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Age of Adepts c1-1513

Page 817

by Zhen De Lao Lang, 真的老狼

  “A plan? A plan for what purpose?”

  “Express our stance, of course! Since the legendary fire adept Greem has come into contact with the principle powers, it means that his path to Fifth Grade is now without obstruction. Given his youth and ability, advancing to Fifth Grade will be no problem at all. We of the Silver Union have to think of something in dealing with a future Great Adept like him! If we have no concrete plan, we have to at least show our attitude. To fight or to negotiate- how should we deal with him in the future?”

  “You are thinking too much! He’s no more than a Central adept that happened to come into contact with the principle powers through unknown means. There’s no need to make such a fuss. In my opinion, there’s no need to actively build a relationship with him. He will come to us!”

  Melone’s eyes gleamed when he heard this. He agreed readily, “Indeed, indeed…the Association is at odds with him. They are sure to be enemies from now on. If that’s the case, the fire adept will naturally have to make allies out of us if he wants to establish himself in the Central Lands. But what if he chooses to side with the Northern Lands?”

  “Hmph! I see your brain’s all burnt out from all the engine oil fumes you’ve been breathing in. The Northern Lands…you think the Northern Lands have the courage and tolerance to accept a powerful adept that has touched the fire principles as an intermediate Fourth Grade? A male adept?”

  Even the Senate Head couldn’t help but start chuckling coldly at the thought of that.

  The Vice-Senate Head clearly understood immediately as well, as he started smiling.

  Principle power. Who would’ve thought that another person had managed to master the principle powers! Cough!

  Chapter 1344 - Battle of Principles

  Chapter 1344 Battle of Principles

  Should a high-grade battle escalate to the level of principles, the effect it would have on the world was terrifying.

  If a plane was an old building, then the principles were the unseen foundations hidden below it. The laws derived from the principles were then the glue that held the wooden planks together.

  What formed the building’s actual body were the millions upon millions of life and substance within the plane. Every blade of grass, every tree, flower, and stone. From the intelligent races that ruled the land to a pebble deep in the forest, all were part of what made up a perfect planar world.

  When a battle was restricted to the level of elementium, there was practically no threat to the building. At worst, the building’s decorations and furnishing could be ruined, but the building itself would be untouched.

  However, the moment a battle escalated to the level of the laws, it could permanently affect parts of the building’s frame and structure. In that regard, such conflicts could indeed leave lasting damage to the building.

  As for a battle of principles? That was no longer just a threat to a single room, but the very foundations of the building.

  The principles of the world cycled in a perfectly self-sustaining fashion. They were like individual, yet perfectly compatible, gears keeping the planar world running with their combined powers.

  Now, imagine that a tiny rock was introduced to this assembly of gears. It might be small, but it would significantly disrupt the functioning of the world’s system. Moreover, if further magnified, its effect on the very foundations of the world would be destructive!

  It was the fundamental reason why principle adepts were exiled from the planar world!

  Meanwhile, this particular conflict was between Greem and Gloria. One was an elementium adept who had just come into contact with the fire principles and was able to draw on a trace of the Undying principles. The other was also no more than a body-refining adept who was able to imbue her body and techniques with a hint of the conviction of being Unstoppable.

  To say that their actions could shake the foundations of the world was exaggerating. However, as two of the most powerful individuals in the World of Adepts, it was undeniable that their every action was leaving lasting marks on the world.

  The clash between Greem’s principle and Gloria’s conviction had created terrifying ripples that spread to the principles’ level. The battle’s shockwaves were being continually magnified by the principles and spread to the foundations of the world.

  Soon, even the planar consciousness itself had cast its gaze over, watching over this high-grade battle occurring in the Central Lands!

  From now on, both Greem and Gloria would be marked by the planar consciousness as dangerous elements within the plane. Should they do anything capable of threatening the plane’s stability, the planar consciousness would inflict backlash without any hesitation and exile them beyond the plane.

  Even if Greem were still an intermediate Fourth Grade yet to reach the upper limit of Fourth Grade, that would be the case. The planar consciousness had already classified him as the same kind of individual as the other ultra-powerhouses; he was tagged for an eventual exile.

  Greem had stepped upon an irreversible path to the realms beyond!

  He would be continuously suppressed by the planar consciousness as long as he remained in the World of Adepts. If he attempted to remain here against the will of the world, the entire world would be at odds with him. He might not be the public enemy of every living being, but his luck in the World of Adepts would plunge drastically.

  Fortunately, Greem was still an intermediate Fourth Grade. There was a bit of a buffer, and the planar consciousness was willing to delay his sentence. As for whether this delayed sentence would come in a few decades or a few hundred years? That would depend on whether Greem would abuse this trace of principle power he had grasped.

  Gloria, on the other hand, would have to endure far harsher backlash.

  She was the one who had initiated this battle. She was also already a peak Fourth Grade. She would probably be forced to roam the realms beyond for a while after the end of this battle. The entire World of Adepts would no longer welcome her until the planar consciousness’ fury had subsided!

  There were ways to reduce the hostility of the planar consciousness. That was to raid and conquer more lesser-planes of great power. When and if you were able to return as a conqueror with the resources, population, and knowledge of a foreign plane, the planar consciousness would provide you with generous, positive feedback.

  It was the simplest way to win the favor of the planar consciousness!

  The battle raged on.

  However, Greem was already starting to feel exhausted.

  It couldn’t be helped. This was the first time Greem had participated in an all-out battle with principle powers, and he had yet to recover from his wounds. Gradually, Greem started to become unable to fend off the opponent’s attacks.

  Both of them were some of the most powerful people of the World of Adepts. The ferocity and danger of the fighting were only escalating exponentially.

  The blows they were exchanging were obvious, and they were switching between offense and defense so quickly that it was hard to catch their every action. However, the battle occurring on the spiritual level hidden from plain sight was equally dangerous and fascinating!

  From the very start of the battle, their Spirits had been wrapped tightly together.

  Locking-on to the opponent, breaking free of the lock.

  Spiritual blastwaves, counter-blastwaves.

  Direct attacks, defense against those attacks.

  Feints and counter-feints.

  As an elementium adept, Greem’s control and application of his Spirit were far superior to Gloria. Consequently, Gloria was on the defensive and relied purely on her resilient Spirit to neutralize Greem’s waves of ferocious spiritual attacks.

  However, on the actual battlefield, Gloria was overwhelming Greem with her tremendous physical Strength. She chased him all over the plain, forcing him to avoid staying in one spot for more than three seconds.

  The clash of their powers had brought about an unprecedented calamity to
this land!

  Naturally, there were no ordinary lifeforms left alive by now. Even the Fourth Grade Shadow Demon that Greem had painstakingly crafted after his advancement was moving around very cautiously.

  After hiding in the shade for a moment and absorbing enough shadow power to patch its injuries, Shadow Demon had found an opportunity to cut back into the battlefield and ambush Gloria.

  Five seconds later, a tattered and almost ruined Shadow Demon scrambled away from the fight.

  It went back into hiding and mended some of the damage, waiting to recover further before joining the fight again.

  Despite its sturdy body of shadowsteel, Shadow Demon had tragically fallen into a terrifying cycle of getting torn apart, getting fixed up, and getting torn apart again.

  It wasn’t that Shadow Demon wasn’t trying its hardest, nor that its techniques were crude, and absolutely not that it was frail as glass.

  Instead, it was simply because the battlefield it was situated in was far too terrifying!

  The slender and petite female adept of no more than one hundred and seventy centimeters in height was a demon amongst demons. Gloria wasn’t very big, but her body weighed a shocking three tons. Moreover, her seemingly tiny and weak fists were nightmares for Shadow Demon.

  Have you ever seen a five-meter-tall, five-ton-heavy metal golem simply get swatted aside by a tiny girl? Have you ever seen a shadow golem who boasted an indestructible body get punctured by a fist?

  If you had seen this scene for yourself, you would truly understand the meaning of ‘strength!’

  If Shadow Demon didn’t have the Shadow’s Breathing ability to mend itself with shadow power, and if its body had not been forged of a combination of shadowsteel and memory alloy that allowed for easy repairs, then it would have already been out of commission by now.

  Meanwhile, the only effect that Greem and Shadow Demon’s bloody struggle had was only a mild weakening of the purple light around Gloria. After an entire day and night of fighting, Gloria’s punches were still as ferocious as when they started. Her movements showed no signs

  of slowing either.

  Exhausting her stamina? A battle of endurance had never been a weakness for body-refining adepts and their immortal bodies!

  In contrast, Greem was starting to falter after all this time fighting.

  His injuries had reduced his Physique, rendering him a glass cannon. After an entire day of fighting, his stamina was no longer able to keep up with the battle’s pace.

  After having the law defenses of his Tome of Corruption shattered several times in a row, Greem had finally exhausted all his strength. He hastily teleported back to Nightmare Castle and hid.

  Without Greem as the main combatant, Shadow Demon no longer dared to show itself. It hid in the shadows, prepared to strike once more to stall the enemy for two or three seconds.

  That was the best it could do now! A few more seconds and it would have hopes of escaping alive!

  The battle had finally reached an intermission.

  The purple light had been weakened by half. Only a thin layer shrouded Gloria as she slowly walked toward Nightmare Castle. At this point, you could finally see Gloria’s appearance through the purple light, albeit faintly.

  A bald head, no eyebrows, purple eyes, and that eye-catching purple leather armor.

  One had to admit that the ferocious Gloria was a unique individual, even when it came to her appearance. She would stand out wherever she went.

  “Good…very good,” Despite having fought for so long, there hardly seemed to be a trace of fatigue on Gloria. She stared at the looming castle and said coldly, “Who would’ve thought I would run into such a formidable man in the World of Adepts. Greem, join our Adept’s Association! With how powerful you are, you won’t have a future in this land of weaklings.

  “Those weaklings with no future don’t even dare venture into space, let alone establish an empire of their own in foreign worlds! Mingling with them will do nothing but drag yourself down to their level.

  “I heard you intend to unify the Central Lands? Those weaklings of the Central Lands are fence-sitters. They can never be truly united, nor will they ever obey you sincerely. How are you supposed to venture into the battlefields of foreign planes with these two-faced vipers with you?”

  Gloria’s words were harsh and cold, but her evaluation of the Central adepts was spot-on.

  Greem remained silent for a moment within the darkness. Finally, he spoke up.

  “Everybody would prefer to walk the path they have chosen for themselves! I intend to walk down mine, regardless of how difficult it might be. You can refuse to be my ally, but I do not wish for us to become enemies! Leave. If you leave now, I can pretend as if nothing has happened today. However, if you insist on forcing my hand, do not fault me for making enemies of your Adept’s Association.”

  Gloria laughed coldly.

  “Make enemies of us Adept’s Association? Haha! Well, let me see if you have the capability to do so! I’m coming in now, Greem. Hide yourself well.”

  Having said that, Gloria strode past the castle gates.

  Chapter 1345 - Bloody Battle at the Castle

  The hall on the first floor was pitch black.

  Even though there was no light source, it did not prevent Gloria from seeing and sensing as usual.

  Layer upon layer, the countless forcefield fluctuations enveloped the entirety of the castle, dividing its space into tens of thousands of tiny regions.

  Each region contained completely different environmental traits, causing the spiritual senses that Gloria extended outward to return shattered and disjointed. The world appeared as a strange collection of nonsensical images that could not be stitched together.

  Gloria’s senses were suppressed in a tiny, twenty-meter diameter. Everything beyond that range was a blur. Even if her senses could provide some form of feedback, she could not be sure any of it was reliable.

  The castle was dead silent, and a light, bloodlike mist hung in the air. The mist’s origin and destination were utterly unknown. It simply drifted about the castle’s dark, winding corridors with seemingly no purpose.

  Wherever the mist drifted, the mossy walls, floor, and ceiling would turn damp. If you had run your hand across the wall, you would find blood trickling down your fingers.

  Perhaps knowing that ordinary voodoo beasts would not be able to inflict any damage to Gloria, Kerslin put away those lowly means of attack. It was greeting the Nightmare Castle’s first guest with all of its sincerity.

  Gloria roamed the ghostly hall. The wooden stairs leading to the second floor of the castle were no more than thirty meters away, yet despite walking for five minutes, it remained in the distance as if she could never reach it.

  The sound of several small flying creatures batting their wings could be heard in the darkness just beyond, but their actual forms couldn’t be seen.

  The castle was like a haunted house, void of any other human being.

  “Cheap tricks!” Gloria chuckled coldly.

  She had established her reputation a long time ago. She had participated in far too many battles and witnessed far too many scenes of carnage. No matter how terrifying and fearsome a situation she was placed in, it appeared no more than a childish game to her.

  “If you all insist on hiding, then I will go in and drag you out!”

  Gloria stomped hard with her right foot, and the thick stone tiles beneath her were pulverized. A ten-meter wide crater appeared.

  Gloria let out a battlecry and plunged both her hands into the ground. When she stood up again, she was holding a five-meter large piece of the floor.

  Ferocious winds howled.

  She threw the stone forward like a cannonball. It blasted through the mist and vanished into the darkness.

  Several muffled thuds could be heard in a row. The entire Nightmare Castle trembled violently.

  The piece of rock had smashed through several walls. Just as it was about to destroy
the fourth wall, a looming dark figure appeared out of nowhere. Sharp metallic clanging rang out in the darkness. There were flashes of a blade, and the rock was diced into countless tiny pieces.

  Shadow Demon stared at Gloria through the three broken walls. It rubbed its metal claws together, causing sparks to appear. After patting off the dust from its hands, Shadow Demon returned to the shadows without a sound.

  Meanwhile, Gloria’s purple eyes gleamed. She kicked lightly with her right leg, and pieces of rocks were tossed into the air. When they reached her chest, she swung her fist and sent them shooting forward.


  These pieces of rock were like cannonballs, howling as they flew in every direction.

  Gloria was unable to determine her orientation or position in the castle effectively, but she did not need to do so either. Given her violent power, every piece of rock she sent flying would inflict severe damage to the castle.

  She didn’t believe that those bastards in hiding would be able to sit still if she tore her way through the building!

  As expected, just as she continued to tear apart the castle gleefully, a mist of blood started to spread behind her. Mary had transformed into a crimson bat and silently glided behind her.

  Gloria sensed Mary’s presence the moment she rushed within twenty meters of her.

  Gloria turned around abruptly and punched with her fists. A thick pillar of air, nearly as solid as rock, blasted forward.

  The bat beat its wings, weaving through the air and avoiding the wind pressure blast by barely an inch. Mary transformed back into her human form upon arriving before Gloria. She gripped Stinger between her hands and began the dance of death with her fearsome opponent.

  The Nightmare Castle had near-completely suppressed Gloria. Her spiritual senses, Physique, Strength, reaction speed, and attack speed had all been weakened. However, the purple light around her seemed to be the principle power of some ultra-grade equipment. It helped her neutralize a portion of the castle’s suppression.


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