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My Not So Fake Boyfriend

Page 10

by Raquel Belle

  “Never,” she said, pulling him back down to touch her mouth to his. She wanted to do something crazy, something wild. She wanted Adam to take her right there against the wall with the risk of someone walking through the door and discovering them. “Right here, Adam.”

  “No,” he said. Even as he uttered his refusal, his body had already given in. He ground his hips into hers when she wrapped a leg around his waist, while his hands shaped her breasts. With gentle tugs, he pulled the straps of her dress over her shoulders to reveal her breasts, which were heavy and ultra-sensitive from arousal.

  “Exquisite,” he murmured, eyeing her exposed flesh, hungrily. “I knew you would be. I finally get to see how you look when you come. I’ve been obsessed with the thought for weeks.”

  Weeks? He’d been thinking about her like that all this time? The knowledge only amplified her excitement. He trailed kisses down her neck to her chest to catch one beaded nipple between his lips. One swipe of his tongue over the sensitive flesh had her bucking forward. Shards of electricity shot through her. All other thoughts were wiped from her sex-hazed mind. She completely forgot where they were, that they could be caught at any minute, and that her brother was just on the other side of the wall while she was on the verge of having sex with his best friend. A gentle nip on the hard flesh made her moan and press her body into the wall for support before she melted at his feet.

  Adam lifted his head, his eyes heavy-lidded and clouded with carnal need. “My god …”

  “Now,” she said.

  “Not just yet. If we’re doing this here of all places, I have to at least make sure it’s good for you.”

  She wanted to scream her frustration. He didn’t get it. Anything she did, as long as it was with him would be good. Amazing. She just knew it. She wanted to feel him inside of her, wanted him to possess her. Finally. Her exasperation quickly vanished when a hand slid up her thigh, under her dress to brush against her mound. She inhaled sharply and clutched his arms for support as her knees instantly weakened.

  His eyes never left her face, which made her heart pound faster. She wanted to look away, feeling slightly uneasy with him watching her every expression as he touched her so intimately but, she was held captivated by his stare. Jenna could feel the heat burning her cheeks.

  “So you do blush prettily in the throes of passion,” he said with an intrigued murmur. “I figured you would.”

  She was incapable of words. The only sounds she could make were gasps and moans of pleasure, as his fingers drove her to the pinnacle of ecstasy. All too soon, a thousand licks of flames danced on her insides, consumed her, and she fell over the edge with his name on her lips.

  Adam seemed surprised. He stared at her with amazement. “I barely touched you. So responsive.” A new heat was building in his eyes.

  Jenna clung to him, feeling as if her body no longer belonged to her. “Well, it has been over a year.”

  “Over a year since …” His eyes widened, but he made no further comment. He grasped her chin and tipped her head up. “In that case, we’re not finishing this here.”

  She should have kept her mouth shut about her lack of sex. “But …”

  “But nothing. You’re not some random woman I picked up in a bar.”

  She supposed she should feel good about that. At least, he held her in higher regard than a bar pick up, but she couldn’t help the disappointment that flooded her. What if they never got another chance? She’d never know what it would be like to be with Adam completely, the one man she’d ever dreamed of being with. If their make-out session in that dark alley was any prelude to what was to come with Adam, she was in for something amazing. Undoubtedly, he knew the right buttons to push on a woman to overwhelm her with pleasure.

  He pulled her dress down and smoothed her hair tenderly, making her heart turn over. For a man who claimed to not want a relationship and who was so certain he would break her heart, he sure was gentle and thoughtful. And the tender look in his eyes, as he gazed at her was a total contradiction to his words. Jenna opened her mouth to protest. She didn’t want to stop. What if tomorrow, in the light of day, he realized that he didn’t want her after all?

  His mouth clamped over hers before she could get her words out. He kissed her quickly, roughly and then laced his fingers with hers. Jenna followed on shaky legs, as he led her down the poorly lit lane. By the time they reached the front of the building, where the two limos they’d rented waited, she felt as if her body belonged to her again. At the sight of Noah hanging on to Sarah and a few of the others, Adam let go of her hand. The loss of contact left her cold, and she sighed softly.

  “Where did you two disappear to?” Noah slurred. He frowned. “Where are you coming from?”

  “I got locked out and Adam came looking for me. Then we both got stuck outside,” Jenna said. “We had to walk around the building.” In a sour mood, she spared her brother an annoyed glance and walked to the limo that she’d be trapped in for the next hour with the other bridesmaids. She felt Adam’s eyes on her and glanced over her shoulder. He stood, hands in his pockets watching her keenly with that predatory stare. She caught Sarah watching both of them with interest and quickly turned away to slide into the vehicle.

  “Here, let me take your drunken groom off of your hands,” Adam said. He gripped Noah’s shoulders and steered him towards the other vehicle. “Come on, buddy.”

  “Thanks,” Sarah said. She joined Jenna, her eyes speculative and filled with curiosity. “So you two were stuck outside, huh?”

  “Yup.” Sarah’s smug look made Jenna scowl. “What?”

  Sarah pursed her lips and reached over to adjust the top of Jenna’s dress which was still slightly askew. Face burning, Jenna hunkered down in her seat and turned to look out the window to avoid Sarah’s knowing gaze.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Two more days, and it would all be over. Adam was over the moon for his best friend, but he was ready to get out of Stockbridge and leave the small town behind him once again. He also wanted to get away from Noah out of guilt. He’d promised his friend he would keep his hands off of his sister and what had he done? He’d nearly had sex with her against a wall in some filthy alley with her brother on the other side of the door.

  Adam didn’t know what he’d been thinking. He hadn’t been thinking, not clearly, anyway. Jenna touched him once, and his resolve had crumbled. She really was irresistible. Her sweet innocence called to him when it should have turned him off. He was going to finish what he started, he knew it deep down, and he felt in his bones. He was going to make Jenna his and damn the consequences. He knew it for certain, as he watched her move across the room in her flowing cobalt dress that hugged her hips and breasts to perfection. The curves on that woman were way too enticing and sinful. What he would give to be that dress just for a few minutes, to be able to mold every dip and curve of Jenna’s body. If he continued his train of thought, he would have an embarrassing boner very soon. She didn’t try too hard or at all to be beautiful, like some of the other women. She didn’t bat her eyelashes at him or flatter him with compliments about how great he looked. Yet, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.

  “Did you hear what I said, Adam?”

  He gritted his teeth and schooled his features, so his irritation wouldn’t show. He glanced at the woman beside him. “I’m sorry, Caroline. What was that?”

  Caroline huffed and twirled a lock of her hair. “You haven’t been paying attention to anything I’ve been saying.”

  He wanted to roll his eyes, Jenna would never twirl her hair. Laughter bubbled in his chest, recalling Jenna’s moniker for Sarah’s maid of honor. Stepford Barbie, indeed. “I’m sorry. What were we discussing again?”

  Caroline followed his gaze to where Jenna was chatting with Sarah. A flicker of resentment shone in the woman’s eyes. “That Jenna Benson sure has grown into her own. I barely noticed her when we were kids.”

  “Well, she was younger,”
Adam said, not feeling at all bad for making a slight about Caroline’s age. He simply didn’t like the way the woman looked at Jenna or her tone, for that matter.

  Color rose in Caroline’s cheeks, but she kept talking, to Adam’s annoyance. “She and Sarah sure have grown close.”

  “They are going to be sisters-in-law in a matter of hours. And Jenna is extremely loveable.”

  Caroline’s tight smile made him want to laugh aloud. “So, you two, huh? That was … unexpected.”

  Adam’s only response was a low grunt. Caroline smoothed her hair and cleared her throat. “Jenna dated another of her brother’s friends, you know. It seems to be a trend with her.”

  Adam’s jaws clenched, but he remained silent, and Caroline seemed to take his silence as a cue to keep talking. “Bryce Sawyer. He’s a friend of mine. Kind of. We went out a few times after he broke things off with Jenna. He said she was nothing special, so I’m surprised a man like you would go for her. Her brother did say you two aren’t serious. Perhaps I can show you a better time after all of the excitement of the wedding dies down.”

  He’d had enough. Adam never went out of his way to be rude to a woman, but the not-so- subtle attack on Jenna brought out a fierce, protective streak. “All I got from your little speech is that you got Jenna’s sloppy seconds. And Jenna and I are very serious, so that’s a hard no to you and me.” Cold eyes pinned Caroline to the spot before he stalked off, leaving her gawking after him.

  “I hate this town,” he said to himself, as he made a beeline for Jenna. She turned then, her wide green eyes widening as they met his. Her brows dipped noting his expression and then her face flushed, and her lashes lowered to veil her eyes. Since their encounter at the club, Jenna couldn’t look at him without blushing, and it made him smile every time. Before he reached her, Noah stepped in his path.

  “Hey, man. Can you believe it’s happening tomorrow?” Noah let out an exaggerated sigh and wiped his forehead.

  Adam raised a brow. “You’re not getting cold feet, are you? Am I going to have to drag you to the altar?”

  Noah glanced at his fiancée and let out a nervous laugh. “Not cold feet, just feeling slightly overwhelmed. After the bachelor party tonight, my case of nerves will disappear.”

  The bachelor party. He’d planned the thing, and now he didn’t want to go. He wanted to take Jenna back to his hotel room and spend the rest of the night finishing what he’d started. All he’d been able to think about was the way she’d so easily shattered in his arms. Adam sighed and clapped Noah on the shoulder. “Let’s get you a drink.” The man looked like he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. He hoped Noah was right. He hoped his friend would feel better by tomorrow because he didn’t want to have to hunt down a runaway groom. With a regretful glance in Jenna’s direction, he led Noah to the bar.

  “How do you think Sarah’s doing?” Noah asked. “Does she seem at all nervous?”

  Adam’s gaze drifted to where Sarah and Jenna were still chatting. Martha and Sarah’s mother joined the duo, and they were all giggling about something. “Um … she seems pretty calm.”

  Noah huffed. “She’s nervous. She has to be. She’s just hiding it well. I can’t be the only one falling apart here.”

  Massaging the bridge of his nose, Adam regarded Noah with concern. Obviously, the man’s case of nerves was far worse than he’d thought. “Alright, what’s going on with you?”

  Noah tossed back the shot glass that was put in front of him. When the bartender moved to refill, Adam shook his head and discretely moved the glass out of Noah’s reach. “I said a drink. We’re not having a repeat of the night at the club. Your and Sarah’s parents are here for Christ’s sake.” Noah would not get wasted in front of his in-laws on Adam’s watch.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, man. I don’t usually drink like this, but this week has been stressful. Work, the wedding, everything.”

  “Explain to me, the everything part,” Adam said, with raised brows.

  Noah fell silent, as he searched the room for Sarah. “I’m going to make a terrible husband,” he blurted. “What was I thinking proposing? I should have waited a few more years.”

  “You regret proposing?” Adam asked, incredulously.

  “What? No! I mean, maybe I shouldn’t be getting married at thirty. Look how I behaved the other night when we all went out. I drank like a college kid for goodness sake. And you know why?”

  “Enlighten me.”

  “Because I started to realize that I won’t get to do things like that anymore—go out with the boys, drink, and have a good time. Look at you, Adam. You’re the ultimate bachelor. You can take home any of these single women fawning over you tonight and have a good time with no commitment. What if … what if I end up missing that lifestyle and make Sarah miserable?”

  Adam leaned against the bar, folded his arms across his chest, and stated, “Then you’d be one stupid bastard. I envy you, Noah. Have you ever thought about why I don’t want to settle down?”

  Noah shrugged. “You have more fun being a playboy?”

  “No, you idiot. It’s because I’m afraid. I’m a coward, Noah,” he said. “I remember my parents, and I run the other way when I think about commitment and relationships. You, on the other hand, are brave enough to move forward in life with a woman you love.” He swallowed and sucked in a breath. “I’m terrified I’m incapable of feeling that emotion.” He’d joined the military already jaded, and he’d come back even worse. Clearing his throat and shoving aside his own fears, he continued trying to quell Noah’s. “You won’t need to go out with the boys and have fun because you’ll be happy. You can have enough fun with your wife. You love Sarah. The blind can see that.”

  Noah turned to him with wide eyes. The terror that clouded his features before was gone. “Oh, fuck. I almost lost it just now. My God, this wedding needs to hurry up and be over. The entire process has been driving me crazy. We should have eloped.”

  “Martha would have had your head. Look at her, she’s having the time of her life.”

  Both men turned to look at Martha who was clucking over Sarah like a mother hen. She then turned to Jenna and said something that made Jenna’s face redden, before she covered her face with her hands.

  Jenna’s annoyed, “Mom!” Carried across the room, and Adam grinned.

  Noah roared. “She is having a good time and doing what she does best, embarrassing the crap out of Jenna and me.”

  Adam’s smile held a hint of sadness. He would have loved to have a mother to lovingly embarrass him.

  “Thank you, man,” Noah said. “For talking sense into me. I honestly don’t know what happened or where my head went.”

  “Just doing my best man duties. Now, about that bachelor party … Is there a rule that the best man has to attend?”

  “You planned and paid for the damn thing, and you don’t want to go?” Noah laughed and shook his head. “Come on, we’ll go and see if we can sneak away early. The other guys will be so wasted they won’t even notice when we leave.”

  Adam agreed with a heavy sigh. “Alright.”

  They’d eased into chatter with Noah questioning Adam about his time in the Navy, and Adam trying to skirt around the more gruesome details. When he spotted Jenna walking towards the exit, he froze, the ugly beast called jealously rising when he saw who was waiting for her outside the glass doors of the restaurant. Bryce.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” Adam asked.

  Noah followed his gaze. “Oh, I told him he could stop by.”


  Noah shrugged. “He wouldn’t let up at work yesterday and I gave in. He said he made a big mistake and needed to speak with Jenna. I told him to stop by tonight because she’d be busy helping Sarah out tomorrow, and then she’s leaving town after the wedding.”

  Adam grounded his molars so hard it was a wonder they didn’t turn to dust. A red haze of fury blurred his vision, but his expression gave nothing away.
“I see.”

  “It would be nice if they worked things out. I mean, they were together for two years, and that has to mean something right? Maybe Jenna will come back home and before we know it, we’ll be planning another wedding.”

  Noah’s voice faded, overshadowed by images of Adam punching his best friend in the face and then going outside to beat Bryce, the douche, to a bloody pulp. Would Jenna actually take him back? It was possible. She claimed to have loved the man. Something wrapped around his heart and squeezed it like a vise, making it impossible to breathe. Adam actually lifted a hand to rub his chest in wonder. That was new. He’d never felt anything like it before. It was beyond mere jealousy; it was terror.

  “Adam. Adam.” Noah’s voice along with the other noises filling the room filtered back in, and he blinked rapidly several times before turning to Noah. “You were miles away just now. You alright?”


  Chapter Fourteen


  “You have got to be kidding me,” Jenna said. She scowled at the exit. “What the hell is he doing here?”

  Bryce stood outside the door, staring at her like a lost puppy. She’d been having a decent time with a few of the other bridesmaids actually acknowledging her presence. It was mostly to question her about Adam but still, they spoke to her, and she took great pleasure in letting them know he was hers, fake though their romance was. They all thought it was real since she blushed profusely every time his name was mentioned. That had mostly to do with the memories flitting through her mind, the recollection of his touch and his mouth on her skin. When her mother asked if she and Adam had great sex, considering the dreamy look she got every so often, she’d nearly keeled over from embarrassment. Leave it to her mother to embarrass her almost to death. But, she had deflected, and the subject had been changed, and she had gone back to enjoying herself. Until she spotted Bryce.

  “Oh. no,” Sarah said. “I have no idea why he would even show up to the rehearsal dinner unless …” They both turned to Noah who was at the bar deep in conversation with Adam. Sarah’s pleading met eyes hers. “Now, Jen, please don’t kill your brother. At least wait until after our honeymoon.”


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