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My Not So Fake Boyfriend

Page 4

by Raquel Belle

  Her eyes drifted to Adam’s face, to take in every chiseled angle. Her gaze lowered, taking in the rest of him. He really was a work of art, and she wanted so badly to touch him. As if under some lustful compulsion, she took a step toward him just to get a closer look.

  His eyes flew open before she took a second step, and she froze. How had he even heard her approach? His eyes were wide open and clear as day, the silver gaze pinning her in place. It made her wonder if he’d even been asleep.

  She smiled faintly, embarrassed to be caught staring. Adam must think she was some kind of creep. “Umm … Good morning.”

  “Morning.” Only his voice held a hint of drowsiness indicating that perhaps he had been asleep.

  Jenna searched for something else to say. “I’m sorry I woke you. I don’t know how you even heard me.”

  “Light sleeper,” he said.

  “How did you sleep?” Hopefully, he’d fared better than she did in the sleep department. It had taken her a good portion of the night to fall asleep because her mind had been racing with thoughts of Adam. It was like her sex-deprived body had been fully aware of him being under the same roof even though her brain knew she couldn’t have him. When she did manage to doze off, she’d dreamed of him. The erotic visions featuring Adam were back with a vengeance.

  “Not that well but, I’ll live.” He glanced down at Angel and smiled. “I hope you didn’t miss this one here too much. She kept me company all night.”

  Of course, she did. It seemed Angel had great taste in men. “She usually sleeps in my room. I can’t believe she ditched me all night for you. What a traitor. I’m surprised she’s taken to you so quickly.”

  “What can I say? The ladies love me.”

  Adam’s boyish grin nearly caused her to melt on the spot. “Yeah, I remember,” she said. “I’m going to put on a pot of coffee.”

  When Adam sat up, Angel murmured her protest and jumped to the floor.

  “Sorry, girl. Same time tonight?”

  Jenna giggled. “Did you just apologize to a cat?”

  “Hey, we slept together. I owe her that much.”

  Shaking her head, she smiled. Again, the old Adam, with the ready humor and teasing glint in his eyes emerged, but he disappeared quickly, and the Adam with the soulful eyes and guarded expression returned. “What would you like for breakfast?”

  “You don’t have to go through the trouble.”

  Waving him off, Jenna shrugged. “You treat your guest nice for at least the first day, then you throw them to the wolves and let them fend for themselves.”

  Adam wiped a hand over his face and laughed. “Oh, is that how it goes?”

  “I don’t know. You’re my first overnight guest. I’m making up the rules as I go along.”

  “I see.” With a smile, he stood up and stretched. “In that case. I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

  “I’m on it.” Jenna couldn’t exit the room fast enough. Adam’s presence was quickly becoming too much for her to handle. When he had suggested staying somewhere else last night, she should have let him go. It would have been much easier on her raging hormones. But, she would have felt terrible encouraging him to leave just because she couldn’t get over her sexual longing.

  Jenna was doing a great job of not thinking about Adam until she turned around and there he was leaning against the archway, hair, and skin damp from a shower and in a sleeveless muscle shirt that showed off not only his toned assets but also some interesting tattoos on both arms. There was evidence of another tattoo peeking out the collar of his top, and her curiosity piqued.

  Jenna tightened her fingers around the mug that nearly slipped from her fingers the instant she saw him.

  “I can wait until you’re finished in here. I don’t want to crowd you too much.”

  She swallowed. He did make every room seem smaller when he was present. “Don’t be silly. And I was just heading out anyway.” She nodded towards the covered dishes on the table. “Breakfast is over there, and there’s fresh coffee. “I’m going to be at work at least until six, so I’ll be out of your hair all day. I’ll give you my cell number before I go in case you need anything. I’m going to get ready now.” She rushed through her entire speech, for some reason out of breath. Flustered, she forgot about drinking her coffee and all but threw the cup into the sink.

  Adam moved at the same time she brushed past him. His movement startled her, and she nearly toppled over. He reached out to steady her, his hands on her bare arms branding her skin. Jenna was sure it was her imagination but she could have sworn, Adam’s eyes lingered on her mouth. She was staring at his too, and she simply couldn’t tear her gaze away. When he released her, dropping his hands to his sides, disappointment left a bitter taste in her mouth.

  “Are you always this jumpy in the morning, Jenna?”

  “N-no …” She said. “I guess the caffeine has already kicked in.”

  He merely raised a brow and allowed her to step out of his grasp.

  Chapter Six


  Jenna lounged in one of the leather chairs in Ashley’s shop and watched her friend work. She remained silent as Ashley put on the finishing touches on an intricate, mandala design. The work of art on the woman’s skin made her think of Adam. She wanted badly to ask him about his body art, but she was afraid he would realize that she was checking him out that closely.

  Jenna tilted her head and stared at the design Ashley skillfully drew. Would Adam still think she was innocent if she got a tattoo? Perhaps bad girls with body ink were his type now, instead of the promiscuous cheerleaders he’d preferred as a teenager. She pictured herself behaving like a slutty cheerleader, and then she pictured herself with tattoos and piercings. Laughter bubbled in her chest and spilled over, and soon the shop echoed with her giggles. Adam was driving her to the brink of insanity it seemed. She was actually contemplating changing for a man, and that’s when she really knew she was in trouble.

  Ashley lifted her needle and sent Jenna a concerned glance. “You aren’t going mad, over there by any chance, are you?”

  Jenna shook her head no, and Ashley raised a brow. “Well, don’t go fully insane until I’m finished here, okay?”

  The customer in the chair smiled, when Jenna rolled her eyes. “I think I can keep myself together long enough.”

  Another hour passed, and the last customer strolled out of the tattoo parlor. Ashley scribbled something in a book, slammed it closed and gave Jenna her full attention. “Okay, lady, not that I’m not happy to see you but, what the hell are you doing here?”

  Jenna clutched her handbag and shrugged. “Keeping you company.”

  “You’ve randomly shown up for three evenings straight just to keep me company?”

  “Uh huh,” Jenna said.

  “So, you’re not trying to avoid your house guest?”

  “Of course, not.” Jenna groaned when Ashley’s eyes narrowed and just like that she broke down. She’d always been a terrible liar. “Ugh, okay, you got me.”

  Ashley sighed and took a seat. “What’s the problem? Does he leave the toilet seat up or something? Are you two ready to kill each other already? It’s hasn’t even been a full two weeks..”

  Throwing her head back, Jenna let out a long sigh. “Adam is the perfect guest.” He stayed out of her way for the most part when she was home. He’d changed her lock, as he had promised. He even fixed the dripping pipe in the bathroom. When she got home the evening before, she went home to a hot meal. Take-out, of course, because Adam couldn’t cook worth a damn, which were his words. He was quiet, thoughtful, and respectful of her privacy. And her cat was in love with him.

  Ashley shook her head. “So, what’s the problem?”

  “Remember how I told you that my feelings for Adam were left in the past with my foolish, teenage self?”

  Ashley tried hard to hide her emerging smile. “Yeah.”

  “I was very wrong. And you don’t have to look so smug.” Jenna scowl
ed and folded her arms. “I really thought it was a stupid childhood crush, but then I saw him, and now I have a stupid adult crush. I want him, Ash. I can’t stay in the same room with him without wanting to climb him like a tree.” She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “Maybe if I’d gotten a little action recently, I wouldn’t be in such a state of excessive horniness.”

  By the time Jenna finished her rant, Ashley was wiping away tears. She hooted and slapped her knee. “You poor thing. I’ve never seen you so wound up.”

  “I’m glad you find my misery amusing,” Jenna said. “What good are you as a best friend if you're just going to laugh and not offer me some advice?”

  “You want my advice?” Ashley asked between giggles. “Sleep with him. Problem solved.”

  Jenna gaped at Ashley slack-jawed. Sleep with Adam. If only things were that simple. Yes, she wanted to sleep with Adam, but he didn’t want to sleep with her. That put a major damper on Ashley’s simple solution. “Honestly, I would love to, but he doesn’t see me in that way.”

  Rubbing her chin, eyes steady on Jenna, Ashley tilted her head. “How do you know that?”

  Heat flooded Jenna’s cheeks, and she averted her gaze. She stared out the window, watching people pass on the sidewalk for a while before she finally provided a response. “He said he still thinks I’m innocent, as if I’m still the kid he left behind years ago. That’s how he sees me, Ash. He’ll never see me as anything more than Noah’s innocent, little sister.” She shrugged. “He’d probably make a run for it if I made a move on him.”

  Ashley sat back in her chair and went silent. There was no sound in the small shop for a while until Jenna’s phone rang. It wasn’t Adam as Jenna had expected but her brother. Rolling her eyes, she answered. “Noah …”

  There was a brief pause before Noah's voice boomed, “What kind of greeting is that? What’s wrong?”

  “The only thing wrong is that you’re not my favorite person right now,” Jenna said.

  “What could I have possibly done from miles away, Jen?” His voice softened. “Did you have a bad day at work?”

  “No. I still resent you for inviting Bryce to your wedding. The time is winding down, brother dearest. It’s only a matter of days before I’m back home and dying of humiliation.”

  “You know, Jen, I never took you for the dramatic type. It’s not that big of a deal if you go to a wedding solo.”

  “It is when one’s jerk of an ex will be there with his new bimbo,” She bit out between her teeth. Noah wouldn’t know how much Bryce had hurt her when they broke up because she never said a word about what had really happened. But, there had to be some kind of rule, some kind of sibling code that stated how wrong it was for her brother to remain such good friends with her ex-lover. “Unless you uninvite him, you’ll face my wrath until after the wedding.”

  Noah groaned. “Come on, sis. I can’t do that. I already invited the guy. It would be obvious that it’s because of you, if I suddenly uninvite him.”

  Jenna glanced at Ashley who was listening to her side of the conversation with interest. Ashley rolled her eyes and shrugged. “Men, they’re often clueless.”

  Jenna couldn’t agree more. “Whatever, Noah. What do you want?”

  “Oh, so it’s going to be like that now?”

  “Yes …” Until after the wedding, of course. She adored her older brother, even though he was a pain in the ass though. And she never could stay mad at him for too long.

  He sighed. “I was just checking up on you, kid. I haven’t heard from you in a few days. How’s your guest?”

  “My guest is just fine. You do have his number, don’t you? You could have just called him and asked.”

  “Jen,” Noah said. “You know I hate it when you’re mad at me.”

  “Deal with the consequences of your thoughtless actions, Noah.”

  “For Christ’s sake,” he said. “You’ll get over my mistake soon enough. Until then, tell me you’re okay, otherwise, and I’ll leave you alone.”

  “I’m fine,” she said. “Life is just fine. I haven’t withered and died living on my own yet.”

  A soft chuckle came from Noah. “Good to hear. I can’t wait to see you in a few days.”

  She softened a bit and smiled. “Me, too. Later.”

  When she hung up, she found Ashley glowering at her. “You’re way too easy on him. If Noah were my brother, and he did that shit to me, I’d tan his hide.”

  “As you said, men are often clueless. I know Noah didn’t even realize what he was doing when he invited Bryce. I’ll get through it,” she said.

  “Hmmm, if only you’d let me hire that male escort, all would be well.” Ashley lifted her shoulders. “You’re driving up with your hot military man, right? At least there’s that. Maybe, that douche Bryce will think you two are together.”

  Jenna stared at Ashley who was studying her black, painted nails. She was traveling back home with Adam. Bryce didn’t grow up in her hometown and would have no idea of Adam’s connection to the Benson family. “Yeah, maybe he’ll think we’re together.” She laughed but a light bulb went off in her head. What if she led Bryce to believe that Adam was her new boyfriend? How would she pull that one off? Adam would have to be in on it. She shook her head. He’d never agree to something so ridiculous. She pushed the notion aside, but it lingered in the back of her mind.

  “You okay?” Ashley asked.

  “Sure.” She scooted off the leather chair. “Come on, I’ll help you close up.”

  As Ashley locked the door to the shop, she gave Jenna a glance. “You’re you, you know.”

  Jenna frowned. “What?”

  “You’re innocent. You said Adam still thinks you’re too innocent and you are. You look it and you sound it. You don’t even curse for fuck sake. Ah, you see that? You just winced because I dropped the f-bomb.” Ashley dropped her key in her handbag and grinned.

  Jenna scoffed, ready to defend herself but, she had nothing because Ashley was right. She was dangerously close to being labeled a puritan. She groaned. “Have I told you that I hate you today?”

  “No, that was yesterday, when I told you the truth about something else.”

  Jenna pursed her lips and glowered.

  Ashley turned to her. “Take a walk on the wild side and do something crazy for once. You’ll feel good, I promise. As long as you don’t do something illegal and get arrested, that is.”

  “I detect a story here.”

  Ashley grinned. “It’s a story for another time, honey.”

  “Something crazy,” Jenna said on her way to her car. She was about to do something crazy. The closer she got to home, the more she considered the idea of Adam being her fake boyfriend for a week.


  When she stepped through her door, she plastered on a sugary smile, fully ready to butter Adam up before she dropped her insane request. She nearly tripped over her own feet and swallowed her own tongue, when she turned the corner and spotted Adam on the floor doing push-ups, while he was shirtless. Her mouth went dry as she watched the muscles in his back and arms bunch. His skin was coated with a fine sheen of sweat, and all of a sudden she pictured herself beneath him, moaning and running her palms over his smooth skin while he …

  “Hey!” Adam said, as he glanced her way with a smile, never missing a beat. He continued his work-out while he spoke, “Not to sound overbearing or overprotective like your brother, but I was starting to worry. It’s pretty late.”

  She rolled her eyes but smiled. “You are as overbearing and overprotective. You changed my locks, insisted that you give my car a proper check, and you want to install an alarm system in my apartment. Encase me in bubble wrap, why don’t you?”

  Adam jumped to his feet in one, smooth motion, his shoulders shaking with his laughter. His eyes crinkled at the corners, and they had to be the sexiest crinkles she’d ever seen.

  God, I need help.

  “I think you’re worse than Noah. Not even dad behaves
the way you guys do. It’s ridiculous.”

  “I’m sorry, Jenna. I can’t help but be concerned.

  “Right … So, how was your day?”

  “Uneventful. Well, I did buy a car.”

  Jenna kicked off her shoes, and shrugged out of her jacket, uneasily aware of Adam’s eyes on her. He watched her every movement like a hawk. He did that often, studying her with an intensity that made her skin tingle. He was ever-watchful but she could never tell what he was thinking. She could have sworn the air between them had thickened, as she drew closer to him to plop down on the couch, but maybe it was just her lustful imagination. Trying hard not to stare at his chest and his tattoos, she focused on petting Angel who had jumped onto her lap.

  “That’s great. I didn’t know you were car shopping.”

  “I was for the past few days. I finally brought one home today. The first step in establishing my new life.”

  “Congratulations. How does it feel?”

  He shrugged. “Not as exciting as I thought it would be. I don’t get excited about much nowadays, I suppose.”

  She frowned, taking in his somber expression. “Maybe you just haven’t found the right thing to be excited about.”

  His gaze dropped to her and did a slow sweep before landing back on her face. She tilted her head, perplexed by what she thought was heat in his eyes.

  “Maybe,” he said. He rolled his shoulders, and she nearly groaned. It would be less of a distraction if he put a shirt on. “How was your day?”

  “Nothing special.” She stopped, and softly bit her lower lip before adding, “I’d like to ask you a favor, but after dinner.” She shooed Angel out of her lap and jumped up.

  “I already brought you something, so you can just skip to asking me for that favor.”

  “Oh.” She had hoped for some time to build up her courage. “You don’t have to keep buying me dinner, Adam.”

  “I don’t mind. It’s the only way I can feed you without burning down this building or poisoning you.”


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