Oliver Wendell Holmes
Page 63
Odyssey (Homer), 331, 377
oil pipelines, 339–41
Oklahoma, railroad segregation law, 414
Old Corner Book Store, 49
“Old Ironsides” (Holmes Sr.), 35
“Old Sergeant, The” (Forceythe), 142, 452
Olds, Irving S., 320
Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise History of the Supreme Court, 454–55
Olmstead, Roy, 433–34
OWH’s visit to, 217
working hour laws, 357, 361–62, 412
Origin of Species (Darwin), 170, 486n49
“originalists,” 21, 459–60
Overland Campaign, 114–25, 114, 119, 124; map, 116
Oxford Book of French Verse, 332–33
Oxford University, 140, 159, 323–24, 372
pacifists, 364, 44, 441–42, 460
Palffy, Eleanor Roelker, 511n70
Palfrey, Lt. Col. Francis W., 90–91
Palfrey, John G., 299, 313
Palmer, A. Mitchell, 386, 387
Palmer Raids, 387, 425
Paper, Lewis J., 466
Paradise Lost, 12
Paradiso (Dante), 332
Holmes Sr.’s medical studies in, 35
Laski escapes to after setting off bomb, 372
OWH’s visits to, 141, 142, 159, 304
Parker, Francis E., 182
Parker, Justice Isaac, 379–80, 392, 393
Parker House, 38, 109, 126, 161
Parrington, V. L., 43
patent medicines, 441
patents, 444, 523n22
“Path of the Law, The” (Holmes), 243–46
Peckham, Justice Rufus W., 269, 270, 272, 288–89, 291, 292–93
Peirce, Charles Sanders, 424, 483n66
Pembroke, Earl of, 219
Peninsula Campaign, 91–93, 133
Pennsylvania, legislation in, 408–9, 410, 411
peonage laws, 414
Pepys, Samuel, 406
per curium opinions, 344, 359
Percy, Lord Eustace, 329
personal injury, see torts and tort law
petition, right of, 380
Pettigrew (misspelling by TR of Petigru, James L.), 255
Phagan, Mary, 348, 353
Philadelphia (Pa.), 87, 107, 111, 260
Phillips, Wendell, 66, 69–70, 130
free will, 148, 322
OWH’s study of, 57–58, 60–65, 136, 148–51, 154, 333
pragmatism, 150, 245–46, 424
skepticism, 149–50
and supernatural belief, 322
and theology, 61–66
picketing, 241, 405, 523n20
Pierce, Franklin, 68
Pinchot, Gifford, 203
pipelines, oil, 339–41
Pitney, Justice Mahon, 336–37, 348, 382
Pittsfield (Mass.)
boyhood summer home of OWH, 51–53, 52, 248
OWH hears divorce cases in, 187–88
OWH recruits for regiment in, 79
OWH writes to girl he knew in, 125
Planned Parenthood, 15
Plato, 60–61, 331, 332
“pluralism,” 375
Poe, Charles K., 314
“police power”
and health and safety regulation, 292, 409–10
OWH’s disdain for term, 200–201, 296, 409
and public businesses, 410
and zoning, 296–97
Pollock, Sir Frederick
correspondence and friendship with OWH, 17, 159, 211–12, 283
OWH’s remarks to: reminiscences of Boston, 49; surviving war, 123; dangers of certainty, 130; philosophical merits of Chauncey Wright, 149; delight at being a judge, 182–83; heavy workload on SJC, 183; prostate troubles, 207; discussions with union leader, 224; liability of intervening party, 229–30; external standard in manslaughter case, 232–33; dislike of ignorant praise, 258; troubles caused by writing quick decisions, 266–67; breakup of friendship with TR, 299–300; Jane Austen “a bore,” 333; dissents the majority thought “ill timed,” 363;
Laski “most learned” and “extraordinarily agreeable chap,” 374; Court term delayed by 1918 flu pandemic, 377; Brandeis’s “profound study of bread making,” 411
praises The Common Law, 177
publication of letters, 457
visits OWH at Beverly Farms, 331
Pollock, Georgina, Lady, 123, 139, 234
Pollock, John, 17
pollution, 198, 301, 432
Ponsky, Dr. Lee, 491n19
“Poor Richard” (H. James), 146
population growth, 398
Porcellian Club, 59
Portland (Ore.), OWH’s visit to, 217
Posner, Richard A., 11, 293, 294
Post Office, U.S.
censorship, 368–69, 371, 440, 460
“fraud orders,” 440–41
mail-bomb plot, 386–87
Potomac, Army of the, 78, 92, 102, 114, 118, 119, 125, 141–42
Potomac River, 281, 424
Pound, Roscoe, 388–89, 393, 426
Powhatan Hotel, 408
pragmatism, 245–46, 424
Pragmatism (W. James), 150
prediction theory of law, 243
prenuptial agreements, 192, 232
presidential powers, 524n22
press, freedom of, see free speech
price control laws, 224, 288–89, 410, 449
primaries, electoral, 433
privilege, legal concept of, 174, 241–42
“Privilege, Malice, and Intent” (Holmes), 230, 241, 242
Privileges or Immunities Clause, 289–90
“procedural due process,” 290 (see also Due Process Clause)
professionalism, rise of, 136–38
Progressive movement, 15, 297, 327, 328–30, 335–36, 399, 412, 419
Prohibition, 130, 312, 433–34, 449
property law, 171–72
property rights
absolutist view of, 200–201, 288–89, 405, 409–11
and business regulation, 222–23, 224, 268, 291, 405
limited by social need, 65, 447
and matter of degree, 201, 296–97
property taxes, 196, 29–97, 445
Proust, Marcel, 8, 152
Province Street (Boston), 49
public accommodations, 269, 290
public health and safety, 288, 292, 337
public schools, 26, 289, 294
“puke” test, 293, 459
Punch, 226–27
Purgatorio (Dante), 332
Puritanism, see Calvinism
Quakers, 12, 70, 71
Queen’s County (Ireland), 235
Queenstown (Ireland), 237
Quincy, Josiah, 28
racial justice, see mob-dominated trials; peonage laws; segregation; voting rights
and exclusive taxicab contracts, 437
firing of union members, 302, 353
monopolies, 297, 355–56
regulation of, 224, 225, 288, 296
and segregation, 290, 414
and standard time, 186
tort cases involving, 233–24, 246, 346, 432
Ralli, Helen, 281
Ralli, Marguerite (later Lady Tweeddale; Lewis Einstein’s stepdaughter), 455
rational basis test, 288, 409, 459
RCA (Radio Corporation of America), 320
“reasonable man,” 21, 175, 232–33
Reconstruction, 289 (see also “Black Codes”; Fifteenth Amendment; Fourteenth Amendment; segregation; voting rights)
recruiting, military, 368, 377–78
Red Scare, 387, 460
referendums, 224–25
regulation, economic
of financial markets, 198–200, 272, 288, 295
justified by public health or safety, 288, 292, 337
and legislative power, 225, 268, 288, 294–96, 409, 459
ensing, 288, 290, 410
and “police power,” 200–201, 292, 295, 409
prices and rates, 224, 288–89, 404, 410, 449
wages and hours, 222–23, 291–92, 357, 361–62, 412, 458–59
see also antitrust cases; Fourteenth Amendment; labor and labor law; property rights
rent control, 404
Republic (Plato), 331
Republican Party, 77, 180, 322–23
restraint of trade, 198–99
Revere, Maj. Paul, 78, 84, 100, 109
Richmond (Va.), 91, 92, 116, 120, 125, 238, 274
Riggs National Bank, 314
“right to contract,” 291, 292 (see also Due Process Clause; “liberty of contract”)
abstract conception of, 21, 64, 342, 369–70, 376, 413, 433, 458
as balance of interests, 21–22, 64–65, 293–97
civil, see peonage laws; segregation; voting rights
to fair trial, 290, 350–51, 418–19, 459
property, see property rights
“things a given crowd will fight for,” 106, 369–70
workers’, see labor and labor law
see also Due Process Clause; First Amendment; Fourteenth Amendment; free speech; natural law; Privileges or Immunities Clause; search and seizure
rivers, protection of, 198, 301, 447
Robertson, Jessie, 142
Rock Creek Park, 260, 281, 316, 385, 424, 450
Rockefeller, John D., 298–99, 302, 386
Rockport (Mass.), 371, 374
Rollins, Clara Sherwood, see Stevens, Clara Sherwood Rollins
Roman law, 157, 169
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
birthday visit to OWH, 449–50
at Harvard, 59
OWH’s apocryphal assessment of, 9
and OWH’s bequest to U.S. government, 453
Roosevelt, Theodore
antitrust campaign, 297–300, 298, 327
appoints OWH to Court, 254–56
Bull Moose campaign, 329–30, 366
and Fanny Holmes, 277, 278
friendship and falling-out with OWH, 275, 299–302, 412
Lewis Einstein’s biography of, 280
at Harvard, 59
OWH’s political opinion of, 329–30
political feud with Hughes, 322
and Rough Riders, 209
Ropes, Henry, 73, 105, 110–11
Ropes, John C., 110–11, 135, 162
Ropes and Gray, 110, 154
Rose, Horace Chapman, 308, 319, 320, 448
Rowe, James Henry, Jr., 8, 210, 313, 320, 454
royalties, 277, 523n22
“rule of reason,” 343
Rushmore, Mount, 329
Ruskin, John, 220
Russell, Bertrand, 3
Russell, Gen. David, 121
S. S. Pierce & Co., 307, 312
Sacco, Nicola, 425–28
Sagamore Hill (N.Y.), 255
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 209, 247, 248, 281
Salisbury (England), 219
San Francisco, OWH’s visit to, 217
Sand, George, 332
Santayana, George, 366
Sargent, see also Sergeant
Sargent, Amelia Jackson, see Holmes, Amelia Jackson (Mrs. Turner Sargent; sister of OWH)
Sargent, John Singer, 210
Sargent, Turner, 227
Saturday Club, 27, 38, 46, 144, 161
Saturday Review, 177
Saxonia, S.S., 303
Schwartz, Bernard, 291
Schwimmer, Rosika, 440, 441–42, 441
Science et technique en droit privé positif (Gény), 376
Scotland, OWH’s visit to, 142
Scott, Ethel (née James), 215
love and gratitude for OWH, 215, 239, 283, 304
marital difficulties, 320–21
OWH’s remarks to: folly of human aspirations, 8; rivalry with father, 46; melancholy associations on reading Proust, 152; value of dirty books, 178; wife’s eye for beauty in world, 205; affection for old sergeant of regiment, 322; would be lonely but for young friends, 326; uneasy feelings of duty during summer vacations, 331; young friends have launched New Republic, 354; gets on well with Taft, 403; most great things done with small populations, 431; if wife had lived would have been only for pain, 439; wants to get all he can out of “the old hulk,” 446
visit to Beverly Farms, 331
Scott, Leslie, 215, 320–21, 334
Scott, Gen. Winfield, 75
Scottsboro Boys, 459
search and seizure, 387, 433–35, 520n33
Second Corps (Sumner), 94–96, 95
secretaries (law clerks), OWH’s
devotion to OWH, 15, 319, 320, 399, 442–43, 448–49
later careers, 320
minimal legal duties of, 314–17, 318, 438
office arrangements for, 45, 308–9
OWH anecdotes told by, 5–6, 8, 10, 45, 312, 315–19, 397, 398
and OWH’s bequest to government, 454
OWH’s rule against marriage, 317–18
selection of, 5, 313–14, 317–18, 448–49
social duties, 314, 316–19, 326, 406, 442–43
Sedition Act of 1798, 392
seditious libel, 368, 392
Sedgwick, Arthur, 162
Sedgwick, Gen. John, 112, 117, 119, 479n55
segregation, 268, 269, 290, 414–16
Senate, U.S., 254, 255–56, 261
“separate but equal,” 268, 269, 414
Sergeant, see also Sargent
Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley, 422–23
“seriatim” opinions, 344
Seven Days Battle, 92
Seventh Day Adventists, 460
sewage, 198
Shakespeare, William, 7, 377, 406, 408
Sharpsburg (Md.), 93, 95
Shattuck, George Otis, 154, 154–56, 180–81, 216–17
Shattuck, Holmes and Monroe, 179
Shaw, Col. Robert Gould, 111, 145, 247, 248
Sheehan, Canon Patrick, 151, 284–86, 285, 324–26
Sherman Antitrust Act, 297, 298, 343, 503n33
Shils, Edward, 372–73, 374
Shipp, Joseph, 416–17
Shoreham Hotel, 260
Sidney, Sir Philip, 85
Sims, Thomas, 67
Sixth Corps (Sedgwick), 112, 112, 113, 115–17, 116, 121, 125
slander, 174 (see also libel)
slaughterhouses, regulation of, 289–90
and abolitionism, 65–70, 77–78
and Fugitive Slave Law, 66–68
OWH’s view of, 69–70, 106, 130
and postwar “Black Codes,” 290
return of escaped slaves in war, 89
and Thirteenth Amendment, 269
“whipping day,” 100
Social Law Library (Boston), 488n19
Social Statics (Spencer), 294, 295
socialism, 19, 223
Socialist Party, 377, 378, 390, 383
“Soldier’s Faith, The” (Holmes), 117–18, 119–20, 127, 254, 364, 376
Soldiers’ Home, 316
Sophocles, 220
Sorrento (Maine), 321
Southerners, in Washington society, 273–74, 275, 278
sovereign immunity, 436
speech, freedom of, see free speech
Spencer, Herbert, 294, 295
Spinoza, Baruch, 7, 333
Spotsylvania, Battle of, 2, 119–20, 119
Spotsylvania Court House (Va.), 116, 118
Springfield (Mass.), 184
St. Leger, Ethel, 423
St. Leger family, 235, 237
Standard Oil Company, 339–40, 343
“standard time” case, 186–87, 186
Stanford Law School, 320
states’ rights, see common law: federal; Fourteenth Amendment
Stephen, Leslie, 2, 140–42, 150, 159
sterilization, sexual, 14–15, 428–31
Stevens, Clara Sh
erwood Rollins (Mrs. Joseph S. Stevens)
appearance and character, 209, 211
attachment and gratitude to OWH, 214–15
death, 423
novelistic depiction of OWH, 213–14
OWH’s comments to: father’s strengths and weaknesses, 43–44; Henry Dalton’s coolness in battle, 117; “out of politics,” 253–54; destroying old papers, 257; initial gloomy reaction to nomination to Court, 257; working “full blast” on Court, 267; superficiality of Washington friendships, 279; “nobody wants a dispassionate man,” 302; needed to take in his cousin Dorothy Upham, 309; even solitaire feels like duty, 333; death of old friends, 343; Brandeis always leaves him feeling encouraged, 356–57; asks to burn his letters, 455
Stevens, Joseph S., 209
Stimson, Henry, 327, 329
stock sales, regulation of, 272, 295
stockyards, regulation of, 288, 300–301
Stone, Brig. Gen. Charles P., 80–83, 89
Stone, Justice Harlan Fiske, 341, 402, 409, 438–39, 441, 444
Stoneleigh Court, 357, 358
strikes, 221, 241, 247, 348, 388, 389
Studley (Va.), 121
Suarez, Francisco, 326
“substantive due process,” 29 (see also Due Process Clause)
sugar trust, 327, 329
Sumner, Charles
as abolitionist, 67, 78
employs OWH’s brother as secretary, 225
Grant’s detestation of, 132
member of Saturday Club, 38
and OWH’s introductions to London society, 139
visits OWH when wounded, 88
Sumner, Gen. Edwin V., 94
Sunday laws, 294
Supreme Court, U.S.
case argued by OWH before, 156
caseload and backlog, 401–3
and certiorari process, 402–3
conferences, 6, 263, 337, 345, 361, 401, 411, 444
contempt trial conducted by, 416–17
courtroom, 261–64, 263
custom of justices shaking hands, 271
dissenting and concurring opinions, 344–48, 403, 516n24
group photographs, 269, 361, 402
jurisdiction, 349, 401–3, 405, 415
messengers, 260–61
Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise History, 454–55
political attacks on, 405
“returns” of justices’ opinions, 266
salaries, 228
schedule, 6, 262–63
secretaries and clerks, 313 (see also secretaries (law clerks), OWH’s)
see also Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.: AS U.S. SUPREME COURT JUSTICE; names of specific cases in Index of Court Cases; names of individual justices
Supreme Judicial Court, Massachusetts
caseload and jurisdiction, 183–84, 193
circuit schedule, 184
judicial dress, 253
OWH’s practice before, 156
salaries, 227
tradition of unanimity, 222, 230
see also Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.: ON MASSACHUSETTS SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT; names of specific cases in Index of Court Cases; names of individual justices