Watching From a Distance
Page 6
“What is there to say? You can’t do anything without an A-guard and they can’t afford for me to take the time off. It was best for me to stay here.”
“I never would have--you were a little off now that I think about it. But nothing that would have caused me to guess you carried something that serious.” Ka’za tilts her head slightly as she studies me. She is stunned.
I smile suddenly, perhaps the first real smile since I heard about Mati. Mati is going to be fine now and Ka’za--this beautiful woman before me--wants to go out with me. To maybe be my wife. Imagine that! And I have no reason not to object to it. None. We already work together, live on the same ship, and have watched each other for so long. Since Jaroin apparently, my third mission with her. We know enough to love each other. Perhaps we already do.
I move myself off the chair and kneel before her. It’s impulsive but I don’t care. I recite the traditional request for courtship as is done in the capital. “Ka’za dau Reloni, will you do me the honor of your courtship as we find someone to marry?”
Ka’za blinks, for the third time taken off guard by the suddenness of the situation. The unexpected. I never thought I would see that before now, though I’m glad it’s me who gets that privileged.
Then she beams. “The honor would be all mine.”
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Other works:
I hope to release a new short story every two to three weeks at least while I am starting. As such, here are some future, or maybe current, titles.
For Their Future (A purple guard story)
Time of the Dragon Slayers
How Johnny Cash Saved My Life--300 years after he died
About me
I began writing at fourteen to entertain my sister, but it took me almost four years before I wrote something that might be considered half way good, and another year or two to fully complete a novel, The Sweeper Pilot. Since then, I’ve written a variety of both short stories and parts of novels, all of them science fiction of some variety. Although I have submitted several things for publication, Watching From a Distance is the first story as an ebook.
Currently, I live in South Dakota. I attend college, work at the writing center and study to be an elementary teacher. When I have time, I write, draw, waste time and read good books.
Contact via e-mail:
My blog: Always a Writer