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Pleading the Fifth

Page 13

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Please…” Tristan barely choked out the words. He needed Scott.

  “Say it,” Scott ran his hands over Tristan’s ass. “I want to hear you say the words, Tristan.”

  Tristan hiked his ass up higher, pushing back against Scott’s thighs. “Fuck me.”

  Tristan almost sighed in relief as Scott bent over to grab the lube from the nightstand. He was grateful his mate hadn’t pushed the begging issue. Tristan watched over his shoulder as Scott lubed three fingers along with his thick cock. They were roughly the same size; Tristan relaxed his muscles waiting for Scott’s fingers to breach his chute. The first hint of cold lube made him hiss, then a warmth spread up his thighs as Scott’s index finger entered him. Tristan’s first instinct was to expel the invading digit, but Scott’s hand smoothed down his spine, relaxing him. Another finger joined in, scissoring inside his anus. His legs shook as Scott continued his delicious assault on his ass. Tristan whimpered again as Scott removed the torturous digits and replaced them with his hot prick.

  Tristan sucked in a breath as Scott slid inside him, filling him to the hilt before stopping completely, deeply seated within him.

  “Okay?” Scott ran his hands up and down Tristan’s back in a soft massage.

  Tristan nodded, biting his bottom lip.

  “We’ll start like this, and then I want you on your back, all right?” Scott leaned over, kissing Tristan’s shoulder softly.

  “Okay,” Tristan said, closing his eyes as Scott slid back out slowly. Every small thrust reverberated through him, and Scott’s cockhead was rubbing his sweet spot deliciously. Tristan found himself panting, noises he didn’t even know he could make escaped his lips as Scott plowed into him over and over again. Just when he felt he’d explode, Scott urged him onto his back. Tristan spread his legs at Scott’s urging and closed his eyes waiting for Scott to enter him again.

  “Open your eyes,” Scott whispered.

  Tristan’s eyes flew open to see Scott inches from his face.

  “I’m going to make love to you, Tristan,” Scott nuzzled Tristan’s nose. “Because you are mine.”

  “I am yours,” Tristan cupped Scott’s face in his hands. In seconds he was filled with warmth. Scott’s prick filled him, stretched him beyond his limits and Tristan cried out at how good it felt. His fingers gripped Scott’s biceps, his body moved without being told, melding together with his mate. Scott’s mouth descended on his and they kissed languidly, exploring each other. Tristan’s prick leaked precum on his belly and a strong hand gripped him, jacking his shaft and caressing his balls at the same time. It was too much. Tristan’s back arched and his claws extended, a loud howl left his lips as arcs of ejaculate sprung from his slit, coating Scott’s hand and his own chest.

  Scott reared back and a growl tore from his throat. Tristan’s ass was overcome with a scorching heat and then Scott collapsed on him. A searing pain traveled down his arm as Scott’s canine’s pierced the soft skin on his shoulder. The air left his lungs as another orgasm raced from him. Tristan gripped Scott’s back, burying his face in his mate’s neck. It seemed as if hours had gone by when Scott finally slid out slowly, lying on his side. Tristan pulled Scott into his side and breathed a heavy sigh of contentment.

  “That was…” Scott nestled into Tristan further.


  Scott lifted his head to look in Tristan’s eyes. “Yeah?”

  “Yes,” Tristan pulled Scott on top of him. “Now I’m hungry.”

  “Shower first?”

  “Lead the way.”

  ~~ The bright lights of the club and loud music surrounded Scott as he danced between Cole and Chaz. Over the last month, he and Tristan had gotten even closer. They still fought for dominance, but it was a fun fight. Scott grinned thinking about his sexy fiancé.

  “I know what you’re thinking about!” Chaz shouted over the music.

  Scott waved his hand in the air with a laugh. “I need air, be right back!”

  Stepping outside the club, Scott welcomed the cool breeze across his moist skin. The full moon was high and the stars twinkled against a black sky. Scott pulled his phone out and sent a text.

  “Where are you?”

  “Who the fuck is this?”

  “It’s Sauren, and I’m flagging cars down with my cock again”

  “Aren’t you supposed to be watching over Middle Earth?”

  Scott chuckled. “It’s so sad you know who Sauren is.”

  “Look who’s talking. Anyone who watches ‘Lord of the Rings’ knows who Sauren is.” Tristan chuckled texting back. “Lord of the Rings marathon tonight?”

  “They may not; some people only watch that movie for Orlando Bloom and Viggo Mortensen.”

  “I watch it for the hobbits.”

  “You’re such a nerd.”

  “Yes, but I’m your nerd.”

  Scott stood in front of the club with a ridiculous smile on his face. Lord, he was so in love it was sickening.

  “I miss you, Asshole.”


  Scott turned to see Tristan standing with

  phone in hand, a frown on his beautiful face. “It’s said affectionately,” Scott snickered. Tristan smiled, putting his arms out.

  “Come here, I missed you.”

  “It’s only been five days,” Scott sighed

  comically, walking into his mate’s warm


  “Are you saying I should leave, and then

  come back?” Tristan chuckled, inhaling Scott’s

  arousing aroma.

  “No, I missed you,” Scott sighed, tightening his grip. “Are you going to have to leave

  again anytime soon?” Scott had been worried

  when Tristan had left with Jacob and Seth for

  Arizona again. They hadn’t found Pierce Barnes;

  the man was stealthy as all hell.

  “No, Noah, Ross and Hayden are taking

  the next shift.” Tristan pulled Scott’s face up to

  his gently with his fingertips. “I’d love a kiss


  Scott leaned in, brushing his lips over

  Tristan’s. “We should go back to the apartment,”

  Scott breathed against Tristan’s warm lips. “Nope, I want to show you how far I’ve

  come.” Tristan squeezed Scott’s ass, pulling him

  back towards the club.

  “We can dance under the sheets at

  home!” Scott balked, pulling Tristan back toward

  the parking lot.

  “Come on,” Tristan laughed, pulling Scott

  back towards the entrance. They walked back into the club and Tristan motioned to Jesse over by

  the DJ booth. He pulled Scott onto the dance

  floor and pulled him into his arms. “Now we can


  Scott listened to the music skip and then

  Flo Rida’s “Wild Ones” played. Scott laughed,

  looking at Tristan. “Did you arrange this?” Tristan cupped Scott’s face. “You are my

  wild one, babe.”

  Scott blinked, trying to keep his emotions

  in check. It wasn’t often that Tristan called him

  ‘babe’ he didn’t want to admit how much he

  liked it either.

  “I’ll show you just how wild I am later,”

  Scott waggled his eyebrows.

  “Can’t wait,” Tristan grabbed Scott’s ass

  in his hands and shook his hips in time to the music as he sang the lyrics to Scott. Looking at his

  mate, Tristan realized he’d found ‘the one’. The

  one that drove him nuts.

  “Wow, you even learned the words?” Tristan grinned.

  “Love you!” Scott shouted over the


  Tristan winked. “Love you, babe.”


  Scott stood on the beach at the reservation, Tristan at his side. They
were all present for the wedding of Preston Dalton and Wyatt Quinton. Nicholas and Sebastian had just come back from their whirl-wind honeymoon in Hawaii after getting married in Canada. Wyatt’s brothers and father stood at his side, as Jagger, Tucker, Wesley and Taylor stood by Preston’s. Scott took Tristan’s hand, as Wyatt and Preston took their vows.

  “Do you, Wyatt—” Wyatt coughed and raised a brow. “We agreed no middle names.”

  The pastor’s lips lifted in a smile. “Yes, we did.” The pastor cleared his throat and started again. “Do you, Wyatt Quinton, take Preston Dalton as your husband? Do you promise to love him, honor him, above all others?”

  “I do,” Wyatt smiled at Preston and winked.

  “Do you, Preston Dalton, take Wyatt Quinton as your husband? Do you promise to love him, honor him, above all others?”

  “I do,” Preston squeezed Wyatt’s hands.

  “I now pronounce you married, you may kiss—” the pastor smiled at them and chuckled. “Each other.”

  “Thank God,” Preston grabbed Wyatt and kissed him.

  Cheers and hollers swept up and down the beach as the group screamed their approval. Nadine wiped at her eyes, looking up at her husband.

  “They are all growing up so fast, Joe. I miss the little ones.”

  “They will be having their own little ones soon,” Joe motioned to the group. “You can love all of them.”

  “Yes, and someday, Tristan and I will have a little one.” Scott kissed Tristan’s cheek.

  “You are the changing diapers,” Tristan’s nose twitched. “I can’t do poop.”

  “Well, I’ll make sure you have babysitting duty when Mateo and Riley’s child is born,” Wayne grinned, looking at his cell phone.

  Riley stopped talking to Dakota mid-sentence and turned to look at Wayne. “Excuse me?”

  Wayne showed Riley his cell phone. “You and Mateo are going to be parents, as are Dakota and Sam.”

  Dakota wiped at his eyes. “W-what?”

  “Josephine and Samantha are pregnant; it seemed Alexander did his job quite well.”

  Riley’s eyes filled with tears and he turned to his husband. “We’re pregnant, Mateo.”

  “Babies!” Nadine shouted. “Finally!”

  “So it’s possible,” Mark whispered. “We can try, Josh.” Mark took Josh’s hand. “We can try.”

  Josh smiled, taking Mark in his arms. “Whatever you want, babe. I’m on board.”

  “Now we can try with the other females,” Wayne looked to Sawyer and Troy. “Are you ready to be parents?”

  Troy grinned. “Bring it on.”

  “Come on, guys! We have a lot to celebrate!” Wyatt laughed.

  Wyatt and Preston made their way over to James Jacobs and his husband, Derek.

  “Thank you, for coming.” Wyatt hugged James.

  “We said we wouldn’t miss it,” James smiled at Wyatt. It never ceased to amaze him that Wyatt had been the youngest of the Quinton brothers. He had grown so fast and was now married to his mate.

  “I see Devin came,” Preston nodded to Agent Devin Lyons talking with Jacob.

  “Yes, well Andrei had urgent business and couldn’t make it. He did send his best wishes and a gift,” Derek explained.

  “I hope it’s not body parts,” Wyatt wrinkled his nose in distaste.

  “No, he wouldn’t do that to you, he loves you both very much.” James mussed Wyatt’s short locks.

  “So the cake is safe?” Preston raised a brow.

  “From Devin and Andrei, yes. From those guys?” Derek motioned to the men eyeing the seven layer wedding cake Nadine had made herself. “Not so much.”

  Scott eyed Jude over by the gift table, and then his eyes caught movement to his right. Hayden Cox was warily approaching Jude. “We may have another two to worry about,” Scott motioned to the gift table.

  “Shit,” Tristan looked around for Jonas Brooks. “Where’s his father?”

  “Talking to your alpha,” Scott raised a brow. “Something’s going on over there.”

  “We need to intervene.” Scott made to move, but was stopped by Wyatt’s hand.

  “No, just wait and see.”


  Hayden approached Jude carefully. Granted, he hadn’t seen him since he was twelve, but he hadn’t exactly been the nicest guy to Jude. In fact, he’d been a complete asshole. God, but Jude was still the most beautiful man he’d ever seen. Even in middle school he’d had a crush on him. Hayden cleared his throat softly and shoved his hands in his pockets.

  “Um, hi, Jude.” Hayden waited for Jude to turn around, when he did, it took everything Hayden had not to gasp at Jude’s absolute beauty. Dark hair was swept up and neatly styled and the violet eyes seemed to look right through him. Jude had become even more gorgeous.

  Jude narrowed his eyes. “Cox the cock.”

  Hayden shifted his feet and tried to maintain eye contact. What the hell was wrong with him? He was a badass soldier. Hayden almost laughed out loud; he was reduced to a bumbling idiot in Jude’s presence.

  “I see you’re still angry with me,” Hayden rubbed his jaw. “You have every right—”

  “You’re damn straight I have every right!” Jude hissed. “You made my middle school years pure hell! Sang “Hey Jude” every time I walked by and shoved me into my own locker! Never mind calling me a fag on a daily basis and pushing me around.”

  Hayden could have kicked himself. He should have known to start with an apology. “Look, Jude—”

  “I don’t want to talk to you,” Jude snarled. “It’s bad enough you tortured me, but then you took my spot as beta! Stay away from me, Cock!”

  Hayden sighed as Jude stalked past him, the anger hitting him like a sledge hammer. Hayden rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands and growled at himself. Why did he have to be such a bastard to Jude when he was younger?

  “Well, that went well.”

  Hayden started at Noah’s voice.

  “Dammit, King. Give a brother a warning.”

  Noah chuckled. “You’re a werewolf, dumbass. You should have smelled me coming.” Noah grew serious and eyed his beta. “What happened? Did you get to apologize?”

  Hayden sighed in frustration. “No, I should have known he’d carry a grudge. I tortured him all through kindergarten and middle school. He could have taken me out with one punch, but he never did. Jude was non-violent back then. He was always afraid he’d hurt somebody. I took advantage of that and instead of telling him how I felt…”

  “You took the bully route,” Noah finished for him.

  “Hell, I didn’t want to be gay, but I couldn’t help the way I felt about him. How I still feel about him. He’ll never give me a chance, Noah.”

  “Don’t give up,” Noah patted Hayden on his back. “Keep trying, okay?”

  “Yeah, I will.” Hayden could feel Jude’s glare. He looked up, his eyes meeting Jude’s. Jesus, if looks could kill, he’d be six feet under. Hayden turned his attention back to Noah. “So, what’s with you and the Salvatore brother?”

  “Which one?” Noah grinned.

  “The one you keep looking at like you can’t wait to get him naked.” Hayden chuckled softly.

  “Jesse,” Noah smiled, looking at the younger Salvatore. “He’s so damn gorgeous.”

  Hayden lifted a brow when the older brother, Justice, turned to look at them, chest puffed out. “Um, I think the older one can read your thoughts. Be careful man, Jesse’s human. You know his brothers will be protective.”

  Noah smiled when Jesse’s eyes met his. The man was beautiful and he swore Jesse flushed at their mutual gaze. “Oh, I will be.”

  ~~ Jackson walked down the beach, shoes in his hands and slacks rolled up. He’d seen Jonas talking to Jude, trying to calm his son down. Jackson looked up at the sky, the warm sea breeze floating through his hair and tickling his senses.

  “Jackson.” Jackson turned to see Jonas standing down the beach, shoes in his hand. The man was breathtaking. />
  “Jonas,” Jackson walked a few feet before stopping. “I wanted to apologize—”

  Jonas shook his head. “Don’t, I was upset, you were upset and it happened. Don’t make it more than it was.”

  “Do you really mean that? We kissed, Jonas. It wasn’t nothing to me.”

  Jonas sighed running a hand through his hair. “This…can’t happen. We are both alphas—”

  “What difference does that make? So what? The real problem here is that we were both mated to women before. Let’s be honest, here.”

  “Fine, yes, I don’t know why I kissed you back.”

  “Really?” Jackson moved closer until he was barely a few feet from Jonas. He noticed the other alpha shiver in response to his proximity. “Look at me and tell me you don’t find me attractive, that when we kissed it meant absolutely nothing and I’ll let it go.” Jonas took a step backwards and Jackson took two forward, taking Jonas by the hand. “Say it, Jonas.”

  “Please don’t do this, not here,” Jonas pleaded.

  Jackson swept his hand over Jonas’ cheek. “Tell me.”

  “It meant nothing,” Jonas closed his eyes as Jackson’s hand moved across his jaw.


  Jackson moved back quickly, releasing Jonas’ hand. “This isn’t over.”

  Jackson turned and almost ran right into Jude. “Jude,” Jackson nodded as he left.

  Jude watched as Jackson retreated swiftly. He turned to his father with a raised brow. “What was that?”

  “Nothing,” Jonas pulled himself together. He’d almost lost control again, Jackson’s touch still tingling down his spine. “It was nothing.”

  ~~ The reception went on until the wee hours of the morning. Scott walked with Tristan hand in hand down the beach as the sun slowly reached for the horizon. It seemed as if there was turmoil in the ranks. Something was going on between Jackson and Jonas and Noah King had the hots for Jesse Salvatore, a human with werewolf brothers. Hayden was trying to mend fences with Jude and making no progress. Scott thought about his own mate. Tristan had turned out to be just what he’d needed. He couldn’t have found a better life partner.


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