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Page 3

by Dakota Brown

  "Doc," he called.

  One of the men turned, glanced at us, then excused himself from the other. At second glance, he didn't appear to be much older than Ed. He wore his black hair long in a ponytail down his back. His skin was olive toned, and his high cheekbones made me wonder if he was at least partially native. His eyes were so brown, they were almost black.

  He smiled. "Ed, what are you doing?"

  "Doc, this is Sofia, and her roommate Victoria," he added the last as the other two caught up to us. He held out my hand as if presenting it to Doc.

  He titled his head slightly at Ed but accepted my hand, though he looked a little confused.

  "It's nice to meet you," Doc said.

  Ed looked extremely pleased with himself. I had the mental image of a puppy bringing his master a stick or some other treasure.

  Doc's hand was almost cool in contrast with Ed's. He held mine firmly for a moment, and released my hand before it became awkward.

  "It's nice to meet you, too." I tried not to blush. Being the focus of so many hot guys was a little unnerving.

  Doc's smile widened, and I couldn't help smiling back. Unlike Ed and Allan, he was slender, although the casual strength in his grip made me think he was far from weak. I almost wondered if he was stronger than the brothers, though I had nothing to base that off of, nor was I even sure why the thought had crossed my mind. He was dressed slightly less casually than I was in tan slacks and a blue polo shirt.

  "Victoria, a pleasure," Doc continued. He didn't reach for her hand as she stood a little farther back, instead, he bowed ever so slightly. He had an accent that I would normally associate with cowboys in westerns.

  I thought I caught a hint of a blush from my roommate, but I wasn't sure.

  "They're freshmen as well," Allan said. "We helped them move in earlier."

  "Ahh. Perhaps you should take them over to the refreshment table and get them something to drink," Doc suggested. "I won't go anywhere."

  Ed lit up with joy at being given a task. Allan opened his mouth to say something, when Ed grabbed my hand and gently but firmly tugged me in the direction of the food.

  Victoria laughed, but I was already amongst the crowd and couldn't hear if she said anything else. Ed didn't drop my hand when we got to the table, instead, he watched me while I looked at the selections. I had barely decided on a ginger ale, when he tugged me toward it and asked the student pouring drinks for a ginger ale for me.

  "How did you know what I wanted?"

  "Your expression changed when you looked at the ginger ale. It was what you wanted. Do you know what Victoria likes?"

  "Um, cola."

  He ordered one of those, handed me the ginger ale, took the cola, and led me back to my roommate, all without dropping my hand.

  It was a little strange, since his actions weren't really normal for someone who had just met me. However, I could tell with every fiber of my being, that he meant nothing malicious by it. I couldn't figure out what he did mean. Maybe it was just Ed being Ed. I just decided to go with it for now.

  Of course, when we got back to the others, he held my hand out to a very perplexed looking Doc, who accepted it, probably for the same reason I was letting Ed drag me around. Ed handed the cola to Victoria with a pleased smile on his face.

  Doc squeezed my hand gently before releasing me. He tilted an eyebrow at me, and I shrugged, trying to convey with my expression that I had no idea what Ed was up to.

  He smiled and shrugged back.

  I didn't think Ed noticed the exchange, though Allan may have. Victoria certainly did. She looked just as confused as us.

  'Phone number,' she mouthed.

  I snorted into my ginger ale, then laughed. So attractive.

  "So, um, you three are friends I take it?" I asked before we ended up in an awkward silence.

  "Yes. I've known Ed and Allan for several years," Doc replied.

  "We're­­–" Allan elbowed Ed in the stomach. Ed grunted.

  "We're like brothers," Allan finished for Ed.

  "Oh, great. So you probably know the area really well." Victoria smiled, looking like she had a plan.

  "Yes," Doc replied.

  "Maybe you can take us all hiking sometime," she suggested.

  I just about died right there. What on earth was she doing? I took a drink of ginger ale to hopefully hide my blush. Unfortunately, I got the idea that not much escaped Doc's notice. Allan's either. I wasn't sure about Ed yet.

  "Sofia, there you are."

  I turned at Alex's voice.

  "Who's that?" Ed's voice lowered, and he didn't exactly sound friendly in that moment.

  Allan elbowed his brother again.

  "Uh, Alex. We met yesterday." I sighed and managed to stop myself from telling them I had dumped coffee all over him.

  "Oh." Ed's voice went flat.

  I glanced over at Doc to see if he knew what was going on with Ed, but he was frowning at Ed, who didn't seem to notice.

  "Who are your friends?" Alex smiled and joined our group, standing next to me. That left Doc on the other side of me.

  "Well, we met Ed and Allan yesterday afternoon, and they just introduced us to Doc."

  Alex studied Ed and Allan for a moment before turning his attention to Doc. His brow furrowed, as if he were confused about something, before he shrugged slightly. "It's nice to meet all of you. Do you mind if I steal Sofia and Victoria away for a few minutes? I wanted her to meet some of my friends."

  "Yes," Ed grumbled.

  We all looked at Ed in surprise.

  Allan cleared his throat. "What Ed meant is yes, that would be fine if Sofia and Victoria don't mind."

  Ed glowered. Doc and Allan smiled and promised to catch up with us later in the evening.

  Victoria hooked her arm in mine, and we followed after Alex through the crowd.

  "I think Ed likes you," she whispered.

  "He keeps handing me off to Doc, though. What's up with that?" I was really confused.

  "No idea, but make sure you get their numbers before the end of the night."

  I sputtered, and she laughed.

  Chapter 3


  Doc turned toward Ed. "What on Earth has gotten into you?"

  "I like her," Ed replied as he stared into the crowd where Sofia had disappeared.

  "You like her, so you drag her around by her hand and then give her to me?" Doc sighed. Sometimes he didn't understand his brothers.

  "No. I like her for you. She's right for you. Couldn't you tell?"

  Allan and Doc both stared at Ed, when he finally turned back to them.

  "What?" Ed frowned, looking confused for the first time.

  "Ed, you don't even know her," Allan said.

  "I don't need to know her to know it's right. She belongs with us," Ed stated.

  "With us, with you, or with me?" Doc felt he had to clarify. Ed was clearly caught up in some sort of werewolf thing he couldn't understand, as he wasn't a werewolf like the two actual brothers.

  "She belongs with us. Our pack. I know she's right for you, too. You're harder to find a match for, though. So, we'll start with you."

  Doc glanced at Allan. "Do you have any idea what he's going on about?"

  Allan shook his head slowly, but his eyes widened slightly, and Doc thought he might actually understand what Ed was talking about. He probably just didn't want to say it. They were used to Ed's kind of weird, but that didn't mean they always understood it.

  "You do realize she's a freshman? You do realize she's probably in my American History class? Half the freshmen are."

  "Good, hopefully she's in your class this semester so you can get to know her, and then you won't be her teacher that much faster. Oh, hey, there's Ted. I'll bring Sofia back later."

  Ed hurried off before Allan or Doc could stop him.

  "Allan, can you explain any of that?"

  Allan sighed and shook his head. "I'm not even going to try. You know how he is. He gets ideas som
etimes, and just goes with it."

  "I do know how he is," Doc said softly. "And he doesn't give up when he gets an idea in his head."

  "Maybe he just liked the way she smelled." Allan grinned.


  "Don't tell me you didn't notice. Whether she belongs with us or not is up to her, but she certainly belongs up here."

  Doc waited for Allan to explain.

  "She smells like a fresh mountain breeze at the beginning of spring, with just a hint of snow."

  "You use your nose much more than I do," Doc pointed out. He had noticed, though he hadn't put it into quite such poetic terms in his mind.

  "You may not be a wolf, Doc, but we've hunted with you, and you use your nose just as much as we do," Allan whispered very quietly. "Wherever she moved here from, she belongs in the mountains."

  "How do you know she's from somewhere else?"

  "She's breathing too hard to be used to even a little altitude. She'll adjust quickly, though. She's fit. Maybe we'll take her running sometime." Allan smiled.

  "Not you, too." Doc groaned.

  "Do you know Alex? He smelled like he recognized us." Allan was clearly trying to change the subject.

  "No, I don't." Doc let him. He didn't really want to think about Ed's strange behavior, though he did find himself hoping his brother would fulfill his promise to bring Sofia back later, if only so he could try and figure out what had caught the werewolf's attention. Sure, she was attractive. Her short dark hair in an uneven bob framed her face nicely and showed off gray eyes that flashed lavender when the light hit them just right. Her aquiline nose was just right for her face, and her dusky tanned skin made him wonder if she had a mixed heritage like he did. And Allan was right about her scent.

  Realizing his thoughts had strayed much further down the 'interested in Sofia' path than he had intended, he pulled his attention back to the gathering. Allan was studying him.

  "He's right, isn't he?"

  "Right about what?"

  "You like her, too."

  "I have no idea what either of you two knuckleheads are talking about." Doc sighed.

  "I'll be back," Allan said. "I need to apologize to her for Ed."

  "Don't scare her off," Doc surprised himself by saying.

  "That's why I'm going to apologize. I'll catch up with you later, or maybe back at the cabin."

  Allan slipped into the crowd and was gone before Doc could change his words. What exactly was he getting himself into anyway?

  Chapter 4


  I had stayed out later than I intended, but not so late that I couldn't easily make it to my nine am class. My tablet with all my textbooks was charged. I put it and a keyboard in my backpack. I grabbed a few notebooks, some pens, and my water bottle. Everything fit easily in the pack. So much less to carry than when I was in high school.

  Victoria gave me a sleepy high five as I headed out to grab breakfast before class. I mulled over the weekend. Allan had apologized for Ed's bizarre behavior, though he really didn't have any explanation for it. I had met several of Alex's friends and spent a little more time talking with Doc. Sunday had been pretty low key, though I had used my last free day for a while to explore town. Victoria and I had met up for a late dinner, and then headed back to our dorm. I would see her later today, as we shared several core classes this semester.


  I stopped and turned.

  Alex chased after me, carrying two paper cups. "I hoped I would see you. Can I offer you a coffee?"

  "I, uh, thanks." I grinned. "Not going to turn that down."

  He caught up to me and handed over one of the cups. "One latte just for you."

  "Thank you." I hid my blush behind the cup as I took a sip. Perfect temperature. I caught Alex studying me with that same surprised expression I had seen when we first met. "What?"

  He shook his head. "Nothing. What's your first class?"

  "Um, American History, I think it was called. It sounded more interesting than general history. It focuses on the West. I've had general history classes so many times."

  "That's Cassidy's class."

  The name seemed to mean something to Alex. I shook my head and shrugged.

  "Ahh." He smiled. "You'll see. Come on, I'll walk you. It's on my way."

  "Oh, I needed to get breakfast first. Class isn't until nine."

  "That is also on the way."

  I fell in next to him, and we headed to the dining area. I scanned my card and got something that looked halfway decent. Alex told me he had already eaten, though he sat with me, sipping his coffee in silence while I ate. Another person I could sit in comfortable silence with. That was nice.

  Once I finished, we walked toward the history building. History was a pretty significant major here, so the department had its own building. Alex left me at the door, and I went inside. If he was trying to win my heart, meeting me with a latte in the morning would certainly help. I hid a smile behind my hand as I hit the stairwell and went up to the second floor.

  Though it winded me, the exercise felt good, and I quickly found my way to class. To my surprise, Doc stood inside, along with a handful of people my age. It was a little early, and class would start in about fifteen minutes. All the classes were small here, and the classroom would hold about thirty students.

  He glanced over and smiled when he saw me. "You are in my class."

  "Your class?"

  "Did Ed not mention I was a professor here?"

  "No." My eyes widened, and I tried not to blush. Of course, he wasn't available.

  He shook his head. "Those two."

  I really hoped I hadn't said anything inappropriate or embarrassing Saturday night. His easy smile reassured me. I supposed it was a good thing I hadn't asked for anyone's phone number, though. Victoria would laugh when she found out. I couldn't help but remember my hand in his, the casual strength I had felt. I cleared my throat and picked a seat near the front of the room.

  That did explain Alex's comment. Doc's last name must be Cassidy. Doc Cassidy? I wondered if Doc was a nickname then.

  More students trickled in over the next few minutes. I pulled the course syllabus up on my tablet, but Doc's intent stare toward the back of the classroom caught my attention, and I twisted to look.

  A student walked into the room, and the first thing I thought of when I saw him was Viking. He was tall, with long platinum blond hair, muscles to rival Ed and Allan, and a presence about him that simply demanded attention. He wore a turtleneck with a flannel shirt over it, and nice slacks. I couldn't imagine how he wasn't overly warm, but he looked comfortable.

  The student scanned the room, and his eyes met mine for a brief moment. As a child, I'd had a friend with a husky. I had loved that dog. This student had the exact same kind of multi-toned white and blue eyes.

  He sat a couple of desks back in the same row I had chosen.

  I glanced back at Doc, who studied the newcomer before shaking his head and glancing at the clock.

  "Well, it's good to see all of you. First off, my name is Roy Cassidy. Some of you," he glanced at me and smiled slightly, "know me as Doc. Roy, Mr. Cassidy, or Doc is fine, however you're comfortable addressing me. Second question. Yes, I have, at various points in my life, lived all over the American West. Yes, I'm a cowboy, if you couldn't tell by the accent." He grinned. "And yes, I'm part Native. I've found over the years, the questions come up at some point, so it's just as easy to get them out in the open."

  He spent a moment scanning the room, and when he didn't see anyone with questions, he continued. "This isn't exactly a hard class, but it's not an automatic A. I do expect you to show up to class the majority of the time, do well on the tests, and turn in the occasional assignment. There are a couple of papers, a couple of tests, and some reading. It's a core class, but it's interesting material. I hope you'll enjoy the semester with me. Any questions?"

  "Why Doc?" Someone called from the back.

  "Ah," Doc laughe
d. "Friends of mine gave me the nickname Doc Holliday when we met. It stuck."

  I was guessing those friends were Ed and Allan. If I had to pick just one of them, I'd go with Ed.

  Doc glanced at me and nodded slightly as if guessing what I was thinking. He answered a few more questions from the other students and then fell into the first day's lecture. I took a few notes in the textbook and mostly found myself enjoying the cadence of Doc's voice as he spoke.

  It was almost a surprise when he stopped talking and dismissed the class a few minutes early. He claimed it was so students had a few extra minutes to find their next class on the first day. He caught my eye as I stood. "Have a moment?"

  I nodded and went to the front of the room. I glanced as the others filtered out of the classroom and saw the guy with the husky eyes staring at the two of us for a long moment before he left.

  "Weird," I muttered under my breath.

  "Yes. I do wonder what that's all about," Doc said, though I was surprised he had heard my comment.

  "I'm sorry I didn't realize you were a teacher."

  He shrugged. "I don't really look much older than Allan or Ed, so it's not surprising. I had thought they might have told you, but I guess not. I wanted to apologize again for Ed, since he's either completely oblivious, or doesn't care, and I didn't have a chance to say anything Saturday."

  I shook my head. "He didn't bother me or anything. It was just a little strange. Do you know what he was doing?"

  Doc's slight hesitation before he shook his head made me think he knew and didn't really want to talk about it. That was fine with me.

  "It's all good."

  Doc smiled. "Well, if I don't run into you before then, I will see you in class on Wednesday."

  "It's a–" I stopped myself before I finished saying 'date,' thinking that would be way too weird. "Plan," I finished.

  Doc arched an eyebrow, as if wondering what I had been about to say.

  I just smiled and hurried out of the classroom before I said anything else awkward. Victoria must be getting to me with her hot boy phone number collection she was trying to get me to make.


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