (it's all very official), and then get my passport stamped (that made my day, I have proof I’ve been to the US of A!). The driver then finds our way out of the airport which I see is called George Bush International Airport as the signs tell us to visit again soon. As we hit the motorway I see we are exiting onto Interstate 69. How apt. Jack takes my hand and winks at me. I've no idea if he is thinking what I am thinking, but it makes me flush to think he might be. I apparently have acquired a one-tracked mind overnight. The motorway we are on, or interstate as the sign said, has four lanes going in the same direction, surely there isn't that much traffic? I've only ever driven with two lanes in Scotland, or on little old windy roads. I don't think I'll manage here, I decide. It all looks a bit complicated and frankly, scary.

  Jack squeezes my hand gently, "Welcome to my hometown, sweetie."

  "Thanks!" I'm excited to see it, though I feel nervous too, I don't mention that to him.

  I sit and watch the trees go by, then housing estates, some car garages, it gets busier as we must get closer to Downtown. The traffic is getting busier too and cars are weaving in and out around each other, I'm really glad I'm not driving. There are so many trucks and four by four’s. It's starting to get light outside and it is pretty nice to see blue skies appearing so quickly from the beautiful pink, yellow and orange sunrise. Aberdeen has been pretty grey of late.

  We eventually turn off the motorway and as we meander down the exit from the suspended road, we see the blanket of darkness lifting from the high rise roof tops. This is definitely Downtown. There are more exceptionally tall buildings than I've ever seen in my life. It looks very picturesque in a different way from home, it is amazing. What an incredible skyline. I had googled images of Houston the day before we left, but seeing it for real is breathtaking. I feel really excited now, I can't believe I am here, and I'm actually going to work here for a couple of weeks.

  "You ok?" Jack squeezes my hand again.

  "Yes, more than ok! I'm just taking it all in. The sunrise is pretty spectacular. All the buildings are so big and shiny."

  He laughs and agrees, "Yeah, it's a bit different from what you're used to, huh?"

  "Just a wee bit!"

  He laughs and runs the back of his hand gently down my cheek. I can’t help but lean into his hand, and we smile a knowing smile to each other.

  We eventually pull into a car park which is probably the biggest car park I've ever seen. We drive for what seems like ages through it, up and down various noisy ramps, before we stop outside a back entrance to what must be my hotel as I can see luggage trolley’s and turn-style doors. I feel like a cel
ebrity sneaking in the back door.

  "Come on, let's go check you in."

  We walk into a massive foyer and I realise as we pass the luggage trolley’s I've not actually given my luggage a second thought. I turn around and begin to ask Jack about it, but instead see the concierge following us with a trolley and my luggage sitting snuggly on it. Everything is so organised, I still feel like I'm dreaming.

  As we walk to the big reception desk the man behind it looks up and smiles somewhat efficiently.

  "Good morning, Mr. Samson," he tilts his head and looks at me, "Ma'am."

  "Hey Jeff, how ya’ll doin'?" Jack smiles back. His accent just got a whole lot stronger.

  "All’s great down here, Mr. Samson. I'm afraid the room you requested is not vacated yet, but if Ms. Steen would like to leave her luggage in our holding room I will have someone take it up as soon as it has been vacated and after housekeeping have been."

  "Of course, Jeff, that would be awesome."

  They exchange a few more pleasantries and I see Jeff give Jack a room key. I pretty much just stand like a muppet letting him take care of everything. I am so used to doing everything by myself, I find this endearing, yet a little annoying if I'm being honest. Jack finishes up, then puts his hand on my lower back guiding me out of the foyer and into what appears to be another building. When we get there it is so light and bright and bustling with people obviously on their way to work. Everyone is on their phone, or typing something into their phones as they walk, chatting to a friend or colleague, and carrying huge (and I mean enormous) drink cartons in their hands. I can't help but also notice an awful lot of women with very large, very unfashionable white trainers on with their work attire. I’m not sure what that fashion faux pas is all about. I’m hoping I’m not expected to follow it.

  "I guess this is where we need to get professional, Jennifer," he looks at me with almost a worried look. "Are you ok, sweetie?" he asks immediately, coming down to meet my eye level.

  I guess I look a bit shell shocked, this is corporate America if ever I imagined it.


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