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Reno's Journey: Cowboy Craze (The Wild West)

Page 64

by Sable Hunter

  Once he’d brought her joy and taken his own, he held her close and thanked the stars for the privilege of holding her in his arms. “Now, this is the way it should be.”

  “The way it always will be.” Resting her head on his shoulder, she placed her palm over his heart. “I hope the children aren’t upset that we took their room.”

  Reno chuckled at the memory. “They were so thrilled to meet you and so glad to see me, I think they would’ve gladly slept on the roof if it meant they’d have us home. Tomorrow, I’ll start building that cabin for us.”

  “I jotted down some ideas.”

  “You did?” Lord, he loved this. The whispering in the dark together.

  “After I decided to come, I had a few days to prepare. I studied up on native plants and I…found out something you need to know.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Next month, on the 9th, there’s going to be a huge flood. In some places the river will be ten miles wide.”

  This alarmed Reno, but he didn’t doubt her for a moment. “What? Hell, we’ll have to…I don’t know what we’ll have to do.”

  “Prepare. We know it’s coming, so we can get ready. Disaster averted.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do.” He passed a grateful hand over her smooth back. “Maybe we’ll be as blessed as we were with the massacre. Domino said he heard in town that the Governor sent the 10th Cavalry back up north.”

  “Good. See, everything is working out for the best.”

  He rolled to his side to join his lips with hers. “As far as I can tell, love – the best is yet to come.”


  A Peek into the Family Album

  Renewing their vows. Late June 1869.

  “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce this man and this woman to be husband and wife – again. Reno, you may kiss your lovely bride.” Clay was the first to start clapping his hands as everyone watched Reno seal their love with a kiss.

  “Yay!!” Tess jumped up and down with absolute delight. “We’re a fambly now!”

  Reno held out his arms to gather the Stanton children near. “We’ve always been a family; this just makes it official.”

  “As soon as the adoption papers come in, we’ll have to have another celebration,” Journey whispered in her husband’s ear.

  “I don’t think that will be a problem.” He surveyed his friends and family as they gathered near. “This bunch loves to celebrate.”

  “Don’t forget, there’s cake and punch, everyone!” Fancy called from the gaily decorated table piled high with food.

  As the bride and groom started to leave the altar, Cole called a halt to their progress. “Not so fast. I want to take one more photograph.” He moved his camera to the optimum location.

  “Okay, line up everyone,” Reno called. “Let’s all get in the picture.”

  Journey beamed with happiness as their loved ones gathered round. The only sad spot in the day was knowing her Aunt Myra and Lou wouldn’t be witness to their happiness. But all was not lost – she knew that somehow, what Cole captured with his camera lens would find its way forward in time.

  The Flood of July 9th ,1869

  After the rains began to subside, the residents of King’s Ransom crept out of the caves atop Packsaddle Mountain. They’d managed to drive all the livestock to the high plateau. Not one soul – man or beast – was lost. Now, they were stunned to see the flooded valley below, completely inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River.

  “I don’t know if the house can be saved, King.” Fancy wrung her hands with worry.

  “We can rebuild, my love. Nothing is more important than the fact we all survived.” King drew his wife close.

  “Thanks to Journey,” Fancy murmured. “If she hadn’t told us what would happen, we would’ve perished.”

  “I’m afraid you’re right.” He kissed her cheek. “Her warning from the future saved us all.”

  “Since I have my gear up here, I’d like to take a photograph for the paper,” Cole announced loudly. “Gather together, everyone. This will be a shot no one will forget.”

  “Come on, Mrs. Black.” Reno tugged Journey’s hand to stand next to Amelia and Ace. “We don’t want to be left out of the picture.”

  “No. We don’t.” She huddled close to her husband. “We’re soaking wet.”

  “Yea, but we’re alive.” Reno celebrated the fact. “We’re all alive to see another day.”

  The Birth of Reno Cole Black.

  “Reno! I don’t think I can do this!” Journey held out her hand for her husband to grasp.

  “Oh, yes you can. You can do this.” He kissed her face. “I’m here with you. Right here with you, love.”

  Domino shook his head at the sight of his friend at his wife’s side. “Husbands are supposed to stay out of the room to keep the hot water boiling.

  “I want him here, Domino!” She shouted. “I need him here.”

  “Okay, okay. Nobody’s throwing Daddy out.” Domino sat down in his spot beneath the privacy sheet. “Okay, it’s time. The head is crowning. You need to push for me, Journey.”

  Journey pushed with all her might, nearly squeezing Reno’s hand off in the process.

  “That’s it, love. You’re doing so good.” Reno wiped her brow, then wiped his own. “What do you see, Domino?”

  Domino chuckled with delight. “I see a boy. A fine, handsome, strapping young fellow. Almost, Journey. One more push, he’s coming!”

  As Journey gave one last scream of effort, she pushed their baby boy into the world.

  Reno leaned down to kiss her tear streaked face. “You did it. He’s here.”

  As Domino cleaned the crying baby, a crowd gathered outside the bedroom door.

  Tap! Tap!

  Tap! Tap!

  “Hold on.” Reno called. “We’re a little busy here.”

  Journey held out her arms to take her baby. “Oh, give him to me, please. Look at him, Reno. Isn’t he beautiful!”

  Tap! Tap!

  “I want to take a picture, Reno!” Cole called from the other side of the door.

  Reno laughed. “I’ll swear, he’s a monster with a camera.”

  Journey held the baby with one hand and straightened her clothes with the other. “I’m probably a sight, but let him in. These photographs are precious.”

  As Journey requested, Reno went to allow his brother to join them. As he did, all the rest of the clan pushed their way inside or gathered at the door.

  “Oh, look at him.” Cole smiled. “He’s a fine boy. What’s his name?”

  “Reno Cole Black,” Journey announced with pride.

  Cole froze in place. “Well, that’s a fine name. A fine name.”

  While everyone waited, the baby began to cry – loudly.

  “Well, hurry up, brother. Take the picture. Our boy is hungry,” Reno encouraged his brother to pick up the pace.

  “Don’t rush me. This is important.”

  “Yes, it is.” Journey studied the baby’s tiny face with rapture, then held him up for the camera. “Smile, sweetie. Smile for Aunt Myra.”

  Of course, it might’ve been gas…but to everyone’s surprise, little Cole smiled.



  “Kota, are you ready?” Myra called from the kitchen door. “We’re going to be late!”

  “No, we’re not. We’re good. I just placed little Cole’s picture on the mantel. Right where you wanted it.”

  “Excellent. Lou did a fine job of framing it for me. Grab the cake, will you?” The older woman began to move slowly down the stairs. “You know, since you’ve been living with me, I’ll swear those roses have grown a foot.” She pointed to the new Knockouts she’d planted in the garden.

  “You’re right. They’ve grown almost as fast as those kittens.” He hurried to grab her arm with his free hand. “Speaking of the rose garden, are you going to make an honest man out of me anytime soon

  “Ha! Do you think a piece of paper will make an honest man out of you?”

  “No, probably not. But it would make me feel better. I spend my days worrying that you’ll meet some other man to sweep you off your feet.”

  “Not a chance. You’re it for me.” She allowed him to open the door of his truck, then to help her inside. “I can’t wait to meet the new neighbors. I think this welcome to the neighborhood dinner was perfect. What did you say their names were?”

  “Black. Steve and Debbie Black. I noted the name when I signed the papers at the realtor’s office.”

  “That’s an odd coincidence, don’t you think?”

  Kota huffed. “I don’t believe in coincidences.”

  “No, I know you don’t, my magic man.”

  Rolling his eyes, he chuckled. “Hold off on the mushy talk, you’ll get me all worked up.”

  After traveling the short distance to Kota’s old house on the highway, he grabbed the cake, then helped Myra to the front door.

  “There’s a good crowd gathered. I hope I can find a comfortable place to sit.”

  “You pick a seat and I’ll clear the spot by giving them my scary Indian face.”

  “I like your scary Indian face, it’s sexy.”

  Before they could knock on the door, it opened.

  “Welcome, we saw you drive up! Kota, it’s good to see you again.” Steve Black opened the door and took the cake. “Come in. I’m sure you know everyone.”

  “Myra needs a soft seat; her bursitis is acting up.”

  “It is not!” She whispered a little too loudly. “I told you it’s my knee from falling out of bed when we…”

  “How about on the couch?” Debbie Black offered, a little amused at the antics of the older couple. “Make yourself comfortable, I’ll get you both some coffee.”

  After speaking to everyone, Kota joined Myra on the couch. “What are you looking at?”

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. Look.” She showed him the beautiful cover of an oversize coffee table book.

  “Huh.” Kota put on his glasses. “A Glimpse into the Old West, A Collection of Photographs by famed photographer, Cole Black.”

  With a shaking hand, Myra opened the cover to see sights she would’ve never anticipated in a million years. Some of them were nature shots, like Enchanted Rock back in the day. Some of them captured beautiful wildlife – a herd of buffalo, a pack of grey wolves. Still, there were others than made her heart tremble in her chest. “Look, can you believe this?”

  Kota leaned forward to see a photograph of a group of people on Packsaddle Mountain. Survivors of the Great Flood of 1869. Ha! There’s Reno. And there’s Journey!”

  Myra laughed with delight. “Oh, look there’s more.” She saw a picture of their wedding. A picture of their first Christmas. And on and on. But the best photograph of all was the last one, for it showed Cole and his wife, Cocheta, standing next to Reno and his wife, Journey – and both couples were completely surrounded by a host of children and grandchildren.”

  “I think I’m going to cry,” Myra said softly, wiping her cheek.

  At that moment, Steve Black returned with two cups of coffee. “How do you like that book? I don’t know who most of those people are, but I’m related to the photographer, Cole Black. When they put together this collection of his work, I knew we just had to have a copy.”

  “His work is lovely.” Myra swallowed back her tears. “Where could we buy one?”

  “I’m sure any bookstore could order it for you, but I’ll get the address of the publishing company for you, how about that?”

  “Thank you.” As Cole’s descendant walked away, Myra moved her finger across the image of Journey’s face. “Just look at her, Kota. Our Journey lived to have a fine, beautiful family.”

  “Yes, she did. Reno looks mighty proud.” He put an arm around Myra and kissed her on the cheek.” Just goes to show you…what’s meant to be is meant to be – no matter what.”

  NOTE FROM AUTHOR: I hope you enjoyed Journey and Reno’s story. I had a blast writing it. Watch for more of their antics in the upcoming Wild West Books.

  Also be aware that many of the other characters in this story have books of their own. Not only King’s Fancy in the Wild West Series, but also in the Cowboy Craze Series and the Hell Yeah Series. You are invited to check out the master list at the end of this manuscript.

  Also, you might be interested to know that the recipes for the essential oil concoctions are all real recipes that I make and use personally.

  Thank you, Sable Hunter


  About the Author:

  Sable Hunter

  is a New York Times, USA Today bestselling author of nearly 60 books in 9 series. She writes sexy contemporary stories full of emotion and suspense. Her focus is mainly cowboy and novels set in Louisiana with a hint of the supernatural. Sable writes what she likes to read and enjoys putting her fantasies on paper. Her books are emotional tales where the heroine is faced with challenges. Her aim is to write a story that will make you laugh, cry and swoon. If she can wring those emotions from a reader, she has done her job. Sable resides in Austin, Texas with her two dogs. Passionate about all animals, she has been known to charm creatures from a one ton bull to a family of raccoons. For fun, Sable haunts cemeteries and battlefields armed with night-vision cameras and digital recorders hunting proof that love survives beyond the grave. Welcome to her world of magic, alpha heroes, sexy cowboys and hot, steamy to-die-for sex. Step into the shoes of her heroines and escape to places where right prevails, love conquers all and holding out for a hero is not an impossible dream

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  Get hot and bothered!!

  Hell Yeah! Series

  Cowboy Heat

  Hot on Her Trail

  Her Magic Touch

  Brown Eyed Handsome Man


  Burning Love

  Forget Me Never

  I'll See You In My Dreams

  Finding Dandi

  Skye Blue

  I'll Remember You

  True Love's Fire


  Welcome To My World

  How to Rope a McCoy

  One Man's Treasure

  You Are Always on My Mind

  If I Can Dream

  Head over Spurs

  The Key to Micah’s Heart

  Love Me, I Dare You!

  Because I Said So

  Ryder's Surrender

  Love Found a Way


  Texas Holdem


  Lily’s Mirage

  Saxon’s Conquest

  Just a Love Story

  A Helluva Man

  Only Heaven Knows

  Heaven’s Loss

  Hell Yeah! Heritage


  A Guide to the Hell Yeah! World

  Wild West Series

  King’s Fancy

  Moon Magic Series

  A Wishing Moon

  Sweet Evangeline

  Hill Country Heart Series

  Unchained Melody

  Scarlet Fever

  Bobby Does Dallas

  Cowboy Craze

  She’s Everything

  My Hero

  Dixie Dreaming

  Come With Me

  Pretty Face

  Texas Heat Series


  My Aliyah

  Spanish Eyes

  Just a Love Story (A Hell Yeah! Crossover)

  El Camino Real Series
r />   A Breath of Heaven

  Loving Justice

  Texas Heroes Series

  Texas Wildfire

  Texas CHAOS

  Texas Standoff

  Texas Lone Star

  Texas Maverick

  Because I Said So (Crossover Hell Yeah!/Texas Heroes)

  The Sons of Dusty Walker


  Kit and Rogue

  Other Titles from Sable Hunter:

  Green With Envy (It's Just Sex Book 1)

  Hell Yeah! Box Set With Bonus Cookbook

  Love's Magic Spell: A Red Hot Treats Story

  Wolf Call

  Be My Love Song

  A Hot and Spicy Valentine

  Too Sexy For Love


  Cowboy Heat - Sweeter Version:

  Hell Yeah! Sweeter Version

  Hot on Her Trail - Sweeter Version:

  Hell Yeah! Sweeter Version, Book 2

  Her Magic Touch (Sexy Version)

  Spanish Edition

  Vaquero Ardiente (Cowboy Heat)

  Amazon US

  Su Rastro Caliente (Hot On Her Trail)

  Amazon US




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