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All Our Next Times: Fallen Brook Series: Book 1

Page 21

by Jennilynn Wyer

  Jayson lifts his head up. “I don’t hear anything.”

  His hand moves down to my bare stomach and I forget what I was talking to him about. Oh, right. “I swear I heard crying.”

  There’s no other sound but the sound of my sheets rustling as Jayson moves lower and takes my nipple into his mouth. I pull his head closer to me, arching my back, offering my body to him like a sacrifice.

  “I thought you said I had to go back to sleep.”

  He bites down gently and everything inside of me clenches, desire pooling between my legs.

  “Not sleepy anymore.”

  He rolls over on top of me. Pulling my hands above my head, Jayson slides into me with one thrust. The only sounds now are the hushed tones of our pants and moans as Jayson takes me and makes me his.

  Chapter 18


  Instead of going to our morning breakfast meet-up before school, I tell the guys I’m going with Hailey this morning so we can track down Maria. She’s ghosted me for days and I’m starting to wonder if she’s mad at me or just upset about her break-up with Ryder. I could see things weren’t good between them lately, but I’m her friend and would like to be there for her.

  “Mom! Did you sign that permission slip for school yet?” Hailey yells from upstairs. I take a bite of my gluten-free muffin.

  I hear Mom mumble “oh crap.”

  “Signing it right now, sweetheart. Lizzie, where’s a pen?” I take one out of my bag from the floor at my feet and hand it to her. “Do you remember where I put the permission slip?”

  “Table in the entryway.”

  “Thanks, honey.” She runs out of the kitchen.

  “Hales, we need to leave. Come on slowpoke!”

  “Coming, Geesh!” I hear her yell back, feet stomping down the stairs. She has a black hair band in her teeth and then loops it around her hair. I take a moment to mentally critique what she’s wearing. Long capri pants and a long-sleeved button-down shirt.

  “You know, it’s still like eighty degrees outside. You may want to lose the top. You’ll be sweating bullets as soon as we walk out the door.”

  “Nah, I’m good.” She slides on her shoes and grabs a muffin. “Ok, I’m ready.”

  Mom meets us at the door and hands Hailey her permission slip. “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Be good girls,” Mom kisses both of us. “Hailey, are you picking Lizzie up from work today?”

  “Jayson’s got me," I tell her. "See ya, Mom!”

  I throw my bag into the back of our sedan as Hailey asks me, “So, how are we doing this? Ambush style or straight up gangsta?”

  “I vote ambush style. Maria’s been avoiding me. She usually gets to school around seven and helps out in the main office. We should be able to corner her there and find out why she's been avoiding me.”

  “You still don’t know why she hasn’t spoken to you? That’s not like her. You guys are almost as joined at the hip and you and Jayson.”

  “I have a pretty good suspicion on why.”

  Hailey shovels the rest of her muffin in her mouth as she drives. “And?” she says when she is able to swallow. My sister is like a damn hoover when it comes to food.

  “Like I told you. She and Ryder broke up.”

  “And what, you think she blames you? That’s bullshit.”

  “Is it?”

  “Hell yes. Look, I’m your sister and have had the pleasure of living with you my whole life. That also means I have had the pleasure of growing up around Jayson, Julien, and Ryder. I know the deal when it comes to all of you. But I also know that you and Ryder, you and Julien, have not once crossed the line with each other since you and Jay hooked up.”

  I grimace and her eyes get big. “Or have you?”

  “Technically, no. Lines have not been crossed but they have come pretty close a couple of times with Ryder.”

  “Close is not crossed, therefore, Maria should have no issue with you.”

  “I don’t know, Hales.”

  “Exactly. You don’t know. So let’s go find out.” We pull into the senior lot at school and I immediately see Maria’s car.

  “Good. She’s here. Want to be Riggs to my Murtaugh?”

  “I think we’re more Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne. I got you sista.”

  I laugh at her use of the main characters from her favorite comedy movie. “You’re saying I’m dumb and you’re dumber? I can handle that.”

  Just as I thought, Maria is in the main office working the copier machine. She started volunteering her time to help out at school since volunteer service is a requirement for graduation. We have to do at least one hundred hours. My time working at the library doesn’t count since I get paid, but twice a month the boys and I go out and help pick up litter and plant trees at local parks. Periodically, I also sing and play music for the younger kids at the library on the weekend. I take Dr. Seuss books and put them to music. The kids are so freaking adorable because, of course, they know the words to every Dr. Seuss book and will jump around and sing the words with me.

  Hailey waits outside the main office doors on a bench as I go inside. Mrs. Teasdale, the school receptionist, greets me with a smile.

  “Good morning, Elizabeth. Did you need anything this morning?”

  Maria turns to look at me, first with shock and then with what I think is a pissed expression on her face.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Teasdale. No, ma’am. I actually came by to talk to Maria for a second if that’s ok.”

  “Of course, dear. Maria, I can take over until you get back.” Maria doesn’t argue and warily walks around the counter toward me.

  “Hey, Mar. Did you want to go outside or something so we can talk?”

  She shrugs. “Fine.”

  We walk out and she sees Hailey at the bench. “Great. You’re tag teaming.” She plops down on the bench, arms crossed.

  “What’s going on Mar? Why have you been avoiding me the past few days?”

  She scoffs at me. “Like you don’t already know.”

  “No, I really don’t. That’s why we’re here. You're my best friend, Mar. Please talk to me.”

  She scoffs again, then huffs, crosses her legs one way then another. “Ok. Fine. Ryder broke up with me.”

  “Yeah, he told me. I’m so sorry.”

  “Of course he fucking did,” she snaps at me.

  Hailey jumps in. “Hey. Cut it out. Why are you mad at Lizzie? She didn’t do anything.”

  Now Maria snaps at Hailey. “Are you fucking kidding me right now Hailey? It’s always been about her. It’s been three goddamn years since she started dating Jay, and he’s still in love with her, still wants her. I never stood a chance.”


  She turns her anger on me again. “Don’t Mar me. Do you know how it feels to fall in love with someone who doesn’t love you back because he’s still in love with someone else? Do you know how that feels, Liz?” She jumps up and shakes her hand at me. Several students walking by slow down to watch our scene unfold.

  “You chose Jayson. The day Ryder asked me out, that was the happiest day of my life. I was like, finally, he saw me. He saw me, not you. I have bent over backwards for a year trying to make him happy, make him want me. I was an idiot. He never wanted me. I was just a distraction for him while he continued to pine away for you!”

  “That’s not fair! I’m not responsible for your relationship problems.”

  “You’ll never understand. You have those three boys wrapped around your finger. Their princess. Isn’t that right? You’re a selfish bitch who keeps stringing Ryder along. You want everything and have to give up nothing.” Her verbal daggers hit their target. Have I really been doing what she’s accusing me of?

  “That’s enough, Maria,” Hailey grabs her arm. “You don’t know shit. Ryder, Julien, Jayson, and Lizzie have been best friends since they were little.”

  “Jesus, not this again. You forget, Hailey, that I’ve been around too since the third grade. I kno
w all about their ‘special bond’,” she air quotes.

  “Yes, they do have a special bond. Something that existed way before you and Lizzie started hanging out and became friends. Something unique and special and I would give anything if I could find something like that. But am I jealous of my sister because she has something that I would love to have too? Hell no! You’re the one being a petty, selfish bitch. Not her. I can guaran-damn-tee you that nothing has ever happened between her and Ryder. So if Ryder wanted to dump your ass, that’s on him. Not her. And if you believe otherwise, you don’t deserve her friendship.”

  Wow. Hailey’s passionate speech in defense of me takes me by surprise. Not as surprising as what comes out of Maria’s mouth next. “That’s fine with me. We’re no longer friends, Liz,” she looks at me. “Leave me the hell alone.” She storms back into the main office. I can see Mrs. Teasdale looking between the both of us, concern on her face, but she says nothing to Maria when she stalks back over to the copier machine.

  “What the hell just happened?” I ask Hailey, and then I burst into tears. Hailey pulls me up off the bench and tells me we’re going to the girl’s restroom to wash my face. I look through the office window at Maria, but she won’t look at me.

  Hailey notices a few of the onlookers have their cell phones out. “Enjoy the show assholes?” she snarls at them. Wonderful. I’m sure this will be posted before the first bell rings and I’ll have to put up with snickers and nasty comments all day. Jayson and Ryder are going to be so pissed.

  We go inside the restroom and thankfully, it’s empty. Hailey tears off a paper towel, wets it, and hands it to me. “Thanks.” I rub underneath my eyes to get the mascara smears off. I don’t wear a lot of makeup, so once I no longer have raccoon eyes, I apply some lip gloss and wash my hands.

  “Screw her, Lizzie. Just screw her. That was the biggest pile of denial bullshit I have ever heard.”

  “She’s my best friend, Hales. I didn’t know she was so angry with me. Why didn’t she come talk to me? I don’t understand. I have always supported her relationship with Ryder. I may have not liked it at times, but I supported it.” Fabulous. More tears. I rip another paper towel off and dab the corners of my eyes.

  “Real friends don’t treat each other that way. Could you imagine what you would do if Brea did that to me?”

  “I’d kick her ass even if she is Ryder’s sister.”

  “Exactly. Be lucky I didn’t do just that.”

  “Hopefully she’ll come around,” I say.

  “Maybe. But if she doesn’t, it’s not on you. I know how you love to shoulder the blame. This is not one of those times. You did nothing wrong.”

  My phone rings and I see Jayson’s name. “I think shit’s about to hit the fan,” Hailey says.

  My voice is a bit throaty from the crying when I answer. “Hey.”

  “Princess, what the fuck! Are you at school right now?”


  “I’m with the guys at Ruby’s. You’re on speaker. Please tell me what we just saw did not happen.”

  Well, that was fast. Sometimes I hate cell phones. I say nothing, so Hailey pipes in. “Yes, it did. Since we’re on speaker - Ryder, what are you going to do about it?”

  “I’ll deal with it.” I can hear the anger in his voice when he says it.

  “We’re on our way, baby. Hales, take her back out to the car and wait for us.”

  “On it.”

  “I love you, baby. Everything’s going to be ok. Be there soon.”

  “Ok.” He hangs up.

  “Come on, sis. Let’s go wait for your boys.”


  I miss Liz this morning, but I understand. Maria is being a bitch to my girl by ignoring her and Liz wants to find out why.

  “Can I get you guys anything else?” our waitress, Pauline, asks us.

  “Could you bring a black coffee and a gluten-free cinnamon scone to go please?” I order Liz's favorites so I can take it to her. If she’s already eaten, she can save the scone for lunch. I know she’ll drink the coffee immediately.

  “Sure can, hon. Be right back.”

  Julien is sitting next to me today and Ryder is sitting across from me. “So hot topic for the day. I know you broke up with Maria and all, but what gives?”

  “Wasn’t going anywhere. Broke up with her. End of story.”

  Julien pours syrup over his French toast. “So why is she ghosting Liz?”

  Ryder rubs his hand over his face and scratches his head. “Beats the hell out of me.”

  “I thought things were going good with you two.” This from Julien whose mouth is full of food.

  “I always thought she was a bit odd. Too loud and obnoxious for me,” I tell him. “No offense.”

  “None taken.”

  “What gives then? Did you cheat on her? She cheat on you? People usually don’t break up for no reason.”

  “Of course I didn’t fucking cheat on her, Jay. You know me better than that, man.”

  The waitress drops off my to-go order and Julien pays the check.

  Ryder crumples up his napkin and throws in on the table. “She was getting clingy and wanting more. I couldn’t give it to her.” He flicks his gaze at me then away. “She started talking shit about Elizabeth and it pissed me off. I got fed up with all of it, so I dumped her.”

  “What the fuck did she say about Liz?” I growl at him.

  “Nothing I’m going to repeat to you ‘cause I know you’ll just fly off the handle.”

  All three of our phones go off with a notification.

  “Of course I’m going to fly off the handle, dumbass, when it comes to anyone hurting my girl.”

  “I didn’t want things to be weird between Elizabeth and Maria, so I tried to end things as amicably as I could.”

  “Holy shit,” Julien exclaims.

  “What?” Ryder and I both say.

  “Check your phones. We need to go.”

  A video has been posted with the hashtags #nolongerfriends #theotherwoman #sayitisntso. Ryder and I must have hit play at the same time on our phones because we hear Maria’s voice in stereo.

  “Don’t Mar me. Do you know how it feels to fall in love with someone who doesn’t love you back because he’s still in love with someone else? Do you know how that feels, Liz? You chose Jayson. The day Ryder asked me out, god, that was the happiest day of my life. I was like, finally, he saw me. He saw me, not you. I have bent over backwards for a year trying to make him happy, make him want me. I was an idiot. He never wanted me. I was just a distraction to him while he continued to pine away for you!”

  “That’s not fair! I’m not responsible for your relationship problems.”

  “You’ll never understand. You have those three boys wrapped around your finger. Their princess. Isn’t that right? You’re a selfish bitch who keeps stringing Ryder along. You want everything and have to give up nothing.”

  “That’s enough Maria. You don’t know shit. Ryder, Julien, Jayson, and Lizzie have been best friends since they were little.”

  “Jesus, not this again. You forget, Hailey, that I’ve been around too since the third grade. I know all about their ‘special bond’.”

  “Yes, they do have a special bond. Something that existed way before you and Lizzie started hanging out and became best friends. Something unique and special and I would give anything if I could find something like that. But am I jealous of my sister because she has something that I would love to have too? Hell no! You’re the one being a petty, selfish bitch. Not her. I can guaran-damn-tee you that nothing has ever happened between her and Ryder. So if Ryder wanted to dump your ass, that’s on him. Not her. And if you believe otherwise, you don’t deserve her friendship.”

  “That’s fine with me. We’re no longer friends Liz. Leave me the hell alone.”

  The video ends with Liz crying. Jesus fucking hell.

  I call Liz.

  “Hey.” She sounds broken.

  “Princess, w
hat the fuck! Are you at school right now?”


  “I’m with the guys at Ruby’s. You’re on speaker. Please tell me what we just saw did not happen.”

  Hailey’s voice comes on. “Yes, it did. Since we’re on speaker - Ryder, what are you going to do about it?”

  “I’ll deal with it,” Ryder tells her. He looks pissed.

  “We’re on our way, baby. Hales, take her back out to the car and wait for us.”

  “On it.”

  “I love you, baby. Everything is going to be ok. Be there soon.”


  “Jules, let’s go. Ryder, fix this mess,” I demand of him. “If you don’t reign in your ex, I will. Maria is not going to fuck with Liz because you broke up with her. That’s bullshit.”

  Ryder says nothing and jumps in his car and drives off.

  Julien takes the coffee and scone from me so I can drive. “Liz must be devastated. What has gotten into Maria? How could she say those things to Liz?”

  “Who are you texting?”

  “Elijah. He and Liz are close. I’m rallying the troops. She’s going to need us.”

  “Good idea. See if he can come over tonight. I’ll pick up Liz from work and bring her to the house. We can order pizza or something and watch a movie. All of us.”

  “E says yes, he’ll be there. I told him to drop by at seven.”

  We arrive at school and park next to Liz and Hailey’s car. Liz is sitting in the passenger seat, eyes closed. Ryder’s car is already there but he’s nowhere in sight. Hopefully that means he’s gone inside to talk to Maria.

  I run around the car and open Liz’s door. “Hey, baby doll.” I reach out and caress her face. Her eyes are a bit puffy and red from crying but she’s still the most beautiful girl in the world.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” she rasps and turns her face into my hand.

  “Come here, princess. It’s going to be alright.” I pick her up and sit down with her on the parking lot gravel. I cup her neck and wrap my other arm around her back and hold her. I whisper how much I love her over and over again into her ear as I kiss the side of her face. Once I feel her relax and her breathing even out, I pull back to assess her. “Better?”


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