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Oliver Wendell Holmes

Page 58

by Stephen Budiansky

  Jackman v. The Rosenbaum Company (1922), 408–9[nn44–45]

  Jacobs v. Rouse (Docket # 588, Equity, Suffolk County, 1883), 187[n23]

  Jacobs, In re, 98 N.Y. 98 (1885), 291[n20]

  Jay Burns Baking Company v. Bryan (1924), 411[n54]

  Johnson v. United States, 163 Fed. 30 (1st Cir. 1908), 200[n60]

  Jones v. Simpson, 171 Mass. 474 (1898), 190[n33]

  Katz v. United States (1967), 520n33

  Kawananakoa v. Polyblank (1907), 436[n37]

  Lamson v. Martin, 159 Mass. 557 (1893), 488n19

  Leach v. Carlile (1922), 440–41

  LeRoy Fibre Company v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway (1914), 346

  Lochner v. New York (1905), 64[n46], 291–93, 294–95, 341, 347, 348, 412, 438

  Long v. Rockwood (1928), 523n22

  Lorden v. Coffey, 178 Mass. 489 (1901), 494n61

  Lorenzo v. Wirth, 170 Mass. 596 (1898), 431[n28]

  Louis K. Liggett Company v. Baldridge (1928), 410[n50]

  Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company v. Barber Asphalt Paving Company (1905), 296[n30]

  Marcus Brown Holding Company, Inc., v. Feldman (1921), 346[n36]

  Martin v. District of Columbia (1907), 296–97[n31]

  Mason v. Pomeroy, 154 Mass. 481 (1891), 195–96[n49]

  Masses Publishing Company v. Patten, 244 F. 535 (S.D.N.Y. 1917), 246 F. 24 (2d Cir. 1917), 368–69, 377, 383, 384, 385

  McAuliffe v. Mayor and Board of Aldermen of New Bedford, 155 Mass. 216 (1892), 12[n41], 378[n33]

  McCabe v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company (1914), 414[n60]

  Merrill v. Peaslee, 146 Mass. 460 (1888), 232[n11]

  Middlesex Company v. City of Lowell, 149 Mass. 509 (1889), 198[n55]

  Milwaukee Social Democratic Publishing Company v. Burleson (1921), 440, 460

  Missouri v. Holland (1920), 447–48[n66]

  Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway v. May (1904), 296[n28]

  Moore v. Dempsey (1923), 417–19, 427, 459

  Muller v. Oregon (1908), 357

  Munn v. Illinois (1876), 409–10[n49]

  Myers v. United States (1926), 524n22

  Nash v. Minnesota Title Insurance and Trust Company, 163 Mass. 574 (1895), 232[n10], 233[n15]

  National Labor Relations Board v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation (1937), 523n20

  Nebbia v. New York (1934), 449[n72]

  New Jersey v. New York (1931), 447[n65]

  New Negro Alliance v. Sanitary Grocery Company (1938), 523n20

  Nixon v. Herndon (1927), 433

  Noble State Bank v. Haskell (1911), 342

  Northern Securities Company v. United States (1904), 297–300, 301, 412

  Oliver v. Oliver, 151 Mass. 349 (1890), 188–89[n28]

  Olmstead v. United States (1928), 12[n44], 433–35, 520n33

  O’Neill v. Northern Colorado Irrigation Company (1916), 12[n40]

  Opinions of the Justices to the House of Representatives (constitutionality of municipally owned fuel yards), 155 Mass. 598 (1892), 224[n59]

  Opinions of the Justices to the House of Representatives (constitutionality of referendums), 160 Mass. 586 (1894), 22[n76], 224–25[n62]

  Otis v. Parker (1903), 22[n75], 266[n26], 271–72

  Patnoude v. New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad Company, 180 Mass. 119 (1901), 246[n50]

  Patterson v. Colorado (1907), 379–80, 383, 393

  Peck v. Tribune Company (1909), 380[n37]

  Pennsylvania Coal Company v. Mahon (1922), 410–11, 419

  People v. Budd, 117 N.Y. 1 (1899), 288–89

  People v. Gillson, 109 N.Y. 389 (1888), 270[n38]

  Phelps Dodge Corporation v. National Labor Relations Board (1941), 523n20

  Pipe Line Cases (1914), 339–41

  Plant v. Woods, 176 Mass. 492 (1900), 247, 348

  Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), 268, 269, 290, 414

  Pokora v. Wabash Railway Company (1934), 432[n30]

  Powell v. Alabama (1932), 459[n23]

  Quinn v. Crimmings, 171 Mass. 255 (1898), 431[n28]

  Raymond v. Wagner, 178 Mass. 315 (1901), 189–90[n32]

  Robbins v. Robbins, 140 Mass. 528 (1886), 189[n29]

  Russell v. Cole (Docket # 865, Equity, Suffolk County, 1883), 187[n22]

  Ryalls v. Mechanics’ Mills, 150 Mass. 190 (1889), 232[n10]

  Sargent v. Supreme Lodge of the Knights of Honor, 158 Mass. 557 (1893), 189[n31]

  Schenck v. United States (1919), 377–78, 383–85, 391

  Schlesinger v. Wisconsin (1926), 410[n50]

  Sears v. Mayor and Aldermen of Worcester, 180 Mass. 288 (1902), 196[n49]

  Seaver v. Seaver (Docket # 499, Suffolk County, 1883), 188[n27]

  Senn v. Tile Layers Protective Union (1937), 523n20

  Slaughter-House Cases (1873), 289–91

  Southern Pacific Company v. Jensen (1917), 12[n39], 347[n38], 435

  Spade v. Lynn and Boston Railroad Company, 172 Mass. 488 (1899), 12[n42], 233[n15]

  Springer v. Government of the Philippine Islands (1928), 22[n75]

  Standard Oil Company of New Jersey v. United States (1911), 343[n25]

  State Tax Commission of Utah v. Aldrich (1942), 446[n60]

  Stillman v. Whittemore, 165 Mass. 234 (1896), 196[n49]

  Swift and Company v. United States (1905), 300–301

  Tasker v. Stanley, 153 Mass. 148 (1891), 229–30[n3]

  Toledo Newspaper Company v. United States (1918), 363

  Towne v. Eisner (1918), 200[n60]

  Truax v. Corrigan (1921), 405, 459

  Tyson & Brother v. Banton (1927), 410, 449, 522n72

  Union Refrigerator Transit Company v. Kentucky (1905), 297[n32]

  United States v. Ames (1878), 156[n14]

  United States v. Carolene Products Company (1938), 459[n19]

  United States v. Darby Lumber Company (1941), 459[n21]

  United States v. Schwimmer (1929), 12[n46], 440, 441–42, 460

  United States v. Shipp (1906), 416–17

  United Zinc & Chemical Company v. Britt (1922), 432

  Vegelahn v. Guntner, 167 Mass. 92 (1896), 222[n54], 241–42, 247, 258, 348

  Weaver v. Palmer Brothers Company (1926), 410[n50]

  Welsh, In re, 175 Mass. 68 (1900), 230[n4]

  West Coast Hotel Company v. Parrish (1937), 459[n18]

  The Western Maid (1922), 346[n36], 435–36[n36]

  Western Union Telegraph Company v. Speight (1920), 338–39

  Weston v. Barnicoat, 175 Mass. 454 (1900), 232[n10]

  White v. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 171 Mass. 84 (1898), 190–91[n33]

  Williams v. Standard Oil Company (1929), 410[n50]

  Wood v. Bullard, 151 Mass. 324 (1890), 490n47

  Wood v. Cutter, 138 Mass. 149 (1884), 490n50


  Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

  Page numbers in italic refer to illustrations.

  Abbeyleix (Ireland), 235

  Abbott, Edward, 80

  Abbott, Henry Livermore (“Little”)

  appearance and background, 70, 73

  on Col. Lee’s breakdown, 101

  comradeship with OWH, 70, 72–73, 90, 102–3

  contempt for Holmes Sr., 70, 90

  courage in action, 70–71, 84, 85, 90, 103–4, 105, 117–18

  disputes over promotion in regiment, 109–10, 112

  ethnic and racial prejudices, 78, 104, 111

  hatred of abolitionists, 70, 77–78, 90, 101–2, 105, 109, 111

  on mistakes at Ball’s Bluff, 83, 84

  on Ropes’s death at Gettysburg, 110

  suicidal death at Wilderness, 105, 117–18

  symbol of duty and heroism to OWH, 70–71, 103–4, 117–18

  Abbott, Josiah, 77

  abolitionism and abolitionists

  in Boston, 58, 66–70, 76

  moral certainties of, 130

  and postwar South, 130, 413, 414

  and Union army, 71, 77–78, 90, 91, 109, 111

  see also slavery

  Abrams, Jacob, 390

  academics, see law professors

  accidents, see torts and tort law; workers’ compensation; workplace safety

  Acheson, Dean

  and Abrams case, 515n64

  impressions of OWH, 1–2, 19

  on intimacy of old Court chambers, 264

  on Justices Day and McKenna, 338

  OWH’s remarks to: Harlan’s mind, 9; OWH’s “undeserved reputation for attention” on the bench, 194; Peckham’s judicial temperament, 270; White’s “rule of reason,” 343

  on tediousness of Washington teas, 278

  on Washington’s southern atmosphere, 260

  on White’s slippery-slope arguments, 342–43

  Achtundvierziger, 76

  Acton, John Dalberg-Acton, Lord, 376

  Adams, Brooks, 4, 219, 220, 221, 230

  Adams, Clover (née Hooper), 139, 146, 183, 281

  Adams, Henry

  on failings of Harvard education, 56

  marriage to Clover Hooper, 139, 281

  on New England’s social conscience, 28, 31

  pessimism, 4, 330

  on TR’s anger at OWH, 299

  Adams, John Quincy, 3

  Adams, Mary, 139

  admiralty law, 156, 173, 435–46

  adultery, rules of evidence for, 188, 189

  African Americans

  in Civil War, 68, 89, 90, 109, 111

  as Court messengers, 20, 260–61

  defendants in mob-dominated trials, 417–19, 418, 427–28, 427, 459

  and peonage laws, 414

  in Reconstruction, 289–90

  segregation, 268, 269, 290, 412–13, 414–16

  and TR, 275, 412

  voting rights, 413–14, 433

  in Washington, 260–61, 275, 311–12, 360

  see also slavery

  Agassiz, Louis, 38

  agencies, independent federal, 524n22

  air pollution, 301

  Alabama, racially discriminatory statutes, 413–14

  Allen, Justice William, 220

  Alpha Delta Phi, 59

  Alpine Club, 140, 141, 143, 159

  Alps, 2, 141–42, 143, 150

  Ambassadors, The (H. James), 333

  American Bar Association, 336, 446, 447

  American Law Review, 154, 157, 162, 163, 164, 168, 170

  American Waltham Watch Company, 246

  Ames, James Barr, 180

  Ames, Oakes, 183

  Amritsar massacre, 373

  anarchists, 390, 425, 461

  Ancient Law (Maine), 159

  Andrew, Gov. John, 76, 77, 78, 89, 90, 109

  Antietam, Battle of, 93–96, 101

  aftermath of, 100–101

  casualty figures, 93, 476n59

  map, 95

  OWH wounded at, 2, 3, 96–99, 98, 128, 144, 451


  in Boston, 19, 355–56, 359, 394

  and Brandeis nomination, 355–56

  of Fanny Holmes, 19, 359, 511n70

  in legal profession, 320, 326–27

  of McReynolds, 359–61, 426

  antitrust cases, 294, 297–301, 298, 327, 329, 343, 359


  and certiorari, 401–3

  and discretion of trial judge, 195–96

  in equity cases, 488n19

  right of, 349, 401–2

  Argyll, George Campbell, 8th Duke of, 139, 142

  Aristophanes, 220

  Aristotle, 333


  injunctions against strikers, 405

  workers’ compensation statute, 397

  Arlington Cemetery, 20, 316, 439, 451, 452

  arson, 383–84

  Asch, Sholem, 443

  Askwith, Lady (Ellen, née Peel), 178, 363, 478n25

  Asquith, Lady (Margot, née Tennant), 218

  Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, 216–17

  Atlanta (Ga.), 348, 350, 386

  Atlantic Monthly, 23, 97, 426, 479n70

  attempted crimes, 233, 383–84, 393

  Augustine, Saint, 7

  Austen, Jane, 333

  Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table, The (Holmes Sr.), 23, 37, 41–43, 45

  Back Bay, see Boston: Back Bay project

  “bad man” theory, 244–45, 497n46

  “bad tendency” test, 368, 384

  “badge of slavery,” 269

  Baker, Col. Edward D., 83–84, 85

  bakeries, regulation of, 291–93, 292, 411

  Bakhmeteff, Ambassador, 277, 311

  balancing tests, 21–22, 246–47, 293–94, 433

  Ball’s Bluff, Battle of, 79–85

  consequences of, 77, 88–89, 90, 92, 100, 104

  map, 82

  OWH wounded at 2, 86–88, 96, 99, 281, 451

  Balmhorn, 141

  Balzac, Honoré de, 7

  banks, 342, 451

  Bar Association of Boston, 258

  Barbour, Thomas, 427

  Bard, Nathan, 427–28, 427

  Bartlett, John, 40

  Bartlett, Brig. Gen. William Francis, 73–74, 78, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85, 125

  Basel (Switzerland), 141

  Bayreuth (Germany), 424

  Beck, James M., 406

  Beecher, Lyman, 29

  “Beef Trust,” 300

  Belknap, Chauncey

  on Fanny Holmes’s acuity and humor, 277–78, 318

  living at “House of Truth,” 353

  oral history, 466

  on OWH: his fame to Harvard Law students, 319; work ethic, 6

  OWH reads opinions aloud to, 315

  OWH’s remarks to: fellow justices “the boys,” 9–10; contempt for father’s emotional meetings during war, 87, 98

  social duties as OWH’s secretary, 277–78, 316–17, 318

  on Washington society, 273

  Benjamin, Robert M., 320

  Berchem, Nicolaes Pieterszoon, 60

  Berea College, 414

  Berkeley, Bishop George, 333

  Berlin, University of, 324

  Bermuda, Supreme Court of, 320

  Bermuda Hundred (Va.), 116, 125

  Bernhardt, Sarah, 283

  “bettabilitarianism,” 149

  Bevan, Margaret, 212–13

  Beverly Farms (Mass.), 209, 220–21, 225–26, 226, 322, 443, 444

  Bickel, Alexander, 347, 515n64

  Biddle, Francis, 13, 134, 210, 260, 316, 318–19, 320

  Bierce, Ambrose, 244

  Bigelow, Sturgis, 221

  bill of exceptions, 488n19

  Bill of Rights, 222, 290, 342, 379, 380, 382 (see also First Amendment; Fourth Amendment; Fifth Amendment; Fourteenth Amendment; free speech)

  “Black Book” (Holmes), 7, 170, 171, 228, 332, 334, 467n24

  “Black Codes,” 290

  Blackstone, William, 163

  Blackstone (Commentaries on the Laws of England)

  as iconic reference work, 163

  on free speech, 379, 380, 392, 393

  OWH’s dissatisfactions with, 153, 168, 169

  bloodroot, 113, 364, 386, 424

  “Bloody Angle,” 119–20, 119

  Boorstin, Daniel, 455

  Borglum, Gutzon, 329


  Back Bay project, 50, 133, 159–61

  “Brahmins,” 23, 24, 31, 51, 53, 66, 131, 356, 359, 426, 456

  buildings and streets, 27–28, 48, 49, 49–50, 159–61

  fire of 1872, 47

  “half-Puritan” atmosphere, 50

  Holmes Sr. as symbol of, 23–24

  intellectual atmosphere, 23–27

  Irish in, 19, 77, 78–79, 132–34, 197

  OWH’s residences in: 8 Montgomery Place, 48–50, 48, 176–77, 225; 21 Charles Street, 88; 10 Beacon Street, 161, 490–91n1; 9 Chestnut Street, 202, 490–91n1; 296 Beacon St
reet, 159–61, 160, 217, 227, 238, 286

  police strike of 1919, 389

  population, 196

  post–Civil War changes, 132–34, 136–37, 159–61, 196–97

  religion, 3, 28–34, 50, 62–65, 77, 131–32, 134

  and slavery, 65–70, 130

  social reform movements, 27–31

  support for education, 25–26, 30–31, 161

  textile industry, 26, 51, 65, 68, 132, 197, 221–22, 254

  Boston Associates, 51

  Boston Athenaeum, 27, 49, 76, 88, 161, 178, 457

  Boston Common, 49, 247, 248, 378

  Boston Daily Advertiser, 35, 177, 180, 217, 488n19

  Boston Evening Transcript, 394, 426

  Boston Latin School, 53, 54

  Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 453

  Boston Public Garden, 29, 50, 133

  Boston Public Library, 28

  Boston University, 240, 241, 243

  Bosworth Street (Boston), 49

  Bowditch, Henry, 43

  Bowditch, Nathaniel, 54

  Bowen, Catherine Drinker, 501n58

  Bowen, Francis, 61–63, 64–65, 66

  Bowling Green (Ky.), 437

  boycotts, 241–42, 247

  Bradley, Miss, 216

  Brandeis, Louis D., 356, 360, 402

  ally of OWH on the Court, 356–57, 358–59, 362–63, 390, 405, 409, 433, 435

  and anti-Semitism, 355–56, 359–61

  asceticism, 357–58

  books pressed on OWH, 8, 389

  cases argued before Court, 329, 357

  on crank mail, 421

  and dissenting opinions, 345

  and facts, 357, 389, 411–12

  and Fanny Holmes’s death, 439–40, 442

  and federal common law, 438

  and free speech cases, 381–82, 390, 440, 441

  and “House of Truth,” 329

  joins Democratic Party, 399

  and Laski, 358, 394

  and McReynolds, 359–61

  nomination fight, 355, 356–57, 388

  on OWH: criticisms of, 185, 396, 410–11, 432; his health, 409, 438, 444; recruitment to Harvard, 179–80, 182; resignation from the Court, 448, 449; rule against married secretaries, 317

  as “People’s Attorney,” 355

  residence, 357, 358

  and Sacco-Vanzetti case, 426, 428

  secretaries, 2, 313, 357

  and Taft, 356, 403, 405, 435

  “Brandeis brief,” 357

  Brandy Station (Va.), 112, 113, 116

  Brewer, Justice David J., 269, 272, 335, 339

  Brooks, Van Wyck

  on Holmes Sr., 23, 38, 41, 43

  on postwar Boston, 132, 137

  Brown, Justice Henry Billings, 266, 269, 344

  Brownell, Henry H., 135

  Bryce, James, 159, 168, 181, 224, 227, 329

  Buchan, John, 333

  Buck, Carrie, 428, 429–30

  Buckley, Charles (“Charlie”), 5, 204, 312, 398, 453


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