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Crown of Chaos

Page 20

by Sarah E. Burr

The throbbing ache behind her eyes pulled her back from the dark abyss, and a blurry world slowly came into view. Confused by what she saw, it took Jax a few minutes to realize she was lying on her back, staring at a leafless tree canopy arched above her. The sun tickled her cheeks, but did little to banish the winter chill in the air.

  “Where am I?” Her dry throat croaked the words.

  A warm hand tightened around her own. “We’ve nearly reached Fort Uhstal.”

  Jax shifted her head, her neck screaming in protest, trying to find his chocolate eyes, needing his reassurance. “George.” She breathed in his name. Joy at seeing him alive filled her soul. The last she could remember, he’d rescued her from the brutality of the battlefield before her world turned to darkness.

  He leaned closer, so she could see him clearly. The gruesome sight made her wince. He was covered in blood and dirt, but his eyes shone bright.

  “I hope none of that is yours.” She eyed his gory appearance with a minor smile.

  He shook his head. “Don’t you worry about me.”

  “An impossible request.” Her pounding headache sharpened her focus, and her chest tightened. “Where’s Perry?”

  George’s hand squeezed hers once more. “He’s in the next wagon over.” He gave her a quiet smile. “Recovering from his injuries. He took a bolt to the stomach.”

  Before spiraling panic could completely overtake her senses, a figure stirred on Jax’s left. She turned her head to find Ziri Axesinger also sitting beside her, her lithe body swaying in rhythm with the rocking wagon. “He’s in a great deal of pain,” she said, “but the healers from Fort Uhstal believe the worst is behind him.”

  “Fort Uhstal?” Jax wrinkled her nose, only to regret her curiosity as a shooting pain stabbed above her right eye.

  George’s hand went to her shoulder as he whispered a shush. “You need to take it easy. You suffered quite the fall. Try not to let your mind work too hard, if you can manage.”

  For some reason, his wry smirk brought tears to her eyes. Perhaps her senses had been knocked around a bit too much after all. “Tell me what happened, please. I won’t be able to rest until I know.”

  The Captain of the Ducal Guard nodded understanding. “After the battle, we managed to glean information from some of the fallen Savantian soldiers before they succumbed to their injuries. It seems that when Savant, Beautraud, and Tandora took off on their own from Fort Vyndheim, they met up with a small battalion of Savantian soldiers to escort them to safety. They intercepted our trail, and upon discovering we’d escaped Fort Vyndheim, Savant ordered his soldiers to attack.”

  Jax closed her eyes and allowed herself the time to process this information. “What were our losses?” She steeled herself for the worst.

  Ziri Axesinger replied, her voice filled with hesitance. “Duquessa…perhaps these details can wait until you’ve recovered a bit more.”

  Jax opened her eyes and asked again. “What were our losses?”

  Sorrow pooled in Ziri’s hard gaze. “We lost thirty Knights.”

  “Thirty?” Jax gasped. “Only ten of your order remain?”

  Determination etched into Ziri’s sharp features. “The Knights of Grace have fought injustice for centuries and will continue to do so. Once we deliver you safely to Fort Uhstal, Prelate Brath will summon all the enclaves together and lend whatever aid we can to help avenge the deaths of our fallen brethren.” Her fist tightened at the pledge.

  From her right, George glanced at his knees. “I am the only surviving ducal escort.” The evident pain in his confession revealed the deep, crippling extent of his survivor’s guilt.

  Jax’s lips trembled. “Ivan?”

  Meeting her amethyst gaze, George gave a defeated shake of his head. “I’m sorry, Jax. He fell.”

  Heat burned within her chest, snaking through her neck, and seared her cheeks. Emotion pricked at her eyes, forcing her to close them once more. “Does Perry know?”

  “No,” George answered with a sad whisper. “The healers are keeping him in an unconscious state to allow his body time to mend.”

  Opening her eyes, she focused on the blue sky overhead. “Please, let me be the one to tell him.” Her heart ached for her husband, who had struggled his entire life trying to earn the love and support of his older brothers. Perry had only just been reunited with Ivan, forging a strong bond in the aftermath of their brother Philippe’s treacherous deceit. He’ll be devastated. Ivan had always been a charming, affable soul, and as an only child, she’d readily welcomed him into her life as a brother. The loss of his light in the world was a cruel twist of fate.

  “What about the others?” she finally found the courage to ask. “Darian? Grand-Père? Landon?”

  “All alive,” George quickly answered, and Jax sensed he was prefacing for more bad news. “My poor mare did quite a number on your grandfather’s leg, and I’m afraid the healers had to amputate it.”

  “Amputate?” Concern spiked through her body, causing her head to shriek in protest.

  Ziri soothed her with her calm demeanor. “Duke Mensina is a strong, resilient man. Last I heard, he was already alert in his wagon, asking for more brandy to help dull the pain.”

  A slight smile curled on her lips. That sounds like Grand-Père, all right. But her heart went out to George, who was no doubt suffering from the loss of his trusted mare. The horse had been a special gift from her father, Duke Richard, and George had always cherished the majestic creature. Jax prayed her own stallion had escaped the battlefield after she’d fallen, and that Mortimer would somehow find his way back to her.

  “Darian and Landon both suffered minor injuries,” George continued. “They both rode ahead with Prelate Brath on horseback to make preparations for our arrival at Fort Uhstal. I also sent instructions with them for the Saphirian commanders stationed at the fort to begin alerting our other garrisons of Savant’s treachery.”

  Jax nodded through the ache shooting down her neck. “We must prepare a counterattack. The Coalition will pay for the blood they have spilled.”

  George cupped her chin in his palm, forcing her to stop moving and look at him. “The Coalition has already paid greatly, Jax.”

  Her brow wrinkled with confusion and her gaze darted to Ziri. The warrior’s bronze eyes glowed with satisfaction. “Your Captain is quite the marksman, Duquessa.”

  George loosed a low chuckle. “Well, I could I relax my stance, knowing I had the best swordsman in the realm guarding my back.”

  “Swordsman?” Ziri’s dark brows inched upward.

  His cheeks flushed in return. “Swordsperson, I mean.”

  Jax observed the lighthearted exchange between the two warriors, marveling at how out of place it was, yet how naturally their banter flowed. Her throat closed with bittersweet envy, noting the lingering gazes shared between her Captain and the Knight of Grace. It was obvious a fledgling attraction had forged between them. Despite the growing ache in her chest, she found herself truly happy for her friend. More than anyone, George deserved to find love. There was a time when she desperately wanted to be the one to love him, but she had eventually given her heart to another. Perhaps it was finally time for George to do the same.

  “Duke Beautraud and Duchess Tandora are both dead.”

  George’s abrupt delivery stunned her almost as much as the news itself. “Both of them?”

  Ziri nodded. “Along with Duchess Zaltor. She was killed by a Savantian arrow while trying to flee the battle.”

  News of Katalina’s death rattled Jax. The Duchess had only just pledged to leave the other duchies to their wars and focus on her own people. It was rather tragic that the possibilities of her future had been cut short.

  “We’ve collected all their bodies for formal interment,” George said, interrupting her brewing thoughts. “I’ve also ordered a squadron of men to head to Fort Vyndheim to collect the bodies of Kwatalar, Hestes, and Crepsta once the fire subsides.”

  Jax bobbed her head slowly to s
ignal her approval. “But what about the Coalition army you saw advancing toward the fort?”

  “Our scouts report they’ve dispersed. Once word reached the Tandorians and the Beautraudians that their leaders had been slain, they retreated, forcing Savant’s men to do the same.”

  “What about Qylvard?” Jax’s shoulders constricted. “What’s become of him?”

  The accomplished glow in George’s expression dimmed. “I managed to wound him, but he escaped before we could apprehend him.” He hung his head. “I’m sorry I failed in that regard.”

  Ziri jumped to his defense. “The Captain prioritized getting your husband to safety over pursuing Savant.”

  Jax reached for George’s hand and held it tightly in her own. “You have nothing to apologize for. Perry and I owe you our lives, my dearest friend. You have nothing to apologize for.” She repeated her words for good measure, holding his gaze for a long while, knowing it would be some time before George truly forgave himself for letting Savant get away. It was his good and just nature to hold himself accountable for the impossible.

  “Besides,” Jax continued, breathing a sigh of relief as the pain began to dull behind her eyes, “I would have been furious had you gotten the honor of severing Qylvard’s head from his body and not me.”

  The corners of George’s lips twitched. “I know I asked you not to work that brain of yours too hard, but what would you have me do next? Where do we go from here?”

  Taking a deep, clarifying breath, Jax held the cool, Cetachi air inside her lungs before exhaling away all her sorrow. There would be time later to mourn the loss of her friends. But for the moment, she had a realm to unite.

  “The ducal leadership is in disarray across the continent,” she began, her courage and conviction giving her the stamina to fight through her lingering aches and pains. “As soon as we arrive at Fort Uhstal, we must send falcons out to the royal courts. Duchess Zaltor’s eldest daughter must be notified of her impending ascension. The duchies of Hestes, Crepsta, and Kwatalar must all be made aware of who now sits on their thrones.” Shifting her arm, Jax’s fingertips brushed against the Code of Succession documents she carried in her pocket. “As soon as I am cleared by Fort Uhstal’s healers, I must travel to each capital city to formally declare my claim.”

  George did not dissuade her plans, although he looked like he wanted to. “What about Beautraud and Tandora? Will their heirs continue to side with Savant?”

  “We cannot allow them the chance.” Jax brought a clenched fist to her heart. “I want Savant hunted down and brought to Saphire to stand trial for his crimes. He broke the sacred laws of the War Council by orchestrating the fire and the attack. He must die for his offenses, and the Coalition must die with him.”

  Ziri arched an eyebrow. “You don’t think that will prompt Beautraud and Tandora to retaliate even more fiercely?”

  “While, of course, nothing is guaranteed,” Jax replied, “George did the realm a valuable service by collecting their bodies for proper interment.” She paused and gave her Captain a long look, silently communicating how proud she was of him. “That’s more respect than Savant showed his own allies.” She relaxed into the bed of straw her body rested upon. “I know Tandora’s niece to be a kind, gentle woman. I cannot picture her taking up her aunt’s mantle in vengeance.”

  “What about Beautraud?” George’s brow wrinkled. “He has a son, yes?”

  “Last I knew, he was an admiral in the Beautraudian armed forces. He’s a very smart tactician.”

  “Then he’ll know the futility of raising an army against Saphire and all her holdings,” Ziri purred with a coy smile.

  “For the sake of the Virtues, I hope so.” Sharing a grin with the young acolyte, Jax wondered what it would take to convince the skilled warrior to join her on the journey that lay ahead. Her gaze shifted to George, whose growing admiration for Ziri was written all over his face. Jax’s heart lurched, but her resolve to have the acolyte join her court grew firm. Not only would the Knight of Grace be an asset to her inner circle, but she owed George the opportunity to explore the feelings he’d so obviously developed for the acolyte during this harrowing experience. He’d done the same for her when she met Perry, still remaining by her side, ever her protector, though she now knew it had secretly pained him to see her in the arms of another. He’s suffered so much because of me. She would bury her unresolved feelings for the handsome guardsman and allow him this chance to find love. While she could never repay him for all he had done for her, this small sacrifice felt like a start.

  He rose from his bench and shielded his eyes from the afternoon sun. “At last, Fort Uhstal.”

  Ziri joined George in surveying the surrounding landscape, and Jax wished she had the strength to stand alongside them. Instead, she marveled at her protectors. Even after the traumatic battle they’d faced, they both stood strong and resolute. The sight of them together banished the lingering darkness that plagued her mind.

  As the sunlight swept over their wagon, George looked back over his shoulder and shared a tender smile with her, a smile that told her everything would be all right. She treasured the hope simmering in his chocolate eyes, knowing hers shone with the same conviction. Hope for what lay ahead for the Realm of Virtues. With the power Henrik had gifted her, she now had the chance to bring peace, opportunity, and prosperity to more corners of the realm. With the help of her friends, she would bring about a new era allowing all within her borders the freedom to live their best lives.

  She beamed at her oldest and dearest friend before laying her head back and closing her eyes. For now, she would use this time of tentative peace in the world to rest and regain her strength. She would need it in the upcoming weeks.

  She had things to do, after all.

  What will become of the Realm of Virtues?

  Find out in Duchess Jacqueline’s next novel,

  coming Spring 2020

  Other books by Sarah E. Burr

  The Ducal Detective Mysteries:

  The Ducal Detective

  A Feast Most Foul

  A Voyage of Vengeance

  A Summit in Shadow

  Throne of Threats

  Court of Mystery series:

  Paradise Plagued

  Burdened Bloodline

  Sovereign Sieged

  Crown of Chaos

  Mark of Mettle, a Realm of Virtues story

  Note from the Author

  This was a very different book to write, and I’m sure Crown of Chaos was a very different book for you to read. The tensions in the realm have been brewing for so long, I thought Jax’s confrontation with Savant and his allies should be the heart of this Court of Mystery installment. If you enjoyed this action-filled tale, please consider leaving a review…and do tell your book-loving friends about the series so that they may share your enjoyment.

  And if you’re worried the Duchess’s crime-solving days are over, have no fear! Jax and her friends still need to put the realm back together and bring her vision of freedom and equality to fruition. And with Savant still on the loose, who knows what trouble is in store as the Duchess visits her new holdings across the realm.

  As always, I would love to hear from you, so please don’t hesitate to reach out via my Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter pages.

  Arms around,

  Sarah E. Burr


  Thank you, as always, to my editor Bettye Underwood for helping me keep Jax and George grounded in reality as much as possible. While these two may be superheroes to me, Bettye always does her best to keep their abilities within the realm of possibility. Her continued partnership in this series is greatly appreciated.

  Thank you to Mihail Uvarov, the cover artist, for capturing the darkness assaulting the Realm of Virtues in this installment. Finding an image to represent everything going on within this book was not easy, but Mihail managed to knock another one out of the park.

finally, thank you to Angelina Gennis for her work on the inside Fort Vyndheim map. I wanted to give readers the chance to see the fort’s somewhat confusing layout for themselves, and Angelina brought it to life in a beautiful manner.




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