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Victoria's Family

Page 12

by Kimberly J Muse-Holliday

  Chapter 13

  The next few weeks flew by for Victoria. Two days a week she went with Henry to the home and spent the day helping Ada. They were becoming close friends and she was making many new friends with the other residents and workers. Ada had commented after the second week how more respectful the men were towards her. While they had always been friendly before, now they were more refined with their respect and many took the initiative to help with serving and cleaning up. Victoria witnessed this first-hand the third week of November when she had stayed for the evening meal on Thursday. Even though a few of the men were lingering after the meal, Victoria slipped away to the restroom knowing Ada was safe. When she returned to the main room all the chairs had been turned upside down and placed on top of the tables. Each man had either a broom or mop in his hand cleaning the floor. Ada was sitting on a stool in the kitchen sipping a cup of tea watching them work. She definitely looked pleased that they were helping.

  “Ada why are they cleaning the floor tonight?”

  “Do not know. I normally mop Saturday.”

  Victoria waited in silence as the men finished the floor and moments later Henry arrived from the fields to escort her home.

  As was becoming their custom, they walked home without talking. They were nearly home when Victoria broke through the silence.

  “Henry is something planned for this weekend?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Why were the men cleaning the floor for Miss Ada?”

  Henry failed to answer and Victoria stopped walking. She was determined to find out what was going on.

  “Henry please tell me.”

  Henry smiled, but did not say anything.

  “Henry.” Victoria had removed her hand from Henry's arm and started walking back to the home. If Henry would not tell her, she would make one of the men who had worked late tell her. She did not like surprises.

  “Victoria, where do you think you are going? It will be dark soon. Uncle Rock will not be happy.”

  Victoria continued to walk away not answering. Henry ran up to her and swung her up into his arms carrying her back to the house. It was not until they reached the front door did he put her down. With hands resting on her shoulders, he spoke in a firm yet soft voice.

  “Victoria, who is in control?”

  Victoria pondered on her reply not sure what he was talking about.

  “Who is in control?”

  Henry looked up to the sky.

  “God is in control.”

  “God is in control so you can wait until tomorrow to find out what is going on. Is this something we need to stay up late tonight talking about?"

  Victoria saw the determination in his eyes and new he did not desire this.

  “God is in control. I will see you in the morning, Henry.”

  Victoria placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, entered the house, and made her way to her bedroom without another word.

  “Does she know about the party?” Asked Uncle Rock as Henry entered the parlor.

  “No. She knows something is going on, but not what.”

  “Good. I am still amazed at how well you are able to calm her and have her let go of the control she clings to. I have been looking into the schools in the area. You should be able to complete your schooling down here. I would like you to continue on here indefinitely, working the land and providing counseling for the residents.”

  “I would like that Uncle Rock. I do enjoy both.”

  Henry stood and walked to the window. He looked out briefly as the sun was setting on the horizon. He returned to the wing back chair he had been sitting in and sat back down.

  “I know you want a family, Henry. It scares you a bit that you may end up like me one day. It is not such a bad life. The freedom it has provided me to help others is priceless.”

  “Do you ever wish things would have been different?”

  “There is no point in that. The Lord has laid down our path. We are not to question it. We need to stay focused on his glory. We may never know how our role in life benefited someone else.”

  “Thank you for your wisdom, Uncle Rock. I best get off to bed. It will be a long day tomorrow.”

  / / /

  The next afternoon Victoria discovered a lovely new violet satin dress hanging in her wardrobe along with new shoes resting on the floor when she went to her room looking for a shawl. Next to the shoes laid a note. Victoria picked up the note and read it.

  'Be ready for six. We will be taking the carriage. Uncle Rock.'

  Victoria looked at the clock resting on the table and realized she would need to hurry. She had only half an hour to get ready. She was putting the final touches to her hair, pinning up the sides, when there was a knock at her door.

  “Victoria are you ready?”

  Victoria did not reply. The voice was not Uncle Rock but Joseph.

  “I will wait for you in the parlor. Take your time.”

  Victoria still in shock did not reply. She quickly checked her hair, confirming the pins would hold, stood slowly, looking how the dress fell as she moved, walked to the edge of the bed to slip on her shoes, and said a silent prayer for strength before making her way out of the room.

  Joseph stood as she entered the parlor, but did not approach her. He was stricken speechless by her beauty. He knew she did not fancy the color, but it certainly looked stunning on her.

  “Where is Uncle Rock?”

  “He is already at the home. He left with Miss Jenny and Henry an hour ago. Mr. Rockford requested that I escort you this evening.”

  “What is the evening about?”

  “Uncle Rock will let you know when we get there.”

  Victoria took a deep breath and remembered to repeat to herself that God is in control. She walked up to Joseph, placed her hand on his arm, and a gentle kiss on his cheek. She softly spoke into his ear.

  “You look handsome tonight in your gray suit. I have not seen you dressed up since the opening.”

  Joseph blushed a slight pink. “Thank you, Victoria. Are you ready to go?” He certainly did not want to linger since they were alone in the house.

  “Yes. Lead the way.”

  Victoria and Joseph entered the main house about half an hour later to see several residents dancing. The tables were resting along the walls. Miss Ada was having a delightful time dancing with Henry and Uncle Rock was sitting nearby with a cup of coffee in his hand. There were only a handful of people there, but all were enjoying the music and the large selection of food displayed on the back table. Victoria made her way to Uncle Rock leaving Joseph standing in the doorway.

  “Uncle Rock, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.”

  “I hope you enjoy the evening. You look lovely in your new dress.”

  Victoria decided it did not matter what the evening was about. God was in control and she would make a point of enjoying the company of her friends who were becoming to be more like family. The small group playing in the corner switched to a waltz. A slightly grayed haired gentleman approached Ada and politely asked her to dance. Henry freely gave his permission and Ada began to glide across the floor.

  “Whom is Ada dancing with?”

  “That is Mr. Stanford Noel. He is one of the residents. He has started working in the fields with Henry. He is very strong and follows directions well. He is a wonderful asset to the home. He is only a few years older than Miss Ada. I believe he is intrigued with her.”

  “Ada does seem to be enjoying his company. Where is Miss Jenny? I thought Joseph indicated she came with you.”

  “She decided not to stay. Samuel and Eve left to bring her home shortly before you arrived. How was your ride with Joseph?”

  “Uneventful. Most of the ride was done in silence. It was the most we have been alone in a while and we could not find anything to say.”

  “Did you feel uncomfortable?”

  “I felt.” Victoria took a moment to try to find the best way to describe how she felt. “Peac


  The next dance was another slow song and Henry made his way to Victoria.

  “May I have this dance?”

  Victoria stood and accepted Henry's hand. They made their way to the center of the room in silence and were halfway through the song before Henry spoke.

  “You looked content when you arrived with Joseph.”

  “We had an uneventful ride in.”

  “Is that all you wish to share?”

  Victoria decided to tease Henry a little.

  “A lady does not share those things.”

  Henry blushed slightly and then grew very serious.

  “You are a married woman, Victoria. You should not be doing such things with another man.”

  Victoria giggled and a smile crept up on her face.

  “Calm down, Henry. I was only teasing. We did not even talk the whole way here. It was a peaceful ride in.”


  “Is that all you have to say?”

  “What do you want me to say? That I am proud of you. That you are strong enough to spend as much time as you like without an escort.”

  “I would not go that far. I am happy to hear that you are proud of me. I am thankful for all your help. You have made great progress in seeing things through the eyes of God and his planning and timing.”

  “We should focus on dancing. We are getting a few strange looks since we are not staying in time.”

  They finished the dance in silence. At the end of the song, Victoria made her way to the food table. The food was a lavish spread of a traditional Thanksgiving menu. The turkey had been masterly carved, the baked macaroni was layered in several types of cheese, and the cornbread dressing was a mixture of sausage, onions, sweet cornbread and a variety of spices. She took a plate and served herself generous portions of everything on the table except for the pecan pie. She wanted to savor the pie later in the evening with a cup of coffee. Victoria had just started to eat when Ada, Henry, and Joseph joined her and Uncle Rock. They all ate in silence until they were too stuffed to move. The other guest continued to dance and took turns playing to give everyone a chance to eat and dance. It was a lovely evening. Victoria realized that the event tonight was so that those who were there would be able to share a Thanksgiving meal together. She recalled from earlier in the week that several residents would be going home for the holidays. Even though she disliked surprises, she was thankful for the time she had with everyone that evening.

  “Victoria, would you like to go for a short walk. It is not too cold out.”

  Victoria looked at Henry seeking his approval. He nodded yes, as did Uncle Rock.

  “I would be honored to take an evening stroll with you, Joseph.”

  The two made their way out in silence and walked for ten minutes before Joseph spoke.

  “I am glad you were able to make it tonight. I am aware that you were not given much notice.”

  “I believe the lack of notice was a good thing. I did not spend any time worrying about being around you.”

  “What do you worry about?”

  Victoria cheeks turned pink as she thought of the best way to answer.

  “I see.”

  Victoria cheeks now turned red. She fanned her face with her gloved hand. What was he thinking replying like that?

  “Joseph that was not necessary. What would others think if they saw me like this?”

  “They would see a lovely young lady who was embarrassed about her feelings for a handsome young gentleman.”

  Victoria laughed.

  “What do you find so funny.”

  “I have never heard you refer to yourself as handsome.”

  “Do you disagree with the assessment?”

  “No. I believe we should change the conversation. It is a bit too personal.”

  They continued walking, making their way to the gardens in silence. The moon was nearly full giving them plenty of light to see. Victoria was tempted to lean in closer, but Joseph would adjust his stride each time making it impossible. Victoria was thankful. It was not time to be close. She felt it would be very soon. At least she hoped so. Now that she was in better control of her emotions she wanted to be able to express her love.

  “Joseph have you started to court anyone?”

  Joseph stopped abruptly and grief washed over his face before he composed himself.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “I want you to be happy. You may be tired of waiting for me.”

  “I have to admit that I am no longer waiting for you. At the same time I am also not looking, if there is a time when you at free to marry again, I believe we should start over. I want a clear mind and know what ever is decided that it is truly guided by the Lord.”

  “Thank you for letting me know. Henry has helped me a lot in accepting God's will in my life. I do still long to be with you Joseph, but I know I must follow God's will and he may only have us work together. I am trying to prepare myself to accept what he wants for me.”

  “I can tell you are doing better. I am thankful for Henry. It is a blessing to have him here. Have you been enjoying your time with Ada?”

  “You must forgive me Joseph for being so ugly towards you when I first saw you with Ada. She is so wonderful. I do enjoy spending time with her. Part of me is a little jealous that you are with her every day.”

  “You do not need to keep apologizing for that. I have already forgiven you. You need to forgive yourself. You should not be jealous of her that is sinful. You should be happy that with her here I do not desire to seek out a wife.”

  Victoria was visibly hurt by that reply. She knew Joseph and Ada were not intimate. How could a man not want to be with a woman that way? After their one and only passionate kiss, she could feel how much it stirred his desire.

  “Joseph, I am ready to return to the party. We have been gone long enough.”

  “Are you upset with me, Victoria?”

  Victoria closed her eyes, willing the tears not to fall. How could he no longer desire her? She desired him more and more each day and not just in an intimate way.

  “It is just late,” she lied.

  Joseph knew better, but did not press the issue. He would have a talk with Samuel. Maybe he would have an idea where he went wrong.

  They returned to the main house and half the guest had returned home. Victoria spent a few minutes helping Ada clean up before Henry and Uncle Rock escorted her home. She was quiet the entire ride and said a subdued good night as they entered the house.

  Henry and Uncle Rock went into the parlor to talk.

  “Henry, do you know what is troubling her?”

  “No, sir. I plan to find out tomorrow. She seemed sadder than upset. Maybe Joseph has found someone else.”

  “I am sure he would have told us.”

  “I would hope so, but you never know. I will see you in the morning, Uncle Rock.”

  “Good night, Henry.”

  Henry wasted no time in getting ready for bed. He changed clothes quickly and dashed under the warmth of the blankets. He did not take time to light a fire in the room. Uncle Rock took his time going to bed. He spent an hour writing to his younger sister, read a few passages from the bible, and ate a light snack of toast and jam before lighting the fire in his room and climbing into bed.

  / / /

  “Will anyone be joining us today Uncle Rock,” asked Victoria as she entered the kitchen to start breakfast. Miss Jenny had the rest of the week off so that she could spend the holiday with her family.

  “It will be just the three of us.”

  “Joseph is not coming?”

  “He had already accepted an invitation from Samuel before I had extended the offer. I had just assumed he would come here not thinking to offer in advance.”

  Victoria had noticed how sad Uncle Rock looked. She was determined to make today a day to be truly thankful for. The past Saturday morning she spent only an hour with Henry and her previous sadness over Josep
h was lifted. She had been in high spirits the whole week. She was at peace accepting God's full control of her life. She stayed home the whole week not spending any time at the home. She completed all the bookkeeping for the week so that she could relax the rest of the week starting with Thanksgiving Day. Her focus would be spent on making Uncle Rock feel needed and loved.

  “We can go visit at the Samuel's later if you would like. For now we will have a scrumptious breakfast of biscuits, eggs, potatoes, ham and white gravy. I would be delighted if you stayed in the kitchen and visited with me while I cooked.”

  Uncle Rock smiled as he took a sip of his coffee. “I would be honored.”

  / / /

  Thanksgiving weekend was the best Victoria could remember. The three of them worked together in the kitchen baking a small turkey and fixing all the trimmings. They played cards and checkers in the parlor till late in the night Thursday evening. The next day the three enjoyed a picnic lunch near the water's edge of the property. Henry built a small fire to help keep them warm. They talked for hours. Uncle Rock shared how much he missed his family and that he had written to them requesting an invitation to spend Christmas with them. They grew closer in those three days than they had in the months that they had been living under the same roof. Victoria and Henry made plans to go north for the holidays if Uncle Rock got the OK to visit with his family. They discussed the possibility of discussing their options with Joseph, but decided against it. Joseph would be needed at the home and Uncle Rock had given his blessing that the two of them could take two weeks off. They would let Joseph know once the plans were finalized.


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