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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 1

Page 11

by Ursula Lovelace

  The penthouse suite lived up to its sterling reputation. The rooms here had fully stocked bookshelves. The furniture looked even more expensive than the stuff we had in the lobby. All the walls and floor were made of handcrafted wood.

  However, I didn’t keep gawking at the place. I saw a trail of discarded clothing strewn across the place. It seemed to lead a trail into a bedroom.

  I glanced around for any guests. It didn’t seem like anyone was home. It wasn’t unusual for penthouses to be rented by just one person. Some billionaires preferred privacy.

  Shutting the front door, I walked towards the bedroom. I wasn’t sure if I was doing it as a voyeur or a maid. I made sure not to touch anything. The person renting this place could land me in a lot of hot water if I broke something.

  There was bunch of expensive artwork strewn across the place. In addition to paintings, there were large vases and urns. They were expensive looking but made the place look more like a graveyard. Then again, I’d probably end up dead if I was caught wearing a maid outfit and sneaking into the penthouse.

  The hotel’s management always sided with the guests if there was a dispute. It wasn’t a big deal if some playboy billionaire damaged property. The hotel would gladly eat the cost to continue having a business relationship with them. A lowly maid would get fired on the spot. I didn’t want to imagine what would happen to a junior clerk crossdressing as a maid.

  The loose clothing suggested someone had a sexy night. I had heard stories of maids walking on couples having sex. They knew to just smile and turn around. I wondered if I would have to do the same.

  I noticed that the clothing belonged to a man. It was custom tailored and expensive looking. I picked up a dark leather belt and examined it. It was from some high class Italian clothing company.

  Suddenly, a deep voice spoke out from behind. “I don’t think that’ll fit your waist.”

  I shrieked before turning to face the man. As I did so, I just missed bumping into one of the urns on a nearby shelf. My heart nearly froze at the sight of it wobbling.

  I wasn’t just going to break an expensive piece of pottery.

  I was going to do it while stealing an access card, going into a penthouse room uninvited, and dressing up as a maid.

  Thankfully, the man behind me casually reached out to balance the urn with one hand. It stopped wobbling immediately. The man withdrew his hand when the urn was secure.

  As I relaxed, I examined the man. He was almost nude with only a fresh towel covering his lower half. This hotel guest was in rather good shape. He was muscular with his abs glistening under a sheen of water. I guessed he had finished showering.

  His hair was dark and accentuated his blue eyes. He had a high class feel about him. I guessed the man was from Europe. They weren’t a rare sight in these parts.

  “T-Thanks,” I said in the best girlish voice I could muster. I placed his belt on the floor before examining his face. He seemed familiar. I wondered if he was a European movie star. Nonetheless, I needed to cook up an excuse to why I was here. “I-I saw that the door was open so I came in to check.”

  “No need to apologize,” he replied, his voice sounding foreign. I guessed he was German. It also explained why he walked around with just a towel. “I appreciate the help.”

  “My name is Theresa,” I said, remembering the name tag. He seemed to be buying my disguise so far. I just needed to find an elegant exit out of here. “I work here as a… maid. Cleaning is what I do!”

  “Wolfgang Krauss,” he said with a laugh. To my surprise, he took my hand and kissed it. His lips were warm to the touch. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Theresa. You’re much better company than the other hotel guests.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Did you just finish taking a shower, Mr. Krauss? I can leave if you need some privacy.”

  “Please call me Wolfgang,” he said, gesturing me to sit with him. I needed to leave but I didn’t want to risk upsetting him either. I decided to follow his request. “No, it wasn’t a shower. The swimming pool downstairs was too crowded. Thankfully, I could take a dip in the penthouse’s private pool. I was so excited that I must have forgotten to close the door properly.”

  So he had gone swimming instead. It didn’t seem like he was wearing anything under that towel. Then again, I had other things to worry about. “I heard there was a swimming pool on the roof. I just never saw it in person.”

  He nodded and pointed at a mid-sized swimming pool behind an opened door. “The most fun I’ve had this place.”

  It felt strange talking to someone so rich and powerful. Most guests ignored someone like me. Then again, I was pretending to be a maid. “I’m sure it’s more enjoyable than the pool downstairs. They let just about anyone in there.”

  “You must enjoy working here,” he said, making small talk. I could understand why an outsider would think working at the Nassau Towers was a blast. He probably thought I got paid well and had great benefits. “You encounter all types of people here. You must have many stories to tell.”

  I giggled. “No, I’m just a boring old maid. Anyway, I’ve taken enough of your time. I should get going.”

  He grabbed my hand to stop me. “No, please stay. You make for much better company than my entourage.”

  I felt nervous about staying here any longer than necessary. This charade could fall apart any second. I just had to make one slip up and he would report me to management. My career would be over if I got caught like this!

  Nonetheless, I couldn’t disobey a request from a guest. He was likely very important to the hotel’s management. They didn’t let any garden variety rich guy up in the penthouse. “Sure, Wolfgang. I can stay for a little bit.”

  “So what kind work do you do as a maid, Theresa?” he inquired. I wondered if he suspected that I wasn’t exactly a maid. I needed to be extra careful with my response. “Do you do anything a guest requests of you? It must get quite tiring.”

  “I just do whatever needs to be done,” I answered. It was an honest enough answer. “I might clean one day and do paperwork the next. I guess you can say I wear a lot of different hats.”

  Wolfgang folded his hands and placed it on his exposed knees. “That sounds interesting.”

  “No, not interesting,” I said, shaking my head. I didn’t know why he was so interested in me. Perhaps, this was how he got his kicks. I decided to change the subject. “I’m sure your work is more interesting than mine. What do you do for a living, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “Negotiations,” he said plainly. “I help different companies clear a deal if they are stuck in a deadlock. Sometimes, I work on behalf of a company to win them a deal.”

  “What kind of deals?”

  Wolfgang chuckled. “Any and all sorts of business deals. I collect a sizeable fee for my services. I’ve even worked for the Nassau Towers. It was how I was able to book the penthouse suite on such short notice.”

  That explained a lot of things. Wolfgang seemed to be a very powerful and well-connected man, especially with the hotel’s management. “Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever met a man as important as you in person.”

  He seemed to enjoy the praise I lavished on him. Wolfgang got up and said. “I prefer your company to the clients I deal with. I’m sure I could help you with some business transaction.”

  I giggled. “Since you’re on good terms with the hotel’s management, why don’t you negotiate a raise on my behalf?”

  “I’ll keep that in mind, Theresa,” Wolfgang said, sounding half serious. He went to the minibar and pulled out a few bottles of alcohol. “Would you like anything to drink?”

  I saw him open a bottle of vodka and pour a drink for himself. “At this time of day?”

  He shrugged. “It’s always a good time to drink.”

  When I came to the penthouse, I never thought I’d end up having a drink with some VIP guest. I had to get out of here before my cover was blown. I was already in too deep as it was.

No thank you, Wolfgang,” I refused politely, getting up to leave. As much as I enjoyed his company, I had my fill of the penthouse. “It’s been nice talking to you but I have to get back to work.”

  He chuckled and poured me a glass. “Please, your bosses are indebted to me. They won’t mind you spending a few extra minutes with me.”

  I couldn’t help but think he was serious about this. I took the glass from him. “Thank you very much.”

  “Think nothing of it,” he said, pouring himself another glass of alcohol. “I’m interested in your work. It’s better than hearing my clients prattle on about their business deals.”

  “I’m just your average maid,” I answered with a shrug. Well, I was your average maid who happened to be a man in disguise. However, Wolfgang didn’t need to know that. “I just try to get through work in one piece. Maids are a dime a dozen here so it takes a lot to survive and live another day.”

  Wolfgang’s face was an unreadable poker face. Nonetheless, he drank his vodka and said. “Believe me, Theresa, you’re holding a better conversation than most of the billionaires I’ve met.”

  He sounded sincere enough. I finished my drink and placed it on a nearby table. “Thanks, you’re much nicer than most of the guests I meet each day. I really should get going.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Leaving so soon? Perhaps you should come back here when it’s your break. I’ll buzz you right in.”

  I smiled at him. “I’ll think about it. Thank you, Wolfgang.”

  I turned to leave and get out of the penthouse. That was enough of an adventure today. I didn’t know what processed me to dress up as a maid and snoop around this place. I had risked losing my job and probably getting locked in the nut house.

  Just as I was trying to leave, I felt my body touch something.

  It another one of those damn vases.

  My heart skipped a beat when I saw it wobble.

  The vase looked priceless with its intricate paintwork. It probably cause a fortune. I didn’t know why they littered the room with these expensive vases and urns.

  In the next instance, the vase fell onto the floor. I watched it shatter into a thousand pieces in abject horror. The sound of it breaking echoed in my ears.

  The blood rushed to my head as I saw the broken remains of the vase. I brought a hand to my face and cried out. “Oh no! I’m going to have pay for it! It costs a fortune-”

  Wolfgang chuckled and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Theresa, don’t worry about it.”

  I stared back in disbelief. “Don’t worry? I’ll have to pay for it out of pocket!”

  He smiled. “Not if I pay for it.”

  I did a double-take. “Wait, you’re willing to do that for me?”

  The German man replied. “It’s mere pocket change to me. I’ll tell them I had too much to drink and bumped into it. They won’t charge me a dime.”

  I took a deep breath and relaxed. “Thank you so much, Wolfgang! I owe you big time. What can I do to ever repay you?”

  Suddenly, a sinister smile appeared on his face. “But you’ve been a bad girl, Theresa. You need to be punished…”

  I stared back at him disbelief. “Bad girl? I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

  “Sit here,” he growled, pulling up a chair. “Don’t make me say it again or I’ll go to management. Perhaps you can explain to them why you broke their valuable vase.”

  I gulped when I heard that threat. I wouldn’t just get in trouble for breaking that vase. I could face criminal charges for using a maid uniform and access card without permission. Plus, there was the humiliation of being caught wearing a maid outfit!

  I had no choice but to obey Wolfgang. I walked towards the chair to sit in it. However, he sat in it first and guided me on top of him so my abdomen was on his lap. I slumped over his lap and prayed he didn’t feel my cock.

  On the other hand, I could sense his erection growing underneath his towel. He was already quite hard. I didn’t know what he planned on doing with my body placed in such an uncomfortable position.

  Suddenly, Wolfgang hiked up my skirt and exposed my panties. I don’t think he saw my groin but a large portion of my buttocks could be seen. I tried to get off of him but he easily held me down.

  I felt his warm hand touch my buttocks. I knew what he was planning but I still asked. “What are you going to do?”

  Wolfgang answered in a low voice. “Discipline a naughty girl.”

  Before I could even respond, the man slapped my ass!

  I felt my backside recoil from the strike. A painful heat erupted at the place he hit me. Just as soon as he lifted his hand, Wolfgang struck me again. I moaned in pain as the he hit me again. Over and over again, he struck my ass hard. Soon, the flesh became red and tender from his slapping. “Ah! Ah! AHHH!”

  My cries only seemed to fuel him. He responded by hitting me harder and faster. There were no signs of him tiring out. He was like a damn spanking machine.

  To my surprise, the pleasure slowly replaced the pain. I didn’t know why I was even enjoying being punished like this. It felt so wrong as if my body was betraying me. I felt my skin tingle with desire as he struck me.

  Finally, Wolfgang stopped hitting me. The sound of the final slap echoed within the walls of the penthouse. I fell onto the floor and starred daggers at the man. “What the hell was that for?”

  He folded his arms like a disapproving parent. His hardened cock could be seen through his towel. “As I said, you were a naughty little girl. I needed to punish you. You enjoyed it, didn’t you?”

  Sure, I enjoyed it more than I expected. However, he didn’t need to know that. “You didn’t need to do that!”

  “Admit it,” he gloated, locking eyes with me. “You enjoyed every single slap.”

  I grumbled under my breath. The man was more correct than I would’ve liked to have admitted. I had always been overlooked as Terry the junior clerk. As Theresa the maid, I had never received so much attention. Well, this sort of attention involved more spanking than I was comfortable with.

  I sighed and said. “Can I go?”

  Wolfgang shook his head. “No, your punishment isn’t complete.”

  I stuttered. “My p-punishment?”

  “You will do exactly what I want, Theresa,” he said with a grin. Wolfgang was in complete control of the situation. I couldn’t resist it no matter how much I wanted to. “Refuse, and I will tell your boss what you did to that poor vase.”

  I knew a threat when I heard one. At the same time, I didn’t want to risk calling his bluff. He had all the power. I couldn’t just run and tell management that a crazy guest at spanked me. Besides, they would ask what I was doing up in the penthouse dressed as a maid. “I agree…”

  I didn’t know how much of this I could endure. He had done an awful thing to me. At the same time, a part of me liked being treated like this. It was a shameful kind of pleasure. Hell, my nipples were growing hard with the erotic tension in the air.

  That’s when Wolfgang gave his first command. “Stroke me!”

  I gasped as he took off his towel and revealed his engorged cock. “Wait, what?”

  “Stroke me,” he repeated, pointing to his massive erection. “Either do this or I will tell management about your little accident with the vase!”

  I gulped as Wolfgang sat down on a nearby chair. Spreading his legs, he gave me a good view of his groin. I watched as he dripped the base of his shaft to steady it.

  Not wanting to upset him further, I gingerly brought a finger to his cock. I felt the wiry mesh of his pubic hair as I approached his prick.

  It made me realize how absurd the situation was. I had dressed up as a maid and trespassed into the penthouse. Now, I was being blackmailed into stroking a man I had just met.

  I stopped just short of grasping his cock. This was crazy. I felt like some hired escort. However, Wolfgang wasn’t going to have any of that.

  He wasn’t happy I wasn’t keeping my side of the bargain. T
he man grabbed my wrist and guided it to his shaft. I instinctively put my thumb and forefinger around his erection. “Do it!”

  I followed his orders like a scared soldier. The heat radiated from his hard prick. Something about this felt so raw and primal. I felt like an animal giving into his instincts. Wolfgang had an uncanny ability to bring out something wild in me.

  When he removed his grip from my wrist, I found myself stroking his cock on my own. I touched him from the tip of his prick down to his hairy balls. His shaft was still moist which made it easy for me to find a rhythm.


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