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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 1

Page 7

by Ursula Lovelace

Finally, it was time to leave. My parents wished me goodbye at the airport. To my surprise, some of my friends were there to wish me well. We hugged and promised each other we would stay in touch.

  I shook my father’s hand. “Stay in touch, son.”

  I kissed mom on the cheek. “I’ll miss you, Chase.”

  It took all of my strength not to bawl my eyes out.

  I had gotten over some of the trepidation I had felt before. I knew America was my home. I would return to it one day. Until then, I would have to get used to living in Thailand.

  The trip was surprisingly boring. I just stared out the window and watched the clouds pass us by. It was an American flight so the cuisine and in-flight movie was something I was familiar with. I wondered what a Thai flight would be like. Then again, I would experience the real thing in a few hours.

  When we landed, I felt the humid and hot Thai air blast against my skin. It was overwhelming at first until I learned how to blot it out. Nonetheless, it was a nice change of pace from the cramped flight.

  Thailand wasn’t anything like I had experienced ever before. Photos couldn’t do the place justice. The streets were busy while looking surprisingly modern. It wasn’t like I expected it to be. Bangkok City felt unusually familiar.

  I was sensually overwhelmed by the new sights and smells. All of my senses were on overdrive. I resolved to get to my new living quarters and relax for a moment.

  A taxi service called a rickshaw delivered me to my dorm. At first, I was scared to travel in the ramshackle three wheeled vehicle. However, the bumpy ride was quite the experience.

  After getting settled in, I met a counselor working at my new college, The Kampa Polytechnic School. The counselor spoke fluent English and greeted me warmly. They gave me a crash course about the program and what was expected of me.

  I got to meet with some of the professors. They were surprisingly young and spoke English well enough for native Thais. It made me self-conscious enough to brush up on my Thai. I could probably get away with knowing English but I wanted to better blend in with the natives.

  “Most of the students here speak English as well,” the counselor reassured me. “But if you are interested in learning Thai, I can arrange for you to have tutor work with you once a week.”

  I nodded with a small smile. “I’m up for the challenge.”

  I knew some aspect of Thailand would remain a mystery for me if I didn’t learn the language. Nonetheless, he was right about the students speaking English well enough to have a conversation. Some of them stopped by me and even asked interesting questions about my life in America.

  The students seemed friendly enough. I had expected them to be well-disciplined unlike my experience with American students. I didn’t think I could get away with daydreaming or slacking off here. Nevertheless, I had never been a troublemaker.

  However, that wasn’t the case at all. Students passed notes and gossiped in plain sight of the teacher. There was a school uniform but several students disregarded it without consequence.

  After the professor introduced me in each class, I became something of an oddity. I was a foreigner in what was a strictly Thai college. It meant that other students came to me rather than the other way around. Indeed, a foreigner was curious sight in this school.

  We exchanged small talk over lunch break. It became a bit of a regular thing and I found myself with a group of students I could meet up with. It helped reduce my homesickness.

  Well, that was just the boys.

  The girls were another story. I didn’t want to cause a scandal so I kept to myself. Sure, I worked with a few of them in classes but that was it. We never got closer than that.

  Well, except for Arinya.

  The young woman went to one of my engineering classes and we got along well enough. She was a bit of a loner. Arinya wasn’t a pariah but she wasn’t one of the popular girls either. I couldn’t hang out with her when the popular students came along. Even Thai students had cliques.

  We had first met when the professor of our class divided us into pairs for a group project. As luck would have it, Arinya was my partner. She was a good student so I preferred her over being paired with a slacker.

  Arinya was different from the American girls I knew. At the same time, she seemed interested in American culture and music. She listened to grunge rock bands and wore American fashion when out of the school grounds.

  The first thing I learned was that Arinya was the truth behind her name.

  “Thai names are very long, Chase,” she explained. “Arinya is the short version of my name. Don’t even bother pronouncing my real name!”

  We made a pretty good team. Arinya was a good soundboard for bouncing ideas off. In spite of her appearance, she was one of the smarter students in class.

  It came as bit of a surprise to me at first. The other students had described Arinya as a recluse and a bit of a weirdo. It explained why she didn’t have any friends. Well, I guessed I was her friend now.

  With time, I noticed how beautiful she looked. I didn’t understand Thai standards of beauty but I knew I was attracted to Arinya. Boy, she was gorgeous with her perfect teeth and silk dark hair. The girl had bit of a boyish built to her shoulders. However, her breasts were large and filled up the shirt of her school uniform. I knew she was on the track team which explained her toned arms and legs.

  Over time, the scope of the class project grew. We began to meet outside of our classes to work on it. This didn’t go unnoticed by the other students, especially the girls. They laughed at the idea of having to be around her all the time.

  The popular ones thought I was unlucky to be saddled with Arinya. It took all of my temper not to yell at them. I was an exchange student that needed to be on his best behavior. Besides, I knew Arinya well enough to know that she would be upset if I raised a huge ruckus on her behalf.

  Overtime, I got used to my new life in Thailand. I learned more about the college and its various curiosities. For example, the locker room for the physical education class was divided into male, female, and other. I didn’t know what ‘other’ was exactly and I was too embarrassed to ask other students about it. I guessed it was strictly for school staff.

  The project with Arinya had progressed well enough that he had some free time together. She taught me about her country and its language. While I learned proper Thai from my tutor, I learned slang and profanity from her. She seemed to love being around me. I guessed it was because she didn’t have any other friends.

  One day, Arinya invited me to her home. Her parents were nice enough. They were pleased that their daughter was making friends. I didn’t think they got many guests like me.

  When our project neared competition, I suggested. “Hey, Arinya. Want to go to the mall?”

  She seemed surprised. Our time together was mostly focused on the project. “Sure, Chase…”

  Arinya seemed nervous about this trip. It almost felt like a date. I didn’t think she had ever gone out on a date before with a boy. Her parents already thought of me as their daughter’s boyfriend.

  I wasn’t sure if I wanted our relationship to go that far. Sure, I was attracted to her looks and personality. I had never met a girl I had clicked so well with.

  At the same time, I would be heading home in a few months. I’d have to leave Thailand and Arinya. It would spare me some heartbreak if I kept my distance from the girl. Nonetheless, I decided to make the most of my time with her until it was time to leave.

  A week later, I met up with Arinya at the track. She practiced after hours to improve her personal records. I was never an athlete but I stayed to admire her practice sessions.

  After she finished, Arinya asked me to hold onto some of her stuff as she changed out of her track clothing in the locker room. Like a gentleman, I agreed to it. “Sure thing, Arinya!”

  She blushed and giggled. “Thank you, I won’t take long.”

  To my surprise, she didn’t go into the girl’s locker room. Instead,
she went to the ‘other’ locker room. I had thought it was only for school staff but I was apparently mistaken.

  When Arinya reemerged in her regular clothing, my mind was racing. I wanted to ask her about the special locker room but I didn’t know how to approach the topic. I decided to leave it be for now and research it on the side.

  I was getting closer and closer to her. I enjoyed the various dates we went on. I even enjoyed our study sessions in the library. Yet, there was so much about Arinya that I didn’t know. One thing was clear, she didn’t change out of her clothing in the girl’s locker room.

  That room dominated my thoughts. Despite my months living here, Thailand still held mysteries to me. I needed to get to the bottom of this. I decided to enter the locker room by myself.

  I needed to get in there alone. It was easier said than done. The college campus was always restless. As a foreigner, I stood out like a sore thumb.

  With a little luck, I managed to sneak to the entrance of the special locker room without being noticed. To my surprise, it didn’t look that much different from the men’s locker room. It wasn’t as big but it seemed much cleaner.

  I didn’t know what the hell made it so important. If anything, very few people seemed to use this room. I wondered if you had to register for it in advance.

  That’s when I heard someone enter the locker room. I ducked behind the side of a locker and hid myself from view. A familiar figure walked between the lockers.

  It was Arinya.

  She began to undress. I stopped to admire her beauty. Her muscles were toned. Her breasts were full. Her buttocks were plump.

  And her cock was long.

  My heart thundered as she finished dressing.

  Arinya, the girl I was in love with, was actually a boy.

  After she finished dressing, I slipped out of the shadows and surprised her. Panic clouded her eyes as she stammered. “C-Chase! What are you doing here?”

  “I’m so sorry, Arinya,” I whispered, glancing away. “I just wanted to know what this place was about.”

  She reached out to touch my hand. “Chase… I can explain-”

  However, I was so confused by the emotions I was feeling. Rather than be disgusted, I continued to have strong feelings for her. “I-I need to have time alone.”

  She called after me as I ran away. A million thoughts raced across my mind. Thailand had been nothing like I had imagined it to be.

  I had come here expected a strict, socially regressive place. Yet, everyone was so loose and free. Nothing was what it seemed, including my image of Arinya.

  Finally, I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Please, Chase.”

  Arinya was a sprinter and could run circles around me. There was no way I could outrun here. We stopped for a moment and stood in silence.

  I didn’t know what to say.

  Would I need to apologize for sneaking into the locker room and watching her undress by accident?

  Or would I need to demand an apology for being lied to by my friend?

  At the same time, I continued to deeply care about Arinya. I didn’t know who she was really. She was both a boy and a girl. Yet, it didn’t bother me.

  Finally, Arinya spoke. “I’m sorry you found out this way but you really didn’t know this about me?”

  I locked eyes with her and saw a small smile on her face. I couldn’t believe I had been so blind. It explained why Arinya had been treated like some outcast. “No, I never suspected it.”

  She laughed. “It’s why I liked you in the first place. It was nice meeting someone not from around here. You didn’t judge me like the other students.”

  I sighed. “I’m sorry for watching you like that.”

  Arinya smiled. “It’s okay. Come on, your bus is going to arrive soon.”

  I reached out for her hand. “Come to my apartment with me.”

  Together, we rode to my place. If nothing else, I felt at peace with my friend. I still had strong feelings for Arinya. Since arriving in Thailand, she was the one person who made this strange, exotic place feel like home.

  At the same time, I wasn’t sure about the physical attraction I felt about her. It remained after watching her undress. If anything, it felt even more intense.

  When my stop arrived, Arinya glanced nervously at me. It was strange seeing her like this. She awkwardly grabbed the hem of her skirt and asked. “Are you sure you want me at your place?”

  It made me think about the rumors swirling around me and Arinya. The other students probably gossiped about relationship. Yet, I didn’t give a damn what they thought. Arinya was my friend. “No, I want you to stay with me.”

  She smiled at me and we went up to my apartment. It was small and I lived alone. Thankfully, the student exchange program paid for everything. I just needed to keep my grades up and stay out of trouble.

  I made her feel at home and offered her a soft drink. The tension between us dissolved with time. We talked about everything except the locker room incident.

  Arinya remarked. “Your place is so plain. Why don’t you have any posters on the wall?”

  I shrugged. “I figured I’d only stay for a year. There was no point in getting too comfortable.”

  A paused followed.

  We both knew I would have to go back to America in a few months. The student exchange program would be over. I could try to extend for another year but it would be a long shot.

  Arinya slumped onto the bed in my room. She didn’t seem bright on the prospect of me leaving either. I had practically been her only friend over the past year.

  I noticed that she still had her track shoes on. I decided to take them off. To her surprise, I began untying the laces of her shoes. One by one, I pulled them off of her.

  Then, I took her socks off her toned legs. I felt the warmth of her body against my palm. She had the softness of a girl with the built of a boy. It was an odd combination I couldn’t help but be attracted to.

  Her legs were hairless like most other Thai girls. Even her toenails were painted. Of course, she had painted them black to set herself part from the other girls. Arinya marched to the beat of her own drummer.

  She giggled when she saw me admiring her. “Enjoying the view?”

  It was my time to blush. “I don’t know why the others make fun of you. You’re so beautiful…”

  Arinya exhaled. “I’m different. That’s what it is.”

  “I’m sorry…”

  She shook her head. “I don’t care what they think about me. I am who I am. They can make fun of who I am until I’m dead. I only care about what you think of me, Chase…”

  I sat beside her. “I’ve never met anyone like you before, Arinya.”

  Without warning, she leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on my lips. “How sweet!”

  I was surprised by her sudden move. At the same time, I didn’t mind it either. “That was nice…”

  We locked eyes for a moment. That kiss felt so honest and pure. I placed a hand on her cheek and allowed my fingers to touch her dark hair.

  Then, I leaned forward and kissed her.

  This wasn’t a mere peck. This was a full on kiss. She opened her mouth wide and received it with equal passion.

  Arinya’s hands clasped themselves around my back. We kissed deeper and deeper. My hands touched her face before digging under her shirt. Without breaking the kiss, I unbuttoned it and took it off.

  I knew I liked what was under her clothes. Her complexion was dark like most of the Thai people. Her almond shaped eyes were the color of chocolate.

  Opening her bra, I found that her bust was as real as any other girl’s chest. Her nipples were dark and rigid. I moved my hands up to cup them and feel their firmness. Her shoulders were angular but her torso had the curves of a woman. However, there was a tell-tale protrusion under her skirt.

  Despite this, I still thought of Arinya as a woman. In fact, she was the most beautiful woman I had ever met. When all the other students had rejected her, I wante
d to cherish her forever.

  When I touched her clothed cock, she softly moaned. I reached under her skirt for her panties. I took it off along with the entire skirt. Soon, Arinya was completely nude before me with an erection between her toned legs.

  I trailed my fingers across her soft legs before gripping the base of her shaft with one hand. I gingerly cupped her balls with one hand. Her cock looked even longer than mine. She groaned at my movements.

  I marveled at it. “I’m not sure what to do…”

  Arinya giggled. “You have one yourself, Chase. What do you do with it?”

  She punctuated her statement by embracing me. My cheeks flattened themselves against her breasts. Her large cock poked my belly like a blunted knife. I moved up to nuzzle my lips against her soft face. I felt her strong, athletic build move under my fingertips. The emotional pain of being an outcast seemed to disappear from her body.


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