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Dare Game

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by Lexi Archer

  Dare Game

  Lexi Archer


  1. Todd

  Five Years Ago

  2. Kylie

  3. Kylie

  4. Sarah

  5. Sarah

  6. Sarah

  7. Eric

  Present Day

  8. Todd

  9. Kylie

  10. Sarah

  11. Eric

  12. Todd

  13. Todd

  14. Kylie

  15. Sarah

  16. Eric

  17. Eric

  18. Todd

  19. Todd

  20. Kylie

  21. Sarah

  22. Eric

  23. Todd

  24. Todd

  25. Todd

  26. Todd

  27. Eric

  28. Kylie

  29. Eric

  30. Kylie

  31. Sarah

  32. Todd

  More from Lexi Archer

  Dare Gae

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2019 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, April 2019

  Let your fantasies come true with Lexi Archer…

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  "Honey, I'm home!"

  We'd only been living together for a couple of months, and it still felt weird to say something like that. It’d started as a joke that turned into a comforting routine.

  Silence greeted me, which was unusual. I glanced around the apartment to make sure I wasn't going crazy. I'd seen Sarah's car parked out in our covered spot in the apartment complex. Her keys were on the table.

  I frowned. Maybe she'd had a bad day at work. She got along with everybody on her new team and her boss was nice enough, but her boss's boss could be a first rate asshole who thought yelling was an effective leadership strategy. She'd come home in a foul mood on more than one occasion, making me want to go over to her office and give the guy a piece of my mind and a piece of my fist.

  I moved down the hall and I heard the familiar clicking of a mouse followed by typing. Weird. Usually she browsed the Internet on her phone. She hardly ever got on the computer. The thing was really more of an afterthought because both of us needed a way to work from home.

  I peered around the corner to the second bedroom that had become our computer room and saw her sitting in the chair looking at an event page on social media.

  "What's going on baby?"

  Sarah jumped. Not exactly a couple of feet in the air, that was impossible from the computer chair, but she definitely jumped. At the same time she didn't make a move to hide whatever was on the screen, so I figured it couldn't be that bad. At least I hoped it wasn't that bad.

  She spun around and that momentary surprise was gone. She had a smile on her face as she stood and walked across the room to wrap her arms around me and pull me into a kiss.

  A kiss that was very thorough. I felt her body grinding against me and I could feel my cock stirring to attention. I wasn't used to getting this kind of attention right after work, usually both of us were too exhausted.

  So I certainly welcomed the attention. Her tongue slipped into my mouth and I decided to get a little frisky myself. I moved a hand down to cup her ass and she let out a little moan and a sigh. Damn, if this kept up I might have an embarrassing situation blowing in my pants.

  I was starting to hope this was going to turn into more than a makeout session, something that didn't happen nearly as often as I’d like these days, when she pulled away and smiled.

  "How was work?" she asked.

  I shrugged. "More of the usual. How about you?"

  She shrugged back at me. "Dickhead is across the country for a sales meeting, so it's been pretty easy quiet.”

  Maybe that was why she was so jumpy, but there was a voice in the back of my head whispering that couldn't possibly be the cause. I glanced over her shoulder to the computer, and from the way she looked at me there was no missing that she didn't miss that curious glance.

  "So what's the event? Another pyramid scheme from one of your friends at work?"

  I really hoped it wasn't another pyramid scheme from one of her "friends." The last one of those we'd went to had ended in a pretty bad place when I raised my hand and pointed out to the poor girl that she'd need more people than had ever existed in the history of humanity to sustain the scheme and make money past the fourth or fifth level.

  "No, nothing like that baby," she said. "It's an invitation to my reunion."

  I blinked. I looked over to the computer and then back to her. "Reunion? Did I sleep through the last five years and not realize it? Why would you be having a reunion?"

  That got me a playful smack on the chest. "It's a five year reunion silly. I'm sure they'll be having one of those soon enough for you too."

  "I don't think so," I said.

  I didn't even know five year reunions were a thing. I'd gone to school in a small town, but it wasn't nearly as small as where Sarah hailed from. We met and fell in love in college, and I didn't really know much at all about where she grew up aside from the brief glimpses I got driving through her old hometown when we were going to visit her folks during the holidays.

  Those glimpses weren't particularly promising, and the idea of spending a weekend there didn't leave me terribly excited.

  "You weren't thinking of going, were you?"

  Suddenly there was something ominous in the way she'd been staring at the screen. There was something ominous in the way she hadn't answered me initially. In the way she was looking away as she caught the obvious tone in my voice.

  She knew I wasn't a huge fan of making the drive back to her ancestral home, particularly since it was a couple of hours away on top of being an absolute shithole. Only it looked like we were going, even if she was acting like she wasn’t sure.

  "I don't know," she said. "I was thinking about it…"

  I sighed, but I knew there was going to be no stopping her once she decided she wanted to go. And so I decided to go ahead and wave the white flag. I'd do anything for Sarah, and she knew that. Which is probably why she was pulling the guilt trip routine instead of telling me outright that she wanted to go.

  "If you really want to go then we can go," I said. "We could just drive up and back in the same night, right?"

  The unspoken question was obvious enough. Were we going to have to spend an evening at her parents' house? It's not that I particularly minded, it's just that I’d much rather sleep in my own bed if possible.

  "I suppose we could make a day trip of it," she said. "That just means one of us is going to be the designated driver, and that someone isn't going to be me."

  I held up both hands. "Hey! I'm more than willing to be designated driver if it means we get to come home at the end of the night!"

  "I figured you’d say something like that," she said. "A good thing too. I'm not going to keep from drinking if we're going to this thing. God knows I'll probably need it!"

  Something in her tone caught my interest. Hell, there was something about the way she was acting about this whole reunion thing that had me wondering if there wasn't someone waiting for her at the reunion that would make it necessary for her to have a drink or two.

  "What's with that face baby?" I asked. "Is there an old boyfriend or something I need to worry about?
You know I'll be happy to beat up whoever needs a beating!"

  Sarah opened her mouth, then sighed and closed it. Now that was interesting. It also sent a stab of jealousy running through me as I realized there might be some guy waiting at this reunion that she hadn't told me about in the years we'd been dating and engaged.

  Of course even the possibility of an old boyfriend waiting for her at this get-together wasn't the weirdest thing about this exchange. No, what was more interesting was the reaction I was suddenly feeling down below as I thought about some hypothetical guy she might’ve dated back before I even knew she existed.

  Now that was a weird reaction. Why would I be getting a hard on thinking about my fiancée with another man, even if it was her with another man before I had any claim on her?

  "Todd?" Is there something wrong? Are you upset about going to the reunion?"

  I shook my head. Was there something wrong? Well, in a sense there wasn't anything wrong. I wasn't upset about going to the reunion, for instance.

  And yet in another sense it seemed there was very much something wrong with me. Because I was seeing flashes of my fiancée with some faceless guy. Exploring each other for the first time. Maybe getting together in the back seat of a car during what she'd cryptically referred to as her "wild summer before college" without elaborating.

  I'd never given much thought to that summer, but now these images were flashing through my mind over and over and they were making my cock rock hard.

  New images cascaded through my imagination, running through my mind faster than I could deal with them, and it was sensory overload. Suddenly every time I'd seen a guy giving her the eye was running through my mind's eye. Except instead of her laughing it off, I was imagining something happening.

  I imagined her dancing up close with a guy who was getting a little too up close and personal with her at a club. I thought back to a house party where one of the guys from her class had been staring at her all night long and she'd seemed to welcome the attention rather than telling him to go fuck himself. We'd gone home and fucked with an intensity that surprised even me that night, but now in my imagination instead of me it was that guy who was pounding her upstairs at that house party while I was downstairs completely oblivious.

  What the fuck was wrong with me? If I was having these kinds of thoughts about the woman I was going to marry then something was seriously wrong. It was as though I'd been hit with a meteor from the heavens, only it was a meteor from the heavens that shoved thoughts of my fiancée with other men into my head.

  Maybe in some fucked up way it was a result of the frustration I'd been feeling lately. Maybe my erotic imagination was so desperate for any sort of naughty action from Sarah that it would even come up with the ridiculous fantasy of her with another guy if I wasn't getting any action directly thanks to stress at her job.

  The weird thing was I'd like to say those thoughts were completely unwelcome, but judging by how aroused I was they were welcome in a sense. I shook my head and smiled at Sarah. I obviously needed to figure out what the hell was going on there, but I wasn't going to figure out what the hell was going on there by working through those weird feelings talking with Sarah. Something told me she wouldn't take too kindly to those thoughts.

  "Nothing's wrong," I said. "Just thinking about that reunion and your old boyfriends."

  I figured that was close enough to the truth without actually telling a truth that would be a potential relationship ending event. A truth that would embarrass the hell out of me if it got out.

  Sarah hit me with a funny look and looked away. I thought I almost saw a blush rising on her cheeks, but then she shook her head and looked up at me with a smile. Leaned up to kiss me.

  "No," she said. "Definitely no boyfriends waiting for me back home that you need to worry about!"

  I decided to take that at face value, but there was something odd about her tone that left me wondering if she was being entirely truthful with me. Thoughts of her in some generic party room dancing with some random guy from her class and leaning up to kiss him flashed in my head and then it was gone as I viciously stomped down on it.

  Yeah, these thoughts were definitely going to be a problem. Still, as those thoughts ran through my head I couldn't help but reflect that with these new fantasies tumbling through my head it was sort of a pity there wasn't some old boyfriend for me to get good and jealous over.

  That thought was crazy, but no more crazy than anything else I was suddenly thinking.

  Five Years Ago



  I pulled into Sarah's driveway and honked the horn a couple of times to let her know I was out here. Normally I would've gone up and knocked on the door, maybe gone in and waited while she got ready, but I wasn't in the mood to talk with her parents today. Not when I was dressed for a night at the lake and I'd have to endure their judging stares and maybe even encourage them to start giving their daughter the nth degree over her clothes because of what I was wearing.

  It had happened before. They weren't exactly prudes, but at the same time I could tell sometimes they weren't exactly wild about my "influence on their daughter" as I'd overheard them say a couple of times when they didn't think I could hear them talking about me.

  Well, fuck them. If only they knew that their perfect little girl was just as wild as me when she got out of their house, and it wasn't like she needed any of my encouragement to go crazy. Usually.

  Of course she worked very hard to make sure they didn't know that. And so in the interest of not tipping them off I stayed in the car and waited.

  I took the opportunity to adjust myself. This sparkly pink bikini felt like it was barely there, the nature of its appeal, but that also meant it constantly felt like it was falling off. Of course when I went to adjust it wasn't falling off, it was just that there was so little material there that it constantly felt that way. I still blushed when I thought about wearing this thing at the beach, but at the same time it sent a current of excitement running through me as I thought about it.

  This was going to be a fun night, and I figured what better time to go a little wild than the summer after graduating? It was a senior tradition in this town to go crazy the summer after we were officially no longer seniors.

  Which was another reason why Sarah's parents could go fuck themselves as far as I was concerned. We were both eighteen. We were adults now. It's not like they could control what we did, or who we did, I thought with a smile as I considered all the fun that was waiting down at the lakeshore.

  Of course that wouldn't stop them from trying to control their daughter because she was still under their roof for the summer. Until she went off to college that was being paid for by scholarships she'd gotten herself thank you very much and not a dime from her parents who probably couldn't afford it anyways.

  I felt a flush of pride and envy as I thought of my friend going off to school like that. Pride because of course Sarah was smart enough that she could write her own ticket. Envy because I'd learned a little too late that if I wanted to get out of this shithole of a town the best way to do that was education, and my grades had made absolutely certain there wasn't a chance I was getting any of the scholarships that Sarah enjoyed.

  And my parents were equally as incapable of paying for my college education as Sarah's were, which meant it was community college and working if I wanted to get any sort of education.

  I sighed. That also had me thinking about how very soon my best friend was going to be leaving me to go to a school a few hours away. I told myself I could go and see her whenever I wanted, but there was a nagging voice telling me time was limited.

  I felt like my friend was slipping away every time she started talking about college. I felt like our fearsome twosome was soon going to be a lonesome onesome, and that thought depressed me. It also made me want to enjoy the hell out of the little time we had remaining.

  I saw the door open and held my breath. Hopefully it wasn't one of her par
ents sticking their head out to invite me in. My tank top was intentionally low cut enough that it showed off my bikini, and it was scandalous enough that I didn't want to deal with the judgmental sniffs from Sarah's mom or the furtive glances at my cleavage from her dad when he thought I wasn't looking.

  That was the response I wanted this outfit to get, but not exactly from the people I wanted to get that response from. And so I breathed a sigh of relief when Sarah popped out wearing a baggy T-shirt and a pair of equally baggy gym shorts. She smiled and waved, and then turned to say something to somebody inside her house. No doubt her mom asking her one last time how long she was going to be out, and judging from the angry expression on Sarah's face she was making it clear she was old enough to stay out however late she damn well pleased.

  At least that's how I imagined the conversation going considering other similar conversations I'd overheard recently. Yeah, the tension in that house was definitely ratcheting up as Sarah's move-out day approached, which was another reason why I was more than happy to stay out here in the car listening to my music.

  Finally she closed the door and ran out to the car. The door slammed shut and she grinned at me.


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