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Full Moon Mates Boxed Set: Books 1 - 3

Page 16

by Kallie Frost

“Three days. I have three days?!”

  I nodded weakly. “So, I'm afraid I have to pretty much dump everything I know on you, to make sure you can make an informed decision.”

  “What else do I need to know? You're a werewolf. You can make me into a werewolf.” I had a feeling he wasn't in the mood to be reminded that the term was “shifter”. “And apparently we are some kind of heterosexual soulmates. Anything I'm missing?”

  “We’re immortal,” I said, dropping last bombshell. “And you saw how fast my bullet wound healed. You’d heal that fast too. Your knee...”

  His eyes flicked downward and back to me. “My knee, what?”

  “After I turn you, your body will return to its peak physical condition. You've seen a lot of shifters now, we all look young, don't we? What if I told you, that you haven't met a single one of us under fifty?”

  “You look half my age,” he said flatly.

  “As a matter of fact, I'm twice your age. I’m eighty-two, and I'm the youngest in my family. Cambry's eighty-two as well. Not only would you look young again, but whatever is wrong with your knee would be fixed. You'd be able to play hockey at your peak... forever.” I smiled at him, wishing I could project all the love and warmth I was feeling into it. “We could play together.”

  “What's the downside? You’re offering me... well, other than a wife and kids, what you're offering sounds too good to be true.”

  “Can't do much about the wife... but kids can be part of the package too,” I said. “I know you don't want anything sexual, but it is an option… If I turn you, you’ll become an omega and omega's can have children… Even males.”

  “Even males... can get pregnant? Because that's what it sounds like you're saying.”

  “Omega males, yes. I’m sure it sounds strange, but that is an option.”

  “That's... different. So, other than that, I'm serious, what's the downside?”

  ‘Once a month, you turn into a vicious monster and have to spend a night underground in a bunker,” I said flatly.

  He blinked at me for a moment. “What?”

  “We can turn into our animal forms any time after the sun sets,” I explained. “But, on full moons we turn into our animal, whether we like it or not, and the animal has full control. We would hunt and probably kill anything we came across, so... we spend it underground in a bunker. Where we can’t hurt anyone.”

  “That sounds... not fun.”

  “It's not, but the alternative is killing someone.”

  “So, your entire family just crams into a bunker once a month?”

  “No, we spend it alone. We each have our own bunker.”

  “That’s even worse!”

  I should have consulted Rion. I wonder what he told Elliott to get him to agree to be turned. I obviously wasn't selling it well. “Most of my family are alphas. And two alphas will kill each other, family or not.”

  “I see…”

  “But that's the only downside! I mean, immortality and eternal youth, your knee all better... and... me?”

  “And I only have three days to think about it?”

  I nodded. “You have any other questions?” I asked hopefully.

  “I don't think so. I'm going to need some time to process it all.”

  “Okay…” I couldn't fight back to a yawn. Healing took a lot of energy.

  “Kessel said you'd probably be tired,” he said.

  “Yeah. I think I'll finish eating and then take a nap.”

  Chapter Six


  The bag from Kessel held a veritable feast of baked goods. As I sat there, eating the best cheese danish I ever had, I couldn't stop my thoughts from whirling. A person who could turn into a wolf had made this danish, or at least overseen its making. God knew how long she had been baking, as an immortal. Maybe she learned how to bake danishes before I was even born! And the coffee, the delicious coffee, was made by someone who may have been just as old. On my many trips to the coffee shop I had noted that the date it was established was several years before I was born. Had Cambry been the one to establish it? Had he owned it for my entire life, even though I thought he was younger than me?

  I looked across my apartment at the man sleeping on my couch. And he could turn me into a shifter? It really did sound too good to be true. My knee was still aching from the additional exertion last night. Unless this was just soreness from getting back into shape, I was probably going to need to have surgery again. One bite from Carrick would change that. I'd be immortal and at my hockey playing peak forever. I could have kids, something I always wanted, but was starting to resign myself to never having. And all in exchange for the price of losing one night a month.

  Except, if I said no and my memory would be erased by some magical force. I did not like that. It made me feel like I was being forced into the decision. Do it or lose your memories. If they could take away my memories what else could they do?

  And then came the complication of the fact that I was supposed to be some guy’s mate. No way. I wasn’t even into guys. And I sure as hell wasn't going to have sex with one and carry his baby. That was insane!

  In fact, if I hadn't seen Carrick turn into a wolf with my own eyes I would have thought this entire thing was insane.

  I looked over at him again. He looked peaceful sleeping, not like early this morning when he changed back into a human and continued sleeping with his face creased in pain. He looked almost... no! No, he was not handsome! I was not thinking that!

  I shook my head to clear the ridiculous thought, and got up to busy myself tidying the apartment. I boxed up the remains of the baked goods from his sister and tossed the trash out. Carrick had an empty coffee mug on the floor next to him, so I headed over to grab it. I bent down over him to reach it, just as he exhaled softly. His breath smelled like coffee and muffins. And something else. I couldn't explain it, but it was a good smell. An almost intoxicating one. Before I could stop myself, I was leaning closer and sniffing.

  That was the grossest thing I had ever done. And yet, now I was nose to nose with him. I told myself to lean back, but I didn't move. What if he woke up right now? What an earth would he think? Probably that I was changing my mind about being his mate. God, what if his eyes opened and he kissed me? It would be horrible! I could just imagine those endless brown eyes peering up at me... his lips pressing against mine, soft and warm and...

  I kissed him.

  Even as I asked myself what the hell I was doing, I placed a gentle kiss against his lips. I could almost taste him. Beyond the coffee and baked goods, an indescribable scent was present. I flicked my tongue out and just barely swiped it along his lower lip. Yes, I could taste it. I didn't know what it was, but it sent a thrill through me.

  I jerked back away from him, stunned. My dick stiffened in my pants and my entire body felt like it was tingling. The spot on the base of my neck throbbed. I stared at him, suddenly desperate to convince myself that I wasn't into guys. Maybe not guys… But, maybe just Carrick…

  To my horror his eyes did open. He blinked in confusion, then his eyes widened in surprise. “Brooks?”

  “Sorry! I was just...” I bent quickly, grabbing the coffee mug. He caught my arm in his hand as I straightened, stopping me just as our faces drew level. Once again, I was nose to nose with him. This time his eyes were boring into mine, searching. His lips parted and I ached to kiss them again.

  “I'm not gay,” I forced out.

  One side of his mouth twitched up into a smirk. “You sure about that?”

  “Yes! Well… I think…

  “Even shifters are sometimes surprised when their true mate isn’t exactly what they pictured. But when your true mate does come along, it doesn't matter, because it's fate.”

  “But I'm human. Even if you can turn me into a shifter, how can I already feel like this?”

  “Fate is complicated.”

  The urge to kiss him was overwhelming. I kept thinking about all the times I found myself enjoying h
is company. Which was every time we were together. How close I felt to him, how it felt like I'd known him forever... how much I cared about him. I remembered moment he was shot, the terror that gripped me... I wasn't sexually attracted to him, at least I didn’t think I was. But as much as I hated to admit it… I think I was in love with him.

  “I want to kiss you,” I murmured.

  “So do it.” His voice was deep and husky; things I had never associated with sexiness. Yet, it was sexy. More than that, it was hungry.

  So I did. This time, he kissed me back. When I flicked out my tongue, suddenly desperate for more of that amazing taste, he opened his mouth and his tongue met mine. It was like an explosion of passion. I kissed him harder, dueling his tongue. He reached up a hand and fisted his fingers into my hair. His grip tightened, pulling almost to the point that it was painful. Instead of trying to ease the pain I gripped his hair and gave him a taste of his own medicine. He gasped against my lips as my fingers tightened and I felt an odd rush of pleasure.

  It seemed that the nap had helped him, because he released my hair, only to grab my waist and swing me onto the couch. I'm not sure what he intended for me to do, or even what I wanted to do, but I swung a leg over him and settled down onto his lap. My cock strained against my pants and I felt an unmistakable hard lump in his. It should have been a major turnoff. It should have horrified me, disgusted me... it was so hot. I rubbed against it, and the moan he let out nearly had me undone. I grabbed his hair with both hands this time, and crushed our mouths together. We kissed fiercely, neither giving an inch. Some of the things he said made me think that an omega was supposed to be submissive. Well, he was in for a surprise if that were the case. If whatever strange thing was possessing me to do this had its way, I was going to see to it that I didn't go down without a fight. I was not going to be some meek sub in this relationship. God, was actually thinking of this as a relationship?

  I don’t know how long we kissed, only that by the time he slid a hand into my pants, any reservations I had were gone. Forgotten. Everything that felt wrong felt right, and everything that felt right felt fantastic. Carrick’s hand enveloped me and I moaned and arched into his palm.

  He nuzzled my neck and I felt a shiver go up my spine. As his hand began to slowly pump, I pressed against him, trying to touch every inch of him I possibly could. My hands slid under his shirt, roving across his back. One of my fingers found something odd and I poked curiously at it, momentarily distracted.

  “Bullet wound,” he said against my lips.

  “Jesus!” I jerked my fingers away. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  “I hardly noticed.” Carrick’s strong arm wrapped around me, keeping me close. “Ignore it.”

  I pulled him against me and rested my head on his shoulder, just barely able to hear his heartbeat. The thought of losing him closed up my throat and made it hard to breathe. I did love him. Holy hell, I loved him.

  Despite his arm, I pushed him away. For a moment, his brow furrowed in confusion. Then, I grabbed a fistful of his shirt and yanked him toward me, kissing him even harder than before. This time it was some sort of rough, almost desperate kiss. My tongue sought out every inch of him, reveling in his taste. Carrick moaned and sank against me, opening his mouth further instead of fighting me. Soon, he was kissing me back just as hard. His hand pumped my dick as his other one tangled in my hair, almost pinning my head in place.

  This, whatever it was, was happening so fast. But it was so right.

  “I think I love you,” I groaned as he adjusted his hand, sending another rush of pleasure through me.

  Carrick practically whimpered in response. His hand released my hair and slid down to cup my chin. “I love you,” he gasped. His eyes bored into mine, looking stunned and hopeful at the same time. And, fuck, I could get lost in those eyes. “I know I love you!”

  He kissed me again, pushing me back onto the couch. I pushed back, still resisting his attempt to get on top. He growled and I felt my cock strain against his hand. I growled back and threw my weight against him. In spite of the fact I was bigger, it was harder than I expected to force him back down. I nipped his tongue, gaining the advantage as he paused in surprise. I got him onto his back and straddled him. His hand slid out of my pants in the process, but before I could regret the absence, he bit my lower lip in retaliation.

  It hurt. And, oh hell it turned me on. I shoved him down, freed my lip, and bit his. Hard. Carrick reached up and grabbed my hair, pulling it to get me to release him. I pulled his and he twisted his head away, then sank his teeth into my shoulder with a growl that sent a shiver straight to my dick.

  Suddenly, we weren’t making out; we were fighting while kissing. It was insane and it was the most erotic thing I had ever done in my life. We rose off the couch, gripping each other’s shirts. It was like some crazy hockey fight. We circled each other. But instead of trading punches, it was kisses and nips. My fist tangled in his shirt and his fingers were wrapped in my hair. I swung him toward the couch, my scalp protested as he struggled against me. He came in for another kiss and I leaned away and bit him on the neck. I could feel his pulse racing under my teeth and my breath quickened. He raised a hand and brushed his fingers over my collarbone, right over the place that usually hurt. Instead of pain, I felt an unexpected rush of pleasure, as if he had touched my dick instead of my shoulder.

  Carrick swung me around to the couch, half by the hair, half by the shirt. I grabbed his hips and used the momentum to tumble us back around again. Then, taking advantage of being bigger, I pushed him – well, tackled maybe – down and straddled him. Even through our pants his crotch felt burning hot against mine, and I could easily feel his dick as it settled into the juncture of my thigh. My own rubbed against it and I moaned. He moaned right back and kissed me deeply. His hands gripped the back of my head, holding me against him. I rocked my hips and we both gasped. We rolled and arched against each other until we were both sideways on the couch, neither one of us ‘winning’ the tussle.

  Once more, his hand trailed down me and his fingers slid beneath my waistband. This time, I rose up and started to slide my pants down. Was I crazy? I didn’t care. His hand enveloped me and I melted into his touch. It occurred to me that I should return the favor, so I worked my hand into his pants and grasped his cock. For just a moment, it was weird as fuck to know I was stroking another man’s dick. Then he moaned in ecstasy and I wanted nothing more than to hear the sound again.

  Carrick matched my rhythm as I stroked him. Our tongues dueled, and I savored the taste of muffins, coffee, and something vaguely like fresh cut grass mixed with pine. Keeping track of just how long it had been since I got off with someone else’s help was too depressing, but it was clear it had been a while; under Carrick’s hand I was quickly getting close. He must have known because he sped up and kissed me harder. His second hand joined the first, cupping my balls, and making me shiver. I arched into his hand with a gasp.

  “Hey, don’t stop,” he teased.

  I was so distracted from my own pleasure I had almost forgotten I was busy jerking him off too. I quickly amended that and was rewarded by a shudder of his hips.

  In just another minute of bliss, it was over. I came harder than I had in a long time and collapsed against him, trembling. Carrick sagged against me with a content sigh. I let my eyes close.


  It was nearly five when I woke up. I couldn't believe that I slept all day. Then again, I stayed up pretty much the entire night watching over Carrick. And in spite of the fact that I probably didn't have to stay that way, I wasn't as young as I used to be.

  We were still snuggled together on the couch and it was entirely too comfortable. I felt like I could've stayed there, with his arm around me, forever. I swallowed nervously. Technically, I could. If I let him change me I could literally cuddle with him like this forever. I heaved a sigh, wanting to wake him so that I could get further away, and wanting to close my eyes and fall back as
leep with him. What on earth was happening?

  I closed my eyes and thought about what we had just done. I felt like I should've been grossed out, maybe running for the shower. Instead I felt more at peace than I had in a long, long time. Even looking back at it I didn't feel uncomfortable. Perhaps most astonishingly of all, I didn't regret it. If he woke up right now and wanted to go again, I would have done it. Eagerly. Just the thought of it made my dick stiffen a little bit. Holy hell, I couldn't remember the last time I had gotten hard again so quickly. I never imagined it back in the day, but I hardly ever even jerked off anymore. Now here I was, brought back to life by another man.

  What if I did say yes? It certainly was tempting. But I couldn't shake the feeling that it had to be too good to be true. There had to be some sort of a catch. Surely it couldn’t all be this... blissful.

  Of course, with my luck, he woke up. I looked into his eyes as they blinked sweetly at me and felt an uncomfortable rush of affection.

  “Hi,” he said shyly.

  An idiotic smile spread across my face, just from one word from him. “Hi,” I said back. Internally, I was freaking out. Did I say yes? Should I say no? How could I possibly decide? Meanwhile, I was acting like stupid teenager in love.

  “Is my phone here?”

  I blinked in surprise. Not exactly the question I had been expecting. “Uh... I don’t know...”

  “Can I borrow yours? I need to make a couple calls.”

  “To who?” I asked reflexively.

  “Well, my family for one. Actually, that might be two or three calls if they aren't all together. They're probably going crazy, wondering if I'm okay. And...” He bit his lip nervously. It made me want to reach out and run my finger over it. Maybe even kiss it. “I have to call the Alpha Parliament and tell them about you.”

  A stone dropped in my stomach. “Right. And then I have to make a decision by the time they get here.”

  He nodded.

  “I need to shower,” I said, “My phone is on the table.”


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