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Dare Game

Page 16

by Lexi Archer

  It was almost a mewling gasped. She seemed to be loving what I was doing to her. And I was loving doing it to her!

  "So fucking good!" She gasped over and over again.

  I glanced around the corner again to get a look at what Eric and Sarah were up to. He was slamming into her again and again. Filling her with his cock. She was looking up at him and licking her lips. Looking at him like he was a delicious snack and she was loving every moment. Loving the feel of his cock slamming into her.

  I would've killed to get a look like that from her, but then again I was getting a look like that from Kylie. She was licking her lips and staring at me as though she couldn't get enough of me.

  I couldn't get enough of her either. There was probably something to that, as much as I hated to admit that there was probably something to that.

  "God you're so fucking good," Kylie gasped. "Fuck me. Fuck me!"

  I glanced over and saw something that sent a chill through me. Sarah had finally realized what was going on over here. She was staring, and from the way she winked at me she knew exactly what was going on. She also looked a little unsure of herself for just a moment, but only for that moment. Then she turned back to Eric and she was gasping and moaning as he pounded into her over and over again.

  Yeah, there was something changing here. I didn't think our relationship was ever going to be the same after this, but the more I fucked Kylie the less I cared that my relationship with Sarah might not ever be the same after this.

  I slammed into Kylie a few more times. The feel of her pussy grasping for me was amazing as I kissed her. As our tongues dueled. As I felt an intense passion that went way beyond anything I'd felt with Sarah in a good long while.

  Finally it was too much for me. The sounds of Sarah moaning coupled with Kylie gasping into my own mouth sent me over the edge.

  I pressed inside her one final time. Felt that tingling sensation as I exploded into her. Shot load after load of come into her unprotected pussy.

  Which was way different than when I got with Sarah. Usually when we did have sex she insisted on wearing a condom. Safe sex and all that, even though we’d only had sex with each other. It was the only method of birth control we used.

  Only I hadn't seen any condoms on to that Eric asshole. And now he was about to fill her with his hot come from the sounds of things. Damn!



  I looked down at Sarah. Felt my self close to the edge. So fucking close.

  I also heard moaning coming from nearby. I had no doubt that was Kylie and this Todd guy. The fiancé. The one who was supposedly going to marry Sarah.

  Only after everything that had happened tonight, after seeing the way she looked up at me with pure lust in her eyes, I found myself wondering if that was really how this was going to end tonight.

  There was something about all of this that felt different. That felt like maybe we weren't going to have the ending her fiancé might hope for, for all that he seemed to be getting off on this. That maybe she’d wind up with me after all.

  It might also be so much wishful thinking on my part, but you never knew.

  "Come in me," she whispered.

  "Are you sure?" I asked. "We don't have any protection or anything."

  "I don't care. I need you to come in me! I need to feel it like the first time. Take me."

  She said it all in a quiet whisper. Like she didn't want her fiancé to hear what was going on. Like she didn't want him to know that I was going to be blowing a load in his girl.

  "Say you’re mine," I said, forcing myself to slow down.

  Sarah bit her lip as she stared up at me. "What?"

  "I need to hear you say it. That you're mine."


  Her eyes shot over to where Kylie and her man were getting it on. I reached out. Grabbed her by the hair. Pulled her so she was looking at me.

  "You know what you need to say."

  She bit her lip. "But…"

  "I don't think you want to be with him," I said, taking a stab in the dark that I knew could probably end this pretty fucking quick.

  There were tears welling up in her eyes. Her mouth worked, but nothing came out. She looked away. A blush came to her face. She seemed almost ashamed.

  "You're right," she said, her voice still barely above a whisper.

  "What was that?" I asked.

  She locked eyes with me, and those eyes were pure fury. But there were also lust.

  "I said you're right," she hissed. "Are you fucking happy now?"

  "No," I said.

  She blinked. Whatever she'd been expecting me to say, that clearly wasn't it.

  "You're fucking me and you're still not happy?"

  "I want all of you," I said. "You never gave yourself to me entirely. Not back then, and not tonight. I need to hear it."

  "I'm yours," she said, quietly. Not loud enough that she could be overheard.

  "What's that?" I said. "I still can't quite hear you."

  "I said I'm yours," she said through gritted teeth.

  "I'm sorry, but that still wasn't loud enough," I said.

  I couldn't say exactly why I was acting like this. Just that after this long, after finally getting Sarah again, I didn't want to let go. Sure I'd had plenty of experiences with other women, but those other women weren't Sarah. She was what I'd always wanted. And now that I had her I didn't want to let go.

  Now that I was looking down at her I was pretty sure she didn't want to let go either. Not from the way she kept thrusting up to meet me as though she was trying to push me over the edge and get what she wanted.

  And so maybe what I was doing was a little bit of humiliation for her fiancé, but I didn't care. I also couldn't shake the feeling that this was all going to end in tears just like every other interaction I'd ever had with Sarah. She could tell me that it was all over. She was just saying this in the moment to get me off. But I didn't care.

  It was what I wanted to hear, and God I loved hearing that coming from her dirty little mouth!

  So I buried myself inside her one final time. Groaned. Filled her to the brim. And with that final roar it was done.

  I pulled off of her. I figured if we were going to have another argument like the one we had the last time this happened then at the very least I didn't want to be buried inside her while we were having that argument. That'd been a hell of a way to take the sting off of the argument, but it wasn't something I was all interested in repeating.

  I sat down next to her on the couch. I thought about how whoever owned this thing probably wouldn't care for having people's naked asses on it, but I was getting with Sarah and I honestly didn't give a fuck as long as I got to fuck her!


  "So what?" she asked, reaching a hand out and clasping her fingers into mine.

  I looked down where our hands came together. She gave mine a squeeze. When I looked up at her she smiled. That didn't seem at all like the kind of look she’d be giving me right before she broke my heart all over again. Hope rose in me even as I that it was probably silly to hope for something like this actually working out. There was history to consider, after all. Not to mention she still had a fiancé who wouldn't be happy about her saying she was mine, for all that he’d been cool enough to let all of this happen. There was something weird about that, but I wasn't going to knock it as long as I got to fuck Sarah.

  "Is something wrong?" Sarah asked.

  "I'm just wondering when the other shoe is going to drop," I said.

  She gave my hand another squeeze. "What makes you think another shoe is going to drop?"

  I laughed, but it was a laugh that held no amusement. How could it, when there was the weight of five years of second-guessing myself and thinking about that night?

  "Let's just say it's hard-won experience," I said. "I figured you'd tell me what I wanted to hear while we were fucking, and then as soon as it was over you'd elaborate all the ways I was wrong and we could never happen. You
are engaged, after all. Who am I to expect you’d actually follow through on any of those promises made while we were fucking?"

  Sarah glanced over to where her fiancé and Kylie no doubt were. I couldn't see them from here. They'd clearly been trying to hide from us, though there was no hiding while they were moaning and groaning like that.

  I wondered if she was thinking about her fiancé. About what he’d think about this conversation. I didn't want to get into a fight tonight. It wasn't exactly that I was worried about getting in a fight with the guy. I figured I could probably take him if push came to shove. It's just that I wasn't in the mood to get into that fight because the last thing I needed was to spend the rest of my time in my hometown getting out of jail and then coming back a few times to fight assault charges that'd be difficult to shake in a small town considering the circumstances.

  "You know at the beginning of the night I might’ve agreed with you," Sarah said. "Only now…"

  Her words hit me right in the gut. Right where I was hoping this night might end in my favor. Where "my favor" was more than just getting to fuck the girl of my dreams one last time before she went off and got married.

  "I made some mistakes when I was younger," she said. "And the more I think about it, the more I think one of the biggest mistakes was treating you the way I did."

  "What about your fiancé?" I asked, my voice hoarse. I could barely get the words out. I could scarcely hope this was going where I thought it was going.

  She glanced over to them. I followed her gaze. I could see Kylie and Todd staring at us now. They looked almost hesitant.

  "I think we have some talking to do," she said. "But I think there aren't going to be any surprises there when we get done with that talk, if you catch my meaning."

  I held Todd’s gaze. Then I looked down. Saw that he was holding Kylie's hand. An almost possessive gesture. And as he looked at me he smiled. Nodded. That nod seemed to carry the confirmation that I needed.

  I still could hardly believe it. I could hardly imagine that everything was actually going to work out in my favor. Sure I’d dreamed about something like this happening when I decided to come here, but dreaming about something happening and actually having it happen?

  Sarah leaned in and hit me with a kiss. A kiss that turned into making out. The kind of making out I would've killed to be able to do with her back when we were in school.

  Who was I kidding? It was the kind of making out I still would've almost killed to do. Though the fact that the man she was engaged to was standing right there made me think that thinking of killing to get her probably wasn't the best idea considering the situation could quickly turn dicey.

  Whatever. I made out with her. I didn't care that her fiancé was right there. All I cared about was I had Sarah in my arms. Her breasts were pressing against me. Her perfect body was right there. Her pussy was dripping with my come.

  And she was interested in this becoming something more. Maybe a hell of a lot more? I still didn't see how that was possible, and yet the way she was talking made it sound like it was a very real possibility.

  "Come on," Sarah said. "I have a feeling we're going to have to have a conversation."

  "Gotcha," I said, not entirely sure what my role in that conversation was, but worried that it was going to end with a fight between me and this Todd guy.



  I could see from the look Sarah was giving us that she'd come to a decision. When I glanced to Todd I could also tell he'd come to a decision of his own. I wasn't sure what those decisions were, but I felt a fluttering in my stomach as I desperately hoped those decisions might be something along the lines of what I'd been hoping for.

  This guy was hot. He was fun to talk to. Sure we'd only known each other this one night, but there was also what Sarah had been telling me about him. I found myself thinking how nice it would be if I could have that cock in me whenever I wanted it rather than waiting for him and Sarah to come around so they could break a few of the vows they hadn't even made to one another yet.

  I was hoping from those significant looks they kept giving one another that they weren't going to be making any vows at all, but it was difficult to tell.

  Sarah walked across the room and I moved to intercept her. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into one hell of a hug. I wasn't sure what was about to happen, but I wanted to have one last hug as friends on the off chance this was about to end in tears.

  "Kylie?" she asked, the question obvious in her voice.

  "Don't say anything," I said. "I think this will be easier if we just…"

  "You slut," she said with a wicked grin.

  "What?" I said, not quite sure what to make of that.

  "I know what you have buried inside you," she said, moving her hand down along my stomach. Then to my belly button where she swirled her finger around. I shivered as I thought about some of the things I wouldn't mind her doing to me.

  "Whose come is this inside you?" she asked.

  "Your fiancé’s?" I asked, not sure if that was the answer she wanted.

  She grinned. “Actually he's yours now.”

  "Holy shit!" I said.

  What did that even mean that he was mine now? What the fuck was she… Could she possibly be…

  "I do get to borrow him from time to time though, right?" she asked, and then glanced to Todd. "You're okay with that, right?"

  He looked between me and Sarah. Like he was having trouble understanding what was going on here. I suppose I’d have trouble understanding if I was in his shoes. We were talking about him like we were going to trade him like he was a pet or something. But then he grinned and shook his head.

  "You're crazy Sarah," he said. "I get the ring back."

  "Of course you do," she said as though he was talking like an idiot.

  I couldn't believe this had all happened like this, but I also wasn't going to complain.



  I woke up and blinked a couple of times. Wondered if everything that’d happened the night before wasn't just a crazy fantasy that my mind had created to cope with the reality that nothing was happening with me and Sarah. Again. As much as I would love for something to happen between me and Sarah.

  I blinked a couple of times. The room was unfamiliar. It looked pretty nice, but it wasn't any house I recognized. What the hell?

  Then I turned and got a good look at who was beside me in bed. And I blinked a couple more times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. To make sure I wasn't going crazy.

  Sarah. Right there. Looking beautiful. All the more so because she wasn't wearing anything, and the sheets weren't doing nearly enough to cover her. So I was presented with the beautiful sight of her top half there for me to enjoy.

  It was a sight I'd thought of so many times over the years. And now she was right there next to me. All the crazy things we did the night before were coming back to me. It made me hard thinking about all the crazy things we'd done. Fuck!

  I felt like maybe I should pinch myself. That maybe this whole thing was some sort of crazy dream, but then she opened her eyes. Smiled.

  "Hey there," she said. "So last night was pretty fun!"

  "It was real?" I said.

  "You know it," she said, leaning up which caused her breasts to jiggle which was always going to be a distraction for me. Then she leaned in and kissed me and I forgot about anything else for a little while. Because damn.

  I had Sarah in my arms. Completely naked in a strange bed, but she was in my arms the morning after. Not her fiancé’s. Or her ex-fiancé's, if what went on last night was anything to go on. And that meant this reunion had just gone a hell of a lot better than I ever could’ve expected.

  Sure I might've fantasized about something like this, but the fantasy and the reality meeting was at the same time amazing, incredible, and still a little hard to believe. But I was going to enjoy every fucking moment of it!


  Kylie />
  I still couldn't quite believe this was actually happening. I sat across the island as Todd did his thing making breakfast. I'd made sure to stock the place with all the usual supplies yesterday just in case I ended up having company. Call it a hunch after realizing Sarah was going to be coming home for the reunion after all.

  "Do you have any tongs I can use to grab this bacon?" he asked.

  "Over there," I said.

  He smiled as he moved over to grab the tongs and expertly moved the bacon over to a paper towel on a plate.

  "What's that look for?" he asked.

  "What look?" I asked.

  "You're giving me a funny look is all," he said. "I'm not used to getting looks like that from Sarah."

  He frowned. It seemed like the reminder of Sarah wasn't exactly a good thing for him, but it quickly passed.

  "Are you sure about what happened last night?" I asked.

  "Very sure," he said. "I might've been turned on by what she was doing, but I think I was turned on for all the wrong reasons."

  "You wouldn't like it if your girl did that sort of thing? Went out and fucked another guy?"

  The idea really turned me on. Just thinking about it got me going. I was wet just thinking about going out and having a threesome with Todd. Maybe a threesome with another woman. Maybe a threesome with another guy. Maybe both at the same time, depending on what he was up for.

  He hit me with another grin. Shook his head.

  "I think I’d be up for it. But we have to go slow, I think."

  "Even if jumping off the deep end got you everything that happened last night?" I asked.

  "Especially," he said. "If you have a good thing going then why mess it up?"

  "Is this a good thing?" I asked.

  He put down his various cooking implements and went around the island to me. He looked a little ridiculous in just his boxers, but he also looked damn good. I always thought he looked damn good. There'd always been a small part of me that wished I could have him. I'd always thought Sarah was such a lucky bitch for having a guy like him.


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