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All Our Next Times: Fallen Brook Series: Book 1

Page 16

by Jennilynn Wyer

  “So damn sexy,” he murmurs and starts the truck.

  I texted Julien when we got to Ruby’s diner and asked if he could join us. He arrived a few minutes ago. We’re all smooshed together in a back booth with Jayson sitting next to me and Ryder and Julien across from us. A feeling of pure joy unfurls around me. It's been a while since the four of us have hung out together, talking, being silly, laughing. The waitress brings our food out - burgers and fries. I haven’t had anything to eat today other than the piece of toast Mom left out for me, so I’m ravenous.

  “Pass me the mustard, please.” Jayson hands me the squeeze bottle and grimaces. I have an addiction that is mustard and fries. I’ll even put mustard on my potato chips. It grosses Jayson out every time. I slather my fry in mustard and pop it into my mouth. “Mmmm. So delicious.”

  “Don’t expect me to kiss you after that,” Jayson playfully warns me. I take two fries and dip them into the mustard again and smirk at him.

  “Not a problem right now. I’m so hungry, I don’t think your threat of withholding kisses could stop me.”

  “Oh, is that a challenge, princess?”

  “Mmmhmm.” I grab another fry. Jayson is quick and grabs my wrist before I can hit it with the mustard and pulls it to his mouth, biting my fry in half. “Fry thief!”

  Ryder dips his fry in my mustard. “You know, this shit is actually pretty good.”

  “Thank you, Ryder. See?” I stick my tongue out at Jayson.

  “I stand by what I said. Now mayo, that’s the thing.”

  Julien gags. “Dude, if you start dipping your fries in mayo in front of me, I am going to lose my lunch.” He holds his straw up and fires a wad of paper at Jayson.

  “Oh, it’s so on, brother.” Our lunch dissolves into a spitball war and our waitress is none too happy with us based on the scowls she throws our way.

  We clean up our mess and finish eating our burgers. “Mom is hinting about a big family vacay for all of us this summer. Pretty sure it’s Hawaii,” I tell them. Ryder reaches over the booth and picks a paper ball out of my hair. “Thank you” I mouth. His foot taps mine under the table.

  Jayson’s mouth falls open. “No, shit, Seriously? That would be so fucking awesome.”

  “I hate to say that I eavesdropped a little the other night when Mom was video chatting with Freda and Faith. Looks like we’ll be heading to the Big Island in June.”

  “Fuck yeah!” Julien high fives Jayson. “Surfing the waves in Hawaii will be monstrous compared to the tiny waves we get here on the coast.”

  “I can get Maria to help me shop for some new bathing suits,” I think out loud. Two twin groans erupt from Jayson and Ryder and they start laughing. “What? What’s so funny?”

  I get pulled into Jayson’s side. “Oh baby. Those are dangerous words.” He leans in close to my ear, “And don’t forget what happened last time you wore your bikini top in front of me.” My thighs squeeze tight together and I shiver. Jayson notices my reaction and drops his hand beneath the table to lay at the juncture of my thigh and pelvis causing new shivers to erupt.

  Julien looks at his phone. “Hey guys. Elijah said party at Fallon’s tonight. We’re invited.”

  Jayson gives a hell yeah to Julien and then asks me, “You in, princess?”

  “I’m in. Are you and Maria coming Ryder?”

  “I can text her and see if she’s up for it. Anyway, thanks for lunch. I need to head back to the garage.”

  “I’m sorry we kept you out so long. I’m glad you joined us though.”

  “I’m glad too.”

  “Jules, need a ride to Fallon's tonight?”

  “Sounds good. You guys want to ride with us?” Julien asks me and Jayson.

  “I’ll bring Liz in the truck. We’ll meet you there. Text me Fallon’s address," Jayson tells him.

  Three phones ping at the same time.

  We get up to leave and make sure to tip the waitress extra. I’m looking forward to spending a night partying with my three guys, just like old times. Famous last words as I come to find out later that night.

  Chapter 15


  Fallon’s parents’ house is huge. I mean mansion huge. Most of the kids that go to Highland High are from wealthy families, but good gracious, this house is a mini palace. We had to pass through a grand palisade before driving up a half mile private road to get to the house. A large five-tiered fountain cascades water into a lighted reflection pool that is about the size of a swimming pool and sits in the middle of a wide circular drive in front of the massive home. If this is what the driveway looks like, I’m afraid to see the inside.

  Ryder, Julien, and Maria meet me and Jayson outside and we walk in together. The smell of beer and what I think is pot hangs thick and acrid in the air. I guess Fallon’s parents are out of town, but what little knowledge of Fallon I have from the boys, he probably wouldn’t care if his parents were here or not and would still throw a party like this. Once we enter the expansive foyer, we collide with guys and barely clothed girls, some dancing and others drinking from red plastic cups. I’m pretty sure the two people on the stairs are having sex and another girl is giving a blow job to some guy in the alcove underneath the staircase. What the hell have we walked into?

  “This party is off the charts!” Maria bellows beside me. I have an utterly different opinion than my best friend. “Come on Ryder, let’s go get something to drink.” She tugs his arm and tries to pull him away from our group. I just stand there like a deer in headlights clinging to Jayson’s hand. I mean, I’m not a prude, but scenes like this just make me very uncomfortable. I will never understand why people my age think depravity equals fun. To each their own, I guess.

  “I’m good here.”

  “Ryder,” she whines. “Come on. This is a party. Let’s go have some fun.” She tugs on his arm again.

  “Maria, I said I’m good,” he snaps at her. Her face contorts with a hurt expression and she looks between him and me then back to him.

  “I’ll go with you, Mar,” Jayson says and lets go of my hand. “You guys want anything?” We shake our heads no.

  “Hey, there you are!” Elijah shoves some drunk people out of his way to get to us.

  “Hey E. Where’s the beer?” Jayson inquires.

  “There’s a keg set up next to the bar and some coolers with other stuff beside it. Straight that way,” Elijah points the way to Jayson as he and Maria disappear into the sea of writhing bodies.

  Tapping Julien’s shoulder, Elijah raises his voice so we can hear him over the music. “Follow me guys. We’ll head out back to the patio. It’s quieter and less crowded.” We follow Elijah through the throngs of moving people and one guy grabs my ass.


  “Fuck off, man,” Ryder shoves the guy away from me then pulls me in front of him and places his hands on my hips to walk us through the dining room and out the door to the patio. I try to find where Jayson and Maria are but don’t see them anywhere. I figure they’ll find us eventually.

  “Thanks, Ryder.”

  “Fucking douchebag.”

  “You ok, Liz?” Julien sits down on the plush patio outdoor sofa and pulls me into his lap. Elijah and Ryder sit down next to us and Julien starts to rub my back up and down in soothing circles. There are groups scattered around on the patio and the backyard, but Elijah was right - it’s much quieter out here.

  “Just a drunk guy getting grabby. I’m fine.”

  Elijah grimaces. “I’m so sorry, Liz. I should have texted you or Julien after I got here to let you know how crazy it was. Fallon throws some big parties, but this is insane.”

  “We’re here. It’s all good. I’ll just stick to staying outside. I promise I won’t ruin anyone’s good time.”

  Julien squeezes my shoulder. “Liz, not possible. I’d rather be out here with you guys than in there.”

  “Ditto what he said,” Ryder agrees.

  I relax back into Julien and look up at the stars
listening to the crickets, cicadas, and frogs as they sing their evening musicals. The guys talk but I zone them out as I search out different constellations in the night sky. I find Cassiopeia and the big and little dippers.

  Conversation trails off and Julien checks his watch. “It’s been almost twenty minutes. I wonder what’s taking Jayson and Maria so long.”

  “I can go in there and f-” Elijah is saying when a voice from the backyard interrupts him.

  “Well, well, well. Look who the fuck we have here.” Marshall and three other guys approach, matching sneers on their faces.

  “Shit, Marshall. Go bother someone else,” Elijah tells him. Marshall is the guy who messed up Julien’s leg during a soccer game, and whose ass Elijah allegedly kicked for it the next day.

  Marshall’s face darkens when he notices Julien sitting on the sofa next to Elijah. His leering gaze finds me sitting on Julien’s lap and his lip curls up. “Damn girl. You fucking both brothers now? Or did you swap one for the other not caring who is who since they look the same?”

  Julien braces me so he can stand up without me falling out of his lap, and hands me off to Ryder who tucks me protectively behind him. Ryder entwines our fingers together, silently warning me not to move. “Fuck off Marshall.”

  “How’s the leg feeling, shithead?”

  The guys with Marshall snicker.

  “It feels like it wants to kick your sorry ass.” Julien warns him, moving forward. Elijah slams his arm back to hold Julien off from lunging at Marshall.

  Marshall’s grin goes full-out when he sees Ryder holding me behind him. “Oh, I see now. The rumors must be true. You’re fucking all three of them. What’s it like?” He looks back at Julien. “One takes each hole.”

  “Watch your fucking mouth!” Ryder roars.

  “Or what motherfucker?”

  “Or I’ll make you,” Ryder threatens.

  “Ryder, no,” I say at his back placing my hand on his arm.

  “I think I hit a nerve, boys. You.” he points to Elijah. “We have unfinished business. I owe you a beat down.” The three other guys, football players from the look of them, step forward.

  “Liz, go inside,” Ryder says, looking back at me.


  “Shit’s about to get serious. Get inside now.”

  “I said no. I’m not leaving any of you out here.” I may be a girl but having three guys as your best friends my whole life has taught me one thing - how to protect myself. Jayson, Ryder, and Julien showed me how to fight, and how to fight dirty. They wanted to make sure I knew how to protect myself against future assholes who thought they could put their hands on me without my permission or from guys who didn’t listen to the word no. I’ve only kneed one guy in the balls before, but I’ll happily do it again to this asshole.

  “You may want to listen to her. I’ll gladly take your whore and give her the ride of her life once we finish with you three pussies.”

  Before anyone can make the next move or say the next word, a large blur flies past us and tackles Marshall down to the ground. Elijah, Julien, and Ryder instantly jump in and take the other three guys. I feel Maria run up behind me and grab my shoulders to pull me away, but I shake her off.

  My first thought is, where’s Jayson? I get my answer when I hear him bellowing in anger. “Don’t you ever fucking talk about my girl like that again you piece of shit!” I realize the large blur that streaked past us was Jayson. He’s on top of Marshall pounding fist to face, blow after blow after blow, unrelenting in his attack. Jayson straddles Marshall, pummeling him with words and punches. My mind has trouble processing everything. I see Julien, Ryder, and Elijah fighting the other guys. Ryder steps away from the guy he just took down but gives him a swift kick to the ribs before stepping back to help Julien. With Ryder’s help, it’s easy to take the second guy, and the third guy gives up, hands in the air backing away from Elijah. Marshall’s body isn’t moving anymore. He’s clearly unconscious, but Jayson doesn’t stop wailing on him. It takes all three of the boys to pull Jayson off of Marshall.

  Of course a crowd has gathered on the back patio, screaming encouraging words for the fight to continue. Fallon makes his way out, Jacinda and Samantha following close behind. They look to where Jayson is struggling against the three sets of hands holding him back as he is clearly wanting a second go at Marshall who’s now making moaning noises.

  “Goddamn! What a mess,” Fallon says coming forward out of the crowd of onlookers. He looks behind him at two guys. “Get this fucker off my lawn and take him to one of the guest rooms.” They immediately do as Fallon commands. “Shit. You guys just took out two of our defensive linemen,” he chuckles putting his arms around Jayson and Ryder. “I think that deserves a drink, don't you?”

  Ryder removes Fallon’s arm and searches the crowd until he finds me. Jayson appears too pumped up with adrenaline to notice anything and lets Fallon lead him stumbling back inside. Jacinda latches on to Jayson’s side as they disappear through the doors, but Jayson doesn’t do anything to remove her hold from his body. Samantha turns to me and gives me a scathing smile before slipping in behind Jacinda.

  What the fuck? “Jayson! Jayson!” He just left me out here? Are you kidding me right now? Maria pulls me back once again. “Lizzie. Let him go inside and calm down.”

  “Fuck that!” I spew, livid now. He gets into a fight and leaves me out here by myself with Jacinda and Samantha hanging all over him. I don’t think so.

  Ryder, Julien, and Elijah find me and Maria. “Liz, are you and Maria alright?” Julien asks. He wipes blood off his cut knuckles and curses when they sting.

  “I’m good. We’re ok.”

  “Where did Jay go?”

  My angry eyes look over at the patio door hoping to see Jayson, hoping he came back out to get me.

  “Fallon took him inside.” I grit my teeth and hiss, “He went with Jacinda.”

  Ryder cups his bruised hands around my face. “Let’s go find him then, yeah? We’ll find our boy.” His touch calms my anger somewhat and I nod yes.

  “Jesus, Ry. She doesn’t need you to babysit her all the damn time,” Maria snips at him.

  “Not fucking now, Mar.”

  I don’t want to be the cause of another fight tonight. I reach for Maria’s hand. “Thank you for standing by my side and staying with me. I love you for it. Would you mind if Ryder and I went to find Jayson? Elijah,” I say to him, “you and Julien need to go clean those cuts on your hands.”

  “If Ryder’s going with you, then so am I,” she declares. I don’t argue. I just want to find Jayson and get the hell out of here.

  “Elizabeth, you know he wouldn’t intentionally leave you and walk off with some other girl, especially Jacinda. Trust me. I’ve been in plenty of fights to know how he’s feeling. He can’t see anything right now other than the anger and adrenaline. We’ll find him and leave.”

  Even though Ryder’s words are reassuring, they don’t lessen the queasy, uneasy feeling I have in my stomach. Maria and I follow Ryder through the house. People either part like the Red Sea and hurriedly get out his way, or they grab him wanting to congratulate him. I assume it’s because many of them witnessed how he easily took down a football player and don’t want to be his next target.

  My jittery stomach gets worse after we unsuccessfully search the house for over half an hour trying to find Jayson. We spot Fallon in the kitchen smoking a joint with a few seniors from our school. “Fallon! Where’s Jay?” Ryder calls out to him.

  Fallon takes a drag from his joint and dangles it from his bottom lip. “Hey, kitten," Fallon says to me and I scowl at him. He nods to Ryder, "You guys are the shit. Wish I was there to see the whole thing go down. Fucking amazing, man.”

  “Fallon, we need to find Jay. Have you seen him?”

  “Sent him upstairs a while ago to get cleaned up.” Fallon takes his joint out and points it up in the air.

  “Holy shit! Look at this.” Maria holds out her phone.
Someone posted a video of the fight. Dammit. The boys could get in real trouble over this, legal trouble, especially Jayson.

  I show the video to Ryder. “We need to find Jayson and leave.”

  The three of us head upstairs, opening each door we come across, calling Jayson’s name.

  “Lizzie, I think they’ll be ok. The video is too dark to make out who anyone is. You can’t see faces, only their backs.”

  “That might not be the only video, Mar. And what if Marshall decides to press charges against Jayson? This is so messed up.”

  “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” Ryder says and heads to the end of the hall. He opens the door and stops abruptly. Maria and I slam into his backside. “Mar, take Elizabeth to the car right now and wait for me.”

  “What’s going on. Move Ryder. Is Jayson in there?” Ryder tries to block me, but I duck under his arm and everything inside of me grinds to a stop.

  Everything stops.

  My heart, my lungs, my brain, all sounds around me.

  I blink.

  One by one, everything clicks back on. My breathing returns, my mind runs rampant, and my heart breaks.

  Sitting on the end of the bed is Jayson. He’s hunched over, elbows resting atop his knees, face blank, eyes staring straight ahead like he’s in a trance, and he’s shirtless. What happened to his shirt? But that’s not what confounds me the most. That’s not what fills me with a rage unlike any I have ever felt. My hands clench tight into fists and my eyes narrow on who’s wrapped around Jayson from behind on the bed, kissing his shoulders and neck while trying to pull him backward. Fucking Jacinda Blanchard. At least most of her clothes are on, I mentally tell myself, taking in her red push-up bra and panties.

  “Holy shit!” That is from Maria.

  “What the fuck, Jayson!” That is from Ryder.

  “If you don’t get your skanky ass hands off my boyfriend right now, I am going rip every fucking piece of hair off your whore head, you conniving bitch!” That is from me.


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