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Page 6

by Dakota Brown

  "Damn it, no." I pulled out my phone. I had a text I hadn't heard come in. The number was local, and I didn't have a name attached to it.

  Unknown: Got your number from the guys. Don't ever hesitate to contact me if you think something is wrong. Doc.

  Unknown: Give my number to Victoria too, please.

  I showed her my phone, and she quickly entered his information.

  "Well, at least he's on our side. If he's not worried about being in danger, he must be pretty badass. I wonder what they are?"

  "What?" I rolled over onto my elbow so I could look at her.

  "They wouldn't have caught the magic mafia's attention by being human. Clearly, they're not. I'm guessing Ed and Allan are werewolves. I have no idea about Doc, though."

  I remembered the wildness in both Allan and Ed's eyes and silently agreed with Victoria's assessment. Doc was a mystery. "I am quite certain they don't want anyone to know, if they are."

  "No. And I'm clearly not going to tell anyone." She frowned at me.

  "Sorry, I know. It's just been a long day."

  "Girl, that's the truth. Let's get ready for bed. I need some rest."

  I smiled, grateful that Victoria was still willing to be my friend, even after the evening scare and the danger it might entail. Hopefully, Doc could remind them I couldn't just disappear without repercussions, and everything would be okay.

  Chapter 7


  The previous day almost felt like a dream when I woke up late Sunday morning. I stretched sore muscles, threw back the covers, and reached for my water bottle. It was really dry in Colorado, and constantly having water was becoming an important habit.

  "You awake?" I raised my voice just loud enough that Victoria could hear me if she were, unless she listened to music.


  I heard her chair wheel back, and then she stuck her head around the dividing wall.

  "Want to hit the showers? I could use another one to loosen up my muscles," Victoria said.

  "Yeah. Give me a minute to grab some clothes." I felt bad that our circumstances made us feel like we had to wait for each other to go to the restroom. I was grateful that she didn't even act like it was a big problem.

  Even though I had showered the night before, and might have to again tonight after dancing, the hot water felt amazing on my sore muscles. I needed to get more hiking in and really get in shape for this altitude before winter set in. Maybe I could take up snowshoeing this winter.

  We both stumbled through our morning routines and then headed out to the dining hall for breakfast. I hoped she didn't feel as fuzzy as I did, and though I tried to pay attention, I was surprised when we arrived at the dining hall. The morning fog was not lifting out of my brain.

  "You look like you could use some coffee."

  I yelped and almost dropped my tray as Alex came up next to me carrying two paper cups.

  Victoria quickly put hers down, pressing a hand to her chest. "You scared the crap out of us!"

  "Sorry," Alex said, sapphire eyes glinting with amusement. "I brought one for you, too." He held up the coffees.

  "I forgive you," Victoria exclaimed. "Were you watching for us?"

  "Maybe a little." He smiled. "Hope that's okay."

  "The coffee makes up for it," she replied.

  I managed to get my heart to stop racing long enough to find a place to sit. Victoria and Alex joined me, and he slid the two coffees over.

  "I hope you like lattes, Victoria. I didn't know, so I just got two of the same."

  "Right now, I'd drink coffee grounds, but yes, I like lattes. Thank you, Alex."

  I nodded and clutched the cup like the lifeline to an unfogged brain that it was. I didn't know why I felt so tired. I didn't remember waking up at all last night, or sleeping lightly.

  Not really willing to spend much time trying to figure it out, I sipped the coffee and hoped no one would expect me to speak coherently for a few more minutes.

  "Sofia!" Ed's eager and cheerful voice broke through the fog, and I glanced up from the steam coming out of my cup.

  "Morning, Ed," I mumbled.

  "Are you okay?" He grabbed the other free seat at our table.

  "Yeah, just tired."

  "Hi, Victoria," he said after a moment.

  "Oh, you did notice me here," she teased.

  "Of course. You didn't look like a zombie, though. Alex, right?" Ed's voice went neutral when he greeted the other guy.

  "Yes, good morning." Alex said flatly.

  I was too tired to try and sort out why, though the caffeine was slowly cutting through the fogbank.

  "Are you free later, Sofia?" Ed asked.

  "She and Victoria are going dancing with me later," Alex replied before I could.

  I could feel Ed's eyes on me, and I glanced up, trying to actually engage in the conversation. His sky-blue eyes darkened, and his expression fell.

  "Victoria is in charge of my social life." I grinned. "You have to schedule in advance with her."

  Ed's eyebrows rose, and he glanced over at my roommate.

  I caught a hint of outrage in her expression before she laughed. "I scheduled this weekend."

  "Ahh." That eased whatever conflict he felt. "Well, I'm claiming her next weekend."

  "Both days?" Victoria asked.


  All three of them looked at me, and I stared back wide-eyed. "Okay?" I took a sip of coffee.

  "Well, I'll note it on Sofia's social calendar then." Victoria pulled out her phone.

  I snorted, finally catching up to the fact that this conversation was actually happening.

  "Then I'm claiming Friday night," Alex stated.

  "Victoria and I have a standing pizza engagement," I replied.

  "Have an early dinner, and I'll take you out after," he insisted.

  I glanced at Victoria, and she shrugged.

  "Okay, I guess put that on my calendar, too."

  She sputtered, and I managed to laugh. "I think you started it." I grinned at her, and she just shook her head.

  Alex looked less than pleased when I snuck a glance at him and Ed. Ed studied Alex with an appraising look. Or maybe it was a predator trying to decide if the thing he studied was another predator or prey.

  "Where's Allan?" I looked around. They were nearly always together.

  "He's helping Doc with something. What are you up to until you go out with Alex later?"

  "Uh." I glanced at Victoria who just held up her hands. "I really don't know. I might get ahead on some reading."

  "Good idea." He leaned back in his chair, apparently not intending to go anywhere.

  Alex glared at him, but Ed stared at his phone, acting oblivious.

  I laughed and focused on my food, now that the latte had cleared most of the fog from my brain.

  A phone chimed, and Alex frowned at his. "I need to get going. I'll meet you at your dorm around three."

  "Thanks, Alex. And thank you for the latte." I smiled at him, and he grinned back, his eyes lighting up.

  He ignored Ed, said goodbye to Victoria, and left.

  Once I finished shoveling food in my mouth, I studied Ed. He still stared at his phone, though I suspected he was paying more attention to what was going on around us than whatever was on his screen.

  "I'm going to go back to the dorm and work on stuff there," Victoria said. "I'll see you back there."

  "We'll walk you." Ed stood.

  I did the same, and we returned our trays and headed back to the dorm, Ed in tow.

  "Hey, I hope I didn't make you mad saying you were in charge of my schedule," I said. "I was in such a brain fog, it just kind of slipped out."

  Victoria laughed. "No, not at all. It's going to be tough to coordinate ourselves, though, if we can't go anywhere alone."

  "During the day, you should both be fine. Especially on campus," Ed interjected. "I'm more worried about the evenings."

  "That won't be as hard to figure out," I replied. />
  "If you're not worried about us during the day, why are you here?" Victoria asked when we reached our dorm.

  Ed smiled. "Because I don't like Alex."

  "Feeling seems to be mutual." Victoria laughed. "I'll see you both later."

  She went inside before I could come up with a reply.

  Ed held out his hand, and after a moment's hesitation, I slid my hand into his. I was sort of used to him just taking my hand, and it surprised me that he asked this time. There was no Doc here to hand me off to, and he kept my hand clasped tightly in his. My heart sped up a little as our arms brushed.

  "Where are we going?" I hadn't consciously decided to go with Ed instead of Victoria, but when she had basically assumed I would, I hadn't really fought the idea, either. Why would I? He was nice. He knew my secret, and I really wasn't ready to wander around campus by myself after last night.


  Though he was normally chatty, Ed stayed quiet on the walk over, and I didn't try to draw him out. He held the door open for me, and we went inside, though he didn't let go of my hand.

  I looked around as we entered. I hadn't paid a lot of attention last night. Today, I studied the library as Ed led me deeper into the stacks.

  Whoever had funded the building must have loved libraries. The polished granite floor sparkled in the light from one of the many large windows, and the majority of the shelves were made of high quality wood. I felt like we walked, hand in hand, through a museum. His arm brushed mine and drew my attention to his nicely defined arms.

  "Do you play sports?"

  He glanced at me, a wrinkle in his brow. "No, why?"

  "Oh, I just wondered."

  "I hike a lot. Swim, lots of things in the national forest. No organized sports."

  "So, what are we doing next weekend, that you have claimed me for two days?"

  "It's a surprise."

  "I need to be at least a little prepared," I protested.

  "Pack an overnight bag, bring a swimsuit and sunscreen." He smiled.

  "Overnight?" I let him hear my surprise.

  "You're ruining the surprise." Ed tightened his grip on my hand.

  "Is it just you and me?"

  "What? No, Allan and Doc will be there." Ed acted confused as to why I would even ask.

  "Oh. Okay." Was he interested in me or not? Hell, was this coming weekend a date or not? I really didn't quite understand Ed, so I didn't ask any more questions and went back to admiring the beautiful library.

  Ed broke the silence after a few more minutes of leading me seemingly aimlessly around the lower level of the library. "Do you like him?"

  I knew of at least three other 'hims' he could be asking about, and I didn't want to make assumptions. "Him who?"


  I had actually thought he was going to ask me about Alex, and I was caught a little off guard. "Doc? Yeah, of course. He's really nice. Why?"

  Ed glanced at me, expression unreadable. He didn't answer, just gave my hand another quick squeeze and kept walking.

  I wondered if I would ever understand Ed. Maybe I should talk to Allan, or even Doc at some point.

  "So, you like dancing?" Ed twirled me around once and caught me in his arms when he knocked me off balance from the unexpected move. My breath caught at being held in his strong arms. He was incredibly cute.

  I laughed. "Yes. I do."

  "Doc is a very good dancer."

  I just shook my head. Maybe I shouldn't try to understand Ed. Maybe I should just go with it.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  I hoped Alex didn't mind that I dressed for dancing in jeans and cowboy boots. At least I had a lavender blouse that someone had once told me went well with my eyes. If we were country dancing, I would fit right in. If it was something else…well, at least I had slick soled shoes. Since I had flown here, I couldn't pack much, and I hadn't had time–or a need–to go shopping yet. I had only brought my cowboy boots, hiking boots, some sandals, and as many clothes as I could cram into my suitcase. That included only one dress, and it was a little nice for a night out dancing.

  If Alex did care, he would have to get over it.

  Victoria wore a cute yellow sundress and sandals. Her small purse matched, and I wondered how many of those she had. I liked my small backpack purse, though.

  I grinned. "I might be under dressed."

  "Girl, it's Colorado. You'll fit right in. Come on, let's go. I haven't been dancing in ages."

  Victoria's enthusiasm was contagious, and I felt pretty good as we left our dorm and headed out to meet Alex.

  Alex sat on a stone bench near the sidewalk by our dorm. His sapphire eyes lit up when he saw us, and he smiled as he stood. He wore black slacks and a green dress shirt. The green accented his eyes, and one of these days, I thought I might be brave enough to run my hands through his blond curls.

  "My friend will meet us there." Alex fell in next to us, and we went down the sidewalk to the main street through campus. A red Mustang sat on the curb, and somehow, I wasn't surprised when Alex beeped it open for us.

  Victoria looked up at him as he helped her into the back. "What do you drive in the winter?"

  "Truck, like most everyone else."

  He gave me a hand to get down into the sports car. It was actually easier to get into Doc's truck, but I wasn't complaining about driving around in a Mustang, either. The comfortable leather seats folded around me.

  The car rumbled to life after Alex got in and pushed the ignition. I enjoyed the ride as he slowly drove off campus. At the roundabout, he went east on the third turnout. I hadn't been this direction yet, and watched the scenery. More shops lined the street, and farther back, I could see houses, until we left the main part of town and were out in the valley for a while. After a few minutes, the road wound up into the hills on the opposite side of the valley from the fae lake.

  We passed into the pine forest, and Alex slowed until we were out in the open again. We climbed, and the view of the valley was breathtaking. Snow peaked mountains in the far distance, verdant valley below us containing both the town and grassy pastures, bisected by a meandering river.

  The trees enclosed us again, and then we drove over the pass to the other side of the mountains. Not far from the top, Alex turned off on a small paved road and drove down the tree-lined road until we reached a small parking lot. Once he found a place to park, I opened the door, and Alex managed to get over to help me out before I'd stood most of the way.

  As he helped Victoria squeeze out of the back seat, I studied the lodge we were near. It was made of massive logs and looked like it might be quite old.

  "It's a guest lodge. They have a lot of ski tourist business in the winter, and hiking business in the summer. During the slower seasons, they have events for the locals. There are quite a lot of cabins and things like that back in the forest," Alex explained. "I thought we could get dinner, and then listen to the music and dance if you wanted."

  "Sure, that sounds great," I replied, letting Alex take my hand as we walked up the steps.

  Victoria walked next to us, also studying the building.

  "Victoria, Ash will join us shortly."

  "Thanks, Alex." She grinned.

  "Of course."

  Alex's hand was warm in mine, and my stomach fluttered when my arm brushed against his. Victoria glanced at us and winked.

  I tried to turn my very confused brain off. Was she telling me I should just date whoever I wanted to? Or was this even a date, considering she had arranged it? Victoria had stated it was only a date if I made it one. I just wasn't used to being surrounded by hot guys who all acted interested in me. Even Allan, the quietest in the group, gave off an interested vibe, if I was reading him right. I didn't even know what to make of Doc.

  Finally, I glanced at Alex and decided that since I was here with him, I would try not to think about the other guys, though I suspected it would be difficult.

  Alex held the door for us, and we stepped inside. The lodge
smelled pleasantly of woodsmoke and pine, though both fireplaces were dark. Heavy iron chandeliers hung from the vaulted ceiling. The wooden floor creaked as we walked across it to the dining area. A few people milled about the entry area with the fireplaces. I suspected this was a popular area during the colder months.

  I felt underdressed when we got to the dining room. White cloths covered the tables, and the table settings already had wine glasses as well as fluted water glasses. Fortunately, I noticed several other patrons dressed about like I was, and I forced myself to relax.

  They sat us at a table for four, and before long, a familiar looking Viking walked into the dining area.

  "Ahh, Ash."

  "Oh, he's in some of our classes," Victoria said.

  Alex nodded.

  I looked at him, and for the first time, his husky-blue eyes focused back on me. He nodded slightly, though his smile looked superficial. He wore a blue dress shirt with long sleeves and a high collar, similar to Alex's, and his dress slacks matched, as well.

  "Hello." He sat next to Victoria at the table but didn't say anything else.

  "Hi. I hear you're my date for the night. Hope you don't mind," Victoria prompted.

  Ash shook his head. "Of course not."

  His voice was deep and rumbly. He didn't seem to have much of an accent. I wondered how he knew Alex.

  Victoria carried the conversation through a few courses of dinner, talking about inconsequential things, classes or other things related to school mostly. After the events of the night before, neither of us wanted to mention anything even closely related to the supernatural, and she kept topics in a safe area.

  Ash was pretty quiet. He studied both of us with a fairly neutral expression and mostly avoided looking at Alex, even though they sat across from each other. I thought that was strange, but wasn't sure how to comment on it without being weird.

  The server cleared the last of our plates. "Anyone for dessert?"

  I shook my head, unable to eat another bite. Especially if we did actually dance later. Country music filtered in from another room. I wasn't sure if it was a live band or not.

  The others declined as well, and Alex paid the bill, waving us off when Victoria and I tried to chip in.


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