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Rochester Mansion- The Complete Series

Page 8

by Jason Hutchinson

  Rachel Shane was another hiccup. The girl-next-door model had simply been flown in for a photo shoot at Rochester Mansion and had left with a soft spot for its owner, despite never having crossed through the magic of the threshold. Mike had invited her to return when her work schedule allowed and he honestly believed that she would.

  “You should sing it. You’ve got a great voice.”

  Mike smiled at the voice behind him, letting the accompaniment of the scratching sandpaper cease.


  He turned, a big smile already on his face in anticipation of the beauty he was about to behold. He wasn’t disappointed. The sun glinted through her red curls, leaving her face in shadow; all but those bright green eyes. Nothing could diminish those.

  “Hey, kiddo.” Mike said, catching her in his arms as she moved in quickly to embrace him. “Glad to have you back.”

  In the back of his mind, Mike knew that he was going to have to face the elephant that had just walked into the room soon, as cute the proverbial pachyderm was. Aimee was his ex-wife’s step-daughter. Eliza’s second marriage had been to Larry, though, in her words, that was already on the brink of crumbling to the ground.

  “I’m happy to be back.” Aimee said, though Mike already knew her enough to know that the smirky smile on that angelic face was holding something back, playfully at that.

  “What?” Mike said, grinning.

  “I’ve heard that you had a good time while I was away.”

  Mike could feel himself blushing. As much as he had found himself turning into what he called ‘Mansion Mike’ while within the magical confines of the house, he turned to mush around the little redhead.

  “I’m not going to say I didn’t.”

  “Good for you!” Aimee laughed. “Rachel Shane, from what a little bird told me.”

  Mike felt himself tense a little bit.

  “Would this little bird be your step-mother?”

  Aimee twirled out of his arms, her curls flying from the force of the pirouette. “Don’t worry, you old perv. I didn’t tell her anything.” She laughed, sing-songing the words as she headed up the stairs. “I like what you did with the tile.”

  Abandoning the new door, Mike followed the young beauty up the stairs. “About Eliza…” He started. This end of the conversation felt difficult enough; he was dreading the other end of it.

  “She’s still got the hots for you, you old goat.” Aimee laughed as she disappeared into the bedroom before Mike had even managed the first landing. He branched off to the left, his fingers trailing over the slight bump in the wood that marked the spot where the staircase hinged upwards to reveal the secret stairs beneath.

  Mike finally reached the top landing, walking the ten feet to the bedroom door, noting the new wallpaper that had appeared overnight. “What makes you say th…”

  Some things in life are capable of making a man speechless. One of those things is a voluptuous nineteen-year-old redhead posed seductively nude across your four-poster bed. The light, cotton sun-dress that had graced that beautiful figure was crumpled on the floor and lit by sunbeam, as if spotlighted in a stage play.

  “A woman knows.” Aimee said, batting her eyes at him as he ogled her. “Now, with that in mind, remember that someone else has the hots for you, and she’s right here…on your bed.”

  The redheaded vixen gestured him forward with a crooked finger. “What would you like me to serve you first?”

  Mike’s fingers had already undone most of the buttons on his shirt before he even noticed what they were doing.

  “Well, I’m not so sure, Red Riding Hood.” He joked, shrugging the shirt off his shoulders where it joined her dress on the floor.

  Aimee bit her bottom lip as she watched him make quick work of the rest of his clothes.

  “My, what big teeth you have…” She laughed as he climbed into bed, his lips first connecting with the hot flesh of her toes.

  “You know what I want.” He whispered.

  She did, at that. He was no sooner flat on his back before she mounted him, her hot breath already causing his cock to twitch as she lowered those sweet thighs to straddle his face. The heavenly aroma of her body caught his sense of smell as his sense of touch exploded to life from the tongue tracing the collar of his foreskin.


  The one word echoed in the master bedroom as Mike sank his tongue into the heaven between Aimee’s legs. She spread her knees a little wider, sinking her heat closer to his face, burying him in her flesh and scent. Mike felt the lips engulf the head of his cock, but he was lost in the deliciousness of her pussy.

  Absence definitely makes something grow stronger, he thought.

  Chapter Two

  A busy school schedule was going to help Mike out immensely. Not his, of course, but Aimee’s. The two of them had talked in length about their relationship and where his ex, Eliza fit into that. As far as Aimee was concerned, in her words, ‘it will be weird at first’, but that was the extent of it. Eliza wasn’t a polyamorous college coed, though. He needed some time to see where things were going before throwing that monkey wrench into the works.

  His biggest resolution, though, was that he wasn’t going to let Eliza come in through the front door. If he was going to build something back up with her, it was going to be without the aid of the mansion’s magical powers. He regretted that with Aimee, as well, but that was water under the bridge. He was at least comforted that she had told him she had been infatuated with him from almost the day they had first met and that ‘something’ had just snapped in her to give her the courage to finally pursue it.

  Waiting outside for Eliza to arrive, he noted the greening of the grass and that flowers were starting to poke up from the mulch still present in the long-overgrown beds under the huge wrap-around porch. He walked down the steps to examine them further as her car pulled up.

  “Wow, you’re even finding the time to do the gardening?” She said as she thumped the door closed. The chirp of the electronic lock seemed to punctuate her words. “Back in the day…”

  She stopped herself as Mike turned and smiled down the incline to her.

  “Forget that. The past is the past.” She said.

  As she approached, there was an awkwardness, but he reached out his hand and she took it, hesitantly. He pulled her in quickly and hugged her.

  It lingered for a moment as he kept her in his embrace, until he felt her body relax. “I still care about you, you know.” He said as it broke.

  He saw the blush spread across her face, defying the makeup she never wore in the past. “I know, it’s just…”

  “I’m not mad at you anymore.”

  “About breaking in?”

  Mike smiled. She’d visited a couple of times since that night, but this was the first time he’d resolved to break the ice between them. Aimee’s words to him the previous evening had a lot to do with that. “No, about…”

  He didn’t want to say it, and he apparently didn’t have to.

  “I’m sorry about that. I hope you know that.”

  Mike didn’t know what to say, so he said something else. “You want to come in for a drink or something?”

  “I was thinking about taking you out for dinner, if you didn’t mind.” Eliza said, gesturing back down the hill with her head.

  “What about…”

  “I don’t want to put any of that on you, but we could talk about it over dinner if you like.”


  Aimee’s father.

  Eliza’s husband.

  “Sounds like you need to talk about it.” Mike said as they followed the cracked sidewalk down to her car.

  “You always did know me.” He heard her whisper as she walked around to the driver’s side.

  Chapter Three

  “I’m hoping to find a new place by the end of the week.”

  It was a non-sequitur, but he always knew Eliza to get straight to the point when push came to shove. Mike did know her well; we
ll enough to simply take another bite of her breadstick and allow her to continue after the long pause.

  “Things just aren’t…he just isn’t…” She said. Other women Mike knew would have been on the verge of tears. Eliza was stoic. “I’ve just really fucked things up.”

  Mike reached out and took her hand. “Look, I’ve got…”

  Eliza pulled back her hand, interrupting him. “I’m not asking you to take me back or anything, and I’m not looking for any type of handout.”

  “I’m just offering the spare bedroom.” He said. “Nothing else. I still consider you a friend, you know.”

  She quickly covered that look. It was somewhere between ‘surprised’ and ‘offended.’ She knew he knew her.

  Her face softened. “The new house has been good for you.” She said. “You seem…different, somehow.”

  Being with Eliza again brought back memories of how she was and how they were. Straight to the point, he thought.

  “I’ve started looking at relationships differently, that’s all.” He said.

  “How so?” Eliza said, leaning forward a bit. It was a tell-tale sign that she was truly interested in what he had to say.

  Mike leaned back a bit, wiping his hands and his mouth with the linen napkin. “I’m not ready to go back to the way things were, where one person had total control over my heart.”

  He saw her brace a bit, but continued.

  “It’s not your fault. It was me. I let you dictate whether I was happy or sad and finally ended up heartbroken. I’m not going to let that happen again.”

  There was a long pause.

  “Good for you, Mike.”

  To an outside observer, it might have sounded cold. Mike knew she meant it. He pulled up all the Mansion Mike he could without being within its walls.

  “I’d love to have you back in my life again, but things are different now.”

  Eliza looked down. “Look, Larry and I…”

  “Larry isn’t any of my concern.” Mike said, feeling the strength loom in him. “If you stay with Larry, you’re still welcome in my life. My life just isn’t exclusive anymore.”

  She looked up. “The model?”

  Mike laughed. “Well, I’m not sure where I am with that.” He said. “It’s not like I’ve slept with her or anything.”

  “You haven’t?”

  Eliza’s incredulous look was somewhat of a compliment and he said as much.

  “No, but I appreciate your confidence in me.”

  Eliza snorted, immediately covering her face with her hand in embarrassment.

  “I always did love that.”

  She came out from behind it. “You always made me laugh.”

  There was another long pause that extended even longer as the waitress delivered their food to the table.

  Eliza broke the silence. “She thinks you’re cute. You never did notice that. Other women found you attractive all the time.”

  “What about you?”

  He saw her blush and this time she didn’t try to hide it.

  “Cute isn’t really the right word.”

  “Do you want me to ask for a couple of boxes?”

  “Do I have to share?”

  Mike smiled. “Not tonight.”

  Eliza reached out to take his hand again.

  Chapter Four

  Mike’s last foray into the secret chambers beneath Rochester Mansion had been over a week ago, yet he still hadn’t had the opportunity to test the two new spells he had learned. With the sudden reappearance of Eliza in his life, he wasn’t entirely certain that he hadn’t accidentally invoked the one that seemed designed to rekindle lost desire. He was still hanging onto the fact that she was likely already either on her way, or at the mansion when he was committing it to memory. The second spell was designed to make the magic of the house, or other spells, he though, fade after twelve hours. That was the one he wanted to test, though a suitable subject was definitely lacking.

  The last thing he wanted to do was to risk his relationship with Aimee, or stop the growing relationship between him and Eliza, which was repairing itself at the same pace as the mansion itself. Despite the flirtatiousness of their last evening together, they had simply fallen asleep in the master bedroom, waking in each other’s arms. It was a strange sort of magic in itself.

  Snowfall binds and larder feeds,

  Fulfil what my requirement needs.

  Mike recited the spell out loud and immediately picked up the phone. So far, the spell had always come through for him, but this was an unusual usage for him.

  Twenty-seven minutes later the moment of truth came. The classic, though primer-gray Camaro that pulled up outside Rochester Mansion wasn’t too promising, but the spell did indeed deliver. The driver’s side door opened and he caught the first glimpse of a pony tail sprouting from the back of a bright red baseball cap. As she came around the hood of the car, Mike noted the faux baseball uniform’s pinstripe shirt was doing its best to control what it held beneath. It wasn’t until she opened the passenger door and bent over to retrieve the bright red insulated bag that Mike thanked the spell and Major League Pizza for the serendipitous arrival of an epically hot delivery girl.

  Mike watched, enamored as she climbed the long sidewalk and trotted up the stairs to the deck as he opened the door.

  “Cool place, Mister.” She said before looking down at the bag. “Mike, right?”

  “That’s me. You can put it right here on that little table and I’ll run and get the card. It’s better if I tip in cash, right?”

  “Cash is king.” Mike heard over his shoulder, right before he felt the familiar ripple go through him as the house generated its magic field. According to the notes he’d read in the secret book from the original owner, the field wasn’t quite as strong as he’d originally thought. It couldn’t create something out of whole cloth. It would only do its thing if it would happen if conditions were optimal. Sort of a rush job on the old groundhog movie was how Mike would have summarized it.

  Mike quickly retrieved his card and an extra ten for the driver. Now he just had to see what the house had in store for him. Regardless, he wanted this to be a one-time thing and not to affect her in any way.

  “Sign right here.” She said, holding the slip out for him. She seemed overly embarrassed and was pressing her legs tightly together, enough to be noticeable.

  “What’s on your mind…”

  “Tera.” She said, immediately.

  “What’s on your mind, Tera?”

  “It’s just…wow.”

  “Would you like me to touch you?”

  Mike set the pizza down on the table behind him.

  “Uh huh.”

  Tera stood there, blushing furiously as Mike turned back to face her, his hands going immediately between her clenched legs. They parted slightly as she looked down as if amazed at what was suddenly happening.

  Cupping her sex over the shorts, Mike pressed one finger harder, feeling the split of her lips as she pressed her pelvis forward. Within a moment, that hand was replaced by the one he slipped down the elastic front of her shorts, gliding over a tuft of hair before meeting that soft flesh in person.

  “Oh, God.” Tera groaned as Mike’s agile finger slipped inside of her. He heard the pen clatter to the floor but it didn’t distract her a bit. Her dark brown eyes were locked to his as she undulated her hips against his probing digits, grinding her clit against his palm.

  “You like that?” He asked.

  The delivery driver just nodded, her groans becoming more and more intense until she finally climaxed, bracing herself with her arm on his shoulder as she shuddered in orgasm.

  Mike’s hand finally slipped out of her shorts.

  “Come pay me a visit this evening, but not until your shift is over.”

  Chapter Five

  Mike let the hot water of the shower pound hard into his face as he rinsed himself off. The hot little pizza delivery driver had given him a run for his money and h
e needed a few minutes for the house to rejuvenate him. If anything had his back, it was Rochester Mansion. It had not only opened the door to a whole new life, it had brought him somehow back to the peak of his sexual stamina and performance.

  No, better, he thought as he cut the water off.


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