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My Not So Fake Boyfriend

Page 8

by Raquel Belle

  “Don’t say anything out of anger that you might regret.” She dropped her hand and took a retreating step.

  “I would never regret saying I should leave him here to rot,” he said “He wasn’t much of a father.”

  Jenna sighed and shook her head. “Well, I know you won’t leave your father in some facility and forget about him.”

  “Because you know me so well,” he said. “Remember Jenna, you knew the Adam of eight years ago.”

  “You’re the same Adam I remember. You’ve just decided that you need to put up this macho, emotionless façade, but I still see the old you, Adam. You’re still compassionate, wickedly humorous, and an all-around good person. Scowl at me all you want,” she said, angling her chin upward. “I’m not intimidated.”

  He’d made inferior officers and enemies quiver in their boots with his severe scowl. All Jenna did was look down her cute nose at him, roll her eyes, and breeze past him to slide into his car. Adam found himself smiling and tried to shove it back but was unsuccessful. With a small laugh, he joined her.

  Five minutes later, after thinking long and hard about what Jenna had said, Adam concluded that Jenna was right. He wouldn’t completely abandon his father no matter what an evil bastard he’d been. His mother had been soft-hearted and sweet, and she’d raised him with a conscience.

  “Thank you,” he said, softly. He didn’t explain what his gratitude was for, but she seemed to understand. He was thankful that she’d thought about accompanying him to provide support when she could be spending time with her family. He was thankful that she’d shown his father kindness, and that she hadn’t let him convince her, as he had everyone else, that he was fine by himself.

  “You’re welcome,” she said. “Does this mean that we’ll come back to see your father, and you’ll say something more to him than I suppose I’ll stop by again one of these days?”

  “Don’t push it,” he said.

  She pursed her lips and turned to look out the window, but he caught the smile in her eyes.

  Chapter Ten


  “Just act normal,” Jenna said, taking a deep breath.

  Adam shook his head and laughed, as he held the door to the quaint diner open for her. “I am acting normal. You, on the other hand, are as jumpy as a frightened kitten.”

  Her cheeks colored, and she glanced around the room with a pained expression. “That’s because everyone is staring. Look at them all. Just watching us like owls watching mice. It’s all Noah’s fault. I’m going to kill him, I swear.”

  Adam’s rumble of laughter caught extra attention. They received waves and smiles from familiar faces, some they’d grown up with. She put on a sunny smile, hoping it hid her anxiety. Since Adam decided that he wanted to stop at his favorite diner, she’d been on the verge of a panic attack. Her good mood had been banished by the thought of running into Bryce. He loved the hole in the wall diner as well.

  Adam led her toward an unoccupied table in the back of the diner. They were stopped several times by those expressing surprise to see Adam after he had disappeared for almost a decade without a word. Jenna remained quiet and waited patiently, while Adam conversed with old acquaintances.

  A hand on her lower back made her jump. Her eyes swung to Adam and only then did he realize that they were alone once again.

  He leaned closer to whisper in her ear. “You know, if you’re so jumpy when I touch you, no one is going to believe we’re a couple.”

  His breath caressing the sensitive skin behind her ear, was heating her blood several degrees, and the palm flat on her back made her stomach clench and unclench. “It would appear you’re better at this acting thing than I am.”

  Adam threw up a brow, and silently pulled out her chair. “Just relax.” He sat across from her. “Why are you stressing so much anyway?”

  “He frequents this diner,” she said, miserably. “At least, he used to. I’m just nervous about running into him here.”

  Understanding dawned in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Jenna. Why didn’t you say something when I decided to stop?”

  She shrugged. “You wanted to eat here. I couldn’t let my foolish anxiety about running into my ex-boyfriend put a damper on your day.”

  “We can leave.”

  “Absolutely not.” She glanced at the small menu. “I already know what I want. The pecan pie here is exceptional.”

  “All you’re having is pie?”

  She nodded. “I’m so on edge that I can’t eat much more.”

  Adam sighed and sat back. He pinned her with a disapproving frown. “You do know that your anxiety over some idiot like Bryce is uncalled for, right? You’re beautiful and smart as hell. He lost you, Jenna, not the other way around.”

  The menu slipped from her fingers, and she gazed at him with gratitude and a touch of shock. No one had ever told her that before. It was like she was the one who had ruined things with Bryce, and it was as if it was she who wasn’t good enough. At least, that was the narrative he’d spun and everyone had ran with it. “Thank you, Adam. That’s sweet of you to say.”

  “I didn’t say it to be sweet. It’s the truth. Be yourself, Jenna. To hell with what anyone else thinks.”

  She gave him a sad smile. “It’s kind of hard to be myself and disregard everyone else’s opinion at this point. We’re already a happy couple. No way am I going to tell everyone the truth now.”

  A slow smile spread across Adam’s face, the boyish grin that always made her want to swoon. “Okay, you can start after the wedding. Let’s continue lying our asses off. I’m slowly starting to have fun with this entire charade.”

  Eying him from beneath her lashes, Jenna considered his words. “Do you really think I’m beautiful, Adam? Or were you just being nice?”

  His eyes flew up to meet hers and for a moment, she thought she saw raw desire in them. He blinked, and it was gone. His expression was neutral, as he shrugged. “I already told you-you're an attractive woman. You’ll make some lucky bastard very happy one day, so don’t stress about one break up so much.”

  Disappointment flooded her and just like that the last shred of good mood she’d been holding on to snapped. Jenna let out a breath, her hope of anything happen with Adam deflating. She fell silent until the waitress arrived to take their order. Adam seemed to be just as disinterested in conversing as she was, so she made no attempt to raise a topic. They ate quietly, and the entire time she wondered about his faraway expression. She never asked even when they got up to leave.

  “Wait, let me run to the ladies room before we go.”

  Adam nodded. “I’ll wait by the exit.”

  Jenna splashed water onto her face and let out a loud sigh. She had to get herself together. She had to stop worrying about running into her ex, and she definitely had to stop pining over Adam. “Stop being so pitiful …”

  Drying her face and squaring her shoulders, she decided that she was going to let everything go and enjoy the week with her family and be happy for her brother and future sister-in-law. To hell with everything else. She held on to her new resolve and confidence until she exited the restroom and collided with someone on their way in.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said.

  “Watch where you’re going,” said a snarky voice.

  Jenna looked up to see who the rude woman was. Her hair was so blonde, it couldn’t be natural, and her makeup was so heavy that it resembled a mask. The face was completely strange to her. Perhaps she was just passing through town. Jenna got a glimpse of the woman’s enormous breasts that in no way could be real on the woman’s slender frame.

  Jenna refrained from rolling her eyes as the woman stared down her nose, which was probably fake, too. The woman marched away into the bathroom.

  “So rude,” Jenna said with a shake of her head. There was no way that woman was a resident of this small town. Everyone there was nice even if they had to fake it, and try as she might, she couldn’t remember that face. With a shrug, she ma
de her way back into the diner.


  She froze with her hand on the door. The sound of that voice made her want to pretend she hadn’t heard her name. She could bolt right then. But, she had already stopped, and the last person she wanted to see was barreling toward her. Glancing at her escape with longing, she sighed quietly and turned around.

  “Bryce,” she said with a lack of enthusiasm. She realized then who the rude blonde was. She had to be Bryce’s new girlfriend.

  There was no one else in the small hallway, and she was beyond uncomfortable when Bryce stopped a bit too close and studied her from head to toe. “I heard you were back.”

  “Well, my brother is getting married, so it couldn’t be avoided.”

  Bryce smiled, and it was just then that she realized his smile was like that of a shark’s. She’d always thought he had a nice smile, but of course, she had been blinded by love. He glanced in the direction of the restrooms. “I suppose you saw my girl back there.” The gloating quality of his tone made her lift a brow.

  Jenna didn't have a mean bone in her body, and she had no idea what possessed her when she said, “Um, I don’t think so. I mean, I only saw some rude lady with too much makeup and ridiculously large breasts. That couldn’t have been her.” She gave Bryce an innocent wide-eyed stare, feeling sick satisfaction when his brows dipped into a scowl.

  Instead of backing off as she’d hoped, malice appeared in his eyes. His gaze lowered to her swipe over her. “I see you’ve put on a few extra pounds. You always did have a healthy appetite.” Bryce grinned. “Yup, you definitely look a bit curvier, Jen.”

  Jenna felt the heat creep up her neck, and she wrapped her arms around her middle defensively. She shouldn’t have been embarrassed because she had no problem with her body, but the memories of the many mean comments he once made to her on a daily basis came flooding back. Did Adam see her the way Bryce did? It was unbelievable that in her moment of humiliation she was still thinking about Adam.

  “And I love every curve.”

  The low drawl that came from behind her sent electricity shooting up her spine. She had no idea how Adam managed to arouse her with just his voice. Bryce was looking over her shoulder with wide eyes.

  Jenna didn’t look back to see Adam because she was still reeling from the tingling sensation that his voice alone wrought, but she felt him draw closer until an arm was wrapped possessively around her waist. She had to try hard to suppress her shiver of delight. Adam being so close to her was wreaking havoc on her body.

  “Everything alright here, babe?” he asked.

  Babe? For a moment, still caught in her stupor, she was confused as to why he was referring to her as babe. Gaping up at him, much too flustered, she blinked twice and remembered that it was all an act. “Uh, s-sure.”

  Adam raised a brow and gave her a dubious look before hitting Bryce with a cold stare. She could see all of Bryce’s bravado and malicious intent wither right before her eyes. He took several steps back when Adam said, “Bryce, I presume?”

  Satisfaction flickered in Bryce’s eyes. “Jenna’s mentioned me?”

  Adam’s laugh was mocking. “Don’t you wish. She’s never uttered your name. I heard a few whispers about you, since I arrived in town.”

  Adam’s lips curled upward in to the coldest smile, Jenna had ever seen. It was almost predatory. Bryce was left to wonder just what was being said about him. Jenna could have kissed Adam when the last trace of Bryce’s smugness dried up, and his face flushed. The man was always obsessed with others’ opinion of him. It was practically torture for him not being sure what Adam had heard, and Jenna loved it.

  “Ready to go?” Adam glanced down at her, and the coolness that had been in his eyes mere seconds ago replaced by amusement. He was enjoying the hell out of making Bryce squirm even more than she was.

  Swallowing her smile, she nodded. “Yes, Babe.”

  Adam’s lips twitched, but he held back his smile, and she nearly dissolved into a fit of giggles. “Bryce …”

  Jenna gave Bryce a smug smile before Adam led her down the hall. Outside, Jenna heaved a relieved sigh. “Oh my God! Thank you, Adam. I was about to crash and burn back there. You showed up right on time. How did you know to come to my rescue?”

  He scowled, his palm still resting on her back, as he led her to his car. “You were taking way too long, so I decided to check up on you. Your ex-boyfriend sounds like a total asshole. Whatever did you see in that guy, Jenna?”

  She fell silent because she was still trying to figure it out. She stopped and leaned against his car. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I mean, I suppose he wasn’t always so mean-spirited or at least, he hid it well until far into our relationship.”

  “He’s still interested in you,” Adam said.

  Snorting loudly, Jenna gave him a look of disbelief. “What makes you think that?”

  “Because he’s glaring at me through the diner’s window.” Jenna almost turned to look, but he grasped her chin. “If you look, it won’t make this as believable.”

  Her brows dipped. “Huh?”

  Adam’s mouth covered hers just as a shocked gasp escaped from her lips. For a second, she was too surprised to move. It was a moment she never thought would happen, and it was happening. Adam was kissing her, and she needed to get into it. Her surprise dissipated, and she found herself stepping closer to him. She was certain that the kiss was nothing more than a game to him, but for her, it was everything. There was no thought of Bryce or anyone else watching. It was just her and Adam in their own world. She had dreamed of kissing him more times than she could count, and the real thing was more than she’d ever imagined.

  Her eyes fluttered closed, and she savored every movement of his mouth against hers in case she never felt it again. Never in her life had she been rendered weak by a kiss, but at that moment, she felt as if her knees would buckle. Clutching his arms for support, she nearly combusted when his tongue swept between her lips. With a moan, she parted them eagerly, welcoming his exploration. Forgetting that they stood in a parking lot, she wound her arms around his neck, pressing her body to his.

  His fingers dug into her hips, and he moaned. “Jenna …” She processed Adam’s guttural groan just as he pulled away. Feeling bereft, her eyes slowly opened. The amused glint that had been in his eyes earlier was gone. Adam grasped her hands circling his neck and gently brought them down to her sides. “That went further than it was supposed to.”

  Jenna swallowed, still trying to gather her wits. “It … It was …” Incredible. Earth-shattering. She wanted to kiss him again. Needed to. “It’s okay.” She sounded breathless.

  Adam gave her an annoyed scowl, and the mood shattered. “No, it wasn’t. It wasn’t supposed to be like that.” He seemed angry, and she couldn’t imagine why. “Get in the car.” He marched around to the driver's side.

  Jenna stood rooted to the spot, stunned by his reaction. When his door opened and slammed shut, she recovered and glanced at the diner. Bryce was indeed sitting by a window, staring in her direction. She completely disregarded him and slid into the car. All of her focus was on Adam, their kiss, and his reaction after. She turned to him and found him still brooding. Her heart sank. Had kissing her been that terrible?

  “Adam …”

  “We’re not talking about it,” he said.

  “But …”

  “But nothing, Jenna. I’m taking you home, and we’re not talking about it. Not now. I’m going to see your brother after this for Christ’s sake.”

  She released a long sigh, shoved down her hurt, and stared straight ahead. She’d show him that she could be just as nonchalant, as he was about it.

  Chapter Eleven


  Adam was barely present, mentally, as Noah chatted away, filling him in on every detail of what went on in Stockbridge for the past eight years. Adam couldn’t care less who had gotten married and divorced, and who had how many kids and the many scandals that had caus
ed waves in the small town. Adam released an inaudible sigh and continued making an attempt to listen. All he could think about was Jenna, kissing her, and the way she had felt pressed against him.

  He should never have kissed her. He’d just been caught up in the moment of making her ex jealous because he’d been jealous. The way Bryce had been eying Jenna made his blood boil. The instant the man discovered that Jenna had moved on with someone else, his interest had piqued. Bryce had gotten the impression that Jenna couldn’t care less about him, and that made him want her back. Adam knew how Bryce’s type thought and maneuvered.

  He’d thought about Jenna taking that fool back, and he had lost his mind. He had gone out of his way to stake his claim when he really had no right to claim Jenna because they were faking a relationship. And he’d gone ahead and kissed her. Big mistake. It had been too amazing for his comfort. Adam couldn’t remember feeling so much from a single kiss with any other woman. A mere kiss wasn’t supposed to make his blood boil. A mere kiss wasn’t supposed to make his heart beat so rapidly that it threatened to jump out of his chest cavity. A mere kiss wasn’t supposed to tilt his world on its axis. Why had he felt so many intense emotions from one kiss? Why with Jenna? The one person he wasn’t supposed to feel those things with.

  Perhaps it was because he hadn’t slept with her. He usually lost interest after sleeping with a woman a couple of times. He couldn’t simply sleep with Jenna to get her out of his system.

  “A lot has happened since you left, man,” Noah said, his voice penetrating Adam’s thoughts.

  Adam blinked and sat up. “Yet, I don’t feel like I missed a thing.”

  Noah laughed. “You were always itching to leave this town behind even when we were kids.”

  Adam shrugged. “There was never much here for me.”


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