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Page 17

by Dakota Brown

  Doc glanced around while we walked in silence, our arms brushing against each other's as we walked. We didn't speak, though I was pretty sure we were alone.

  Once we got close to the door, Doc suddenly faded from view and I could barely keep track of him. He had been hiding both of us last time. I guessed tonight he only hid himself from everyone.

  "Nice trick," I said.

  "It's handy," he replied quietly.

  I scanned my key fob and headed for the stairwell. I needed to get in better shape, so I climbed the stairs, though I regretted it halfway up.

  "Must be worn out," I muttered.

  "I can't imagine why," Doc whispered wryly.

  I jumped, having forgotten he was there. "Really good trick."

  He laughed.

  When I got to my room, I opened the door a bit then knocked, leaving it partially closed.

  "Girl, you don't need to knock."

  "Yeah, except I have Doc with me."

  "Gottcha. I'm decent."

  We slipped in. I gave her a quick hug before tossing my backpack onto my bed.

  "What are you two crazy kids up to that has you sneaking into our room? It's not even that late." She laughed.

  "I was going to put up a few wards to keep anyone from using magic to get in here."

  "So, you are a mage?" Victoria crossed her arms, trying to act annoyed. However, she looked pleased to see him.

  "No. It's probably better if that's what people think I am, if it comes down to it," Doc answered.

  We should have just told her he was a mage, it would be easier. Oh well.

  "Oh, don't worry, I'm not telling anyone Sofia's pack secrets."

  Doc arched an eyebrow, and I shrugged, blushing. He grinned. "Let me take care of this, then get Ed and Allan home. It's been a long weekend."

  "Do tell," Victoria practically purred.

  I smacked my palm into my face and sighed.

  Doc laughed quietly before he went into my side of the room. I didn't watch, though I could feel the trickle of magic as he did something. He kept the flow of magic up as he circled our room, making invisible symbols over the doors and windows and in the middle of each wall, until I almost felt a snap as he completed the circle.

  "Huh, even I can feel that," Victoria said. "So, we'll be safe?"

  "As safe as I can make it from magical attacks," Doc answered. "I'm sure they would be able to break through this eventually, but it would take some work."

  "Thanks, Doc," Victoria said.

  "You're welcome. I'll see you tomorrow, Sofia." He gave me a quick hug and was heading to the door when Victoria stopped him.

  "Hey, you know, if you're dating, you should kiss her goodbye." Eyebrows raised, she turned to me. "I can't believe I have to arrange your schedule and train your boys."

  I almost choked, cheeks burning.

  Doc cleared his throat, not quite to the door. He turned back to look at Victoria, head tilted.

  "Just sayin'. It doesn't bother me." She grinned, then purposefully turned her back on us and went over to her side of the room.

  Doc shook his head and came back over to me. He pulled me into another hug before kissing me relatively chastely. "See you tomorrow," he said again.

  "Sort of looking forward to it, sort of dreading class."

  He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "I did..."

  I cut him off with a growl. "I told you we're past that."

  "I know. Now I'm just giving you a hard time."

  "She'd like that," Victoria sing songed.

  "Gods, Victoria!" I blurted out.

  She burst out laughing.

  Doc, also laughing, kissed me one more time before leaving.

  "You're killing me, Victoria."

  She grinned at me. "Just call me a bad influence."

  I sighed, went over to my bed, and flopped down. Victoria followed me, wheeling my office chair over. "Sooo...details."

  "What exactly do you want to hear?"

  "Oh, you know, everything." She paused, her voice becoming a little more serious. "Everything you can tell me anyway. I was serious about the pack secret thing. I really don't want to know anything I shouldn't. And I'm just going to pretend Doc is a mage and keep from trying to think too much about that. Lots of other possibilities, but it's obvious he doesn't want me to know."

  I nodded.

  "You know though, right?"

  I nodded again.

  "Cool, so...spill everything else."

  Not able to resist her enthusiasm, I talked for a couple of hours about my weekend, and then she shared hers, before we finally went to bed. Monday was going to be interesting.

  Chapter 21


  There was one bad thing about breaking things off with Alex. I'd gotten used to that morning latte. I was especially aware of its lack when I didn't even see Alex on my way to history class. I wondered if Ash would be around today. What would I do if he was? I wished I'd come up with a plan to deal with him.

  Frowning, I pulled out my phone, but didn't have any texts. A little worried, I sent a quick message to Alex.

  Sofia: Hey, you doing okay?

  He hadn't replied by the time I got to class, so I sank down into my chair feeling pensive.

  Doc glanced at me, raising his eyebrow. I shook my head, though I smiled briefly at him to hopefully let him know nothing was wrong with us.

  He nodded and launched into teaching class.

  Class wasn't as awkward as I had expected it to be, for which I was grateful. He studiously avoided looking at me, however. I was the only one who would have noticed.

  I waited while the other students left, and Doc came over to me, keeping a little distance between us, and shoved his hands in his pockets, as if he weren't quite sure he could trust himself to not touch me otherwise.

  "I didn't see Alex this morning."

  Doc tilted his head. "Interesting. Have you heard from him?"

  I pulled out my phone and checked. "No, not yet. I sent him a text."

  "Well, let me know if you don't hear from him by the end of the day. He could just be sick. It happens."

  I sighed. "You know, things were way more simple at home."

  "You can go back," he said quietly.

  I remembered that I had mentioned that once or twice. "No. Not unless I can take the three of you with me." Grinning impishly, I continued, "I'm not sure any of you would fit well in rural Nebraska."

  "Hey, they have horses and cows in Nebraska. I'd fit in great." He returned my grin.

  "We would all miss the mountains."

  Doc nodded. "Especially Ed and Allan."

  I sighed. "Well, hopefully something gets settled soon. I'd better go to class."

  "I'll see you later, Sofia. Text me." He smiled.

  Blushing a little and wishing I could touch him, I grinned and left the classroom. The weekend couldn't get here soon enough.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  "What's wrong, Sofia?"

  I looked up from the text on my phone and stared at Victoria, feeling sad. "Star and I were texting. I think I mentioned her. She's my BFF. She went to school in Florida, and she's texting me about all the hot guys on the beach." I smiled. "Which is great, but then she asked me about everyone here. I told her about the guys, well, you know, described them, and she asked me if I was interested in one of them."

  "Well, you are."

  "Victoria, I'm dating all three of them." I flopped back onto my bed, phone resting on my stomach. "As much as they're cool with it, and you're cool with it, that's not a normal arrangement. I can't tell her that. I can't tell my parents that. I can't tell my family. I have to pick one for my family. How do I pick one? What do I say?"

  "Girl, chill. It's okay. It will sort itself out." Victoria pulled over the office chair. "A lot of people date more than one person. They usually pick one to get serious with, but most people aren't dating a werewolf pack, either. I'm sure that really changes things any time it happens."

I groaned. "Is this really a good idea? I mean, what if I can't handle it?"

  "So, pick one."

  I sat up and looked at Victoria, eyes wide. The very idea horrified me.

  "I can tell by the expression on your face that the idea isn't one you like. Why don't you like it?" She crossed her arms and leaned back in the chair.

  "Well, I mean, Ed's an adorable cuddly puppy, and Allan's quiet and comfortable to be around. Doc's kinda scary, but not in a bad way. He wouldn't hurt me, and he'll protect me. They make me feel good, and they want me. And have you seen them? They're all hot as hell."

  "Lots of people want you, Sofia. Why them? Why the pack?"

  I shrugged. "Because they feel right." I didn't really have a better answer than that.

  "They feel right. Not one of them?" she pushed.

  "Well, I mean, if I were with just one of them, it would be really hard to be around the others. I'd want them, too. I'm selfish."

  "Girl, they asked you."

  I had told her that. Well technically, Doc had asked me. The other two had sort of let him do it for them. Cheaters. I thought about that, though. They needed Doc, and he considered the werewolves family, which Doc needed, too. If I got involved with one of them, it would break their dynamic. Being involved with all of them made things harmonious. Not to mention exciting, since at least so far, they didn't seem to mind doing things in groups. I had never done anything like that before.

  "You're right." I sighed. "It's just, I don't know how to deal with everything that comes with it."

  "I don't know that it will be that big of a deal, Sofia. Maybe around family and friends who knew you before. Around any new friends, it will just be normal. And if someone thinks it's weird, then they don't have to be your friend. You may have to pick someone to be your boyfriend around your family. Or you could just not tell them you're dating anyone."

  "It would have to be Doc. Can you imagine Ed going anywhere without at least Allan? And I'm not sure Allan would be terribly comfortable going anywhere without Ed."


  "Victoria, he's my teacher!" I gritted my teeth.

  "Girl, we're not in high school. You're eighteen. He's an adult, and he doesn't look that much older than you. It'll be fine."


  "Sofia, if you don't want to date them, then break it off."

  The very idea wrenched my heart.

  "And clearly you don't like that idea, either. Don't throw up or anything."

  I frowned and glanced at her.

  "You looked like you might want to at that idea. You're attached. Maybe even already in love. At the very least, you all need each other. Have fun. Do group sex or something."

  My cheeks burned. "Victoria!"

  She burst out laughing. "You were getting way too serious there. Had to lighten the mood."

  I did wonder if–or more probably when–we decided to go that far, how that would work. We wouldn't be able to hide anything from anyone else in the house. Could I handle three of them?

  "Oh, that got you thinking. You're so red right now." She laughed. "Come on, Sofia. It'll be okay."

  "Thanks, Victoria."

  "Course. What are roomies for?"

  I sighed. "Apparently convincing me to date an entire wolf pack at once."

  She giggled, and after a minute, I joined her.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  The rest of the week was pretty much the same–classes, hanging out with Victoria and Ed and Allan, and not quite avoiding Doc, but not really hanging out with him, either. It was frustrating to both of us. It was a temporary situation. I still had some minor freak outs about seriously dating three guys at once, but the idea started to sink in.

  I still hadn't heard from Alex by the time Ed picked me up for dinner Thursday evening, and I was pretty worried.

  Ed was frowning when I came out of the dorm building. "Hey, Ed."

  His expression lightened, and he pulled me into a hug, burying his nose in my hair before pressing his lips to mine. His kiss curled my toes, and I dug my fingers into his back. Ed growled lightly in pleasure. He released me, and I fell in next to him.

  I pulled out my phone and kept it in my hand. I was under orders to call Doc at the slightest hint of worry, even with one of the other guys. After last Friday, it was a good precaution.

  He held my other hand, and we headed for town to get some dinner.

  My phone chimed that I had a text, and I let go of Ed's hand to check it.

  "What's up?"

  "Oh, it's just Victoria saying to have a nice night." I sighed in annoyance.

  "What's wrong? Something's bothering you." Ed reclaimed my hand when I put it down at my side.

  "I'm just worried about Alex. I haven't heard from him all week."

  "Alex?" He stopped and turned me to face him.

  We were about halfway to town now, and I wasn't real happy about stopping here. There wasn't much around, and no other pedestrians at the moment. It wasn't dark yet. Unfortunately, that didn't mean we weren't in danger.

  "Yeah, I was going to talk to him Monday. He didn't show, and I've texted him several times and called once, and I haven't heard anything. I'm worried about him."

  Ed's expression darkened. "I thought you were going to break up with him."

  "Ed, I can't break up with him if I haven't seen him. Besides, just because I'm not going to date him doesn't mean we can't be friends." My voice rose a little, and I tried to keep my anger in check.

  "Friends? Do you really think that's a good idea?"

  "Ed, you can't tell me who I can and can't be friends with."

  He wisely didn't contradict me there. "You could just tell him through text, so you don't have to worry about it."

  "I'm not breaking up with anyone over a text message, unless there's literally no other way. Besides, I don't know what's wrong with him. That would be shitty."

  "You're sure you haven't seen him? I thought I smelled his scent outside your dorm."

  "Wait, do you think I'm lying to you? I mean, I know we don't know each real well yet, but you've trusted me with your secrets. I would have thought you would trust me to tell the truth about this! And if I had seen him, why wouldn't I tell you?"

  Ed snapped his mouth shut, as if realizing what he'd done. "I just...don't like him."

  "I know. We all know. It's okay. You don't have to like him. You can't tell me I can't talk to him, though."

  Ed grumbled.


  "Nothing. Can we just go eat?"

  "You know what, maybe you should talk to Doc and Allan, and then maybe you should apologize. I'll see you this weekend." I turned and headed back toward campus.


  I ignored Ed, walking as fast as I could. The altitude didn't bother me as much as it had, but I was still adjusting.

  He didn't follow, which was both good because I was annoyed, and also not great because it wasn't safe for me alone.

  Partway back my phone buzzed. It was Doc.

  "Hi," I grumbled.

  "You okay? Ed told us you were upset with him." Doc's voice soothed me.

  "Yeah, don't let that jerk be a jerk," Allan called in the background.

  "What does that even mean?" I tried not to laugh.

  "No idea," Doc replied. "Look, he's worried about losing you. We were talking about if it might be safer to get you to go home for a semester or not. He didn't like that idea at all. None of us do, but we had to consider it."

  "Well, he needs to figure out he can't control my life," I snapped.

  "We'll talk to him, just stay on the phone until you're back at your room."

  I muttered something about controlling boyfriends.


  "No, I know you're only worried about my safety. Sorry, just grumpy."

  "Understandably," Doc replied.

  Doc kept me talking until I was back inside my building, and then we hung up with the promise to see each other the next day in class if nothi
ng else. We had plans for the weekend, and I had no doubt that Allan and Doc would sort Ed out. He needed to know he couldn't control my life. Some things I was willing to give on, like anything related to keeping me safe from the magic mafia, but he couldn't tell me who I could and couldn't talk to. Alex hadn't turned into someone I wanted to date. He could still be a friend and someone to hang out with.

  Frigging guys, anyway.

  Victoria was out for the evening with a school group she had joined, so I decided to get ahead on my schoolwork, since I suspected I wouldn't have a lot of time this weekend.

  Chapter 22


  Victoria's phone chimed that she had a text. Grinning, she picked it up and looked. Her parents were here! She hoped Sofia would get back from wherever she was soon. They were supposed to get pizza. It was Friday after all.

  It didn't take long to run down to the main door. She saw her parents standing with a white couple on the other side of the door.

  She opened the door, grinning. "Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad."

  "Victoria, we ran into Sofia's parents while waiting for you to open the door. Meet Beth and Dan Collins," her mom said.

  "Hi. Come in. Sofia isn't back yet. She should be here soon. Does she know you're here?" Victoria let everyone in since she recognized them from a picture Sofia had shown her once.

  "We wanted to surprise her. It can be really hard to get away, so when we had the chance, we took it," Mrs. Collins answered.

  "It's nice to meet both of you. Sofia is great to have as a roommate."

  "Honey, maybe you can call her and see if she'll be back soon. Don't ruin the surprise," her dad asked.

  "Sure." Victoria led them to the elevator, not sure if Sofia's parents would want to take the stairs or not. She pulled out her phone and called Sofia.

  It rang. She didn't answer.

  "Weird. Let me text her." Victoria sent a quick text, then left the elevator when it opened on her floor. They all followed her to their dorm room, and she let everyone in.

  Victoria called again, icy fingers of dread curling down her spine. "Let me try Doc. She usually answers right away."


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